List of Kurdish place names in Turkey / A – F

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Official name Kurdish name object district province Background to the names
Acırlı Dêrizbîn Village Midyat Mardin Before it was renamed to Acırlı, the village was called Derizbin.
Açıkgüney Sivgêlik Village Kiğı Bing oil The former name of the village is Sévgelik or Sergévilik. The place is called Sürgülik on a German military map. The Turkish Ministry of Construction named the alternative name Sivgelik in 1962.
Adaklı Alekan Village Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name is the name of the Aşiret of the Alikan.
Adaklı Azaxpêrt City and county Adaklı Bing oil Azakpert is the original name Adaklıs. This is of Armenian origin and means "star castle". The renaming from Azakpert to Adaklı took place in 1968.
Adilcevaz Elcewaz City and county Adilcevaz Bitlis
Adıyaman Semsûr City and province - Adıyaman The previous name was Ḥiṣn Manṣūr ("the fortress of Mansur"). The name goes back to the Umayyad commander Manṣūr b. Jawana, who was murdered on the orders of the Abbasid al-Mansur .
Merkez Navend district Merkez Axsere
Afşin Avşîn City and county Afşin Kahramanmaraş
Ağaçöven Gomakoçan Village Kiğı Bing oil The original name was Hoğaskomları. This name has been registered in the land register since 2009.
Ağın Axin city Ağın Elazığ
Ağrı Agirî city Ağrı Ağrı
Ahlat Xelate city Ahlat Bitlis The Kurdish name is a variant of the already known name Khilāṭ. The name may be related to the Chalder people who once lived here.
Akalın Bajerge Village Yüksekova Hakkari The original name was Bajirge.
Akçadağ Arxa City and county Akçadağ Malatya
Akçakale Kaniya Xezalan City and county - Şanlıurfa The Arabic name of the village is Tell Abyad ( Arabic تل اأبيض).
Akçalı Kertinis Village Yüksekova Hakkari The name Kertinis is the original place name. It is also recorded in the land register.
Akçevre Taphaç Village Diyadin Ağrı Taphaç is the original name. This was recorded at the land registry office.
Akdemir Avşeker Village Pertek Tunceli The Kurdish name of the village "Avşeker" is the original place name. He became Ottoman آب شكر Written from Şeker and means "sugar water".
Akdüven Faraç Village Mazgirt Tunceli
Akocak Heleyis Village Yüksekova Hakkari The original name was Heleis.
Akpınar Soryan Village Yüksekova Hakkari Soryan is the original place name. This is also registered with the land registry.
Aksu Gagewran Village Yüksekova Hakkari
Actual Bezele hamlet Şemdinli Hakkari
Akyokuş Xirbê Kermêtê Village Ömerli Mardin The Kurdish name is a variant of the original name Hirbakermit
Akyolaç Yezdo Village Diyadin Ağrı The Kurdish name is also registered in the land register. In the 1945 census, the village was still under the original name of Yezdo.
Akyünlü Çandur Village Mazgirt Tunceli The previous place name was Çantur and is of Armenian origin.
Alacakaya Xulaman, Guleman City and county Alacakaya Elazığ The original place name is of Kurdish origin and was Guleman.
Alagöz Baqisyan Locality Derik Mardin The original name is Tahtabeş. This is also registered in the land register.
Alıçlı Xirbetewo Village Ömerli Mardin The original name is Hirbatova.
Alınyazı Hozavit Village Kiğı Bing oil
Altınkilit Kurdi Village Diyadin Ağrı The village was originally called Kurdi ("Kurdish")
Altınoluk Elwer Village Yüksekova Hakkari
Altıntaş Kefirzê Village Midyat Mardin The original Aramaic name was Kfarze.
Anadağ Bêrux Village Şemdinli Hakkari The former name of the village was Beruh. This name is derived from Beth Ruhu and is of Aramaic origin.
