al-quds day
The al-Quds day or al-Kuds day ( Persian روز جهانی قدس Rūz-e dschahānī-ye Ghods , 'International Jerusalem Day ', after the Arabic name for Jerusalem , Arabic القدس al-Quds 'the saint') was proclaimed on August 7, 1979 by the Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and set for the last Friday (“Jumu'atul Wida”) of the Islamic month of Ramadan . Theday of protest, which takes placein Iran as a state-organized mass demonstration, is directed against the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem with the Al-Aqsa mosque , but also against the Israeli presence in the western part of the city and against the very existence of Israel , whose destruction in favor of a new state of Palestine is called for becomes. In addition, the USA is declared the imperialist protection power of Israel and also an opponent. The al-Quds days are therefore anti-Israeli (anti-Zionist) and anti-American rallies.
Al-Quds Day has also been held in other Islamic countries since 1988, according to a resolution by the Organization for Islamic Cooperation . In Lebanon , the Hezbollah militia used the day to hold paramilitary parades in Beirut . Palestinians from the refugee camps also take part in the manifestations .
In the USA, Canada , Austria and Great Britain , al-Quds days take place every year, in Germany since the mid-1990s, whereby an “ideological crossover” of heterogeneous groups can be observed.
Since its proclamation, al-Quds Day has repeatedly been marked by conflicts in the Middle East . In 2014, the Israeli invasion of the Gaza area led to the protest marches spreading across the world for the first time. It was in Nigeria a massacre of the participants committed.
Counter-demonstrations for al-Quds Day may be held. a. in London , Berlin and Vienna held to solidarity to reaffirm with Israel to express and its right to exist.
Fundamental studies of independent research on al-Quds-Day, be it in the orientalist , sociological , political or historical field, are still pending, so that the evaluations are largely left to the conflict parties themselves and political interest groups and journalists . This particularly concerns the question of whether the declared opposition to Israel and the USA includes anti-Semitism or not.

Al-Quds Day goes back to an appeal by the Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini . During the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan 1979, he took the offensive of Israel in Palestinian areas in southern Lebanon on August 7, 1979 as the occasion for a speech in which he declared the last Friday of Ramadan to be Quds Day: “I have welcomed Muslims for many years pointed out the danger emanating from the usurper Israel, which is intensifying today in the severe attack on Palestinian brothers and sisters, particularly in southern Lebanon, where Palestinian homes continue to be bombed in hopes of crushing the Palestinian struggle. I call on the Muslims of the world and the Islamic governments to shake hands with this usurper and his supporters (كوتاه كردن دست) ”and on the last Friday of Ramadan to declare“ international Muslim solidarity in support of the legitimate rights of the Muslim Palestinian people ” . The “Quds day” is a “day of the oppressed against the superpowers”, which Khomeini referred to in the same speech as “scum” (تفالههايي). There he called Israel "the enemy of humanity" (اسرائيل دشمن بشريت).
In his speech for the first al-Quds Day, August 17, 1979 (26 Mordad 1358) in Qom urged Khomeini to establish an international Party of God, to which this day should be the starting point: "I hope that this is the first step to worldwide creation of a party of the oppressed ”(حزب مستضعفین), which should be the“ party of God ”. He reaffirmed the unity of Muslims and, in view of the increasing domestic political resistance to the mullah regime, announced a tightened implementation of the revolution through party and newspaper bans and through the condemnation of "non-revolutionary" forces. With reference to the occasion of Al-Quds Day, it was said that the Muslims had "given Israel a lot of time". Then Chomeni reported on the historical events of the year 627 in Medina and stated that Imam Ali was an “exemplary man”: “He did not hesitate to raise his sword against the mighty and those who conspired with them. It is said that in one day he stroked his sword over seven hundred Jews of the Quraiza tribe, from which today's Israelis may have descended. "
Goals of the al-Quds days and their course in Iran
During the increasing protests against the mullah regime in August 1979, in which there were sometimes bloody street battles in Tehran, the proclamation of al-Quds-Day initially served to refute the nationalist currents and to give them the idea of a higher Islamic community, Umma , and to oppose an international revolution under Iranian leadership. To what extent this strategy of the revolutionary leader Khomeini achieved the desired domestic political success or rather failed it and thereby contributed to the events of November 1979 provoked by the regime, remains a question of research. But the ambivalence of the proclamation of al-Quds-Day is hardly called into question anymore due to the secret negotiations between Iran, the USA and Israel about the US-American and Israeli arms deliveries to Iran from 1980–1988 that began in 1979 .
In the speech of August 7, 1979, various demands or declarations were combined to proclaim the al-Quds day:
- The end of Israeli rule over the area of the al-Aqsa mosque and thus over the Temple Mount / al-ḥaram aš-šarīf - in accordance with demand 1, i of Resolution 242 of the UN Security Council of 1967 (see also: Resolution 478 of the UN -Security Council of 1980).
- The end of Israeli rule over both parts of Jerusalem, including West Jerusalem - contrary to UN resolution 242 of the UN Security Council.
- The end of the statehood of Israel as a whole - d. i. the rejection of Israel's right to exist.
- Solidarity with the Palestinian people in the fight against Israel.
- The Islamic struggle against the USA, which represents a unity with Israel as its protective power.
These demands were also made by Khomeini's successor Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian presidents Akbar Hāschemi Rafsanjāni and Mohammad Khātami, who are considered moderate, on the occasion of the al-Quds days. Representatives of the Iranian government as well as participants in the al-Quds demonstrations there emphasize, however, that the protests are aimed solely at the “Zionist regime that is occupying Jerusalem” and are not directed against Jews in general. a. Reference is made to the comparatively high proportion of Jewish people in Iran and to the fact that the numerous Iranian synagogues and Jewish institutions, unlike in European countries, do not have to be guarded because there has never been an attack on a synagogue in Iran. This is countered by the fact that anti-Semitism was already evident in Khomeini's writings and had shaped his political ideology as well as that of his companions, in which the al-Quds day should be classified.
During the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadineschād , who convened a conference on Holocaust denial in Iran in 2006 - whereupon Haroun Yashayaei, chairman of the Council of Iranian Jews, and Maurice Motamed , representative of the Jewish minority in the Iranian parliament - publicly contradicted the president - Al-Quds Day 2010 was used by him as an opportunity to repeat the denial.
The al-Quds days in Iran are organized by “people's mobilization units” that transport residents of the poorer rural areas to the big cities for this purpose, although they are not usually refused for fear of consequences. Also "the officials and many students and pupils are obliged" to take part in the march. The number of voluntary participants in the Iranian al-Quds days can therefore hardly be determined, but most of them are state-organized propaganda events at which Israeli and US flags are regularly burned and "Down with Israel", "Down with the USA ”,“ Death of Israel ”and“ Death of the USA ”is chanted.
According to R. Howard, the common agenda with Palestinians on al-Quds Day is increasingly being questioned by young Iranians. In 2003, at rallies at Tehran University, the call for more democracy was loud and the government should "forget Palestine and think of us."
On September 18, 2009, al-Quds Day in Tehran was used by thousands of opposition members in the course of the months-long protests in 2009 to demonstrate against then President Ahmadinejad. The demonstrators now chanted: "Death to the dictator" and "Not Gaza, not Lebanon - my life for Iran."
However, on the occasion of Israel's military offensive in Gaza from July 8 to August 26, 2014, al-Quds Day in Tehran on July 25 became an anti-Israeli protest, in which moderate President Hassan Rouhani, in view of the Incidents discussed by the United Nations as " war crimes " said that "the Islamic world today must unanimously declare its hatred and resistance to Israel" because what "the Zionists are doing in Gaza" was " genocide ".
In 2018, however, the al-Quds tag in Iran was again used under the hashtag WeStandWithIsrael to spread the opposite slogan, which is estimated to have reached around 2.5 million Iranians.
