List of Kurdish place names in Turkey / S – Z

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Official name Kurdish name object district province Background to the names
Sabırtaşı Horor Village Kiğı Bing oil The original name is Harur. This has been proven for this village since the 16th century at the latest and is also recorded in the land register
Sakaören Şakaveran Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Şakaveran is registered with the land registry office as the original name of the settlement.
Salkımlı Niziran Village Yüksekova Hakkari The previous name is Niziran or Nizran. The form Nizran is registered with the land registry.
Samsat Semîsad City and county Samsat Adıyaman The name goes back to ancient Samosata .
Urfa Riha City and province - Şanlıurfa The Arabs called the city al-Ruhā or al-Ruhāʾ. The name Urfa can only be traced after the Turkish conquest of Anatolia. The derivation of Ur in Chaldea or the Babylonian Erech or Uruk are dubious. The city ​​received the addition Şanlı urfa (glorious Urfa) for its role in the war of liberation .
Sarıkamış Sarîqamîş, Qamuşan City and county Sarıkamış Kars
Sarıkaya Hildeh Village Midyat Mardin
Sarıköy Sarê Village Midyat Mardin
Sarıköy Ester Village İdil Şırnak Other place names are Sare and Gawayto.
Sarıkuşak Şaruk, Şarug Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name is Şarük. This name is registered with the land registry office.
Sarıtosun Coneg Village Yayladere, Bing oil The original name was Cönek. The local population uses the historical name as "Coneg" or "Conag". The name was added to the land register in the form "Cönek".
Sarıyayla Civarik Village Nazımiye Tunceli Civarik is the original place name. The name was changed to Sarıyayla ("Yellow Summer Pasture") after 1960.
Sason Qabilcewz City and county Sason Batman
Satıcılar District Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of Satıcılar (Turkish seller ) is Bezirgân. This name is of Kurdish or Persian origin and means "merchant" in both languages. The name was changed after 1945. The 1945 census still lists the village in the form of district. The name Bezirgan is registered with the land registry office.
Savur Stewr City and county Savur Mardin
Şemdinli Şemzînan City and county Şemdinli Hakkari The current Turkish name is the Turkish form of the original name Shamdīnān.
Şenkaya Bardîz City and county Şenkaya Erzurum The renaming from Bardiz to Şenkaya took place after 1966. The Ministry of Village Affairs then listed the town and district under the old name of Bardiz.
Şenköy Epşê Locality Midyat Mardin
Şenyurt Dirbêsî Town Kızıltepe Mardin Immediately opposite Şenyurt is the small town of ad-Darbasiyya ( Arabic الدرباسية). The original name of Şenyurt is also Derbesiye. The name was changed after 1960.
Serindere Şişemzin Village Yüksekova Hakkari The name of the village Serindere means cool stream . The name Şişemzin is registered with the Land Registry.
Serpmekaya Alpîran Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Alpiran is registered as the original name at the land registry office.
Siirt Sêrt City and province - Siirt
Silopi Silopiya City and county Silopi Şırnak
Silvan Farqîn, Silîvan, Meyafarqîn City and county Silvan Diyarbakır The Kurdish name Meyafarqin is of Arabic origin and means "The water of Farqins" ( Miyah Farqin ).
Şirvan Şêrwan, Kufre City and county Şirvan Siirt
Sivas Sêwas City and province - Sivas
Siverek Siwêrek, Sêwrege City and county Siverek Şanlıurfa
Sivrice Xûx or Xox City and county Sivrice Elazığ
Sırmaçek Kejikan, Kejkan Village Kiğı Bing oil The original name of the settlement is Kijikan. This is also recorded in the land register.
Şırnak Şirnex City and province - Şırnak
Soğukpınar Gamişan Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Gamişan is registered as the original name at the land registry.
Solhan Bongilan City and county Solhan Bing oil
Söğütlü Childrîb Locality Midyat Mardin
Suçatı Gerran Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Gerran is the original place name.
Sudurağı Azizan Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Azizan is the original name of the village. It is still used by residents and is registered with the land registry.
Sürenkök Kori Village Diyadin Ağrı The name Kori is the original name. This is also recorded as such in the land register.