Andırın Dêrkolê City and county Andırın Kahramanmaraş
Anıtlı Hax Village Midyat Mardin Aramaic village in Tur Abdin
Anıttepe Xirbeqelaç Village Ömerli Mardin
Aralık Tezeka Village Bismil Diyarbakır
Arapgir Arabkîr, Erebgir City and county Arapgir Malatya
Ardahan Earth dexan City and province - Ardahan
Aricak Qerebaxan, Mirvan City and county Aricak Elazığ The previous place name was Mirvan. This is derived from the Kurdish word miran ("gentlemen"). The name "Qerebaxan" is the Kurdish variant of the name of the former administrative unit "Karabegan", which can be traced back to the Aşiret of the same name .
Armutdüzü Metolanis Village Yüksekova Hakkari Metolanis is the original name of the settlement. This is registered in the land register and was listed as an alternative name in the censuses ( Genel Nüfus Sayımı ) of 1977 and 1980.
Aşağıdoluca Aşağı Xarik Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Aşağıgülbahçe Kurmeş Village Pertek Tunceli The original name of the village is given by the land registry as "Aşağıkömraş". The author Nişanyan, however, gives the earlier name as Kumreş, which is of Kurdish origin and means "Black Hamlet". The name Kurmeş is used by today's population.
Aşağıserinyer Xajixa Jêrîn Village Kiğı Bing oil The Kurdish name exists in different variants. The variant Aşağıgajik is recorded in the land register. The place is also called Gajik'a Jerin or Xajixa Jerin.
Aşağıyağmurlu Aşağı Sevik Village Karlıova Bing oil The old name is Aşağı Sevik. This was added to the land register again in 2009. Variants in Kurdish are Sevika Jor and Sêvika Jêrîn.
Aşağıdalören Aşağıbiligan Village Diyadin Ağrı The Kurdish place name is recorded in the form Aşağıbiligan at the land registry office.
Aşağıkardeşli Aşağıkörnevruz Village Diyadin Ağrı The name of the village was Aşağı Körnavruz in 1945. The 1945 census still lists the village in this form. The form Aşağıkörnevruz is registered with the land registry office.
Aşkale Ashqela, Ashqele City and county Aşkale Erzurum
Aslanyurdu Lazwan Village Mazgirt Tunceli
Atadamı Giridin, Gire Dem Village Diyadin Ağrı The name form Giridin is registered in the land register.
Atayolu Öztürkan Village Diyadin Ağrı Before the renaming to Atayolu ("The way of Ataturk" or "The way of the ancestors") the village was called Öztürkan. This name is recorded at the land registry. Öztürkan is a hybrid of the Turkish "Öztürk" ("real Turk") and the Persian or Kurdish plural suffix "-an". The place is also called "Hısturka".
Aydınlar Çûx Village Yayladere Bing oil
Ayranlı Keşkuvan Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Bağdaş Peranis Village Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name is used as an alternative name in the 1980 census.
Baglar Nehri Village Şemdinli Hakkari The current name of the village of Bağlar means vineyards or gardens . The original name was Nehri. This name is still used and is registered with the land registry.
Bağlarbaşı Ernas Village Midyat Mardin Bağlarbaşı means beginning of the vineyards / gardens . The original place name was Arnas. It is registered in this form at the land registry office. The name was changed before 1965.
Bağözü Tiruva Village Dargeçit Mardin The original name of the village is Tirvan. This name is of Kurdish origin and originally means "archer"
Bahçesaray Miks, muksî or muskî City and county Bahçesaray Van
Bakacak Seyid Hesen Village Bismil Diyarbakır The previous place name was Seyithasan.
Baklalı Êmzug, Unguzug Village Kiğı Bing oil The original name is Üngüzek. The name is recorded in the land register in the form Üngüzük.
Ballıca Bolciyan Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Balveren Gundikê Melê Town Şırnak The original name of the village was Gündükmolla, the Turkish version of "Gundike Mele" ("Village of the Mullah").
Bardakçı Batê Village Midyat Mardin Bardakçı was called Bati before it was renamed. This name is also registered in the land register and was used as an alternative name in the 1965 census.
Barıştepe Selhe Village Midyat Mardin The original name is recorded as Salhi in the land registry.
Başağaç Siçyan Village Savur Mardin Başağaç used to be called Siçvan. This form is recorded in the land register and was also used as an alternative designation in the 1965 census.
