Police call 110: The horse killer

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title The horse killer
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 94 minutes
classification Episode 179 ( List )
First broadcast March 17, 1996 on Das Erste
Director Matti Geschonneck
script Gabriele Gabriel ,
Joachim Nestler
production Hans-Werner Honert
music Klaus Doldinger
camera Jürgen Heimlich
cut Margrit Schulz
Hannelore Löhde

The horse murderer is a German thriller from Matti Geschonneck from 1996. It is the 179th episode in the film series Police 110 and the first case for the Halle Commissioners decorations and Schneider , played by Jaecki Schwarz and Wolfgang Winkler . The main guest roles in this first episode from Halle are occupied by Renate Geißler , Marita Böhme , Eduard Burza and Christian Näthe .


For several weeks there have been attacks by a horse killer who kills animals between Halle and the Harz Mountains . First he stuns the horses with a nail gun and then cuts their carotid artery with a knife . Chief Detective Herbert Schmücke is supposed to start the investigation and goes to the Harz community of Bingerode, where the last serious killings occurred. There he meets his old friend from the Aschersleben Police School, Herbert Schneider.

The next night the horse killer, who had previously killed a horse of the opera director Edith Reger, strikes again. This time he kills a riding horse in the paddock of farmer Manfred Löffler. This hits his two sons Jacob and Peter particularly hard, because they are planning to turn their father's farm into a boarding house and the horse also belonged to Kurt Glaser. He had just bought four horses and given them to the Löfflers to look after. Manfred Löffler disappeared that night. The forensic scientist finds blood and a nail gun in his motorcycle with a sidecar. For Schneider, all of this speaks against Löffler. The peasant, always drunk, was known to be morose and quarrelsome. He didn't spare his own family with his whims either. He didn't like it either that Kurt Glaser put his horses in his stable. To him, this man was an octopus who stretched out his tentacles to anything and would have been only too happy to buy up his farm.

In the meantime it has been forensically proven that the horse was shot from the found bolt gun, but the blood came from Löffler himself. Schmücke suspects that he was observed and murdered while he was out on the pasture. In their search for the culprit, the commissioners have to take into account that more than half of the villagers would be considered, because hardly anyone liked Löffler. In the end, the investigation focuses on Löffler's family, who are also investigating. The gravedigger Rudi Winter is injured by a shot during a nightly action by the local vigilante group. Then Peter and Jacob Löffler receive a ransom note. They suspect that Glaser might have had something to do with it. Against his brother's will, Jacob Löffler shows the extortion letter to Schneider, who speaks about it with Schmücke. The Löffler's house is searched because Manfred Löffler's body is suspected to be on the property. After nothing was found there, the commissioners had the idea in a conversation that Winter was the blackmailer and that Manfred Löffler's body could be in a recently dug grave. In her fear that her sons could do something to Winter, Gisela Löffler turns to Schmücke and Schneider. She admits that she caught her husband in the act and stabbed him in anger with his own knife. Winter helped her hide the body and then sank it into the freshly dug grave.

Due to the good cooperation between Schmücke and Schneider and the lack of personnel at the Halle criminal investigation department, Herbert Schneider is to work with Schmücke in Halle in the future.


The Saxonia Media Filmproduktion produced the Polizeiruffolge The horse murderer on behalf of MDR . The shooting, which lasted from September 1 to November 1, 1995, took place in the Leipzig Opera, in Wernigerode , Benzingerode, Schauener horse farm and Halle.


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm gave the best possible rating (thumbs up) and called the first police series with Schmücke and Schneider a “fine debut as a quirky 'police call ' investigator duo” and a “village crime with surprising twists” or “many exciting twists and turns ".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mario Heinicke: Unvergessener Krimi-Dreh In: Volksstimme.de, accessed on February 16, 2016.
  2. ^ Police call 110: The horse killer see page saxonia-media.de
  3. Police call 110: The horse killer see page tvspielfilm.de (including 7 film images). Accessed February 16, 2020.