Distribution in Islamic countries until 2006
The response from the Arab world to al-Quds Day in Iran, which was by no means prompt, “reflects in a reliable way the course of Iranian politics, its actions and expansions”, according to F. Ceccarini in a study on the dispute over the city. Y. Reiter states that for a long time the approval of Arab countries was only “lip service” to “the Palestinian cause”. It is indicative of this that the Organization for Islamic Cooperation only decided in January 1988, under the impression of the first Intifada , that al-Quds Day should take place in public places throughout the Arab world.
The day of action was opposed to the state-organized Jerusalem Day ( Yom Yerushalayim ), which has been held by Israel since 1968, the year after the occupation of the eastern part of the city, and has been a public holiday there since 1998. According to Y. Reiter, Jordan has been holding academic conferences on al-Quds Day since 1989. a. the former Jordanian Foreign Minister and UN Ambassador Hazem Nusseibeh and the former Jordanian Parliament Speaker Abdul Latif Arabiyat attended.
The Iranian-proclaimed Pan-Islamic Day of Action was initially prevented from spreading rapidly by the war between Iran and Iraq, which lasted from 1980 to 1988, in which the PLO and some Arab countries such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia sided with Saddam Hussein (see : Arab support for Iraq in the First Gulf War ).
With the emergence of Hezbollah , which was formed as a paramilitary organization in the resistance to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and, supported by the Iranian Hezbollah , founded in 1985 as a political party, the manifestations on al-Quds Day were already carried out in Lebanon to illustrate Hezbollah's commitment to Palestine. Palestinian refugee camps such as Ain al-Hilweh also took part.
Hassan Nasrallah , Secretary General of Hezbollah, has been using al-Quds Day since the mid-1990s to hold uniformed parades and, based on the self-portrayal of state armies on national holidays, to demonstrate massive military strength, with thousands of Hezbollah fighters in Beirut every year march. The paramilitary parades by the Islamic Human Rights Commission ( Islamic Human Rights Commission supported) in London. After the 2006 Lebanon War , however, Hezbollah canceled the troop deployment in October, because shortly before, on September 21, hundreds of thousands of supporters had already celebrated a victory parade in bombed Beirut.
The course in the United Kingdom (Great Britain)
In the United Kingdom , the al-Quds days are both Shiite and Sunni in terms of organization and participants, with the Jewish-Orthodox Israel opponents of the Neturei Karta also being among the supporting organizers. From London, the organization Innovative Minds will also send electronic invitations for the marches from Toronto, Washington and Berlin.
As responsible for the organization and the spread of al-Quds Day, which was founded in 1997 applies Islamic Menschenrechtskommsission ( Islamic Human Rights Commission ) in London , formally an NPO in consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA). It is controversial because of its Khomeinist positions and ties to the Iranian government and Hezbollah. In 2000, its co-founder and chairman, Massoud Shadjareh, called for the al-Quds march against “Israeli violence and apartheid” and spoke of “Israeli atrocities”.
In addition to the Shiite Islamic Center of England , the Sunni associations Muslim Association of Britain and Muslim Council of Britain are among the organizers, as is the Palestine Return Center . The Neturei Karta , which is strictly anti-Zionist for theological reasons, agrees here as in other cases with the Palestinian position, demands the end of Israel on the al-Quds marches and burns Israeli flags. Representatives of the Islamic Human Rights Commission refer to their supporters as the "only rabbis" and the "only legitimate representative of the Jewish community", although according to E. Fox they represent only 0.3 percent of the world's Jewish population.
A counter-demonstration was organized in London in 2004 by Iranian students and supporters of the democratization of Iran, the Alliance of Iranian Students , which distributed leaflets accusing Iran of "using the Palestinian cause as a means of propaganda" and which indicated that that the Islamic Republic "executed thousands of dissidents" in the 25 years of its existence. It was called to defy the "al-Quds day" ("to defy their Al-Quds day").
With the Israeli offensive in Gaza in 2008/2009, the " Operation Cast Lead ", and the killing of children confirmed by the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem and Amnesty International and confirmed by the Israeli army, however, a radicalization of terminology on the al- Quds days. Referring to the events, the journalist Lauren Booth, sister-in-law of Tony Blair , accused him of her participation in the al-Quds march in Tehran in 2009 in a media published by Iranian foreign broadcaster Press TV , Al-Jazeera , Middle East Monitor and other media: Al Quds Day Letter ”in September 2010 alleged complicity in the causes and named places where“ Israel had massacred children in recent years ”. (The number of Palestinian victims under the age of 16 during the 2008/2009 Gaza offensive ranged from 89 to 320).
After the renewed invasion of Gaza in 2014, the slogan “killers of Gaza children” was increasingly chanted on the al-Quds Day marches in the United Kingdom.
In 2015, the accused Islamic Human Rights Commission to the transmitter BBC before, "to obscure the situation in Palestine," and organized the al-Quds Day march as the BBC building ( Broadcasting House ) to the US Embassy .
In 2019, Hezbollah flags and signs were banned from being carried on the al-Quds march.
The al-Quds marches of 2014
Due to the renewed offensive by the Israeli army in the Gaza area (" Operation Protective Edge ") and the temporal coincidence of the "battle for the Hamas tunnels" and that confirmed by the UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay , the civilian, especially the Palestinian minor victims, al-Quds Day was held worldwide in 2014. The demand for the elimination of the existence of Israel was not made everywhere, but the main focus was on protests against the war. There were also demonstrations of this kind at the same time, such as in Singapore or Hong Kong and Paris , but they were not declared as al-Quds days. At the time, on July 25th, around 200 of the 538 children who were killed by the Israeli army at the end of the invasion by the United Nations were recorded, which led to the slogan “Israeli child murderer” or the like being chanted again has been. In addition to Iran (see above) and the Arab countries Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and the West Bank, al-Quds marches took place in the following countries and cities instead of:
- In Brussels about 1,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Al-Quds Day took part, as well, there was a pro-Israel counter-demonstration. The slogans were u. a: "Criticizing Israel for human rights violations is not anti-Semitism", "Israel kills Palestinian children", but also: "Liberate Gaza from Hamas".
- For the protest march in Germany s. u.
- In Mumbai , India , Sunni and Shiite Muslims demonstrated together for the first time. Muhammed Saeed Noori, founder and chairman of the Sufi order Raza Academy , spoke of 56 mosques that Israel destroyed in the attack in Gaza.
- In Nigeria , a massacre ("Zaria Quds Day Massacre") occurred in the northern city of Zaria , when soldiers of the Nigerian army opened fire on the al-Quds march and killed between 30 and 35 participants, including three sons of the Chairman of the Nigerian Islamic Movement , Ibrahim Zakzaky, who, rejecting the Boko Haram , advocates a non-violent Islam. While the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London saw the mass killing as a "cooperation" between the Nigerian armed forces and Israel, Brigadier General Olajide Laleye, spokesman for the Nigerian army, immediately stated that the soldiers defended themselves "after they were shot" which has been contested by independent witnesses. Anmesty International places the event in the context that led to the Zaria massacre of 2015. The announced investigations of the Nigerian army remained inconclusive, independent human rights groups spoke of a massive cover-up of the incident and of the suppression of any information.
- In Pakistan , on al-Quds Day, the flags were officially raised at half-mast due to the ongoing Israeli bombing in Gaza. The protests took place across the country, in Badshahi Masjid 50,000 believers took part in the midday prayer of Jumu'atul Wida. Speakers after the march included Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, co-founder and commander of the terrorist organization Laschkar-e Taiba , who warned that Israel and India had conspired against Pakistan's nuclear program.
- In Toronto , the march was carried out the next day and not on the working Friday. Several Jewish associations had tried in vain to prevent the day of protest.
- In the United States, al-Quds marches took place in Atlanta , Atlantic City , Chicago , Houston and New York .
- For the protest march in the UK, see O.
