17th German Bundestag

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Logo of the Deutscher Bundestag.svg

The 17th German Bundestag existed between October 27, 2009 and October 22, 2013. The 17th German Bundestag held a total of 253 sessions, with the last session taking place on September 3, 2013. The 17th German Bundestag was constituted by the 2009 Bundestag election , which took place on September 27, 2009.

Old president was Heinz Riesenhuber of the CDU (Federal Minister retd.).

On October 28, 2009 the 17th German Bundestag elected Angela Merkel for the second time as Chancellor with 323 votes in favor, 285 against and 4 abstentions in the first ballot (see also Merkel II cabinet ).

Members of the Bundestag

Parliamentary groups in the plenary session of the 17th electoral term
(as of October 2013)
A total of 620 seats

At the beginning of the legislative period, the 17th German Bundestag had a total of 622 members; in September 2013 there were still 620 members. The CDU / CSU had the highest share of seats with 239 seats (237 at the end), followed by the SPD with 146 seats. In addition, the FDP (93 seats), Die Linke (76 seats, at the end 75) and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen (68 seats) were represented in the 17th German Bundestag . In December 2012, Wolfgang Nešković resigned from the left-wing parliamentary group and was the only non-attached MP until the end of the legislative period .

Presidium of the Bundestag

Norbert Lammert was elected President of the Bundestag in the first session with 522 votes in favor, 66 against and 29 abstentions. The composition of the Presidium remained the same, with the exception of Susanne Kastner .


The 17th German Bundestag produced a total of 14,732 Bundestag printed matter , which exceeded the previous record of 14,163 Bundestag printed matter of the 16th German Bundestag .


A total of 844 legislative initiatives were introduced in the Bundestag, of which 484 are based on government proposals, 82 on initiatives by the Bundesrat and 278 on initiatives by the Bundestag. 789 laws were dealt with in the first consultation and a total of 553 were passed by the Bundestag. The following received special media attention:

Two laws were introduced by individual MPs from different political groups and no party discipline decided. These were the law regulating pre-implantation diagnostics ( pre-implantation diagnostics law for short ) of July 7, 2011 and the law amending the transplantation law on May 25, 2012. Two further laws came about through the cooperation of all parliamentary groups: the law on the cooperation of Federal Government and German Bundestag in Matters of the European Union (EUZBBG) , which was passed on April 18, 2013, and the Act on the 21st Amendment of the Federal Election Act , which was passed on January 31, 2013 and changed the right to vote for Germans abroad .


The 17th German Bundestag had 22 standing committees. Compared to the 16th German Bundestag , the number and names of the committees remained the same. Only the number of members and chairmanship changed.


The 17th German Bundestag constituted nine bodies , including special control bodies . The work of the committees goes “beyond the consultation of concrete legislative proposals []”. The committees also include a total of two study commissions .

Committee Chair Members CDU / CSU SPD FDP The left Alliance 90 /
The Greens
Committee according to Article 13 Paragraph 6 of the Basic Law Norbert Geis 9 4th 2 1 1 1
Study Commission Internet and Digital Society Axel E. Fischer 17 (+17 experts) 6th 4th 3 2 2
Study Commission Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life Daniela Kolbe 17 (+17 experts) 6th 4th 3 2 2
Committee in accordance with Section 10a of the Financial Market Stabilization Act Florian Toncar 9 4th 2 1 1 1
G 10 commission Hans de With 4 (1 member + 3 people who are not members of the German Bundestag) 1
Parliamentary Control Body (PKGr) Thomas Oppermann 11 4th 3 2 1 1
Committee according to Section 23c (8) of the Customs Investigation Service Act Ruprecht Polenz 9 4th 2 1 1 1
Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development Andreas Jung 22nd 9 5 3 3 2
Electoral Committee Wolfgang Nešković 12 5 3 2 1 1

The parliamentary groups that chair the respective bodies are marked in color.

Parliamentary control

Inquiries, current hours and surveys

In total, there were 54 large inquiries and 3,626 small inquiries during the 17th German Bundestag . In addition, there were 131 current hours , 71 question hours and 69 surveys of the federal government .

Committees of inquiry

During the legislative period of the 17th German Bundestag, there were two committees of inquiry .

1. Committee of Inquiry

On March 26, 2010, the 1st committee of inquiry was set up, which is known as the "Gorleben committee of inquiry". Between April 22, 2010 and May 16, 2013, 100 meetings were held to examine the circumstances under which only the Gorleben site was examined for its suitability as a repository.

