Martyrs of Rochefort

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The 64 martyrs of Rochefort form the subgroup beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995 of the 829 Roman Catholic clergy who were deported in the wake of the persecution of opposition clergy after the French Revolution and held in prison ships off Rochefort under inhumane conditions, of whom at least 505 died .


Memorial cross made of stones on the Île Madame

As part of the increasingly radicalizing de-Christianization policy of the French Revolution, Decree No. 906 on the deportation of clergy to West Africa was issued on October 21, 1793 , which affected all priests who refused to take the oath on the civil constitution of the clergy (the so-called réfractaires ) or had revoked or who had been denounced for “lack of revolutionary civic spirit ” ( incivisme ). Anyone from this group who had not yet emigrated or who could not or did not want to hide was arrested and transported together with other exiles between March and July 1794 in groups under military or police guard on horse carts to Nantes , Bordeaux or Rochefort. Of the total of 2,412 deported clergy, 829 came to Rochefort and were interned there on prison ships (French pontons ), mainly the Deux-Associés and the Washington , two former slave ships . The first prisoners were brought to the Deux-Associés on April 11, 1794 , which was actually intended for the transport of 40 slaves and on which up to 400 captured priests lived at times. Washington was added in mid-June . A departure to Africa was never seriously considered, especially since the ships were completely unsuitable for this and leaving the French ports was not possible anyway because of the British sea ​​blockade .

The priests were kept on the overcrowded ships in excruciating confinement under the strictest guard, with inadequate nutrition and under terrible hygienic conditions. There was a strict ban on praying and speaking Latin . After the conditions on board had become unbearable, the disembarkation of the sick was ordered in August to the island of Citoyenne (today Île Madame , part of Port-des-Barques ), where a temporary tented hospital was set up. Of 83 prisoners brought to the island between August 18 and 20, 1794, 36 died within a few hours of their arrival. At the end of October the hospital was closed due to the harsh weather conditions after many tents were blown away by the wind, and all prisoners had to spend the winter on the ships again. Due to the changes in the political situation in France, the treatment by the guards was somewhat milder from late autumn 1794 and the priests were allowed to leave the ships in January 1795; the survivors had to march in two groups to Saintes and were released there. In total, at least 505 of the 829 priests died, mainly in the period from June to September 1794, of typhus or exhaustion. About half were buried on the island of Aix near Fouras , 254 on Citoyenne / Madame, where today a lying cross made of pebbles commemorates the martyrs.


In 1796 and 1803 a total of three reports were published by survivors. In 1806 the survivor Pierre-Grégoire Labiche de Reignefort left a “very detailed account of the things suffered for the sake of religion in the port of the island of Aix and the surrounding area by the priests who were detained on board the ships Les Deux Associés and Le Washington for refusing to oath in 1794 and 1795 were “( Relation très-détaillée de ce qu'ont souffert pour la religion les prêtres ... détenus en 1794 et 1795 pour refus de serment à bord des vaisseaux“ Les Deux Associés ”et“ Le Washington ”, dans la rade de l 'île d'Aix ou aux environs ), which contains an appeal written by his group of prisoners and illustrates the attitude and hope for the future of this part of the victims. According to this testimony, the survivors promised to bear their suffering in surrender to the will of God with serene peace of mind, to maintain discretion about the experience and not to answer any questions, in particular to keep silence about any weaknesses and mistakes of the imprisoned confreres and to have no regrets after their release To hold no grudges about material losses and to forego future political activity.

In the interests of national reconciliation, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte prevented any public discussion of the subject, so that the fate of the priests fell into oblivion over the decades. The memory of the events was only preserved in the people's memory in the immediate vicinity of the affected places. In 1863 the new pastor of Saint-Nazaire-sur-Charente near Rochefort, Isidore Manseau, learned of the events and in 1886 made a two-volume publication about them. Also the 1821 during the royalist restoration under Louis XVIII. published Martyrology of the French Revolution by the former Dominican Aimé Guillon de Montléon, who placed the victims of religious persecution in revolutionary France in the continuity of early Christian martyrs, already contained a long chapter on the fate of the ship's occupants in Rochefort.