On the debate on the question of anti-Semitism
On the question of whether the al-Quds days, with their declared goal of ending the existence of Israel, are to be classified as anti-Semitic , or whether the opposition is limited to the state rule of Israel over parts of the territory of the former region of Palestine and is not racially motivated is, the conflicting parties and their journalistic supporters are equally divided. Even during the marches, the organizers and demonstrators insist with appropriate slogans that their protest is exclusively “anti-Zionist”. Opponents of the rallies, on the other hand, see the "criticism of the State of Israel only as a cover" for anti-Semitism. In addition, the “ideological crossover” on the protest days makes it difficult to assign slogans to one of the groups.
For Iran as the country of origin of the protest days, it is pointed out on the one hand that the protection of the Jewish minority in the country is guaranteed by a fatwa by Khomeini from 1979 and by Articles 13 and 14 of the Iranian constitution and the Jewish culture of Iran is promoted, as reported by the Jewish culture magazine David .
In various Western commentaries, on the other hand, a unity is seen between the local opposition to Israel and anti-Semitism, "especially in connection with Al-Quds Day", since the discourse there is "interspersed with anti-Semitic images and stereotypes". According to E. Fox, the "extreme anti-Semitism" propagated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London as the organizer of the al-Quds days is "a by-product of the Khomeinist, Islamist and anti-Western ideology."
Jürgen Todenhöfer , who warns against the transposition of resentment in Germany to a socially acceptable anti-Islamism, quotes the Jewish member of the Iranian parliament and director of the Jewish hospital in Tehran, Ciamak Moresadegh , that anti-Semitism is “not an Islamic, but a European phenomenon”. According to R. Howard, the Iranian opposition to Israel can be traced back to the fact that the secret service SAVAK of the Shah regime had been trained and supported by Israel since the 1950s and that Israel was viewed as a product of the USA.
The authors of a dossier of the American Jewish Committee - "Anti-Semitism made in Iran: The international dimension of al-Quds-Day" - agree that the anti-Zionism of the day of protest already in its Iranian origins and then in the worldwide manifestation Anti-Semitism is to be equated.
The 2015 report on the Protection of the Constitution criticized the fact that on al-Quds Day in Berlin “anti-Zionist tendencies were recorded throughout the event”. A brochure was then distributed, “Who Kills More Children? - Israel or ISIS? ”, Which contained“ strong anti-Zionist propaganda on the border with anti-Semitism ”.
According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Baden-Württemberg , supporters of the radical Islamic organizations Hezbollah and Hamas as well as sometimes right-wing extremists take part in the Berlin event on al-Quds Day . "The anti-Semitic message of the 'al-Quds day'" forms "the unifying bond between Islamism and right-wing extremism".
Number of participants
The number of participants in the state-organized al-Quds days in Iran is often given as several hundred thousand to one million, and these surveys are carried out by the organizers themselves. Independent observers assume that the numbers are mostly lower, R. Howard cites the order of about 120,000 demonstrators for the years 2002 and 2003. The official Iranian information is usually also adopted by the Israeli and Western media.
In Jerusalem, the Islamic Heritage Committee organized a virtual al-Quds day on November 11, 2007, to which Islamic groups worldwide were called.
The protests fueled by the war in Gaza in 2014 were spoken for by millions of participants worldwide. Al-Quds Day's London action website , Inminds , said for 2018 that the day of protest took place in 800 cities.
In 2019 , Telesur named a number of tens of thousands of participants for Iraq , while a maximum of 3,000 demonstrators are spoken for London.
In Berlin, the numbers range from 500 in 2010 to over 2000 in 2002 and 2014 with the approximate average of around 1000 protesters, with no reliable surveys on the proportion of German Muslims, Shiites and Sunnis, non-German Muslims, German nationalists and right-wing extremists Demonstrators and other groups (left-wing anti-Zionists, Jewish Orthodox opponents of Israel, reporting reporters, spectators) are present. Compared to the marches in Great Britain, the number of participants in the al-Quds days in Germany is therefore rather low, also with a view to the 4.4 to 4.7 million Muslims in Germany .
According to the Berlin alliance against the international Al-Quds Day, around 300 demonstrators took part in the counter-events that have been taking place since 2003 (see below) in 2004, and in 2015 Zeit online estimated the number at 700 participants.
Al Quds Day in Berlin (and Vienna)
In Germany, al-Quds Day has been held in Berlin since 1996; before that there were marches in Hamburg, Bonn and Bottrop and smaller events in other cities. A march has also been organized in Frankfurt am Main since 2015. In Austria, demonstrations are taking place in several cities on al-Quds Day, the central event is in Vienna (see the subsection here). Since Friday is a working day, unlike in Islamic countries, the marches take place on the following Saturday.
In Berlin, the protest for the route from Adenauerplatz via Kurfürstendamm, then through Tauentzienstrasse to Wittenbergplatz is registered. Occasionally, however, it is also relocated, for example to Kreuzberg in December 2001, because for security reasons the march across the Ku'damm seemed too risky due to the attacks of September 11th.
During the demonstrations, anti-Israeli and anti-American slogans are regularly displayed on posters or banners, occasionally also against Saudi Arabia's relationship with both countries. Corresponding choirs from groups are also often intoned (see below). The Hezbollah banner was seen many times, but not on all al-Quds days. In addition, flags of Iran, Lebanon and Syria and images of the Al-Aqsa Mosque are typical signs of the demonstration. Palestinian scarves are also worn and photos are held up showing alleged or actual civilian Palestinian victims of the Israeli army. In 2014, red colored dolls served as symbolic references to the simultaneous war events in Gaza. The call for a boycott of Israeli goods was first made on al-Quds Day in 2017.
Photos of the representatives of the Islamic revolution and Iran - such as Khomeini and his successor Khamenei - are also often part of the pictorial symbols, as well as caricatures of the current heads of government of Israel and the USA (e.g. Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump ).
Prominent critics of Israeli positions are referred to as witnesses, including Günter Grass (see below ) and the declared Muslim opponent of Zionism, Muhammad Ali, and his 1974 quote that the USA is “the stronghold of Zionism”.
Due to the "ideological crossover" (see below) and the participation of German nationalists and right-wing extremists, the German flag has become one of the symbols. The forbidden Hitler salute was also occasionally observed.
After the protest was loudly voiced in the first few years of the event and there was occasional mobbing, some of the al-Quds days have been held as silent marches since 2003, but that was soon abandoned.
Short speeches are usually given at closing rallies. Usually women and men walk separately on the march. The taking of children who wear uniforms is particularly criticized. Since al-Quds day takes place during the month of fasting and during the day, there is neither drinking nor eating.
The events are occasionally mentioned in the constitution protection report. Occasionally there have been arrests and criminal charges due to statements relevant to criminal law or physical assaults, however, group-wide violations have not yet been detected by the security organs. Usually the al-Quds days in Berlin are peaceful, occasional scuffles with the counter-demonstrators are quickly resolved by the police.
The Union of Islamic Student Associations (UISA) acted as the organizers of al-Quds Day in Germany in the 1990s . According to Deutsche Welle , which refers to German security circles, the demonstration marches were registered by Bahmann Berenjian until 2005, who joined UISA and was a member of the board of the Islamic Community of Iranians in Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. , which in turn, according to the Berlin Senate, is an "offshoot of the Islamic Center Hamburg " (IZH) that is monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Berenjian later became managing director of "Orient-Okzident GmbH" in Berlin. This GmbH is the operator of the website "Quds AG", which today operates as the organizer of the protest marches.
Participant and ideological crossover
Since no reliable surveys are available on the membership of the participants to nations and religious or political groups, a clear majority of Muslims, probably predominantly of German nationality, of Iranian and Turkish and Arab or especially Palestinian family origins, and a minority of non-Muslim families can only be identified in general Detect demonstrators, with foreign demonstrators and German converts such as the spokesman for the “Quds-AG”, Jürgen Grassmann, also represented.
The marches are made by men and women, children are also brought along.
