Dálnice 7

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / CZ-D
Dálnice D7 in the Czech Republic
Dálnice 7
Dálnice 7
Basic data
Operator: Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR
Start of the street: Prague
End of street: Chomutov
Overall length: 82 km
  of which in operation: 42.5 km
  of which under construction: 3.8 km
  of which in planning: 38.5 km

Kraj ( region ):

Course of the road
node (1)  Praha-Ruzyně D0
Junction (2)  Letiště
Středočeský kraj
Autobahn beginning Transition off S7
Junction (3)  Kněževes
Junction (5)  Středokluky
Junction (7)  Buštěhrad S61
Junction (9)  Bouchalka
Junction (18)  Knovíz
Autobahn end Transition in S7
Junction (21)  Kvíc 118 236
bridge Šternberský potok
bridge Červený potok
Junction (24)  Slaný S16
Junction (28)  Kutrovice
bridge Bakovský potok
Junction (32)  Hořešovice 237
Ústecký kraj
Junction (38)  Panenský Týnec
Junction (42)  Smolnice 607
bridge Smolnický potok
bridge Railway line Kralupy nad Vltavou - Most
Junction (45)  Louny -východ
bridge Louny - Rakovník railway line
Junction (49)  Louny-západ
Junction (53)  Postoloprty -Březno
bridge Ohře
Junction (56)  Postoloprty-západ 607
Autobahn beginning Transition off S7
Junction (60)  Bitozeves 250
Junction (66)  Žiželice S27
Junction (68)  Lažany 601
Junction (75)  Droužkovice 568
Junction (78)  Spořice
node (82)  Chomutov S13 E442
Autobahn end Transition in S7
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • D7 southeast of Slaný with a view of the Bohemian Central Uplands

    The Dálnice 7 ( Czech for "Highway 7") is a highway in the Czech Republic and forms the connection between Prague and the space Chomutov .

    The D7 begins at the Prague Airport junction , where it emerges from the route of the Prague ring road. At its northern end is the Silnice I / 7 , which leads to the Reitzenhain border crossing . There the federal highway 174 connects , which continues to Chemnitz .

    The route between Praha-Ruzyně and the airport is signposted as Silnice 7, as there is a pedestrian traffic light in the area. The speed is limited there to 50 km / h and monitored on both sides by photo radar. The temporary end of the expressway is at the Knovíz junction south-east of Slaný. Until then, the route is subject to vignette and toll. The approximately 18 km long section is in a relatively poor structural condition and marked by road damage and sometimes exits without threading and unthreading strips. To bypass the village of Sulec, an approximately 1 kilometer long four-lane toll road section has already been built that is not signposted as an expressway. There has been another section between Bítozeves and Vysočany since 2009, which is designated as an expressway, but remains free of vignettes for the time being.

    On April 27, 2010, the two sections Vysočany - Droužkovice (9.44 km, 2.38 billion CZK) and Droužkovice - Nové Spořice (6.39 km, approx. 2.05 billion CZK) began. The completion of these two sections was planned for September 2013. Both sections have been under traffic since December 2013.

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. Archive link ( Memento of the original from September 11, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ceskedalnice.cz