In 1910 the tradition of an annual pilgrimage to Port-des-Barques began in August. At the same time, Bishop Jean-Auguste-François-Eutrope Eyssautier of La Rochelle launched the preliminary information for a beatification process for which Pierre Lemonnier (1848–1924) compiled the material published in 1916 and 1917 (including 590 short biographies). In view of the high demands made in Rome for beatification, the process had to be reopened after the death of Lemonnier by his successor Léandre Poivert. He benefited from the fact that the historian Jacques Hérissay (1882–1969) had now published the book Les pontons de Rochefort (1792–1795) , which was awarded by the Académie Française in 1925 , so that the process in Rome from 1932 to 1936 was historically well documented on 102 Name could focus. The proof of martyrdom according to the valid canonical requirements was not reliably provided. It was not until 1989 that the theologian and historian Yves Blomme (* 1948) dealt with the case again and in 1992 presented a new Positio super Martyrio , which restricts the process to those 64 priests whose identity and worthy of veneration could be adequately determined and secured. The proceedings led to the beatification of "Jean-Baptiste Souzy, 1734–94, and 63 companions" as martyrs by Pope John Paul II on October 1, 1995 .

List of the Blessed (alphabetical)

  • Adam , Louis-Armand-Joseph (born December 19, 1741 in Rouen - † July 13, 1794) Franciscan in Rouen (Deux-Associés)
  • Ancel , Charles-Antoine-Nicolas (born October 11, 1763 in Rouen; † July 29, 1794) Eudist (member of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary ) and seminary teacher in Lisieux (Deux-Associés)
  • Auriel-Constant , Antoine (born April 19, 1764 in Sainte-Mondane ; † June 16, 1794) chaplain in Calviac-en-Périgord and pastor in Sainte-Mondane, diocese of Cahors (Deux-Associés)
  • Banassat , Antoine (born May 20, 1729 in Guéret - † August 18, 1794), pastor of Saint-Fiel (where a street is named after him) and member of the Estates General from 1789 to September 30, 1791 (Deux-Associés )
  • Beguignot , Claude (born September 19, 1736 in Langres; † July 16, 1794) Carthusian monks in Le Petit-Quevilly (Deux Associés)
  • Bourdon , Jean, Pater Protais (born April 3, 1747 in Sées ; † August 23, 1794) Capuchins in Sotteville-lès-Rouen (Deux-Associés)
  • Brigeat (de) Lambert , Scipion-Jérôme (born June 9, 1733 in Ligny-en-Barrois ; † September 4, 1794) Canon and dean of the canons in Avranches , previously Vicar General (Washington)
  • Brulard , Michel-Louis (born June 11, 1758 in Chartres; † July 25, 1794) friar of the Discalced Carmelites in Charenton-le-Pont (Deux-Associés)
  • Brunel , Gervais-Protais (born June 18, 1744 in Magnières, Département Meurthe-et-Moselle ; † August 20, 1794) Trappist, prior of the La Trappe monastery (whose novice master was Augustin de Lestrange ) (Deux Associés)
  • Charles , Paul-Jean, Pater Paul (born September 29, 1743 in Millery, Département Côte-d'Or , † August 25, 1794) Trappist , prior of the Sept-Fons monastery (Deux-Associés)
  • Collas du Bignon , Charles-René (born August 25, 1743 in Mayenne; † June 3, 1794) Sulpizianer, seminar director in Bourges (Deux-Associés, Aix island)
  • Cordier , Jean-Nicolas (born December 3, 1710 in Saint-André-en-Barrois, Département Meuse ; † September 30, 1794) Jesuit (until 1773), priest in the Diocese of Verdun (Washington)
  • De Bruxelles , Jean-Baptiste (born September 12, 1734 in Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat ; July 18, 1794) Canon in his place of birth (Deux Associés)
  • Desgardin , Augustin-Joseph, Frater Élie (* December 21, 1750 in Hénin-Liétard ; † July 6, 1794) Trappist from the Sept-Fons Monastery (Deux Associés)
  • Dumonet , Claude (born February 2, 1747 in Prissé ; † September 13, 1794) priest and high school teacher in Mâcon (Washington)
  • Dumontet de Cardaillac , Florent (born February 8, 1749 in Saint-Méard , † September 5, 1794) confessor of the later Louis XVIII. and the Countess of Provence Maria Josepha of Savoy , then Vicar General of the Diocese of Castres (Deux-Associés)
  • Dupas , Jacques-Morelle (born November 10, 1754 in Ruffec (Charente) ; June 21, 1794) chaplain in Ruffec (Deux-Associés)