In 2015, 2017 and 2018, three or four Shiite clergymen were seen on the march, but after public criticism they stayed away in 2019.
The spiritual participants of the Jewish Orthodox sect Neturei Karta are similarly small in number. In 2006 Moishe Friedman gave a speech at the closing rally.
But already in 2004 there was talk of an “ideological crossover”, later of “strange alliances” ( taz ), and also of a “hodgepodge of politicized hotheads” ( Tagesspiegel ).
Because often neo-Nazis, German nationalists and other rights march with them, such as members of the German center party of the former ARD reporter Christoph Hörstel , who also appeared as a speaker, as well as the former journalist Martin Lejeune . From the right-wing extremist spectrum, the deputy state chairmen of the NPD , Sebastian Schmidtke and Uwe Meenen , were seen on the march.
In 2012 the rapper Dee Ex was there and showed a banner with the inscription “Dee Ex for free peoples! ... against enemy images, wars and corruption ”.
According to a reporter for the Cicero , a man with a kippah and a Star of David marched with the al-Quds march in 2019 to show solidarity with Israel, where he had expected attacks, but nothing of the sort had happened. The Cicero attributes this to the fact that the organizers and participants are aware that violating the rules would risk the existence of the march.
Counter-demonstration, opponents, distancing
A counter-initiative to the marches in Berlin was organized for the first time on al-Quds-Day 2003, with the “Berlin Alliance against the international al-Quds-Day” supported by the Jusos Berlin, the Green Youth Berlin and the links youth Solid Berlin. In 2005, 274 public figures also called against the event with a protest letter drawn up by Anetta Kahane of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and others. The first signatories included: Evrim Baba ( Die Linke ), Marieluise Beck ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ), Jean-Yves Camus , Manfred Lahnstein ( SPD ), Dirk Niebel ( FDP ), Cem Özdemir (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) and Petra Pau (The Left).
A broad alliance has now taken part in the counter-protests, including the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism (JFDA). Furthermore, the German-Israeli Society , the Kurdish Community of Germany , the DGB , the Lesbian and Gay Association Berlin-Brandenburg, the Antifascist Berlin Alliance and the Green Party of Iran, which was founded in 1999 in exile . The "Alliance against the Quds March" is supported by all parties represented in the Berlin House of Representatives except the AfD and described the demonstration as the "loudspeaker of the Islamist dictatorship in Iran".
Josef Schuster , the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany , criticized the approval of the rally in 2019 and said that “nothing other than anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel would be conveyed at this demonstration”. At the same time, he demanded strict conditions and consistent penalties for violations.
The party Alternative für Deutschland is also opposed to al-Quds Day, but their representatives have not yet been seen at the counter-demonstrations (2019).
In 2019, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also spoke out in favor of banning the demonstration and called anti-Semitism an "attack on us all, on our democracy and our open society".
The “No-Al-Quds Day” campaign organizes speeches and live music. The speakers in 2018 included: Ali Ertan Toprak , the chairman of the Kurdish Community in Germany, Jörg Steinert from the Lesbian and Gay Association Germany (LSVD) Berlin-Brandenburg and Volker Beck. The Berlin Senator for the Interior, Andreas Geisel of the SPD, is also regularly among the participants in the counter-demonstration.
To maintain public order, the counter rally is separated from the al-Quds march and usually leads from Nollendorfplatz through Kleiststrasse, Tauentzienstrasse and Joachimstaler Strasse. The final rallies will take place at George-Grosz-Platz.
The US flag and the Israeli flag are usually shown, and sometimes the flag of the Israeli army. The slogans are e.g. For example: "Long live Israel", "Solidarity with Israel, freedom in Iran", "No place for hatred of Jews", "Ban Hezbollah", "Liberate Gaza from Hamas", but also "Never again Germany" and "Arms for Israel".
Islamic associations
Lamya Kaddor , the leader of the Liberal-Islamic League , is a declared opponent of al-Quds Day.
The Islamic Council for the Federal Republic of Germany distanced itself in 2005 from the al-Quds Day and criticized him as "for living together is not conducive," it was "not an appropriate means of dealing with Israel."
In the same year, Nadeem Elyas , then chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany , condemned Iranian President Ahmadinejad's threat to destroy Israel: "This statement is unacceptable and is harmful to the search for solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East." Elyas explained that Muslims in Germany expect every state to accept international law and respect the rights of other states to live: "This applies to both Israel in relation to the Palestinian people and Iran in relation to Israel." Protests in 2014, the general secretary of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany , Nurhan Soykan , said it was not due to Muslims “to insult members of other religions or to defamation”, called for moderation on al-Quds Day, but also declared, that it must be possible to "criticize Israeli politics as well as the politics of other countries."
Demands for prohibition, freedom of expression, conditions
A ban on al-Quds Day - the one in 2019 by the Central Council of Jews in Germany , Holocaust survivors in the International Auschwitz Committee , the alliance against al-Quds Day , the Israeli ambassador, Jeremy Issacharoff , and members of the Bundestag the party Alternative for Germany , Beatrix von Storch , was called for - are contrary to the basic right of communication to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly . The demand for the ban is justified, however, with the fact that the protest march was anti-Semitic. The spokesman for the website "Quds-AG", Jürgen Grassmann, sees the reason, however, in the fact that the al-Quds demonstrators are "the only ones" "who openly criticize the genocide of Israel."
For the march, however, a number of requirements were issued that relate to slogans of possible sedition or are otherwise criminally relevant (e.g. calls for violence ). Banners or the like that are not written in German must be approved before the demonstration. B. applies to Arabic and Persian, but also to Hebrew slogans of the counter-demonstration.
The symbolic act of burning the Israeli and US flags as well as other symbols, which is characteristic of the al-Quds march, is also prohibited.
On the other hand, other conditions are at the discretion of the police to maintain public order . For example, the slogan “Israel child murderer” is not prohibited under criminal law and is covered by freedom of expression, but was prevented on al-Quds Day 2019 for the above-mentioned reason. The prohibition, confirmed by the Higher Administrative Court, to display the banner of Hezbollah, which was considered " Islamist " (BfV) in Germany but not a terrorist organization until April 2020 , also falls under the conditions for the protests to proceed peacefully .
In order to counteract an escalation, the counter-demonstrators were also prohibited from playing certain symbols and actions, for example in 2009 from playing Hebrew songs. On the other hand, a poster calling in Hebrew for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit , who was then controlled by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas , was permitted after the examination.
The al-Quds march in Vienna
In Vienna the march moves from Morzinplatz to Stephansplatz. When Susanne Winter of the FPÖ and other members of parliament asked for the organizer in 2012, the Imam Ali mosque in Mollardgasse was named. The standard writes that the organizers are "various Muslim organizations, including (...) the Iranian Imam Ali Mosque".
In the run-up to the 2015 demonstration, a caricature was shown on a Facebook page International Al-Quds-Tag Vienna - Free Palestine , on which Muslims each pour a bucket of water over a Jew who is in a pit, labeled in Turkish: “If every Muslim were to pour a bucket of water, Israel would be under water.” Numerous newspapers reported that this was the Facebook page of the organizers of the march. Thereupon all Viennese city divisions - SPÖ , ÖVP , Greens , FPÖ and NEOS - spoke out against the march. The request for the organizers of the al-Quds march sent to the Austrian Ministry of the Interior by the Member of the Greens Albert Steinhauser remained unanswered for reasons of data protection.
On the Facebook page, their operators distanced themselves from the cartoon, which had been published there without their consent. The prosecution closed its investigation because the drawing would not be directed against any group or incite criminal acts.
According to information from the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, members of the Center for Islamic Culture Imam Ali , the Islamic Association Ahl-ul-beyt Austria and the Islamic Education and Culture Center Austria (IBIKUZ) took part in the 2015 event. As in Berlin, neo-Nazis repeatedly took part in the march in Vienna.
