CODE University of Applied Sciences

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CODE University of Applied Sciences
motto Educating the digital pioneers of tomorrow
founding 2017
Sponsorship Private
place GermanyGermany Berlin
state Berlin
country Germany
management Manuel Dolderer ( President )
Thomas Bachem ( Chancellor )
Students 365
Networks Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft , Bundesverband Deutsche Startups , Gesellschaft für Informatik

The CODE University of Applied Sciences (also: CODE ; Code University ) is a private , state-recognized university of applied sciences for digital product development in Berlin .


The university was founded in 2017 by Thomas Bachem , Manuel Dolderer and Jonathan Rüth together with 24 internet entrepreneurs and start-up investors and was officially recognized on July 14, 2017 by the Berlin Senate Chancellery - Science and Research.

According to his own statement, the foundation can be traced back to Bachem's personal study experience, as the existing computer science courses as an autodidactic software developer already seemed too theory-heavy to him during his studies.


Among the well-known donors are Rolf Schrömgens (founder of Trivago ), Otto heir Benjamin Otto , Stephan Schambach , the founders of Check24 , Patrick Adenauer , Ijad Madisch (founder of ResearchGate and member of the digital council of the federal government ), Verena Pausder (founder of HABA Digitalwerkstatt and from Startup Teens), Heiko Hubertz (founder of Bigpoint ), Rafael Laguna de la Vera (founder of Open-Xchange and director of the Federal Agency for Jump Innovation ), Gabriele Pulvermüller (formerly Host Europe ), Klaas Kersting (founder of Gameforge ), Florian Heinemann (founder of Project A) and Christian Vollmann (among others founder of EDarling ).

The university's scientific advisory board includes a. Achim Bachem , Michael Erlhoff , Birger Priddat and Stephan Stubner .

In 2017, the state government in North Rhine-Westphalia wrote in its coalition agreement that it wanted to "expand the range of excellent practical training for software developers in North Rhine-Westphalia based on the model and, if possible, in cooperation with the Code University of Applied Sciences that was recently founded in Berlin".

According to Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg , the college is "playing a very important role in developing technological skills for the next generation of students." She believes that students “will do great things in the future - they will change our society, industries and the world”.



The range of courses includes three English-language and internationally oriented 6-semester Bachelor courses:

  • Software Engineering (B.Sc.)
  • Interaction Design (BA)
  • Product Management (BA)

The courses comply with the Bologna guidelines that apply across Europe and are state-recognized.


The CODE pursues a competence -oriented , problem-based and self-directed learning approach . Behind this are concepts such as mastery learning , flipped classroom and peer learning .

In addition to technical skills, she puts the focus on the personal development and reflective ability of her students and implements a mentoring concept for this purpose .

From the beginning of their studies, students work independently on their own projects in interdisciplinary teams made up of software developers , interaction designers and product managers . The projects are designed and implemented in close cooperation with companies and organizations.

All courses offered are based on a common competence grid. At the beginning of their studies, students receive an individual skills profile based on existing skills, which they can then develop individually over the course of their studies.

In the interdisciplinary Science, Technology & Society Program, students should grapple with fundamental questions from the field of tension between science, technological development and society.

Selection process

All applicants have to go through a multi-stage selection process. The university does without classic factors such as school grades or certificates. The four-stage application process includes a written online application, a video interview, a project task (“challenge”) and participation in an assessment day . According to the university, 88 of 2,000 registered applicants from over 25 countries were selected for the 2017 winter semester.

tuition fee

The university is financed through tuition fees. These can be settled using a socially acceptable, income-dependent late payment model, which initially enables every student to study free of charge. The so-called Reverse Generations Contract (UGV) is being implemented with the help of Opportunities eG based on the model of the Student Society of the University of Witten / Herdecke . The students undertake to repay a percentage of their income to the university over several years after completing their studies. According to the university, over 80% of students make use of this model.


