List of members of the Academia Brasileira de Letras

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The list of members of the Academia Brasileira de Letras contains all full members since the establishment of the Literature Academy in Rio de Janeiro in 1897 , sorted according to the 40 seats (cadeiras). Since its inception, the academy has recorded 252 imortais, the “immortals” of Brazilian literature , in addition to the corresponding members, who have their seat until the end of their lives (as of 2018).

Cadeira 1 to 40

Overview of the seats
 1  2  3  4th  5  6th  7th  8th  9 10 11 12 13 14th 15th 16 17th 18th 19th 20th
21st 22nd 23 24 25th 26th 27 28 29 30th 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Cadeira 1 - " Adelino Fontoura "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1929 Luís Murat  (1861–1929) Journalist, poet lawyer and one of the founding fathers of the academy. Luis murat.jpg
2 1929 1958 Afonso d'Escragnolle Taunay (1876–1958) Henrique Manzo - Retrato do Dr.  Affonso D'escragnolle Taunay, Acervo do Museu Paulista da USP.jpg
3 1958 1975 Ivan Lins (1904–1975)
4th 1975 1997 Bernardo Élis (1915–1997) Born on November 15, 1915 in Corumbá de Goiás as Bernardo Élis Fleury de Campos Curado, the lawyer, poet, storyteller and novelist received numerous awards, including a. for his volumes of short stories Caminhos e descaminhos and Veranico de janeiro .
5 1998 2002 Evandro Lins e Silva (1912-2002)
6th 2003 Ana Maria Machado (* 1941) The writer, journalist and painter, who was born in Rio de Janeiro on December 24, 1941, is best known as an author of books for children and young people. She wrote over 100 books that have been published in 17 countries. From 2012 to 2013 she was the second president of the academy. Anamariamachado2013.jpg

Cadeira 2 - " Álvares de Azevedo "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1934 Coelho Neto (1864-1934) One of his most important works by the founder of the ABL is his novel Rei Negro (Black King) , published in 1914 . Coelho Neto.jpg
2 1936 1963 João Neves da Fontoura (1887–1963) Diplomat and Politician, published two volumes of memoirs.
3 1963 1967 Guimarães Rosa (1908–1967) His most famous novel Grande Sertão: Veredas (dt. Grande Sertão ) is seen by some literary critics as the Brazilian counterpart to Ulysses ( James Joyce ) and Berlin Alexanderplatz ( Alfred Döblin ). Joaoguimaraesrosa1.jpg
4th 1968 1996 Mário Palmério (1916–1996)
5 1997 Tarcísio Padilha (* 1928) The son of the politician Raimundo Delmiriano Padhila mainly taught history of philosophy at universities in Rio de Janeiro as a university professor.

Cadeira 3 - " Artur de Oliveira "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1945 Filinto de Almeida  (1857-1945) Filinto de Almeida.jpg
2 1945 1948 Roberto Simonsen (1889–1948)
3 1948 1970 Aníbal Freire da Fonseca (1884–1970)
4th 1971 1999 Herberto Sales (1917–1999)
5 2000 2018 Carlos Heitor Cony (1926-2018) Of the numerous writings of the writer and journalist, who was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1926, 10 have so far been made into films. Cony carlos heitor.jpg

Cadeira 4 - " Basílio da Gama "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1913 Aluísio Azevedo (1857-1913) With “O Mulato” , Azevedo created the first naturalistic novel in Brazilian literary history in 1881 . Aluisio Azevedo.jpg
2 1914 1944 Alcides Maia (1978-1944)
3 1945 1988 Viana Moog (1906–1988)
4th 1988 Carlos Nejar (* 1939) The lawyer, poet and literary critic, born on January 11th in Porto Alegre, has received numerous prizes , especially for his translations of the works of Jorge Luis Borges and Pablo Neruda .