Counter rallies will also take place in Vienna, in 2015 under the motto “No Al-Quds Day - Together Against Anti-Semitism”, at which, in addition to the Israelite religious community, various Jewish organizations such as the Lodge Zwi Perez Chajes, the B'nai B'rith and Misrachi Austria and the Zionist Federation in Austria, including the Kurdish Society for Education, Integration and Culture , the Austrian Greens, gay associations such as Homosexual Initiative Vienna (HOSI), The Greens Andersrum Vienna and QueerHebrews as well as the Republican Club - New Austria took part. In 2017, the motto was "For paradise on earth - against Islamism, anti-Semitism, racism and everything else that separates us from it!", Which the "autonomous antifa" had called for.
Berlin, 2014
Unlike usual, the 2014 al-Quds march in Berlin did not take place on a Saturday, but on Friday, July 25th. The protest march was shaped by the war in Gaza (see above): After July 20, the "bloodiest day" of the conflict ( Washington Post ), apart from Paris and Istanbul, there were also Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Bonn, Hanover and others Cities had been demonstrated against it for days, with extremely emotional protests by Muslims and opponents of the war from the politically right to the left spectrum and anti-Semitic slogans chanted across Germany. Amnesty International accused both sides, the Israeli army and the Palestinian Hamas, of "war crimes" on July 22nd. The number of victims of more than 800 Palestinians and at least 31 Israelis also contributed to the emotionalisation of the anti-war demonstrations and of al-Quds Day. The police requirements for the march were correspondingly strict; any statement that would be directed against Jews was forbidden. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung , a speaker said before the march: “Believing Jews are our brothers, Zionists are our enemies. (...) Please keep your emotions in check. This is Berlin and not Gaza. "
The march, which was loud and dominated by screaming and chanting, was lined up by numerous onlookers who photographed or filmed the action with smartphones. The thematization of the simultaneous war events through images was also one of the means of protest, and the march itself became the subject of immediate media interpretations . Photographs were held up that were supposed to prove the current horror in Gaza and had been distributed via Twitter and Facebook , but which did not always originate from this conflict and whose authenticity is partly questionable. An example of this was a “trophy picture” shown at the head of the protest march (see right), on which four Israeli soldiers humiliated a kneeling captive Palestinian girl blindfolded - a photo that was commented on in 2010 by the Israeli army spokesman Avi Benayahu had been ("I mean that it was staged and that the girl is not a prisoner") and therefore could not have come from this war.
The live ticker of the Tagesspiegel then reported from the protest march in Berlin that 20 to 30 “Palestinian demonstrators” had started the German slogan “Gas Israel” shortly before the George-Grosz-Platz, which was immediately stopped by other participants in the march , an incident that the police could not confirm. The world reported a march "without anti-Semitic slogans and almost without incident."
Due to the number not only of children but also of women among the civilian victims of the war - the latter, according to B'tselem, accounted for 70 percent of the deaths on the Palestinian side, of which, according to UN data, 306 women - was next the slogan “Israeli child murderer” also increasingly chanted “Israel murderer of women”. In addition, the demand for a “stop of arms exports to Israel” was raised.
The Israeli ambassador to Germany, Yakov Hadas-Handelsman , accused the demonstrators of anti-Semitic motives, according to the time . One of the two counter rallies shouted: "Cannibalism is one of our rites, eat more anti-Semites."
Despite the heated atmosphere, the demonstration was largely peaceful.
Berlin, 2018
Al-Quds Day on June 9, 2018 coincided with the border protests in the Gaza Strip, which began on March 30 of that year and which had happened three days earlier to cancel a game by the Argentine national football team on the occasion of the 70-year-old Israeli celebrations State anniversaries led to what triggered “political quakes” (FAZ).
On June 8, Ayatollah Reza Ramezani dedicated his sermon in Hamburg to the “suffering in Palestine” and affirmed the pan-Islamic significance of al-Quds Day. Shiite clergy are said to have called nationwide to participate in their communities. The case of the Palestinian medic Rouzan ("Razan") who was shot by a sniper of the Israeli Security Forces (ISF) in the Gaza Strip on June 1st, the third Friday of Ramadan, was considered a critical framework condition for the marches in Berlin and Vienna. al-Najjar , as her death caused an international stir and led to hateful comments on both sides of the conflict. To identify with al-Najjar, who had already become an icon as a first aid worker before her death, demonstrators wore nurse's smocks on the al-Quds march, with their photo on their backs with the text: "21 years young - shot by Israeli soldiers".
The taboo alleged by protesters to criticize the Israeli army was criticized by masking tape over the mouth with the words “anti-Semitism” or by posters with reference to the poem What must be said by Günter Grass .
As in 2017, Shiite clergy took part in the march: Seyed Mousavi, the deputy head of the IZH, Sheikh Hassan Shahrour, mullah of the al-Mustafa mosque in Neukölln, Hamid Reza Torabi , the director of the Islamic Academy Germany (IAD) - who had commented on his first appearance on al-Quds Day the year before in an interview with the taz - and Hudschat-ul-Islam Muhammad Mohsen, a board member of the Islamic Community of Shiite Communities in Germany (IGS). Mohsen's participation in particular was criticized because the IGS, as an umbrella organization, has a nationwide representative role for the Shiites in Germany. The then religious policy spokesman for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, Volker Beck, called for the IGS to be excluded from the advisory board of the Institute for Islamic Theology at Humboldt University .
Web links
Organizer and participants
- Page of the Quds-AG
- Islamic Human Rights Commission, London: al-Quds Day
- Neturei Karta: Quds Day Rallies around the world
Counter-demonstration and opponents
- Antifascist Berlin alliance against Al Quds Day
- No Al Quds day
- Alternative for Germany: al-Quds Day is a shame for Germany
Individual evidence
- ↑ Files on the Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany , p. 223
- ↑ «روز قدس از دیدگاه امام خمینی« El día de Al-Quds según el imam Jomeini »» (Persian). Afghan Voice Agency. September 9, 2009 ; English version ; see Firous Ebrahim-Nesbat, Legal Dictionary German-Persian and Persian-German , Universitätsdrucke Göttingen, 2010, Volume I, p. 220 u. "Shorten" ; the wording is reproduced with translations that differ widely from one another, cf. Dario Intini, The Politics of National Celebrations in post-revolutionary Iran , Leiden University, 2015, p. 54 : “to sever the hand”; Pars Today , June 29, 2016 : “Put the Crafts Down”; Wahied Wahdat-Hagh , MEMRI , Special Dispatch - November 2, 2004 , cit. n. Udo Wolter, example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf, p. 3 , in the plural: "chop off your hands"
- ↑ «روز قدس از دیدگاه امام خمینی« El día de Al-Quds según el imam Jomeini »» (Persian). Afghan Voice Agency. September 9, 2009 ; English version
- ↑ tasnimnes , line above number 280 , Khomeini's speech of August 17, 1979 at the Koran school Feyazia in Qom, Italian version
- ↑ New York Times, August 17, 1979 ; Der Spiegel of September 24, 1979 : "We have fallen into the trap of the mullahs".
- ↑ Khomeini's speech of August 17, 1979 at the Koran school Feyazia in Qom, Italian version ; a sentence imposed by Saʿd ibn Muʿādh , which was executed by Ali and Az-Zubair ibn al-ʿAuwām , cf. Tilman Nagel: Mohammed. Leben und Legende , Munich, 2008, p. 370.
