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No coat of arms available.
Citerna (Italy)
Country Italy
region Umbria
province Perugia  (PG)
Coordinates 43 ° 30 '  N , 12 ° 7'  E Coordinates: 43 ° 30 '0 "  N , 12 ° 7' 0"  E
height 480  m slm
surface 24.20 km²
Residents 3,463 (Dec 31, 2019)
Population density 143 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 06010
prefix 075
ISTAT number 054011
Popular name Citernesi
Patron saint San Michele Arcangelo (May 8th)
Website Citerna municipality
Panorama of Citerna
Panorama of Citerna

Citerna is an Italian commune with 3463 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) in the province of Perugia in the Umbria region and is a member of the association I borghi più belli d'Italia (The Most Beautiful Places in Italy).


The location of Citerna in the province of Perugia

The community extends over around 24  km² . The municipality is located about 48 km north of Perugia in the climatic classification of Italian municipalities in Zone E, 2277 GR / G. The municipality borders on the Tiber , which serves in the northeast of the municipality as a border with Tuscany and its municipality Sansepolcro . The place is also on the Cerfone and Sovara rivers . The place itself can be entered through two gates. The Porta Romana is located south of the wall ring, the Porta Fiorentina is the northern gate.

The districts (Frazioni) include Fighille and Pistrino.

The neighboring municipalities are Anghiari ( AR ), Città di Castello , Monterchi (AR), San Giustino and Sansepolcro (AR).


The place was called Civitas Sobariae and Castrum Citernae by the Romans . Under the Longobards , the place was already designed as a fortress. Thereafter, the place was first under the Ghibelline Arezzo , then the Guelfi Città di Castello and the Marchesi del Colle until 1199. From the 13th century, the place was under the families of the Tarlati di Pietramala and the Malatesta . 1463 Citerna went to the Papal States over which it to the Medici loyalty Family Vitelli spent Città di Castello.


  • Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo , church from 1682. Contains the work Crocifissione by Niccolò Circignani , called Il Pomarancio (1570).
  • Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo , church in the district of Fighille. Was completed in the 13th century.
  • Chiesa di San Francesco , church from 1316 that was restored in 1508. Contains the work Madonna col Bambino, San Francesco, San Michele Arcangelo e due Santi ascribed to Luca Signorelli , the work Deposizione des Pomarancio and pictures by Raffaellino del Colle .
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria , church in the district of Pistrino


Web links

Commons : Citerna  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.
  2. ^ I borghi più belli d'Italia., accessed August 13, 2017 (Italian).