Cadeira 5 - " Bernardo Guimarães "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1911 Raimundo Correia (1859-1911) Poet lawyer. Correia was an important representative of the Brazilian late romanticism and Parnassism . With Alberto de Oliviera and Olavo Bilac he belonged to the so-called "Parnassian Triad". The sonnet "As pombas" is considered to be one of the best and most famous sonnets in the Portuguese language of the 19th century. Raimundo Correia.jpg
2 1912 1917 Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz (1872-1917) Oswaldo cruz.jpg
3 1917 1959 Aloísio de Castro (1881–1959)
4th 1960 1977 Cândido Mota Filho (1897–1977)
5 1977 2003 Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003) In 1977 Rachel de Queiroz became the first female member of the academy and in 1993 was the first woman to receive the prestigious Prémio Camões . Estatua de Rachel de Queiroz.JPG
6th 2004 José Murilo de Carvalho (* 1939)

Cadeira 6 - " Casimiro de Abreu "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1907 Teixeira de Melo (1833–1907)
2 1907 1914 Artur Jaceguai (1843-1914) Noble Artur Silveira de Mota , Baron de Jacequai , was an admiral and historian and wrote works on naval history and the Triple Alliance War in Paraguay. Artur Silveira da Mota by Agostini 1868.png
3 1915 1936 Goulart de Andrade (1881-1936)
4th 1937 2000 Barbosa Lima Sobrinho (1897-2000)
5 2000 2003 Raimundo Faoro (1925-2003)
6th 2003 Cícero Sandroni (* 1935) One of the most famous Brazilian journalists, author of narrative and specialist literature, and from 2007 to 2009 the 48th President of the Academy

Cadeira 7 - " Castro Alves "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1903 Valentim Magalhães (1859-1903)
2 1903 1909 Euclides da Cunha (1866–1909) The best-known work by the Brazilian author, publicist and military engineer is "Os Sertões" and was translated into German in 1994 under the title "War in Sertão" , in which he describes the events surrounding the destruction of the Canudos settlement. Jorge Amado called this work “the least read but most discussed book in Brazil”. Euclides da Cunha.jpg
3 1910 1947 Afrânio Peixoto (1876–1947) Peixoto was fifth president of the academy from 1922 to 1923 and seventh president from 1923 to 1924.
4th 1947 1968 Afonso Pena Júnior (1879–1968)
5 1968 1978 Hermes Lima (1902–1978) Hermes Lima.jpg
6th 1979 1979 Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda (1892–1979) Pontes de Miranda 2.jpg
7th 1980 1982 Diná Silveira de Queirós (1911–1982)
8th 1983 2005 Sérgio Correia da Costa (1919-2005)
9 2006 2018 Nelson Pereira dos Santos (1928-2018) Director, screenwriter and producer. His films, belonging to Italian neorealism , paved the way for Cinema Novo . Nelson Pereira dos Santos cropped.jpg

Cadeira 8 - " Cláudio Manuel da Costa "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1937 Alberto de Oliveira (1857-1937)
Alberto de Oliveira (Iconográfico) .jpg
2 1937 1951 Oliveira Viana (1883–1951)
3 1951 1993 Austregésilo de Ataíde (1898–1993)
4th 1994 1997 Antônio Calado (1917–1997)
5 1997 2009 Antônio Olinto (1919-2009)
6th 2009 Cleonice Berardinelli (* 1916) As a university professor, Berardinelli is a specialist in Portuguese literature. Since 1975 she has been a corresponding member of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa , the Portuguese Academy of Sciences in Lisbon, class for literature.

Cadeira 9 - " Gonçalves de Magalhães "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1963 Carlos Magalhães de Azeredo (1872–1963) Founding father, who held his seat for 66 years, diplomat and poet lawyer. Pedro Weingärtner - Retrato do Embaixador Carlos Magalhães de Azeredo, 1903.jpg
2 1964 1973 Marques Rebelo (1907–1973) The modernist in the tradition of Manuel Antônio de Almeida , Machado de Assis and Lima Barreto has been awarded the Prêmio Jabuti twice. Buarque-Rebelo-Tarquinio-jan-1943 (cropped) .jpg
3 1974 2000 Carlos Chagas Filho (1910-2000) Biophysicist, published essays on science in the modern world.
4th 2000 Alberto da Costa e Silva (* 1931) A diplomat and poet with a broad spectrum, plus an Africanist, who wrote on the history of slavery and African-Brazilian relations.