- ↑ cf. Mats Wärn, A Lebanese Vanguard for the Islamic Revolution: Hezbollah's combined Strategy of Accommodation and Resistance , in: Stockholm Studies in Politics 149 , Stockholm University, 2002, pp. 136 ff. And ibid. Note 220 ; Reza Bayegan, How to spell “Zionism” in Tehran , in: “American Jewish Committee”, Berlin, 2006, p. 14 : “When he declared the last Friday of Ramadan to be 'Al-Quds Day', he wanted [Khomeini ] also weaken the specific character of Iranian nationalism and bring the Iranians, who never had a common agenda with the Arabs, under the broad umbrella of the Islamic nation, the "ummah". With their pride in their own culture and language, the Iranians had vigorously refused assimilation into the larger Arab-Islamic community over the past 1400 years. "
- ↑ Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States , Yale University, 2007, pp. 84 ff. And 94 : "Israel found Tehran rather ambivalent about the usefulness of the Jewish State"; Thomas L. Friedman, Isreael Aide Traces US-Iran Dealings , in: New York Times , November 22, 1986 : “A senior Israeli official said today that the sale of American arms to Iran grew out of Israeli links with the Khomeini Government dating to 1979 "; Jane Hunter, Special Report: Israeli Arms Sales to Iran in: Washington's Report on Middle East Affairs , November 1986, p. 2 : Israel supplied arms to Iran between 1980 and 1988.
- ↑ Wolfram Stender, Guido Follert (ed.), Mihri Özdogan, Constellations of Antisemitism: Antisemitism Research and Socio-Pedagogical Practice , p. 118 : “This day of remembrance was originally brought into being by the Iranian revolutionary leader Khomeini in 1979 to reflect the continuing occupation of the holy places in To remember Jerusalem through Israel. "
- ↑ The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center , Tel Aviv, September, 2009 [1] : "Jerusalem Day is held every year at Iranian regime prompting on the last Friday of Ramadan to express Iran's commitment to the Palestinian cause."
- ↑ cf. also «روز قدس از دیدگاه امام خمینی« El día de Al-Quds según el imam Jomeini »» (Persian). Afghan Voice Agency. September 9, 2009 ; English version : the five mentions of Israel there: a. "Israeli operations in southern Lebanon and with respect to Palestine are of the same nature." B. "Israel is the enemy of humanity", c. "Those who are united with the superpowers and with Israel under the veil of friendship will not celebrate this day", de. "Those who do not participate are against Islam and for Israel, and those who do participate are for Islam and its enemies, with the US and Israel on the front lines."
- ↑ cf. Udo Wolter, example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf, p. 6 ; CNN news January 1, 2000 .
- ↑ Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, An examination of the ideological, political and strategic causes of Iran's commitment to the Palestinian cause in: Conflicts Forum, Beirut, London, 2011, p. 7 : “Upon closer inspection however, it is clear that it is not the Jewish nation which the Islamic Republic aspires to eradicate, but rather, the Zionist regime that rules over it. Viewed in its full context, Ahmadinejad's speech reveals that he had called for the eradication of the “Zionist regime occupying Jerusalem” (...). As such, Iranian officials including the Foreign Minister, Mottaki, and Khamenei's consultant for political and security affairs, Rohallah Hosseinian, both made the argument that the President was calling for regime change in Israel rather than genocide against its Jewish inhabitants ”; Ian Lloyd Neubauer, Al-Quds day: truth behind Iran's empty war cries , in: Middle East Observer , July 11, 2016 : “We have no problem with Jews. We have many in Iran. Our enemy is not the Jews; it's the Zionists in Israel ”; Kamran Safiarian, powder keg Iran: where is the state of God drifting? , Freiburg, 2011, pp. 74-83 : “In the lion's den: Jews in Iran”; Neue Zürcher Zeitung , "Shabbat with its own wine: Iran is Israel's archenemy and at the same time the home of the largest Jewish community in the Muslim world" from September 16, 2019 : "In contrast to the German-speaking countries in Iran, Jewish institutions do not require security, Iran has never seen an attack on a synagogue ”; Deutsche Welle, 2017 , conversation with Ciamak Moresadegh , the director of the Tehran Jewish Committee.
- ↑ cf. Mats Wärn, A Lebanese Vanguard for the Islamic Revolution: Hezbollah's combined Strategy of Accommodation and Resistance , in: Stockholm Studies in Politics 149 , Stockholm University, 2002, p. 136 m. Note 218 ; Udo Wolter, example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf pp. 2-6
- ^ Dilip Hiro, A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Middle East , Northampton (Mass.), 2013 p. 598 f. ; Ulrich Pick, Critique of the Holocaust Conference ,, December 11, 2006 .
- ↑ Süddeutsche Zeitung of May 17, 2010 : Ahmadinedjad denies the Holocaust on al-Quds Day.
- ↑ Associated Press (ap), Protesters in Iran, Iraq burn Israel, US flags on 'Quds Day' , May 31, 2019 : "The rally was organized by Iranian-backed militias collectively known as the Popular Mobilization Forces"; Ian Lloyd Neubauer, Al-Quds day: truth behind Iran's empty war cries , Middle East Observer, July 11, 2016 : “Many of these people are poor villagers who the government buses into the city for Al-Quds Day (…). They don't force them to attend but the people know they might have trouble getting government assistance if they don't. It's also mandatory for government workers and many university and school students to attend. There are also some middle-class people here from Shiraz, maybe 10 per cent of the population, but they're not in tune with mainstream Iranian beliefs. All most of us want is a better economy. "
- ↑ Roger Howard, Iran in Crisis ?: The Future of the Revolutionary Regime and the US Response , London, New York, 2004, p. 49 : "'forget about Palestine [and] think of us!'"
- ^ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , “Clashes in Tehran on 'Jerusalem Day'” September 18, 2009 .
- ↑ Die Zeit, 07, 2014 : “The UN Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay announced that she saw signs of war crimes by the Israeli army. The fact that children are killed and Palestinian houses destroyed makes it very likely that international law will be violated, Pillay said. She also condemned Hamas indiscriminately firing rockets and mortar shells at Israeli settlements. "
- ↑ Focus Jerusalem: The TV Magazine from Israel , June 15, 2018 .
- ↑ Francesca Ceccarini, Al-Quds e Yerushalayim: Un dialogo in due lingue. I Paesi arabi e la Questione die Gerusalemme , Milan, 2015, p. 166 .
- ^ Yitzhak Reiter, Jerusalem and Its Role in Islamic Solidarity , New York, 2008, p. 142 .
- ^ Yitzhak Reiter, Jerusalem and Its Role in Islamic Solidarity , New York, 2008, p. 142 .
- ↑ Francesca Ceccarini, Al-Quds e Yerushalayim: Un dialogo in due lingue. I Paesi arabi e la Questione die Gerusalemme , Milan, 2015, p. 166 ; Mats Wärn, A Lebanese Vanguard for the Islamic Revolution: Hezbollah's combined Strategy of Accommodation and Resistance , in: Stockholm Studies in Politics 149 , Stockholm University, 2002, p. 137 .
- ^ Yitzhak Reiter, Jerusalem and Its Role in Islamic Solidarity , New York, 2008, p. 143 m. Note 46 : Mahmud, Shafiq Jasir Ahmad (ed.). Al-Qudsfi al-Khitab al-Muasir (Jerusalem in Contemporary Discourse). Zarqa: Jami'at al-Zarqa 'al-Ahliyya, 1999.
- ↑ The National : Explosion of fury on al Quds day , September 19, 2009 : "The newly-forged Islamic Republic fell out with the secular PLO movement after the latter's support for Saddam Hussein during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war."
- ↑ Alessandra Checchia, Le strategie communicative di Hezbollah , LUISS , Rome, 2015/16, p. 16 ; Associated Press (ap), Joseph Panossian, Lebanon's Hezbollah Marks Jerusalem Day , October 20, 2006 .
- ↑ Sune Haug Bolle, War and Memory in Lebanon , Cambridge University Press, 2010 p.197 ; Associated Press (ap), Joseph Panossian, Lebanon's Hezbollah Marks Jerusalem Day , October 20, 2006 .
- ^ Perry, Damon Lee, The Global Muslim Brotherhood in Britain A Social Movement? , Dissertation, King's College London, 2016, p. 239 : "IHRC [Islamic Human Rights Commission] openly supports Hezbollah and holds an annual Al-Quds Day, where protesters call for the annihilation of Israel."