Baskale Elbak City and county Baskale Van
Baskoy Tilqebin Mahalle Silopi Şırnak Tilkabin is the original name.
Baskavak Ehmedî Village Savur Mardin
Basyurt Zaxuran Village Midyat Mardin The original name is Zahuran.
Batıayaz Mûran Village Yayladere Bing oil The Kurdish name was recorded in the land register in the form "Murun".
Batıbeyli Digits Village Diyadin Ağrı Before the name was changed to Batıbeyli, the village was called Zifker. This name comes from "zîvker", the Kurdish word for silversmith. The original name is recorded at the land registry office.
Batman Êlih City and province - Batman
Baykan Hewel City and county Baykan Siirt The original name of the place was Koh and from 1949 Havil or Havel. The name common among Kurds is a variant of this.
Bengisu Batûşê Village Savur Mardin
Beşatlı Xilxês Village Yüksekova Hakkari The name of the village Beşatlı means five riders . The former place name is Hulhis and is registered with the land registry.
Beşikkaya Faf Village Ömerli Mardin
Beşiri Qubin City and county Beşiri Batman
Beşoluk Dawalî Village Mazgirt Tunceli
Beytaşı Delav Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Beytüşşebap Elkê, Bêşebap City and county Beytüşşebap Şırnak
Beyyurdu Bêdawê Village Şemdinli Hakkari The previous name was Bedevi. The current name means "home of the Bey".
Bilekkaya Hergep Village Yayladere Bing oil The original name is Hergep. This is still used by the local population. The name is recorded in the land register.
bilge Zanqirt Village Mazıdağı Mardin Site of the Mardin massacre
Bing oil Cebaxçur (Çapakçur), Çewlîg, Çewlik, Çolîg City and province - Bing oil Çapakçur is the earlier Ottoman name of the sandjak
Birecik Bêrecûg City and county Birecik Şanlıurfa
Bitlis Bidlîs, Bedlîs City and province - Bitlis
Boğazköy Mezrê Village Şemdinli Hakkari Mezrê is the original place name.
Boncukgöze Borane Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name of the village is Boran. This name is registered with the land registry office and was also used as an alternative name in the 1973 census.
Bostancık Gulort, Glort Village Yüksekova Hakkari The original name of the village is Golurt or Kulurt. The name Golurt is registered with the land registry office. Kulurt was used as an alternative name in the 1975 and 1980 censuses.
Bostanlı Panan Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Boyalan Kürdikan Village Diyadin Ağrı Before it was renamed Boyalan, the village was called Kürdikan. This is the name of a tribe . This original name is recorded at the land registry office. and was used as an alternative name in the 1965 census.
Bozova Hewenc, Hewag or Hewenge City and county Bozova Şanlıurfa
Budaklı Kerşaf Village Midyat Mardin The original name is registered in the Kurdish form at the land registry.
Bulaklı Memkan Village Yüksekova Hakkari The name of the village Bulaklı means with source . The original name Memkan is registered with the land registry office.
Bulanık Kop City and county Bulanık Must Kop is one of the earlier names of Bulanık.
Burgulu Koran Village Diyadin Ağrı Before the name was changed to Burgulu, the village was called Koran. This name is of Kurdish origin and is registered with the land registry office.
Büvetli Şikeft Village Diyadin Ağrı Before the name was changed to Büvetli, the village was called Şikeft. This name is of Kurdish origin and means "cave". It is recorded at the land registry. The name was changed after 1945. In the 1945 census, the village was still under the original name Şikeft.
Büyükçiftlik Girvate, Xirvata Village Yüksekova Hakkari The original name Büyükçiftliks was Hirvata. The name was changed between 1933 and 1975
Buyukyurt Hakis Village Nazımiye Tunceli The previous name of Büyükyurt is Hakis.
Çağlayancerit Cirîd City and county Çağlayancerit Kahramanmaraş
Çaldıran Ebex City and county Çaldıran Van
Çalıkağıl Maskan-ı Herdif, Herdif Village Yayladere Bing oil The Kurdish name was recorded in the land register in the form "Meskanıherdif".
Çalpınar Sîtê Village Midyat Mardin The original name is Siti.
Çamyurt Mesken Village Midyat Mardin The original name is Mesken.