  • Duverneuil , Jean-Baptiste, Pater Léonard (* approx. 1737 in Limoges; † July 1, 1794) friar of the Discalced Carmelites in Angoulême (Deux-Associés)
  • Favergne (or: Faverge ), Pierre-Sulpice-Christophe, Brother Roger (born July 25, 1745 in Orléans; † September 12, 1794), member of the brothers of the Christian schools , headmaster in Moulins (Deux-Associés)
  • François , François, Father Sébastien (born January 17, 1749 in Nancy; † August 10, 1794) Capuchin (Deux-Associés)
  • Gabilhaud , Pierre (born July 26, 1747 in Pont-Saint-Martin, today: Saint-Bonnet-de-Bellac and Saint-Sornin-la-Marche ; † August 13, 1794) pastor of Saint-Christophe (Creuse) (Deux -Associés)
  • Gagnot , Jacques, brother Hubert de Saint-Claude (born February 9, 1753 in Frolois near Nancy; † September 10, 1794) friar of the Discalced Carmelites in Nancy (Deux-Associés)
  • Guillaume , Jean-Baptiste, brother Uldaric (born February 1, 1755 in Fraisans ; † August 27, 1794) member of the brothers of the Christian schools in Nancy (Deux-Associés)
  • Hanus (de Jumécourt), Charles-Arnould (born October 18, 1723 in Nancy - † August 28, 1794) pastor of Ligny-en-Barrois (Washington)
  • Hunot , François (February 12, 1753 in Brienon-sur-Armançon , † October 6, 1794) Canon in Brienon-sur-Armançon (Washington)
  • Hunot , Jean (born September 21, 1742 in Brienon-sur-Armançon, † October 7, 1794) Canon in Brienon-sur-Armançon (Washington)
  • Hunot , Sébastien-Loup (born August 7, 1745 in Brienon-sur-Armançon, † November 17, 1794) Canon in Brienon-sur-Armançon (Washington)
  • Huppy , Louis-Wulphy (born April 1, 1767 in Rue (Somme) ; † August 29, 1794) priest of the Diocese of Limoges (Deux-Associés)
  • Imbert , Joseph (born December 15, 1719 in Marseille; † June 9, 1794) Jesuit, vicar general in Moulins (Deux-Associés)
  • Jarrige de La Morelie de Biars , Barthélemy (born March 18, 1753 in Moutier, Haute-Vienne ; July 13, 1794) Benedictine monks of the Lézat-sur-Lèze Abbey (Deux Associés)
  • Jarrige de La Morelie de Breuil , Jean-François (born January 11, 1752 in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche , † July 31, 1794) Canon in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche (Deux-Associés)
  • Jarrige de La Morelie de Puyredon , Pierre (born April 19, 1737 in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche ; † August 12, 1794) Canon in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche (Deux-Associés, Aix island)
  • Jouffret de Bonnefont , Claude-Joseph (* December 23, 1752 in Gannat ; † August 10, 1794) Sulpizianer, seminar director in Autun (Deux Associés)
  • Juge de Saint-Martin , Joseph (born June 14, 1739 in Limoges; † July 7, 1794) Sulpizian, canon and seminary director in Limoges (Deux-Associées)
  • Labiche de Reignefort , Marcel-Gaucher (born November 3, 1751 in Limoges; † July 26, 1794) Member of the Societas Missionariorum in Limoges, brother of Pierre-Grégoire Labiche de Reignefort (1756-1831), survivor and most important reporter (Deux- Associés)
  • Laborie Du Vivier , Jean-Baptiste (born September 19, 1743 in Mâcon ; † September 27, 1794) Canon of the Cathedral of Mâcon (Deux-Associés)
  • Labrouhe de Laborderie , Pierre-Yrieix (born May 24, 1756 in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche, † July 1, 1794) Canon in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche (Deux-Associés)
  • Laplace , Claude (born November 15, 1725 in Bourbon-Lancy ; † September 14, 1794) priest in Autun and / or Moulins (Deux Associés)
  • Laurent de Mascloux , Claude-Barnabé (born June 11, 1735 in Le Dorat ; † September 7, 1794) Canon in Le Dorat (Deux-Associés)
  • Lebrun , Louis-François (born April 4, 1744 in Rouen - † August 20, 1794) Mauriner from the Abbey of Saint-Wandrille (Deux-Associés)
  • Le Conte , Noël-Hilaire (born October 3, 1765 in Chartres; † August 17, 1794) priest and church musician of the cathedral in Bourges (Deux-Associés)
  • Le Groing de la Romagère , Pierre-Joseph (born June 28, 1752 in Saint-Sauvier, Département Allier ; † July 26, 1794) Vicar General of the Diocese of Bourges, brother of Mathias Le Groing de La Romagère (1756–1841), later bishop of Saint-Brieuc and Tréguier, survivor and reporter (Deux-Associés)