Cadeira 10 - " Evaristo da Veiga "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1923 Ruy Barbosa (1849-1923) Rui Barbosa.jpg
2 1923 1937 Laudelino Freire (1873–1937) Laudelino Freire.jpg
3 1938 1981 Osvaldo Orico (1900-1981) Orico became a member of the academy at the age of 37, and he was also appointed a member of the Academia Paraense de Letras and the Academia Portuguesa da Histórica in Lisbon.
4th 1981 1986 Orígenes Lessa (1903–1986)
5 1986 2012 Lêdo Ivo (1924–2012) In 2009 Ivo received the Cuban cultural prize Premio Casa de las Américas for his work Requiem .
6th 2013 Rosiska Darcy de Oliveira (* 1944)

Cadeira 11 - " Fagundes Varela "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1909 Lúcio de Mendonça (1854–1909) Lucio de Mendonça (Iconográfico) .jpg
2 1910 1921 Pedro Lessa (1859-1921)
3 1922 1923 Eduardo Ramos (1854-1923)
4th 1923 1925 João Luís Alves (1870-1925)
5 1926 1963 Adelmar Tavares (1888–1963) Tavares became the Academy's 29th President in 1948. Adelmar Tavares.jpg
6th 1963 1992 Deolindo Couto (1902-1992)
7th 1992 1997 Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997) In Germany, Ribeiro is best known for his ethnological writings, see also the article Civilizational Process according to Darcy Ribeiro .
8th 1997 2004 Celso Furtado (1920-2004) Celso Furtado.jpg
9 2005 2018 Hélio Jaguaribe (1923-2018)
10 2019 Ignácio de Loyola Brandão Author of the novels Null (1979, Zero ) and No Country Like This (1986, Não Verás País Nenhum ). Feira de Frankfurt 2013 (10276758376) .jpg

Cadeira 12 - " França Júnior "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1902 Urbano Duarte (1855–1902)
2 1903 1934 Antônio Augusto de Lima (1859–1934) Augusto de Lima2.jpg
3 1935 1937 Vítor Viana (1881–1937) The lawyer, journalist and economic historian was best known for his writings on Brazilian economic history, international law and the national constitutional problems of Brazil.
4th 1937 1968 José Carlos de Macedo Soares (1883–1968)
5 1968 1995 Abgar Renault (1901–1995)
6th 1996 2002 Lucas Moreira Neves (1925-2002)
7th 2003 Alfredo Bosi (* 1936)

Cadeira 13 - " Francisco Otaviano "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1899 Visconde de Taunay (1843–1899)
Alfredo Taunay.JPG
2 1899 1901 Francisco de Castro (1857-1901)
Francisco de Castro.jpg
3 1902 1904 José Isidoro Martins Júnior (1860-1904)
Dr.  Martins Junior.jpg
4th 1905 1917 João Carneiro de Sousa Bandeira (1865-1917)
5 1918 1960 Hélio Lobo (1883-1960)
6th 1960 1970 Augusto Meyer (1902–1970)
Augusto Meyer.tif
7th 1970 1991 Francisco de Assis Barbosa (1914–1991)
8th 1992 Sérgio Paulo Rouanet (* 1934) Rouanet has translated the work of the philosopher Walter Benjamin into Portuguese and received, among other things, the Goethe Medal for it in 2004 . From 1992 to 1996, Rouanet was the Brazilian consul general in Berlin. In 1995, Rouanet founded the Brazilian-German cultural institute “Instituto Cultural Brasileiro na Alemanha” (ICBRA) there.

