Karl Schleinzer

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Karl Schleinzer (born January 8, 1924 in Frantschach-Sankt Gertraud in Lavanttal; † July 19, 1975 in Bruck an der Mur ) was an Austrian politician and federal minister from 1961 to 1970. As a candidate for Chancellor of the ÖVP , he died in a traffic accident in 1975 .


After attending primary and secondary school, Karl Schleinzer graduated from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences with a doctorate . In November 1942 he applied for membership in the NSDAP , which took place retroactively from September 1, 1942. Schleinzer was assigned the membership number 9,244,264. In the spring of 1943 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht and ended the war in 1945 as a reserve lieutenant in British captivity. The trained farmer was then elected as a member of the ÖVP in the Carinthian state parliament from 1956 . In 1959 he advanced to the position of regional party chairman of the Carinthian ÖVP and then from 1960 to 1961 became regional councilor for agriculture and forestry as well as managing director of the Carinthian farmers' union . From 1961 to 1964 he took over the post of Defense Minister under Federal Chancellor Alfons Gorbach and then, from 1964 to 1970 under Federal Chancellor Josef Klaus, Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry .

After the change of power to the SPÖ , Schleinzer was ÖVP general secretary from 1970 to 1971 under the federal party leader Hermann Withalm .

Until his death, Karl Schleinzer was always a member of the National Council for the ÖVP. On June 4, 1971, at the extraordinary party congress in Vienna, elected with 286 of 423 valid votes (67%) as federal party leader of the Austrian People's Party, he served in this function from then on and was the ÖVP's top candidate for the National Council election in 1975 .

Deadly accident

On Saturday, July 19, 1975 Schleinzer returned from vacation in Rhodes and then drove home from Vienna in his private car in the direction of Carinthia. During this trip he had an accident on the then notorious guest worker route in Bruck an der Mur in a head-on collision with a Turkish tractor-trailer . The then senior surgeon at the regional hospital in Bruck / Mur, Berger, could only determine death. As a cause of the accident was nodding suspected. At the time there were rumors of possible manipulation of the Ford Granada of the then ÖVP chairman. A memorial plaque was later erected at the site of the accident.

The “Dr. Karl Schleinzer Foundation "awards grants to students at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Schleinzer: The Limberg mountain farming area . A business study . Dissertation. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences , Vienna 1952, OBV .
  2. Michael Wladika : On the representation of politicians and mandataries with a Nazi past in the Austrian People's Party 1945–1980. A group biographical study. Research project on behalf of the Karl von Vogelsang Institute. Vienna 2018, p. 171f ( PDF ).
  3. ^ "Putsch" of the VP boys failed: Schleinzer and Kohlmaier elected . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung . Vienna June 5, 1971, p. 1 ( berufer-zeitung.at - the open online archive - digitized).