The committee consisted of six members of the CDU / CSU ( Maria Flachsbarth , Reinhard Grindel , Dietrich Monstadt , Franz Obermeier , Michael Paul and Eckhard Pols ), three members of the SPD ( Marco Bülow until October 5, 2010, Sebastian Edathy until February 7, 2012 , Michael Gerdes from October 5, 2010 to September 20, 2011, Kirsten Lühmann from September 20, 2011, Matthias Miersch from February 7, 2012 and Ute Vogt ) and two members of the FDP each ( Angelika Brunkhorst , Marco Buschmann ), the left ( Dorothée Menzner , Kornelia Möller ) and the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ( Sylvia Kotting-Uhl , Dorothea Steiner ). The chairman was Maria Flachsbarth.

The final report of the committee of inquiry is 836 pages long and was published on May 16, 2013.

2. Committee of Inquiry

The 2nd committee of inquiry was set up on January 26, 2012, it was also known as the " NSU committee of inquiry ", which was supposed to "contribute to the investigation of the acts of the terrorist group" National Socialist Underground "" and clarify the role of the "security and investigative authorities". From January 27, 2012 to August 22, 2013, 76 meetings were held.

The committee consisted of four members of the CDU / CSU ( Clemens Binninger , Tankred Schipanski , Armin Schuster , Stephan Stracke ), three members of the SPD ( Sebastian Edathy , Eva Högl , Sönke Rix ), two members of the FDP ( Serkan Tören , Hartfrid Wolff ) , and one member each from the Left ( Petra Pau ) and from Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ( Wolfgang Wieland ). The chairman was Sebastian Edathy.

The final report of the committee of inquiry is 1,357 pages long and was published on August 22, 2013.

Defense Committee as a committee of inquiry

According to Art. 45a of the Basic Law, the Defense Committee has the rights of a committee of inquiry. An investigation must be carried out at the request of a quarter of its members. This happened twice during the 17th German Bundestag. The composition of the committees of inquiry is identical to the composition of the defense committee.

1. Committee of Inquiry into the Air Raid near Kunduz

Signs campaign of the left on February 26, 2010

The air attack near Kunduz took place on September 4, 2009. 142 people were killed. As a result of the attack, Franz Josef Jung resigned from his post on November 27, 2009 because of criticism of the information policy. He was Federal Minister of Defense at the time of the attack . In a debate in the Bundestag on February 26, 2010, there was a scandal when the left-wing parliamentary group held up signs with obituaries for the victims of the air attack. You were then expelled from the plenary.

The committee of inquiry was constituted on December 16, 2009 and had the task of investigating the air strike and the “reconnaissance and information practice of the federal government” as well as “reconciling the chosen approach with national and multinational political, legal and military requirements for the deployment in Afghanistan " to investigate. Between December 16, 2009 and October 20, 2011, 58 meetings were held.

On October 20, 2011, the committee presented its 580-page final report.

2. Committee of Inquiry into the EURO HAWK development project

Due to the Euro-Hawk affair , the 2nd committee of inquiry was constituted on June 26, 2013, to examine the "contractual, legal, budgetary, military, technological and political aspects" of the EuroHawk development, as well as the "educational and information practice of the federal government" should investigate. Nine meetings were held between June 26, 2013 and August 26, 2013.

The committee presented its final report on August 26, 2013. The report has a total of 1,530 pages.

Special sessions

During the 17th electoral term, there were several special meetings, the 160th meeting on February 27, 2012, the 189th meeting on July 19, 2012 and the 248th meeting on June 25, 2013. It also took place on 2nd (252nd meeting) and 3 September 2013 (253rd meeting) on ​​special sessions.

In the 160th meeting, the Chancellor made the government statement, and the agenda also included a discussion of an application from the Federal Ministry of Finance on “financial aid for the benefit of the Hellenic Republic”. The topics of the 189th meeting were the government declaration by the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble and a debate on a proposal for “financial aid for Spain”. With regard to the 2013 flood , the 248th meeting discussed financial aid. In the meetings of September 2 and 3, 2013, the 2014 federal budget was discussed.

Speeches by foreign guests and guest speakers in front of the members of the German Bundestag

During the 17th German Bundestag, four foreign guests spoke in the plenary session of the Bundestag. The Polish historian Feliks Tych and Israeli President Shimon Peres spoke at the German Bundestag's commemoration for the victims of National Socialism on January 27, 2010 . At the memorial hour of the German Bundestag for the victims of National Socialism on January 27, 2011, Zoni Weisz , a survivor of the Holocaust , spoke . Marcel Reich-Ranicki spoke at the memorial hour for the victims of National Socialism on January 27, 2012 .

On September 22, 2011, Benedict XVI. a speech in which he dealt with the "basics of the free constitutional state ". The speech took place “as part of his state visit ” (ie in his function as head of state of the State of Vatican City ) at an invitation from Bundestag President Norbert Lammerts , which was addressed to the Pope “with the consent of all parliamentary groups”.