Cadeira 14 - " Franklin Távora "

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1 1897 1944 Clóvis Beviláqua (1859-1944) Beviláqua is considered to be one of the fathers of the Brazilian Civil Code (Código civil brasileiro) from 1901. Clovis b.jpg
2 1944 1966 Antônio Carneiro Leão (1887–1966)
3 1967 1974 Fernando de Azevedo (1894–1974)
4th 1975 2006 Miguel Reale (1910-2006) Miguel Reale.jpg
5 2006 Celso Lafer (* 1941)

Cadeira 15 - " Gonçalves Dias "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1918 Olavo Bilac (1865-1918) Olavobil.jpg
2 1919 1929 Amadeu Amaral (1875-1929)
3 1930 1969 Guilherme de Almeida (1890–1969)
4th 1969 1979 Odilo Costa Filho (1914-1979)
5 1980 1997 Marcos Barbosa (1915–1997)
6th 1997 2010 Fernando Bastos de Ávila (1918-2010)
7th 2011 Marco Lucchesi (* 1963) Lucchesi has won numerous literary prizes. He received the Prêmio Alceu literary prize for his poetic oeuvre .

Cadeira 16 - " Gregório de Matos "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1911 Araripe Júnior (1848-1911)
Portrait of Araripe Júnior.jpg
2 1912 1935 Félix Pacheco (1879-1935)
Felix Pacheco.jpg
3 1936 1985 Pedro Calmon (1902–1985)
4th 1985 Lygia Fagundes Telles (* 1923) Published in German by the multiple Prêmio Jabuti award winner: Girl at the Blue Window and The Structure of the Soap Bubble . Lygia Fagundes Telles - MinC (7) cropped.jpg

Cadeira 17 - " Hipólito da Costa "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1914 Sílvio Romero (1851-1914) Silvio Romero.jpg
2 1915 1927 Osório Duque-Estrada (1870-1927)
3 1927 1954 Edgar Roquette-Pinto (1884–1954) Writer, ethnologist, anthropologist and doctor. He is considered the "father of Brazilian radio".
4th 1955 1970 Álvaro Lins (1912-1970)
5 1971 1999 Antônio Houaiss (1915–1999) Culture minister, Romanist, Lusitanist and lexicographer: the "Houaiss" is a six-volume dictionary of the Portuguese language, which appeared from 2002
6th 1999 Affonso Arinos de Mello Franco (1930-2020) Affonso Arinos.jpg

Cadeira 18 - " João Francisco Lisboa "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1916 José Veríssimo (1857-1916) Veríssimo is still considered an influential literary historian and critic, who in his História da literatura brasileira put the beginning of an independent Brazilian literature in 1835. Jose Verissimo.jpg
2 1917 1918 Francisco Inácio Marcondes Homem de Melo (1837-1918) Barão Homem de Melo.jpg
3 1918 1925 Alberto Faria (1869-1925)
4th 1926 1932 Luís Carlos da Fonseca Monteiro de Barros (1880-1932)
5 1933 1944 Antônio Joaquim Pereira da Silva (1876–1944)
6th 1945 1983 Peregrino Júnior (1898-1983) Peregrino Jr by Koehne for CC.jpg
7th 1984 Arnaldo Niskier (* 1935) Niskier09102006.jpg

Cadeira 19 - " Joaquim Caetano "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1918 Alcindo Guanabara (1865-1918) here should be a short explanatory text about the academician, e.g. B. about his work, special recognition etc. Alcindoguanabara.gif
2 1919 1922 Silvério Gomes Pimenta (1840-1922)
3 1923 1959 Gustavo Barroso (1888-1959) Barroso was the Academy's fifteenth president from 1932 to 1933.
4th 1960 1973 Antônio da Silva Melo (1886–1973)
5 1974 1993 Américo Jacobina Lacombe (1909–1993) Américo Lourenço Jacobina Lacombe.tif
6th 1993 2003 Marcos Almir Madeira (1916-2003)
7th 2004 Antonio Carlos Secchin (* 1952)

Cadeira 20 - " Joaquim Manuel de Macedo "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1913 Salvador de Mendonça (1841-1913)
2 1914 1918 Emílio de Meneses (1866-1918)
3 1919 1934 Humberto de Campos (1884-1934)
4th 1935 1969 Múcio Leão (1898–1969)
5 1970 1998 Aurélio de Lira Tavares (1905-1998)
Aurelio Lyra.jpg
6th 1999 Murilo Melo Filho (* 1929)
Anúncio de iniciativa conjunta entre o Brasil ea Feira do livro de Frankfurt 5.jpg