Sürmelikoç Çemêzêynê Village Yayladere Bing oil The original name was Çemizeyni. The name is also recorded in the land register. The name was changed to the current name in 1967.
Sürmelikoç Soran Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of Sürmelikoç is Soran. The renaming took place after 1945. The census of 1945 still lists the village in the form Soran. The name Soran is registered with the land registry.
Suruç Pîrsûs City and county Suruç Şanlıurfa
Susuz Cilawûz City and county Susuz Kars
Suüstü Şakitan Village Yüksekova Hakkari Suüstü means upper water . The Kurdish name Şakitan is registered with the land registry office.
Taşbasamak Mirzecan Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of Taşbasamak (Turkish stone step ) is Mirzecan. This name is registered with the land registry office.
Taşgedik Kafsenor Village Ömerli Mardin
Taşlıçay Avkevir City and county Taşlıçay Ağrı
Tatvan Tetwan, Tûx City and county Tatvan Bitlis
Tekbaş Dizvaz Village Kiğı Bing oil The village was already listed in Ottoman documents of the 16th century under the name Diz Vars. The form Dizvaz is also recorded in the land register
Tekman Tattoos City and county Tekman Erzurum
Tillo Tillo City and county Tillo Siirt Between 1964 and 2013 the place was called Aydınlar. The meaning of the name Tillo is probably Semitic and means the saints , which it refers to the many sacred tombs in the area.
Tokluca Cewzê Village Savur Mardin
Toklular Tokliyan, Toxlan Village Karlıova Bing oil Toklular is the turquoise form of the former name Tokliyan. The name Tokliyan is registered with the Land Registry.
Tuğlu Haciyan Village Yüksekova Hakkari The name of the village Tuğlu means with Tuğ . The original name Haciyan is registered with the land registry. It is still in use today and was u. a. also used as an alternative designation in the 1975 and 1980 censuses.
Tulgalı Xirbê Xêlid Village Midyat Mardin The Kurdish place name is a variant of the Arabic Hirbit al-Chalid .
Tunceli Dersim, Mamekiye City and province - Tunceli Dersim was renamed by Law No. 2884 in 1935. Mameki was the name of a village that used to stand in the same place.
Türkoğlu Kirdoxlî City and county Türkoğlu Kahramanmaraş The Turkish name means "son of the Turk", the Kurdish "son of the Kurd".
Turnayolu Holik Village Nazımiye Tunceli The original name is Holik.
Tutak Dûtax City and county Tutak Ağrı
Tuzluca Qulp City and county Tuzluca Iğdır The renaming from Kulp to today's Tuzluca took place after 1933.
Tuzluca Yukarı şorik Village Karlıova Bing oil Şorik ulya ( Upper Şorik ) was the place name in Ottoman times. The name Yukarışorik (also Upper Şorik ) is registered with the land registry.
Üçağıl Kozê Village Midyat Mardin
Üçbasamak Zinzin Village Silvan Diyarbakır The Kurdish village name is Zinzin. This is also the original name. The renaming to Üçbasamak ("three stages") took place before 1960.
Üçköy Xarabêalê, Xirbê Elî Village Nusaybin Mardin Üçköy means ܐܪܟܚ (Arkah) in Aramaic . The Kurdish name is a variant of the original name Harapali. The Turkish name Ücköy means Three villages .
Üçerli Dêrteyar Village Savur Mardin
Üçkavak Rajdê Village Savur Mardin
Uğuraçan Bêdkare Village Şemdinli Hakkari The original name Bêtkare is believed to be derived from the Aramaic language.
Uludere Qilaban City and county Uludere Şırnak Qilaban is the original name of the place.
Uysallı calendar Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of Uysallı ( uysal means "yielding") is calendar. This name means "poor beggar" in Kurdish and in the Islamic world referred to a mendicant monk (Arabic Qalandar ). The name was changed to Uysallı after 1967. The yearbook from 1967 lists the village with the name calendar. The name calendar is also registered with the land registry office.
