List of Kurdish place names in Turkey / G – L

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Official name Kurdish name object district province Background to the names
Gaziantep Dîlok, Entep City and province - Gaziantep The ancient doliche . The Arabs called Doliche Dulūk. The Kurdish name Dilok is a variant of this. Also on Sorani name of the city also Diluk or Entab.
Geçimli Ergan Village Hozat Tunceli The name Ergan is the former name of the village and of Armenian origin
Geçitli Geylan Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name is Geylan. This name is registered with the land registry office. The name was changed to Geçitli before 1962.
Geçitli Peyanis Town - Hakkari The original name Piyanis refers to the Kurdish tribe of the Pinyaniş.
Geçityaka Çûçik Village Pertek Tunceli
Gelincik Erûsek, Ersek Village Dicle Diyarbakır The name Gelincik ("Little Bride") is the turquoise form of the original name Arusek. Erûs (kurd.) Also means “bride”.
Gelinkaya Kefirhewar Locality Midyat Mardin
Genç Dara Hênê, Dara Hêni City and county Genç Bing oil In the Ottoman Empire, the name was Darahini ( داراهيني)
Gercüş Kercews City and county Gercüş Batman
Gerger Alduş City and county Gerger Adıyaman The current name Gerger is of Armenian origin. Nefsi Gerger the former place name of the village Oymaklı.
Geriş Gerıse Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Gevaş Westan City and county Gevaş Van
Girmeli Girê Mîra, Girê Mîran Locality Nusaybin Mardin
Gogebakan Kapuzan Village Diyadin Ağrı
Gokce Evrek Village Beytüşşebap Şırnak Previous names were Gelyemamhuran and Evrek.
Gokce Selax Town Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Selah or Salah. This name is already documented in the 16th century.
Gökçedal Deştîl, Deşt Village Yayladere Bing oil The previous name was Deştîl. This is also registered in this form in the land register.
Gölbaşı Sergol, Serêgolê and Qereçalik City and county Gölbaşı Adıyaman Gölbaşı and Serêgolê both mean "head [end] of the lake".
Gölbaşı Xirbe Haci Village Savur Mardin
Göle Mêrdînik, Gole City and county Göle Ardahan
Gövdeli Taxsiyan Village Pertek Tunceli
Gozlüce Heremreş Village Kızıltepe Mardin Haramreş is the original name. This name is of Kurdish origin and means "black area".
Gozupek Korankomu Village Diyadin Ağrı Before it was renamed Gözüpek, the village was called Korankomu. This name is of Kurdish origin and is registered with the land registry office. Today's Turkish name means "fearless".
Güçlükonak Base City and county Güçlükonak Şırnak
Gülgöze Êwert Village Midyat Mardin
Gülveren Behwar Village Midyat Mardin
Gümüşkanat Keboran Village Mutki Bitlis The original name is Keyburan.
Gunbuldu Maya Village Diyadin Ağrı Before the name was changed to Günbuldu ("He found the day") the village was called Maya, sometimes also written "Meya". This name is recorded in the form Maya at the land registry office.
Güneşlik Avtariç Village Yayladere Bing oil In Ottoman documents of the 16th century, Güneşlik is led under the name Haftariç-i 'Ulya ("Upper Haftariç"). The name Haftariç is still used by the local population. The name is recorded in the land register and was used as an alternative designation in censuses.
Güneyağıl Cobir, Cibir, Cibirkoy Village Kiğı Bing oil In Ottoman registers the place was called Ceber-i Kiğı and was listed as "not Muslim" ( gayrimüslim ). The originally Kurdish village name was changed in 1928 by decree of the Interior Ministry. In 2009 the land registry took the name Cibirköy back into the register.
Güneycik Azge Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Günlüce Kalmem, Kalman Village Nazımiye Tunceli In the 1980s, attempts were made to prove the Turkish origin of the Kurdish place name and thus the population.
Günlük Anzêvîng, Anzevîk Village Yayladere Bing oil The previous name was Anzevik. This is also registered in the same form in the land register.
Gürdere Civyan Village Yüksekova Hakkari Gürdere means "lush brook". The name Civyan is registered with the Land Registry.