Cadeira 21 - " Joaquim Serra "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1905 José do Patrocínio (1853 / 1854–1905) Patrocínio became an outstanding figure in the anti-slavery movement in Brazil from 1879 onwards , in particular through his abolitionist writings. He wrote the declaration of political goals and intentions, which were published in 1883 as the Manifesto da Confederação Abolicionista . José do Patrocínio.jpg
2 1905 1925 Mário de Alencar (1872-1925)
3 1926 1958 Olegário Mariano (1889-1958)
4th 1959 1964 Álvaro Moreira (1888–1964) Alvaro Maria da Soledade Pinto da Fonseca Velhinho Rodrigues Moreira da Silva.jpg
5 1965 1990 Adonias Filho (1915-1990) Adonias Filho.jpg
6th 1991 1999 Dias Gomes (1922–1999) Alfredo de Freitas Dias Gomes became known in Brazil as a dramaturge and author of over a dozen telenovelas .
7th 1999 2001 Roberto de Oliveira Campos (1917-2001)
8th 2002 Paulo Coelho (* 1947) Paulo Coelho 30102007.jpg

Cadeira 22 - " José Bonifácio, o Moço "

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1 1897 1934 Medeiros e Albuquerque (1867–1934) In 1890 he published an early text version for the Brazilian national anthem . In 1923 Medeiros e Albuquerque became the sixth president of the academy. Medeiros e Albuquerque.gif
2 1935 1952 Miguel Osório de Almeida (1890-1952)
3 1954 1990 Luís Viana Filho (1908–1990) Luiz viana filho.jpg
4th 1990 2016 Ivo Pitanguy (1926-2016)
5 2017 João Almino Magnum opus: Enigmas da Primavera , honored as a Jabuti Prize winner 2017

Cadeira 23 - " José de Alencar "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1908 Machado de Assis (1839-1908) The Brazilian author of novels, short stories and poems is considered the most important figure in Brazilian literature and had a great influence on the literature of Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries. Machado-450.jpg
2 1908 1917 Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira (1834-1917)
3 1917 1930 Alfredo Pujol (1865-1930)
4th 1930 1960 Otávio Mangabeira (1886-1960) Mangabeira.jpg
5 1961 2001 Jorge Amado (1912-2001) Jorge Amado - 1997.jpg
6th 2001 2008 Zélia Gattai (1916-2008) Gattai published 13 works; the best known was the autobiographical novel "Anarchists, Thank God" . In 2001, she became the fifth woman ever to be admitted to the Academy, succeeding her late husband Jorge Amado in the prestigious chair 23.
7th 2008 2013 Luiz Paulo Horta (1943-2013)
8th 2013 Antônio Torres (* 1940)

Cadeira 24 - " Júlio Ribeiro "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1916 Garcia Redondo (1854-1916)
2 1917 1940 Luís Guimarães Filho (1878–1940)
3 1940 1968 Manuel Bandeira (1886–1968) Manuel Bandeira.jpg
4th 1969 1994 Ciro dos Anjos (1906-1994)
5 1994 2016 Sábato Magaldi (1927-2016) His Panorama do Teatro Brasileiro , published in 2001, is considered to be the main work of the theater scholar and critic .
6th 2016 Geraldo Carneiro (* 1952) Mineiro Geraldo Carneiro is a poet, songwriter, screenwriter, translated William Shakespeare's sonnets and adapted Frank Wedekind's Lulu for the Brazilian theater. Geraldo Carneiro.jpg

Cadeira 25 - " Junqueira Freire "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1906 Franklin Dória (1836-1906) Franklin doria.jpg
2 1907 1916 Artur Orlando da Silva (1858-1916)
3 1916 1955 Ataulfo ​​de Paiva (1867–1955) Ataulfo ​​Nápoles de Paiva was the nineteenth President of the Academy in 1937.
4th 1955 1957 José Lins do Rego (1901–1957) Jose Lins 1918.jpg
5 1958 1990 Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco (1905–1990)
6th 1991 Alberto Venancio Filho (* 1934)

Cadeira 26 - " Laurindo Rabelo "