Üzümlü Cîmîn City and county Üzümlü Erzincan
Uzungeçit Derahine Locality Uludere Şırnak
Uzunkaya Biloka Village Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Beloka. This name is registered with the land registry.
Van Wan City and province - Van
Varto Gimgim City and county Varto Must Gimgim (Gümgüm) is the original name of the city.
Viransehir Wêranşar City and county Viransehir Şanlıurfa
Yanıkçukur Tendürek Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of Yanıkçukur (Turkish: burned pit ) is Tendürek. This name is of Armenian origin. The renaming took place after 1945. The census of 1945 still lists the village in the form of Tendürek. The name Tendürek is registered with the land registry office.
Yavuzeli Cîngîve, Çînçîn City and county Yavuzeli Gaziantep
Yavuztaş Tarû, Tarî Village Yayladere Bing oil The original name was Taru. The name Taru is still recorded in the land register and was also used as an alternative name in the 1970 and 1980 censuses.
Yayıkağıl Kimsor Village Nazımiye Tunceli Kimsor is the original place name. The local population still calls the village by its old name. In the Dersim report of the General Command of the Turkish Gendarmerie from 1932 Kimsor is listed as a name. The book reports on local traditions about place names. It was originally called Kimisorlu. Tribesmen of the Aşiret of the Şadılı put the name in the form “Kumsor” in connection with the word for Kizilbasch (“red head”). “Kum” is a headgear and “sor” means “red”. The name was changed to the current name in the 1960s. In the 1965 census, Kimsor is still listed as an alternative name.
Yaylabağ Axdat Village Yayladere Bing oil In 1928 the name was Agdad. This name is also recorded in the land register in the form Ağdat. The Kurdish form of the name is a variant of the historical name.
Yayladere Xolxol City and county Yayladere Bing oil Xolhol (Holhol) was renamed to Yayladere in 1959.
Yaylapınar (Şemdinli) Salaran Village Şemdinli Hakkari The former name of the village was Salaran. This is derived from the Kurdish word for commanders.
Yayvantepe Qertmîn Village Midyat Mardin
Yazgeldi Xodig Village Nazımiye Tunceli The former name of the village was Hodik. This name is of Armenian origin. The name was changed in the 20th century, between 1928 and 1955.
Yazgünü Hupus, Xups Village Kiğı Bing oil Before it was renamed to its current name, the village was called Hupus. This name is of Armenian origin and is also recorded in the Turkish land register.
Yedikardeş Heftêxuhan Village Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Haftivahan. This name is registered with the land registry. The original name means "seven sisters" in Kurdish. Today's name Yedikardeş means "seven siblings" in Turkish.
Yedisu Çerme City and county Yedisu Bing oil
Yemişli Hilhil Village Midyat Mardin
Yeniçadır Bozo Village Diyadin Ağrı Yeniçadırs (Turkish: new tent ) former name was Bozo. The name was changed after 1945. The 1945 census still lists the village in the Bozo form. The name Bozo is registered with the land registry office.
Yenice Xerabya Village Midyat Mardin Former Yazidi village in Tur Abdin
Yeni Halfeti Xelfetîya Nu city Ömerli Şanlıurfa
Yenilmez Mixajnê Village Savur Mardin
Yenişehir Bajarê Nû City and county Yenişehir Diyarbakır Both names have the same meaning "New City".
Yeşilalan Barman Village Savur Mardin
Yeşildurak Tapu Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of Yeşildurak (Turkish green halt ) is Tapu. The name was changed after 1945. The 1945 census still lists the village in the form of Tapu. The name Tapu is registered with the land registry.
Yeşilli Rişmil City and county Yeşilli Mardin
Yeşiltaş Sıtazın Village Yüksekova Hakkari Yeşiltaş means green stone . The name Şitazin is registered with the land registry.
Yeşilyurt Çirmiktî, Çirmik, Çêrmûg City and county Yeşilyurt Malatya The place was called Çırmıktı or Çırmıhtı before the founding of the republic. Then the name was changed to İsmet Paşa. In 1957 the village got its current name, Yeşilyurt - green home .
Yiğitler Kirik Village Nazımiye Tunceli The name Kirik is the original place name. In the 1965 census, Kirik is still listed as an alternative name.