Çatak Şax City and county Çatak Van
Çatalkaya Gimek Village Yayladere Bing oil
Çavuşlu Şorizbeh Locality Midyat Mardin
Çayağzı Cinnamon Village Yayladere Bing oil The Kurdish name was recorded in the land register in the form "Zimtek". and used as an alternative name in the 1970 and 1980 censuses.
Çayırlı Moses, Mans City and county Çayırlı Erzincan
Çebekoğlu Çêwek Village Halfeti Urfa
Çelikhan Çêlikan City and county Çelikhan Adıyaman
Çemişgezek Melkişî City and county Çemişgezek Tunceli
Çermik Çêrmûg City and county Çermik Diyarbakır
Cevizdere Kürdemlik Village Elazığ The Kurdish name is the original village name and means "Kurdish property".
Çevrecik Geran Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Ceylanpınar Serê Kaniyê City and county Ceylanpınar Şanlıurfa The Kurdish name and the earlier Arabic name “Raʾs al-ʿAyn” both mean “head of the well”. Today's twin city on the Syrian side is still called Raʾs al-ʿAin .
Çiçektepe Avang Village Kiğı Bing oil The original name is of Armenian origin and is Abvank. It is recorded in this form in the land register. Abvank was also used as an alternative name in various censuses.
Cizre Cizîr, Cizîra Botan City and county Cizre Şırnak
Çıldır Çildar, Zûrzuna City and county Çıldır Ardahan
Çukurca Çelê City and county Çukurca Hakkari The original name was Çal. Çal (kurd.) And çukur (tr.) Both mean “pit”.
Çukurtepe Hunyan Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name is Hünyan. This is registered with the land registry and was used as an alternative name in the censuses of 1965 and 1980, for example.
Çüngüş Çinguş City and county Çüngüş Diyarbakır
Dağlıca Oremar, Oramar Village Yüksekova Hakkari The former name of the village was Oramar. This name is possibly of Aramaic origin.
Dalbasan Seter Village Yayladere Bing oil The name "Seter" was added to the land register and used as an alternative name in the 1965 and 1980 censuses.
Dallıbahçe İresi Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Dallıca Oxas, Xogas Village Kiğı Bing oil The Kurdish name is recorded in the form Hoğaz at the land registry office.
Dargeçit Kerboran City and county Dargeçit Mardin
Darıkent Muxundu city Mazgirt Tunceli The original name of the village was Muhundu. The origin and meaning of the name are unknown.
Darköprü Xûrs Village Kiğı Bing oil Darköprü was already listed under the name of Hurs in Ottoman documents of the 16th century. This name is also recorded in the land register.
Dedebağ Bagin, Baxin Village Mazgirt Tunceli The place was originally called Baghin.
Dedebulak Tujipazar Village Diyadin Ağrı The original name of the settlement is Tujipazar. This name is also registered in the land register.
Dedeler Zizan Village Yüksekova Hakkari Dedeler means grandfathers . The original name Zizan is registered with the land registry.
Demirce Dızık Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Demirdöş Tirkân Village Kiğı Bing oil The Kurdish name is recorded in the form of Tirikan at the land registry office.
Demirkanat Aqan Village Kiğı Bing oil Demirkanat was already mentioned in Ottoman documents of the 16th century under the name Uzan Meşhed. This name is also recorded in the land register in the form Uzunmaşat. Both the names Akkan and Uzunmaşat were used as alternative names in the 1970 census.
Derecik Rubarok Town Şemdinli Hakkari The former name of the village was Rubaruk. This name is derived from the Kurdish Rûbarik and, like Derecik, means "little stream".
Dereiçi Qilit Village Savur Mardin
Dereova Deriye Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Derik Dêrika Çiyayê Mazî City and county Derik Mardin
Derinçay Xelîfan Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name of the village is Halifan. This name is registered with the land registry office. The renaming took place before 1962.
Devecik Kürük Village Karlıova Bing oil The original name Kürük is registered with the land registry office. The name was changed before 1962.
Dicle Pîran City and county Dicle Diyarbakır
Digor Dîxor City and county Digor Kars
Dikmen Heserî Town Kızıltepe Mardin The original name of the village is Heşeri or Heyşeri.