The Elysée Treaty was honored on January 22, 2013 , and a joint session of the two parliaments, the "Elysée Session", took place. During the meeting, the President of France François Hollande , the President of the French National Assembly Claude Bartolone and the chairmen of the respective parliamentary groups in the National Assembly Bruno Le Roux ( SRC ), Christian Jacob ( UMP ), Jean-Louis Borloo ( UDI ), François de Rugy spoke ( Groupe écologiste ), Joël Giraud ( RRDP ) and André Chassaigne ( GDR ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ German Bundestag: Plenary Protocol 17/1 (PDF; 477 kB), accessed on September 17, 2013
  2. German Bundestag plenary proceedings 17/253 (PDF; 1.5 MB), accessed on September 17, 2013
  3. See printed matter 17/14732 of September 9, 2013 (PDF; 104 kB), as of September 29, 2013
  4. Statistics of Legislation - Overview 17th electoral term. (PDF; 20 kB) In: bundestag.de. German Bundestag, December 6, 2013, p. 1 , accessed June 17, 2017 .
  5. a b Deutschland.de: The 17th legislative period in figures ( memento of October 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), September 19, 2013, accessed on September 29, 2013
  6. 8.2 List of committees. (PDF; 616 kB) 16th electoral term (2005–2009) / 17th electoral term (2009–2013). In: Data Handbook on the History of the German Bundestag 1990 to 2010. German Bundestag, June 7, 2017, pp. 17–23 , accessed on June 17, 2017 .
  7. ^ German Bundestag (archive): Further bodies , accessed on June 17, 2017
  8. ^ Statistics of parliamentary control activities. (PDF; 6 kB) Overview 17th electoral term. In: bundestag.de. German Bundestag, December 6, 2013, p. 1 , accessed June 17, 2017 .
  9. a b German Bundestag: 1st Committee of Inquiry (Gorleben) ( Memento from September 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on September 17, 2013
  10. German Bundestag: Decision recommendation and report of the 1st committee of inquiry (printed matter 17/13700) (PDF; 9.8 MB), pages 815–818, accessed on September 17, 2013
  11. a b German Bundestag: Decision recommendation and report of the 1st committee of inquiry under Article 44 of the Basic Law (printed matter 17/13700) (PDF; 9.8 MB), 23 May 2013, accessed on 17 September 2013
  12. German Bundestag (archive): 2nd committee of inquiry (“Terror Group National Socialist Underground”) , accessed on June 17, 2017.
  13. German Bundestag: Recommended resolution and report of the 2nd committee of inquiry (printed matter 17/14600) (PDF; 13.9 MB), electronic preliminary version, pages 1305-1309, accessed on September 17, 2013.
  14. ^ German Bundestag (archive): Members of the 2nd Committee of Inquiry , accessed on June 17, 2017.
  15. German Bundestag: Recommended resolution and report of the 2nd committee of inquiry (printed matter 17/14600) (PDF; 13.9 MB), electronic preliminary version, accessed on September 17, 2013.
  16. ^ German Bundestag (archive): 1st committee of inquiry into the air strike near Kunduz , accessed on June 17, 2017
  17. German Bundestag: Recommended resolution and report (printed matter 17/7400) (PDF; 9.4 MB), page 550f, October 25, 2011, accessed on September 17, 2013
  18. German Bundestag: Recommended resolution and report (printed matter 17/7400) (PDF; 9.4 MB), October 25, 2011, accessed on September 17, 2013
  19. German Bundestag (archive): 2nd committee of inquiry into the EURO HAWK development project (2nd committee of inquiry) , accessed on June 17, 2017
  20. ^ German Bundestag: Recommendation for a resolution and report (printed matter 17/14650) (PDF; 24.5 MB), page 645, September 2, 2013, accessed on September 18, 2013
  21. ^ German Bundestag: Recommendation for a resolution and report (printed matter 17/14650) (PDF; 24.5 MB), September 2, 2013, accessed on September 18, 2013
  22. a b c 7.4 Special Sessions. (PDF; 203 kB) In: Data Handbook on the History of the German Bundestag from 1990 to 2010. German Bundestag, October 20, 2015, pp. 6–7 , accessed on June 17, 2017 .
  23. German Bundestag (archive): Sessions in the German Bundestag 2013 , accessed on June 17, 2017
  24. German Bundestag plenary proceedings 17/248 (PDF; 489 kB), accessed on September 17, 2013
  25. dpa: special sessions on September 2 and 3, April 20, 2013, accessed on September 17, 2013
  26. German Bundestag: Prof. Dr. Feliks Tych (January 27, 2010) , accessed September 17, 2013
  27. ^ German Bundestag: Shimon Peres (January 27, 2010) , accessed on September 17, 2013
  28. ^ German Bundestag: Zoni Weisz , accessed on September 17, 2013
  29. ^ German Bundestag: When the resettlement in the death began , accessed on September 17, 2013
  30. ^ German Bundestag: Pope Benedict XVI. , accessed September 17, 2013
  31. ^ German Bundestag: "Paris and Berlin are a community of fate" , accessed on September 17, 2013

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