Gürmeşe Badîna Village Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Badinan. This name is registered with the land registry.
Güroymak Norşîn City and county Güroymak Bitlis
Gurpinar Payizava, Xewasor City and county Gurpinar Van
Gurses Davudi abandoned village Çınar Diyarbakır The original name is Davudi.
Gürün Girîn City and county Gürün Sivas
Güven Bacin Village Midyat Mardin
Güzelpınar Hosum Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Güzelsu Hoşap Locality Gurpinar Van The castle ruins of Hoşap are well known . The Turkish and Kurdish names have the same meaning: "beautiful water".
Haberli Basibirin Village İdil Şırnak The former name of the settlement is Basbirin. The Turoyo name Beth Sbirino comes from the Syrian Beth Sabro , which means house of hope .
Hacılar Hacıyan Village Karlıova Bing oil The current name ("pilgrim") is the Turkish form of the original name Haciyan. The latter is recorded as a former name at the land registry office.
Hakkari Colemêrg City and province - Hakkari The old forms of the name were Djūlāmerg or Djulamerik
Haktanır Hop Village Yayladere Bing oil Hop is the original form of the name. Hop is still listed as an alternative name in the province's 1973 annual report.
Halfeti Xelfetî City and county Halfeti Şanlıurfa
Hamur Xamûr, Xemûr City and county Hamur Ağrı
Hanak Xanek City and county Hanak Ardahan
Hani Hênê City and county Hani Diyarbakır
Hasankeyf Heskîf City and county Hasankeyf Batman The origin of the part of the name “keyf” goes back to the Assyrian “Kifo” (rock). Roman historians called the place Cepha and Ciphas. The Arabs called the place Sabʿat Ag̲h̲wāl, "seven caves". The current name is a deformation of Ḥiṣn Kayfā. Turkish etymologies lead the name back to “Hasan keyfi” (Hasan's pleasure) or “hüsnü keyf” (good mood).
Haskoy Dêrxas City and county Haskoy Must
Hazro Hezro City and county Hazro Diyarbakır
Hekimhan Hekimxan City and county Hekimhan Malatya
Heybeliyurt Cucan Village Diyadin Ağrı Before it was renamed Heybeliyurt, the village was called Cücan. This name is still in use and is registered with the land registry office.
Hilvan Curnê Reş City and county Hilvan Şanlıurfa
Hizan Xizan City and county Hizan Bitlis
Hınıs Xinûs, Xinis City and county Hınıs Erzurum
Hozat Xozat City and county Hozat Tunceli
İçören Tefê Village Savur Mardin
İdil Hezex City and county İdil Şırnak The city was originally called Hazakh [kurd. Hezex].
Iğdır Îdir City and province - Iğdır
İkizdere Dibenê Village Midyat Mardin
İlbeyi Elbeg Village Kiğı Bing oil
İmranlı Çît City and county İmranlı Sivas
Işıklar İbrahimiye, Birahîmiyê Village Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is İbrahimiye. This name is registered with the land registry.
Kadıköy Kadyan Village Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name Kadyan is registered with the land registry office.
Kadıköy Qazîkoy Village Kiğı Bing oil The name is derived from Kadi (judge) in both languages .
Kahramanmaraş Gurgum, Mereş City and province - Kahramanmaraş Maraş is mentioned repeatedly in Assyrian texts as the capital of the Kingdom of Gurgum [according to the Kurdish name].
Kâhta Colic City and county Kahta Adıyaman
Kale Qela, Îzolî City and county Kale Malatya
Kalkanlı Pargesor, Pargasûr Village Yayladere Bing oil The previous name was Pargesor. This name is also recorded as "Pargasor" in the land register.
Kantarkaya Aşağı Şorik, Şorika jêrîn or just Şorik Village Karlıova Bing oil In the list of village names in Ottoman script from the Turkish Ministry of the Interior from 1928 ( Son Teşkilât-ı Mülkiyede Köylerimizin Adları ), the village was called Şorik süfla (“lower Şorik”). The name Aşağışorik (also "lower Şorik") is registered with the land registry.
Kapanca Setirabat Village Diyadin Ağrı Before it was renamed Kapanca, the town was called Setirabat. The renaming takes place after 1945. The census of 1945 lists the village with its original name. The former name is also registered with the land registry.