Dilektepe Minar Village Baykan Siirt The village had several names before it was renamed. It was called both Minar and Zeligar. The name Minar is still in use today and is registered with the land registry.
Diyadin Giyadîn City and county Diyadin Ağrı
Diyarbakır Amed City and province - Diyarbakır In ancient times the city was called Amida.
Dogansehir Wêranşar City and county Dogansehir Malatya
Doğançay Mizîzex Village Midyat Mardin The original name is Mizizah.
Doganlı Ertuş Village Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name of the place is Ertuş. This goes back to the Ertuşi tribe . Ertuş was the Kurdish name Uzunderes (in Çukurca ), the place of origin of the residents of Doğanlıs. The name Ertuş is registered with the land registry.
Dogantaş Deşt Village Nazımiye Tunceli
Dogubeyazıt Bazid City and county Dogubeyazıt Ağrı
Dogucak Çikan Village Yayladere Bing oil The previous name was Çıkoğlu. This is also registered in this form in the land register. In the 1973 annual report of Bingöl Province, the variants Çıkoğlu and Çikan can be found.
Dokuztaş Gevirgevrik Village Diyadin Ağrı
Dolunay Kefsenk Village Midyat Mardin The original name is registered with the land registry in the form of Kefsenk. The name comes from the Aramaic Kfersenk. "Kfer" means village.
Duranlar Axbizut Village Kiğı Bing oil
Edremit Ertemêtan City and county Edremit Van
Eğlence Zînol Village Midyat Mardin Zinol is the former name of the village.
Eğil Êgil City and county Eğil Diyarbakır
Ekinözü Cela City and county Ekinözü Kahramanmaraş
Elazığ Eleziz, Xarpet City and province - Elazığ Eleziz goes back to the earlier Ottoman / Arabic name Mamûretü'l-Azîz and Xarpet to the ancient Harput . The correct earlier name is "Khartpert". According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, Kharput is a corrupted form . The name was changed to Elazığ on Ataturk's initiative. In November 1937, the Council of Ministers decided to rename it to Elazık and a month later to today's Elazığ
Elbeyli Eliyê Mentarê City and county Kilis The Kurdish name "Eliyê Mentarê" is a variant of the original place name Alimantar.
Eleşkirt Zêdikan, Zêtkan City and county Eleşkirt Ağrı
Erciş Erdîş City and county Erciş Van
Elmakaşı Poxterîs Village Pertek Tunceli The original name of the village is given by the land registry as "Puhateris". The author Nişanyan transcribes the previous name as Pohteris. This name is of Armenian origin.
Erentepe Lîz Village Bulanık Must Liz was the original name of the place.
Ergani Erxenî City and county Ergani Diyarbakır
Eruh Dih, Dihê City and county Eruh Siirt
Erzincan Ezirgan City and province - Erzincan
Erzurum Erzirom City and province - Erzurum
Sendere Bajirge Town Yüksekova Hakkari The Kurdish name is the historical name. Bajirge comes from the Kurdish word bajer (small town) and means "place of the small town". The name Bajirge is registered with the land registry.
Eskikavak Arêg Village Kiğı Bing oil

Web links

  • Anatolic index (map showing the original name when entering a current place name)

Individual evidence

  1. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 146. Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office
  2. a b c T.C. İmar ve İskân Bakanlığı, Toprak ve İskân İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü: 1962 Yılı Köy Envanter Etüdlerine Göre Bingöl, Ankara 1963, p. 90