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1 1897 1909 Guimarães Passos (1867–1909)
2 1910 1921 João do Rio (1881-1921) João do Rio was the pseudonym of João Paulo Emílio Cristóvão dos Santos Coelho Barreto, or Paulo Barreto for short.
3 1922 1933 Constâncio Alves (1862–1933)
4th 1934 1963 Ribeiro Couto (1898–1963)
5 1963 1969 Gilberto Amado (1887–1969)
6th 1970 1984 Mauro Mota (1911-1984)
7th 1985 Marcos Vilaça (* 1939) The former President of the Brazilian Federal Audit Office, author of the work The Landlords , translated into German , was President of the Academy from 2006 to 2007 and from 2010 to 2011. Marcos Vilaca (2011) .jpg

Cadeira 27 - " Antônio Peregrino Maciel Monteiro "

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1 1897 1910 Joaquim Nabuco (1849-1910) As a member of the Brazilian parliament, Nabuco supported the abolitionist campaign from 1878 . In 1878 he founded the Brazilian Society against Slavery (Sociedade Antiescravidão Brasileira), which played a major role in the abolition of slavery in 1888 (see Lei Áurea ). The reasons for this were less humanitarian beliefs than the belief that slavery was responsible for much of the country's problems. The supporter of the monarchy withdrew from political life after the proclamation of the republic in 1889. His autobiography Minha formação (My Education) from 1900 is considered a major literary work . Joaquim Nabuco.jpg
2 1910 1931 Dantas Barreto (1850-1931) Emídio Dantas Barreto, Generala e Governador de Pernambuco.  (Col. Francisco Rodrigues; FR-05944) .jpg
3 1931 1934 Gregório da Fonseca (1875–1934)
4th 1936 1971 Levi Carneiro (1882–1971)
5 1972 1980 Otávio de Faria (1908–1980)
6th 1981 Eduardo Portella (* 1932)

Cadeira 28 - " Manuel Antônio de Almeida "

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1 1897 1918 Inglês de Sousa (1853-1918)
2 1919 1942 Xavier Marques (1861-1942)
3 1943 1988 Menotti Del Picchia (1892-1988)
4th 1989 2005 Oscar Dias Correia (1921-2005)
5 2006 Domício Proença Filho (* 1936) Proença Filho was particularly known as a linguist and in 2004 published the four-volume work "Língua Portuguesa, Comunicação, Cultura" .

Cadeira 29 - " Martins Pena "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1908 Artur de Azevedo (1855-1908) Azevedo drew cartoons that angered the government and wrote short stories and plays. As a theater critic, he promoted the establishment of the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro . Arthur de Azevedo.jpg
2 1909 1924 Vicente de Carvalho (1866-1924) Vicente Carvalho.jpg
3 1924 1954 Cláudio de Sousa (1876–1954)
4th 1954 2006 Josué Montello (1917-2006)
5 2006 2010 José Mindlin (1914-2010) José Mindlin.jpg
6th 2010 Geraldo Holanda Cavalcanti (* 1929) The poet lawyer and ambassador emerged as a poet and translator. He was elected 51st President of the Academy in 2014. GeraldoHolandaCavalcanti.JPG

Cadeira 30 - " Pardal Mallet "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1905 Pedro Rabelo (1868-1905)
2 1906 1914 Heráclito Graça (1837-1914)
3 1914 1960 Antônio Austregésilo (1876–1960) Antônio Austregésilo.jpg
4th 1961 1989 Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira (1910–1989) Romanist and lexicographer, known for his Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa , the Dicionário Aurélio, first published in 1975 .
5 1989 Nélida Piñon (* 1937) Her generational novel A Republica dos Sonhos (Republic of Dreams) had great success . Nelidapinone.jpg

Cadeira 31 - " Pedro Luís Pereira de Sousa "