Kapıköy Heretil Village Saray Van Heretil was the original place name.
Karabakır Bargini Village Hozat Tunceli Bargini was the original name of the village.
Karabey Serdeşt Village Yüksekova Hakkari Karabey means black lord . The name Zerdeşt (Zarathustra, Zoroaster) is registered with the land registry.
Karaçoban Qereçoban City and county Karaçoban Erzurum
Karakoçan Dep City and county Karakoçan Elazığ
Karaman Hemziyan Village Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Hamziyan. This name is registered with the land registry.
Karayazı Qereyazî, Qeza or Gogsî City and county Karayazı Erzurum
Karlı Befircan Village Yüksekova Hakkari Karlı means snowy or snowy . The Kurdish name Befircan comes from the word “Befir”, which also means “snow”. The name is registered with the land registry office in the form Befrican. This form is also documented in various censuses and two dictionaries of Ottoman place names.
Karlıca Kırmoçek Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Kirmaçek is registered with the land registry. The name was changed to Karlıca before 1962.
Karlıova Kanîreş City and county Karlıova Bing oil The Turkish name means "snow-covered plain", the Kurdish "black spring".
Kavaklibogaz Eyndar Village Hazro Diyarbakır
Kayabağ Axzûnîg Village Pertek Tunceli The Kurdish place name is of Armenian origin and was also the former place name.
Kayalar Kefirzût Village Midyat Mardin
Kayatepe Harisi Village Savur Mardin
Kayaustu Êdo Village Ömerli Mardin
Kaynak Ceban, Cevan Village Karlıova Bing oil The name Ceban is registered as the original name at the land registry.
Kaynarpınar Liçik Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name of the village is Liçik. This name is of Armenian origin.
Kemah Kemax City and county Kemah Erzincan
Kemaliye Egîn City and county Kemaliye Erzincan The Kurdish name is the original name. Possibly it goes back to the Armenian word "agn" (spring).
Kesmetepe Mêmalî Village Besni Adıyaman
Kiğı Gêxî City and county Kiğı Bing oil
Kırköy Qir Village Yayladere Bing oil The previous name was Kır. This name is also recorded in the land register.
Kıraçtepe Çevligişmen Village Karlıova Bing oil
Kısıklı Dêlezi Village Yüksekova Hakkari The place was originally called Dilezi. This name is registered with the land registry office. The renaming took place before 1975. Dilezi is also the name of the pass (2,100 m) on the road to the Iranian border and a mountain with a height of 3,250 m.
Kızılkale Dirban Village Mazgirt Tunceli
Kızıltepe Qoser City and county Kızıltepe Mardin The Kurdish name "Qoser" goes back to Koçhisar, who was called "Kosar" by western chroniclers.
Kocaçoban Bubu, Bubo Village Diyadin Ağrı Before it was renamed to Kocaçoban (Turkish: "Great Shepherd"), the village was called Bubo. The name was changed after 1945. The census of 1945 lists the village with its original name. The former name is also registered with the land registry.
Kocakoy Karaz City and county Kocakoy Diyarbakır
Kocapinar Emerîn Village Cizre Şırnak
Kolankaya Kave Village Pertek Tunceli Kave is the original name of the village.
Kolbaşı Şavite Village Yüksekova Hakkari The Turkish name Kolbaşı means leader . The Kurdish name is registered with the land registry.
Konak Koçanis - Hakkari Hakkari The earlier name of this Nestorian village was passed down in the forms Qodchanis , Qudshanes , Qudshanis , Kochanes or Koçanis .
Konur Nixayila Village Şemdinli Hakkari
Köprübaşı Curnik Village Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Curnik. This name is registered with the land registry.
Köprüköy Avnîk City and county Erzurum
Köprücük Kerpêl Village Yüksekova Hakkari Köprücük means little bridge . The previous name is Kerpil. This name is registered with the land registry office.
Köprülü Baqeysê Village Savur Mardin
Corkut Tîl City and county Corkut Must
Korlu Şêxan Village Yayladere Bing oil The original name was Şeyhan. The village population traces this name back to a Sheikh Harun who is said to have lived in the 16th century. The name Şeyhan is also recorded in the land register.