The premises of the university are part of the 14,000 m² start-up campus and community space of the Factory Berlin at the location in Alt-Treptow on Lohmühlenstraße at Görlitzer Park . Thanks to close cooperation, the students are members of the Factory and can use all areas (23,000 m² in total) and membership benefits for themselves.

Networks & engagement

The founders of the university launched and financed the non-profit Code + Design Initiative eV. The association has set itself the goal of getting young people enthusiastic about digital technologies and professions and networking them. In addition, the initiative particularly wants to increase the proportion of women in these areas. To this end, she runs holiday camps for young people in various German cities and, in cooperation with the Klett Group, publishes an annual magazine on study and career orientation in IT and design.

The university is increasingly committed to promoting young founders and has started the YEP initiative to offer young founders a platform for networking and exchanging ideas at events and in the digital space.

The university is a member of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft , the Association of Private Universities, the Federal Association of German Startups , the Society for Computer Science and the Berlin Student Union . University Chancellor Bachem is also a member of the Senate of the German Academy of Science and Engineering .


In 2019, the university was accepted into the “Innovators Club” of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft , awarded the “German Excellence Prize” and “Excellent Place in the Land of Ideas ”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Students at universities. Federal Statistical Office , February 27, 2019, accessed on August 30, 2019 .
  2. Private universities., accessed on September 16, 2017 .
  3. Müller welcomes the CODE University of Applied Sciences' location decision. New university for the tech talents of tomorrow is coming to Berlin. Berlin Senate Chancellery , accessed on September 16, 2017 .
  4. Studying with a future. Berliner Morgenpost , accessed on September 16, 2017 .
  5. Nerds preferred. Zeit Online , accessed September 16, 2017 .
  6. Ann-Kathrin Nezik : Nerds of Tomorrow . In: Der Spiegel . No. 13/2017 , March 24, 2017, p. 71 ( ).
  7. Michael OR Kröher: Master's title! What for? In: Manager Magazin . April 2017, 23 March 2017, p. 97 ( ).
  8. Oliver Voss: Higher School for Programmers . In: Wirtschaftswoche . No. 8/2017 , February 17, 2017 ( ).
  9. ^ Coalition agreement for North Rhine-Westphalia 2017-2022. Coalition of CDU and FDP in North Rhine-Westphalia , June 16, 2017, accessed on September 16, 2017 .
  10. Sheryl Sandberg : Entry on Facebook. Facebook , September 14, 2017, accessed September 16, 2017 .
  11. Facebook becomes a partner of CODE. CODE, September 15, 2017, accessed September 16, 2017 .
  12. Miriam Schröder: Enabling, not teaching . In: Handelsblatt . No. 135 , July 17, 2017, p. 45 ( ).
  13. Inge Klöpfer: Completely different computer science . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . No. 35 , September 3, 2017, p. 33 ( ).
  14. Information on the application process on the official university website. Retrieved September 17, 2017 .
  15. ^ Opportunities eG: Code University - Conversation with the founder Thomas Bachem. Retrieved September 17, 2017 .
  16. One of the largest start-up campuses in Europe is being built at Görlitzer Park. Berliner Zeitung , accessed on September 17, 2017 .
  17. Factory Berlin wants to build Europe's largest start-up campus. Horizon , accessed September 17, 2017 .
  18. Code + Design Camp for young people: understanding digital technologies as a powerful tool., accessed on September 18, 2017 .
  20. Founder of Code University starts program for young entrepreneurs. February 25, 2019, accessed May 21, 2020 .
  21. Information technology spectrum 42_2_2019 . In: Computer Science Spectrum . No. 42/2 , April 2019, p. 153 ( [PDF]).
  22. Innovation Hubs @ Campus. Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft , accessed on September 15, 2019 .
  23. German Excellence Prize awarded. n-tv , accessed August 15, 2019 .
  24. Excellent Places 2019. Germany - Land of Ideas , accessed on August 15, 2019 .

Coordinates: 52 ° 29 '38 "  N , 13 ° 26' 47"  E