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1 1897 1898 Luís Guimarães Júnior (1845–1898)
2 1898 1934 João Ribeiro (1860-1934) João Ribeiro.jpg
3 1934 1937 Paulo Setúbal (1893-1937)
4th 1937 1974 Cassiano Ricardo (1895–1974)
5 1974 1989 José Cândido de Carvalho (1914–1989)
6th 1989 2003 Geraldo França de Lima (1914-2003)
7th 2003 2011 Moacyr Scliar (1937-2011) The doctor-poet, multiple Prêmio Jabuti laureate, dedicated a large part of his work to the Jewish identity in the diaspora and the Judaism of Brazil. Published as German translations u. a. The One Man Army , The Strange People of Rafael Mendes and The Centaur in the Garden . Moacir Scliar.jpg
8th 2011 Merval Pereira (born 1949) Merval pereira.jpg

Cadeira 32 - " Manuel de Araújo Porto-alegre "

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1 1897 1927 Carlos de Laet (1847-1927) Carlos De Laet.PNG
2 1928 1938 Ramiz Galvão (1846-1938)
3 1938 1967 Viriato Correia (1884–1967)
4th 1967 1973 Joracy Camargo (1898-1973)
5 1973 1989 Genolino Amado (1902-1989)
6th 1990 2014 Ariano Suassuna (1927-2014) Suassuna, who later converted to Catholicism, wrote highly regarded contemporary plays, novels and poems. As a literary regionalist , he is connected to his homeland in northeastern Brazil. Into German were u. a. translated: The testament of the dog or the play of Our Lady of the Compassionate (theater) and The Stone of the Kingdom or the story of the prince of the blood of the go-and-come-back (novel). Ariano Suassuna.jpg
7th 2014 Zuenir Ventura (* 1931)

Cadeira 33 - " Raul Pompeia "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1925 Domício da Gama (1862-1925) Domício da Gama is the pseudonym of the journalist, writer and diplomat Domício Afonso Forneiro. Da Gama was President of the Academy in 1919.
2 1926 1944 Fernando Magalhães (1878–1944) The doctor and professor of obstetrics and gynecology published over 200 medical articles. In 1929 he was the twelfth President of the Academy and, in his second term, the fourteenth President from 1931 to 1932.
3 1944 1961 Luís Edmundo (1878–1961)
4th 1962 2000 Afrânio Coutinho (1911-2000) Coutinho was one of the editors of the two-volume Enciclopédia de Literatura Brasileira published in 1990 .
5 2000 Evanildo Cavalcante Bechara (* 1928)

Cadeira 34 - " Sousa Caldas "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1898 João Manuel Pereira da Silva (1817–1898) Lawyer, journalist, writer, historian and politician. Magnum opus is his seven-volume História da fundação do Império . João Manoel Pereira da Silva - Litografia (cropped-2) .jpg
2 1898 1912 Barão do Rio Branco (1845-1912) Barao do rio branco 00.jpg
3 1912 1926 Lauro Müller (1863-1926) Lauro Müller nos Estados Unidos.jpg
4th 1926 1956 Francisco de Aquino Correia (1885–1956) Aquino.jpg
5 1956 1981 Raimundo Magalhães Júnior (1907–1981)
6th 1982 1993 Carlos Castelo Branco (1920–1993)
7th 1993 2014 João Ubaldo Ribeiro (1941-2014) João Ubaldo Ribeiro has a literary connection to his homeland Bahia , whose inhabitants he describes in a captivating way. His works are assigned to the literary style of magical realism in the manner of Gabriel García Márquez . He has autobiographically summarized his experiences in Germany in A Brazilian in Berlin , published in 2010. Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro.jpg
8th 2014 Evaldo Cabral de Mello (* 1936) Mello was his country's ambassador for a long time; He enjoys a high reputation as a historian of Brazilian colonial history, his main work is his O negócio do Brasil (The Brazil Business ), published in 2011.

Cadeira 35 - " Tavares Bastos "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1944 Rodrigo Otávio (1866-1944)
2 1944 1969 Rodrigo Otávio Filho (1892-1969)
3 1969 1987 José Honório Rodrigues (1913–1987)
4th 1987 1989 Celso Ferreira da Cunha (1917–1989) The Medievalist and linguist became known for his grammars of Portuguese. In 1984 he published his Nova gramática do português contemporâneo , of which there is also a short and a mini version.
5 1989 Cândido Antônio José Francisco Mendes de Almeida (* 1928)