  3. See Wolf Dieter Hütteroth: Mountain nomads and Yayla farmers in the middle Kurdish Taurus. Marburg, 1959, page 60ff.
  4. ( Memento of the original from August 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ F. Taeschner in Encyclopaedia of Islam, sv ADIYAMAN
  6. a b c d e f g h Kiğı land register ( Memento of the original from January 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ F. Taeschner in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv AKHLĀṬ
  8. Sevan Nişanyan : Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 166
  9. a b c d e f g h i j Land Register Yüksekova ( Memento of the original from November 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k Diyadin land register ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı yer adları. Ankara 2006, p. 4. Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office
  12. ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. a b İstatistics Genel Müdürlüğü: 21 Ekim 1945 Genel Nüfus Sayımı. Volume 1. Hüsnütabiat Basimevi, 1948, page 18
  14. ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 116
  16. ( Memento of the original dated February 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. Otto Jastrow: The Mesopotamian-Arabic Qeltu Dialects: Folklore Texts in Eleven Dialects, Volume 2. University of California 1981, page 11
  18. ^ David Gaunt: Massacres, Resistance, Protectors: Muslim-christian Relations in Eastern Anatolia During World War I Gorgias Press, 2006, p. 372
  19. a b c Şemdinli land register ( Memento of the original dated December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 164
  21. ^ Dale A. Johnson: Visits of Gertrude Bell to Tur Abdin, 2007, pp. 144 ff.
  22. a b Land Register Pertek ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  23. Sevan Nişanyan: Adını Unutan Ülke .Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 321
  24. a b c d e Karlıova land register ( Memento of the original dated December 7, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  25. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık İstatistics Genel Müdürlüğü: 21 Ekim 1945 Genel Nüfus Sayımı. Volume 1. Hüsnütabiat Basımevi, Ankara 1948, p. 18
  26. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari bölünüş. October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, p. 137
  27. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 689
  28. a b c d e f g h i j Midyat land register ( Memento of the original dated February 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  29. ( Memento of the original from October 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  30. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 2225
  31. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 96
  32. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 289
  33. ( Memento of the original from January 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  34. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 293
  35. a b c d e f Yayladere land register ( Memento of the original from January 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  36. TC Devlet Başbakanlık Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 69
  37. Mehmet Salih Erpolat: ÇAPAKÇUR KANUNNÂMESİ HAKKINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME ( Memento of the original from January 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  38. TC Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı: İdari Bölünüş: İl, İlçe, Bucak ve Köy (Muhtarlık) Nüfusları, October 24, 1965. Ankara 1968, page 37
  39. Bilge Umar: Türkiye'deki Tarihsel Adlar. Istanbul 1993, p. 288a
  40. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı yer adları. Ankara 2006, p. 98 Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office
  41. Genel Nüfus Sayımı: İdari Bölünüş: İl, İlçe, Bucak ve Köy (Muhtarlık) Nüfusları, 25.10.1970. Ankara 1973, page 115 and Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari bölünüş. October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, p. 47
  42. Tahir Sezen: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 115. Series of publications by the State Archives of the Prime Minister's Office
  43. B. Nikitine in: EJ Brill's first Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1913-1936, Volume 2, sv ORĀMĀR
  44. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari bölünüş. October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, p. 47 and Genel Nüfus Sayımı: İdari Bölünüş: İl, İlçe, Bucak ve Köy (Muhtarlık) Nüfusları, October 24, 1965. Ankara 1968, p. 128
  45. Bilge Umar: Türkiye'deki Tarihsel Adlar. Istanbul 1993, p. 586
  46. a b Yunus Koç: XVI. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Kiğı Sancağı'nda İskan ve Toplumsal Yapı (PDF; 388 kB)  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  47. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari bölünüş. October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, p. 46
  48. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 164
  49. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü: Genel Nüfus Sayımı. İdari Bölünüş, October 12, 1980. Ankara 1981, p. 56
  50. ( Memento of the original from January 31, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  51. ^ William Smith: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854)
  52. Cumhuriyetin 50. Yılında Bingöl. Bingöl 1973 İl Yıllığı, Ankara, page 32
  53. Cl. Cahen in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv KHARTPERT
  54. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, Volume 10, p. 553
  55. Sevan Nişanyan: Adini unutan Ülke. Türkiye'de Adı Değiştirilen Yerler Sözlüğü. Istanbul 2010, p. 322
  56. ^ German Archaeological Institute. Branch office Tehran: Archaeological messages from Iran and Turan, Volume 34. Berlin 2006, p. 56
  57. TC Devlet Başbakanlık Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü: Osmanlı Yer Adları. Ankara 2006, p. 567
  58. Bilge Umar: Türkiye'deki Tarihsel Adlar. Istanbul 1993, p. 148