- ^ Associated Press (ap), Joseph Panossian, Lebanon's Hezbollah Marks Jerusalem Day , October 20, 2006 .
- ↑ Tarek al-Taqrib, A Journal of Islamic Unity , The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought , Teheran 2009, p. 100 .
- ↑ Emma Fox, Islamic Human Rights Commission: Advocating for the Ayatollahs , Center for Radicalization and Terrorism, Henry Jackson Society, May, 2019, p. 5 .
- ↑ Tarek al-Taqrib, A Journal of Islamic Unity , The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought , Teheran 2009, p. 100 .
- ↑ Emma Fox, Islamic Human Rights Commission: Advocating for the Ayatollahs , Center for Radicalization and Terrorism, Henry Jackson Society, May, 2019, p. 15 : "'the true Rabbis' and the only legitimate representative of the Jewish community."
- ^ Mark Gardner, London , in: Anti-Semitism made in Iran: The international dimension of Al-Quds-Day ; P. 35 ; Alliance of Iranian Students , Al-Quds rally in London .
- ↑ Lauren Booth, Al Quds Day Letter to Tony Blair from Iran, September 3, 2010, Press TV, September 5, 2010, Middle East Monitor : “Some mothers at the rally wept, not out of hatred for 'the West' but out of empathy for the mothers of Rafah, Khan Younis, Nablus and Jenin. Do you recognize these place names, Tony, as Middle East peace envoy you really should. Israel has massacred children in all of these cities in recent years "; Al-Jazeera , September 6, 2010 ; Israel National News , September 5, 2010 ; Le Grand Soir , September 21, 2010 : Salem News, September 18, 2010 ; Workers Daily Internet Edition , September 7, 2010 .
- ↑ B'Tselem gives 320 children killed by the Israeli army for "Operation Cast Lead", Amnesty International names "about 300"; B. Saario: "313"; the "Telegraph" spoke of "over 250 killed children", the Israeli army gave the number 89: בְּצֶלֶם, B'Tselem - The Israelian Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ; Bryan Saariom. Holy Land Conversations: A Journey Through Palestine's Back Door , p. 206 ; Amnesty International , Israel / Gaza: Operation 'Cast Lead', 22 Days of Death and Destruction , July 2009, pdf, p. 1 : “Others, including women and children, were shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers ”; The Telegraph , September 9, 2009 ; Jerusalem Post , March 26, 2009 . Because of Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations, it could not be determined whether the killings of the children were war crimes: The Telegraph , September 9, 2009 .
- ↑ B'nai Brith Canada , al-Quds Day : "At the 2014 protests held in Britain, thousands of protesters demanded 'justice for killers of Gaza children'."
- ↑ In London, a protest was organized by the Islamic Human Rights Commission, which accused the BBC of "bias in their reporting of the situation in Palestine" while sharply criticizing the United States for its "heinous support of Israel"; Russia Today , July 10, 2015 .
- ↑ UKLFI, Police will intervene if Hezbollah Flags are flown at London Al Quds march , 8 May 2019 .
- ↑ Spiegel Online , "Riots in Paris: Thousands Demonstrate Against Israel's Gaza Policy", July 26, 2014 .
- ↑ Der Spiegel , “Children of War” July 28, 2014 : “200 Palestinian children died in this war”; Human Rights World Report 2015. Events of 2014 , p. 309 : “The UN has identified 538 children among the 1,563 Palestinian civilians it counted as killed”; The Guardian , July 26, 2014 .
- ↑ WCSC-TV , Gaza fighting triggers protests in Europe .
- ↑ The Asian Age , July 27, 2014 .
- ↑ Solomon Timothy Anjide Okoli, Al Chukwuma, “New Trajectory of Islamic Extremism in Northern Nigeria: A Threat-Import Analysis of Shiite's Uprising” in: International Journal for African and Asian Studies , Vol. 32, 2017, p. 43 : “El -Zakzaky embraced a nonviolent approach to Islamic evangelism. "
- ^ Amnesty International , Nigeria: Unearthing the Truth. Unlawfull Killings and Mass Cover-Up in Zaria , pdf, p. 7, note 11 and P. 15 ; Solomon Timothy Anjide Okoli, Al Chukwuma, “New Trajectory of Islamic Extremism in Northern Nigeria: A Threat-Import Analysis of Shiite's Uprising” in: International Journal for African and Asian Studies , Vol. 32, 2017, p. 44 ; Vanguard , 35 killed as soldiers, Islamic sect clash , July 26, 2014 ; ABNA, “Nigeria Quds Day Massacre Remembrance Day” July 25, 2015 ; Premium Times , Killers of 34 Shia protesters in Zaria must be punished - Odinkalu , November 8, 2019 : The chairman of the Independent National Commission on Human Rights of Nigeria (NHC), Chidi Odinkalu, spoke of a wall of silence regarding the investigation of the killings and named it the "worst oppression".
- ↑ The News , July 26, 2014, “Pakistan observes Al-Quds Day as Israel kills 33 more,” Pakistan observes Al-Quds Day as Israel kills 33 more . In: The News , July 26, 2014. Archived from the original on July 26, 2014.
- ↑ Toronto Sun, July 25, 2014
- ^ ADL , Photos: Al Quds Day 2014 in the United States al-Quds Day 2014 .
- ↑ Cicero , Christine Zinner, “We only want good things!”, June 2, 2019 : “Nothing is more Antisemitism than Zionism”, “Jew hatred is the ruse. Mask off Zionist ”.
- ↑ rbb , June 1, 2019 : “The Al-Kuds demonstrators called for an independent Palestine on banners. 'Muslims, Jews and Christians - hand in hand against Zionists' read one sign, 'Justice for Palestine' on another. Flags of the Palestinians, Iran and Germany were also waved. (...) Critics and anti-Semitism researchers warn, however, that anti-Semitism consciously uses criticism of the State of Israel as a cover. "
- ↑ Jürgen Todenhöfer, Feinbild Islam: Theses against hate , Munich, 2011, p. 26 .
- ↑ David: Jüdische Kulturzeitschrift , Walter Posch, “Juden im Iran”, issue 83 : “This becomes clear in Article 14, in which it says among other things: 'The government of the Islamic Republic and the Muslims [are] obliged to treat non-Muslims with decency and to treat Islamic justice and respect human rights towards them. ' In fact, the authorities are also trying to give religious minorities their rights: there are grants or full funding for their publications, renovations of pilgrimage sites and places of worship that have also been included in the list of national cultural heritage, their own schools and hospitals, as well as numerous Societies."
- ↑ z. B. Udo Wolter, example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf, p. 6 .
- ↑ Emma Fox, Islamic Human Rights Commission: Advocating for the Ayatollahs , Center for Radicalization and Terrorism, Henry Jackson Society, May, 2019, p. 11 : "a by-product of the Khomeinist, Islamist and anti-western ideology".
- ↑ Jürgen Todenhöfer, Feinbild Islam: Theses against hatred , Munich, 2011, p. 26 ; see also: Theresa Tropper, “Jewish minority in Iran: Jews and Muslims respect one another”, in: Qantara , conversation with Ciamak Moresadegh, September 12, 2017 .
- ^ Roger Howard, Iran in Crisis ?: The Future of the Revolutionary Regime and the US Response , London, New York, 2004, p. 50 .
- ↑ American Jewish Committee , "Anti-Semitism made in Iran: The International Dimension of Al-Quds Day", Berlin, 2006, passim .
- ^ Constitutional Protection Report 2015 , pdf, p. 179 .
- ^ Constitutional Protection Report Baden-Württemberg 2019 , p. 94
- ↑ Roger Howard, Iran in Crisis ?: The Future of the Revolutionary Regime and the US Response , London, New York, 2004, p. 48 .
- ^ Yitzhak Reiter, Jerusalem and Its Role in Islamic Solidarity , New York, 2008, p. 143 .