Koşuyolu Erbil Village Savur Mardin
Köşkönü Pışkesır Village Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name Pişkesir is registered with the land registry. The renaming took place before 1967.
Kovancılar Qowanciyan City and county Kovancılar Elazığ
Kozluk Hezo City and county Kozluk Batman
Kulp Passûr City and county Kulp Diyarbakır
Kuluncak Aywalî, Tirsekan City and county Kuluncak Malatya
Kumçatı Dergûl Locality - Şırnak The original place name is Dergül (دركول).
Courtyard Misirc City and county Courtyard Siirt
Kuşburnu Canakız Village Diyadin Ağrı Before it was renamed to Kuşburnu (Turkish rose hip ), the town was called Canakiz. The former name is also registered with the land registry.
Kutluca Xoştûr, Hacatûr Village Kiğı Bing oil
Küçüküngüt Ungutmilyanli Village Çağlayancerit Kahramanmaraş
Kürkçü Kûrcik Village Kangal Sivas The former name of the village was Kurçik. This name is of Kurdish origin and means "pile of stones". The current Turkish name Kürkçü means furrier .
Lice Licê City and county Lice Diyarbakır

Web links

  • Anatolic index (map showing the original name when entering a current place name)

Individual evidence

  1. D. Sourdel: Dulūk . In: Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition.
  2. Feryad Fazil Omar: Kurdish-German Dictionary (Soranî) . Berlin 2005, p. 423
  3. a b c d e Karlıova land register ( Memento of the original dated December 7, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. TC İmar ve İskân Bakanlığı, Toprak ve İskân İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü: 1962 Yılı Köy Envanter Etüdlerine Göre Bingöl, Ankara 1963, p. 89
  5. Land register Hakkari ( Memento of the original dated February 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları . Ankara 2006, p. 136
  7. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 290
  8. a b c d e f Yayladere land register ( Memento of the original from January 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. a b c d e Kızıltepe land register ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. a b c d e f Diyadin land register ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Mutki land register ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. ^ Yunus Koç: XVI. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Kiğı Sancağı'nda İskan ve Toplumsal Yapı  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as broken. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 388 kB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  13. a b Bingöl 1973 İl Yıllığı, p. 32
  14. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari bölünüş. October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, p. 47
  15.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 388 kB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  16. Kiğı land register ( Memento of the original from January 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. For example: Mehmet Eröz: Ataturk, Milliyetçilik, Doğu Anadolu . Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı 1987, page 276 or Millı̂ Folklor Araştırma Dairesi: Türk Yer Adları Sempozyumu Bildirileri. Ankara 1984, page 49
  18. a b c d e f g h Land register Yüksekova ( Memento of the original from November 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. Land Register Çınar ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. Land register Şırnak ( Memento of the original from December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  21. Fr. Taeschner: Čölemerik . In: Encyclopaedia of Islam
  22. S. Ory: Hisn kayfa . In: Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition.
  23. Martin van Bruinessen: Agha, Sheikh and State. Berlin 1989, p. 339
  24. E. Honigmann: Marʿash . In: Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition.
  25. a b Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık İstatistics Genel Müdürlüğü: 21 Ekim 1945 Genel Nüfus Sayımı. Volume 1. Hüsnütabiat Basimevi, Ankara 1948, p. 18
  26. Land register Saray ( Memento of the original dated December 7, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  27. For example: Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları . Ankara 2006, p. 156. Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office and Nuri Akbayar: Osmanlı Yer Adları Sözlüğü. 2001
  28. TC İmar ve İskân Bakanlığı, Toprak ve İskân İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü: 1962 Yılı Köy Envanter Etüdlerine Göre Bingöl, Ankara 1963, p. 90
  29. Feryad Fazil Omar: Kurdish-German Dictionary (Kurmancî) . Berlin 1992
  30. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı yer adları. Ankara 2006, p. 340
  31. Besim Darkot: Eǧin . In: Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition.
  32. D. Sourdel: Dunaysir . In: Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition.
  33. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 145. Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office
  34. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 285