  • Leymarie de Laroche , Élie (born January 8, 1758 in Annesse-et-Beaulieu , † August 22, 1794) prior in Coutras , church Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Deux-Associés)
  • Loir , Jean Baptiste Jacques Louis Xavier (born March 11, 1720 in Besançon; † May 9, 1794) Capuchin in Lyon (Deux-Associés)
  • Lombardie , Jacques (born December 1, 1737 in Limoges - † July 22, 1794) pastor of Saint-Hilaire-Foissac (Deux-Associées)
  • Marchand , Michel-Bernard (born September 28, 1749 in Le Havre ; † July 15, 1794) priest in the diocese of Rouen (Deux-Associés)
  • Marchandon , André-Joseph (born August 21, 1745 in Bénévent-l'Abbaye ; † September 22, 1794) pastor of Marsac (Creuse) (Deux-Associés)
  • Mayaudon , François (born May 4, 1739 in Terrasson-Lavilledieu ; † September 11, 1794) Canon and vicar general in Soissons, previously in Saint-Brieuc (Deux-Associés)
  • Ménestrel , Jean-Baptiste (born December 5, 1748 in Serécourt , † August 16, 1794) Canon in Remiremont (Washington)
  • Mopinot , Jean, frère Léon (born April 7, 1724 in Reims; † May 21, 1794) member of the brothers of the Christian schools in Moulins (Deux-Associés)
  • Noël , Pierre-Michel (born February 23, 1754 in Pavilly ; † August 5, 1794) priest in the diocese of Rouen (Deux-Associés)
  • Oudinot de la Boissière , François d '(born September 3, 1746 in Saint-Germain-les-Belles ; † September 7, 1794) Canon in the Diocese of Limoges (Deux-Associés)
  • Papon , Philippe (October 5, 1744 in Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule ; † June 17, 1794) Pastor of Contigny, Allier Department (Deux-Associés)
  • Pergaud , Gabriel (born October 29, 1752 in Saint-Priest-la-Plaine ; † July 21, 1794) Augustinian canon in the Beaulieu monastery in Languédias (Deux-Associés)
  • Petiniaud de Jourgnac , Raymond (born January 3, 1747 in Limoges , † June 26, 1794) Vicar General of the Diocese of Limoges (Deux-Associés, island of Aix)
  • Rehm , Jean-Georges, Pater Thomas (born April 21, 1752 in Katzenthal ; † August 11, 1794) Dominicans in Sélestat (Deux-Associés)
  • René , Georges-Edme (born November 16, 1748 in Saint-Père (Yonne) , † October 2, 1794) Canon in Vézélay (Washington)
  • Retouret , Jacques (born September 15, 1746 in Limoges; † August 26, 1794) Carmelite in Limoges (Deux-Associés)
  • Richard , Claude (born May 19, 1741 in Lérouville ; † August 9, 1794) Benedictine monks in Moyenmoutier (Deux-Associés)
  • Savouret , Nicolas (born February 27, 1733 in Jonvelle ; † July 16, 1794) Franciscan in Moulins, doctor of theology (Deux-Associés)
  • Souzy , Jean-Baptiste (born March 24, 1732 in La Rochelle ; † August 27, 1794) vicar general of the diocese of La Rochelle and the deportees (Deux-Associés)
  • Tabouillot , Nicolas (born February 16, 1745 in Bar-le-Duc ; † February 23, 1795) pastor of Méligny-le-Grand, Département Meuse (Washington) (not to be confused with the historian of the same name, 1734–1799)
  • Tiersot , Lazare (born March 29, 1739 in Semur-en-Auxois ; † August 10, 1794) since 1769 Carthusian in Beaune (Washington)
  • Vernoy de Montjournal , Jean-Baptiste (born November 17, 1736 in Autun; † June 1, 1794) Canon in Moulins (Deux-Associés)


  • Yves Blomme: Les prêtres déportés sur les pontons de Rochefort. Éditions Bordessoules, Saint-Jean-d'Angély 1994 (with a foreword by Jacques David ; 2nd edition 2005 with a foreword by Georges Pontier ).
  • Klaus Martin Reichenbach: Florilegium Martyriologii Romani. Cologne 2006, entry for August 27th (published online in the ÖHL ).
  • Aimé Guillon de Montléon: Art. Rochefort , in: Les Martyrs de la foi pendant la révolution française, ou Martyrologe des pontifes, prêtres, religieux, religieuses, laïcs de l'un et l'autre sexe, qui périrent alors pour la foi. Volume 1. Mathiot, Paris 1821, pp. 353-376 ( digitized version of the Bibliothèque nationale de France ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Yves Blomme: Les prêtres déportés sur les pontons de Rochefort , Saint-Jean-d'Angély 1994, pp. 142-144.
  2. Beatifications by John Paul II and Benedict XVI. (until 2010). In: Herder's Lexicon of Saints. Freiburg im Breisgau 2011, ISBN 978-3-451-06180-6 , p. 387.