Yiğitler Sağnis, Saxnîs Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name of the village is of Armenian origin and is Sağnis.
Yıldırım Koço Village Diyadin Ağrı The Kurdish name is registered with the land registry.
Yolaç Sûsa Village Silvan Diyarbakır The Kurdish village name is Susa. This is also the original name.
Yolbaşı Kefirelab Locality Midyat Mardin
Yorgançayır Karahamzan Village Karlıova Bing oil The Kurdish name is the original name. It was used as an alternative name in previous censuses.
Yukarıserinyer Xajixa Jorîn Village Kiğı Bing oil The Kurdish name exists in different variants. The variant Yukarıgajik is recorded in the land register.
Yukarıyağmurlu Yukarı Sevik, Sêvika Jorîn Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Yukarıyağmurlu means "Upper Yağmurlu". In the Ottoman Empire , the village was called Sevik ulya ("Upper Sevik")
Yukarıdoluca Yukarı Xarik Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Yüksekova Trade City and county Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name was mentioned lexically by Basil Nikitin . The renaming from Gever to Yüksekova took place in 1936.
Zara Qoçgîr City and county Zara Sivas
Zeynelli Zenan Village Yayladere Bing oil
Ziyaret Fîs Village Lice Diyarbakır

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Kiğı land register ( Memento of the original from January 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b c d e f g h Karlıova land register ( Memento of the original from December 7, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b c d e Land Register Yüksekova ( Memento of the original from November 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ William Smith: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854)
  5. Honigmann and Bosworth in Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv al-RUHĀ.
  6. Bilge Umar: Türkiye'deki Tarihsel Adlar. Istanbul 1993, p. 184
  7. a b c d Yayladere land register ( Memento of the original from January 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. a b c d Nazımiye land register  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  9. a b c d e f Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü: 21 Ekim 1945 Genel Nüfus Sayımı. Volume 1. Hüsnütabiat Basımevi, Ankara 1948, p. 18
  10. a b c d e f g h i Diyadin land register ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. ^ MM van Bruinessen in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv SHAMDĪNĀN
  12. Köy İşleri Bakanlığı: Köy Envanter Etüdlerine göre Erzurum. Ankara 1966, p. 150
  13. Bilge Umar: Türkiye'deki Tarihsel Adlar. Istanbul 1993, p. 210
  14. ^ Yunus Koç: XVI. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Kiğı Sancağı'nda İskan ve Toplumsal Yapı  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as broken. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 388 kB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  15. Minutes of the parliamentary session and full text in: İsmail Beşikçi: Tunceli Kanunu (1935) ve Dersim Jenosidi. Istanbul 1990, p. 10ff.
  16. M. Bazin in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv TUNDJELI
  17. a b Land Register Silvan ( Memento of the original from March 9, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. Nusaybin land register ( Memento of the original from March 12, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 165
  20. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 500. Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office
  21. Ağrı 1967 İl Yıllığı, p. 43
  22. a b Kızıltepe land register ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  23. M. Canard in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv BING OIL DAGH
  24. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü : Genel nüfus sayımı idarî bölünüş: İl, İlçe, Bucak ve Köy (Muhtarlık) Nüfusları October 25, 1970. Ankara 1973, p. 116
  25. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari bölünüş, October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, page 47
  26. Dersim: Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı'nın raporu Kaynak Yayınları, 1998, p. 104 (reprint)
  27. TC Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı: İdari Bölünüş: İl, İlçe, Bucak ve Köy (Muhtarlık) Nüfusları, October 24, 1965. Ankara 1968, page 619
  28. ( Memento of the original from January 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  29. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 166
  30. Bilge Umar: Türkiye'deki Tarihsel Adlar. Istanbul 1993, p. 189
  31. TC Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı: İdari Bölünüş: İl, İlçe, Bucak ve Köy (Muhtarlık) Nüfusları. October 24, 1965, Ankara 1968, p. 46
  32. ^ B. Nikitin in Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv ORĀMĀR

Web links

  • Anatolic index (map showing the original name when entering a current place name)