Cadeira 36 - " Teófilo Dias "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1938 Afonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo Júnior (1860-1938) The poet lawyer Conde de Afonso Celso was an advocate of abolitionism. His new word "ufanismo" (ufanism) stands for an exaggerated, even euphemistic form of expression. Afonso Celso.jpg
2 1939 1971 Clementino Fraga (1880–1971)
3 1971 1982 Paulo Carneiro (1901-1982)
4th 1982 1991 José Guilherme Merquior (1941–1991)
5 1991 2013 João de Scantimburgo (1915-2013)
6th 2013 Fernando Henrique Cardoso (* 1931) Brazil.FernandoHenriqueCardoso.01.jpg

Cadeira 37 - " Tomás Antônio Gonzaga "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1930 José Júlio da Silva Ramos (1853–1930) Known by the short form of the name: Silva Ramos
2 1931 1941 José de Alcântara Machado de Oliveira (1875–1941) Short forms of the name also: José de Alcântara Machado and Alcântara Machado
3 1941 1954 Getúlio Dornelles Vargas (1882–1954) Getulio.gif
4th 1954 1968 Francisco de Assis Chateaubriand Bandeira de Melo (1892–1968) Short forms of the name also: Assis Chateaubriand and "Chatô" Senador Francisco de Assis Chateaubriand Bandeira de Mello.tif
5 1968 1999 João Cabral de Melo Neto (1920–1999) JoaoCabral-Recife.jpg
6th 2000 2014 Ivan Junqueira (1934-2014)
7th 2014 2016 Ferreira Gullar (1930-2016) Ferreira Gullar no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2015 (21676572720) (cropped) .jpg
8th 2017 Arno Wehling (* 1947) Historian of German descent

Cadeira 38 - " Tobias Barreto "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1931 Graça Aranha (1868–1931) Full name: José Pereira da Graça Aranha. Graça Aranha.jpg
2 1931 1932 Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932) Santos Dumont was one of the first airship pioneers in South America. Alberto Santos-Dumont portrait.jpg
3 1933 1954 Celso Vieira (1878–1954)
4th 1955 1966 Maurício Campos de Medeiros (1885–1966)
5 1966 1980 José Américo de Almeida (1887–1980) First in the Vargas cabinet , José Américo went into internal emigration. His literary work is not extensive, but what his work A Bagaceira ( Die Zuckermühle) from 1928 formed language and theme for the Brazilian regionalism of the northeast. Ministro dos Transportes José Américo.jpg
6th 1980 José Sarney (* 1930) Brazil.JoseSarney.01.jpg

Cadeira 39 - " Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen "

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1928 Oliveira Lima (1867-1928) Oliveira lima.gif
2 1928 1931 Alberto de Faria (1865-1931)
3 1933 1933 Rocha Pombo (1857-1933)
4th 1934 1949 Rodolfo Garcia (1873-1949)
5 1950 1979 Elmano Cardim (1891–1979)
6th 1979 1992 Otto Lara Resende (1922–1992)
7th 1993 2003 Roberto Marinho (1904-2003) Roberto Marinho, sem data.tif
8th 2003 Marco Maciel (* 1940) Former Minister of Education and Culture, Vice-President of Brazil, Senator for Pernambuco. In his political writings he addressed liberalism. Marco maciel 2010.jpg

Cadeira 40 - " José Maria da Silva Paranhos" , Visconde do Rio Branco

No. from to Surname Remarks image
1 1897 1901 Eduardo Paulo da Silva Prado (1860–1901)
2 1901 1916 Afonso Arinos (1868-1916)
3 1916 1934 Miguel Couto (1864-1934)
4th 1935 1983 Alceu Amoroso Lima (1893–1983)
5 1984 2016 Evaristo de Moraes Filho (1914-2016)
6th 2016 Edmar Bacha (* 1942) The economist Bacha was a co-creator of the Plano Real . With O Rei da Belínda he created a fabulous country and symbol of Brazil in 1974, which was followed in 2012 by Belíndia 2.0 with fables and essays on a country of contrasts.

Index: Alphabetically by first name (Brazilian)






















See also

Commons : Academia Brasileira de Letras  - Collection of images, videos and audio files