- ↑ Inminds , June 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Telesur english , May 31, 2019 : “In Iraq, tens of thousand attended Al-Quds rallies around the country. London is also the home to some of the largest Al-Quds rallies, with attendance sometimes reaching up to 3000. "
- ↑ Udo Wolter, Example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf, p. 35 ; Zeit online , July 25, 2014 : More than 2000 participants in Berlin.
- ^ American Jewish Committee , "Anti-Semitism made in Iran: The International Dimension of Al-Quds Day", Berlin, 2006, p. 41 ; Time online , July 25, 2015 .
- ↑ Udo Wolter, "Example Al-Quds-Tag", report for the integration commissioner of the federal government , Berlin, November, 2004, pdf p. 16 ; Klaus Grünewald, “Defending Germany's Constitution - Law Enforcement Views Radical Islam”, The Middle East Quarterly , March 1995, II, 1, quoted. n. Udo Wolter, ibid. m. Note 62; Hamburger Abenblatt , “Two Demos in the City”, March 14, 1994, p. 10 ; Answer to the minor question from the MPs Volker Beck (Cologne), Katja Keul and the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group , August 21, 2017, item 18 .
- ↑ Small question from MP Oliver Höfinghoff (PIRATE) of May 31, 2016 (received by the House of Representatives on June 1, 2016) and answer Quds-March 2015 and Hezbollah structures in Berlin June 15, 2016, point 1 .
- ↑ Small question from the MP Oliver Höfinghoff (PIRATE) of May 31, 2016 (received by the House of Representatives on June 1, 2016) and answer Quds-March 2015 and Hezbollah structures in Berlin , June 15, 2016, points 4. and 7 uz B. BZ , “Al-Quds-Demo: And again the Jew haters were allowed to roam Berlin”, June 23, 2017 , Olaf Wagner, photo series.
- ↑ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , June 29, 2017 .
- ↑ "the stronghold of Zionism", see BZ , "Al-Quds demo: Once again allowed the Jews haters through Berlin pull", June 23, 2017 , Olaf Wagner, photo gallery; Samidoun , Remembering Muhammad Ali: “I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland,” June 5, 2016 ; Haaretz , “Muhammed Ali's Complicated Relationship with the Jews,” June 4, 2016 ; Mintpress News , June 7, 2016 .
- ^ Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism , (JFDA), analysis of the al-Quds-March 2018 .
- ↑ Spiegel Online , “Islamist Deployment: Silence Against Israel”, November 18, 2003 ; Tagesspiegel , November 28, 2005 : “Al-Quds demonstrations in the capital have so far been peaceful. Flags of the Shiite terrorist organization Hezbollah have also recently not been seen in the hands of demonstrators. Last year the demonstration was a silent march. "
- ^ Constitutional Protection Report Berlin 2015 pdf, p. 59 .
- ↑ Israel Network , June 6, 2018 ; Tagesspiegel , July 3, 2016 ; Cicero , “We only want good things!” June 2, 2019 .
- ↑ Udo Wolter, Example Al-Quds-Tag , expert opinion for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf, p. 20 ff.
- ↑ “DW-Akademie” of “Deutsche Welle” from July 25, 2014 : “A view that corresponds to the findings of German security circles. Accordingly, Bahman Berenjian's "Al-Quds" demonstrations were registered until 2005. "
- ↑ Small question from MP Özcan Mutlu (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) of October 6, 2005 (received by the House of Representatives on October 11, 2005) and answer: Al-Quds demonstration , November 4, 2005 : “The applicant for this year's demonstration is the Senate as a board member of the Berlin association 'Islamic Community of Iranians in Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. ' known. There are close connections between the association founded on May 20th, 2003 and the IZH, which are already evident from the association's statutes. "
- ^ RIAS - Research and Information Center Antisemitism Berlin , August 20, 2015 : "On July 11, the Quds-AG of the association" Islamic Community of Iranians in Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. “the nineteenth Al-Quds march in Berlin”; Small request from the Pirate Party and answer from the Berlin Senator for the Interior , June 15, 2016, point 4 . Answer to a small inquiry from May 4, 2018, point 6 : “About its offshoot“ Islamic Community of Iranians in Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. ”organizes the“ Islamic Center Hamburg e. V. ”the“ Al-Quds-Day ”, which also takes place annually in Berlin.
- ^ Moische Friedman, "Guest Speaker Chief Rabbi Friedman", speech of December 21, 2006 ; Muslim market , interview with Chief Rabbi Friedman .
- ↑ Udo Wolter, Example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf, p. 34 : “ideological crossover”; taz , "Al-Kuds Day: Strange Alliances", May 31, 2019 ; Tagesspiegel , “Al-Quds-Day in Berlin: A reservoir of hatred and anti-Semitism”, July 25, 2014 .
- ^ Zeit online , "Hetze, Wut und Solidarität", June 1, 2019 ; Berliner Kurier , July 25, 2014 ; Antifascist Press Center and Educational Archive Berlin , “Dossier”, p. 6 : “Among the approximately 600 participants there were not only a few neo-Nazis but also activists from the right wing micro-party Deutsche Mitte ”; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , August 1, 2019 .
- ↑ Tagesspiegel , “Al-Quds-Day in Berlin: A reservoir of hatred and anti-Semitism”, July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Cicero , “We only want good things!” June 2, 2019 .
- ^ “Appeal against the international Al-Quds-Day”, Berlin, 2005; in: “American Jewish Committee”, Berlin, 2006, p. 44 f. .
- ^ Against the Quds March, 2019 . One of the opponents is the former chairman of the German-Israeli parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Volker Beck .
- ↑ a b c Antea Obinja: Hate Demo: Protest against the controversial Al Quds March, June 1, 2020
- ↑ Central Council of Jews criticizes “Al-Kuds-Demo”, May 27, 2019
- ↑ Von Storch (AfD) on Al-Kuds Day: “Nothing other than a call to violence”, May 31, 2019
- ↑ No-Al-Quds Day , June 9, 2018 ; Zeit online , "Hate, Anger and Solidarity", June 1, 2019 .
- ↑ No-Al-Quds Day , June 9, 2018 .
- ↑ Tagesspiegel , July 3, 2016 .
- ^ Zeit online , "Hetze, Wut und Solidarität", June 1, 2019 ; Spiegel online , "Hundreds gather for the Al-Kuds March in Berlin", June 1, 2019 .
- ↑ Lamya Kaddor, t-online Nachrichten , “Why I don't wear a kippah on al-Quds day”, May 31, 2019 .
- ↑ Tagesspiegel , “Islamic Council distances itself from al-Quds Day”, October 28, 2005 .
- ↑ Der Standard , October 31, 2005 .
- ↑ Deutschlandfunk , July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Jewish General , May 29, 2019
- ^ Badische Zeitung , "Israel's ambassador appeals to Germany to ban the al-Quds march in future", June 2, 2019
- ↑ Deutschlandfunk , May 31, 2019
- ↑ Small question from the MP Oliver Höfinghoff (PIRATE) of May 31, 2016 (received by the House of Representatives on June 1, 2016) and answer Quds-March 2015 and Hezbollah structures in Berlin June 15, 2016, point 16 .
- ^ Zeit online , "Hetze, Wut und Solidarität", June 1, 2019 .
- ↑ Udo Wolter, Example Al-Quds-Tag , report for the integration commissioner of the federal government, Berlin in November 2004 Berlin, November, 2004, pdf p. 31 : "At the beginning the police took a young man because of a poster 'Jews are murderers' and collected more material. "
- ↑ Zeit online , July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Tagesspiegel , June 28, 2016 ; Berliner Morgenpost , June 2, 2019 : “The officials intervened when demonstrators chanted the slogan 'Israel child murderer', which was not expressly prohibited under the conditions. A police spokesman reported that the organizers had 'been influenced' to refrain from calling. For example, flags and symbols of the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah were banned, as were anti-Jewish slogans and the burning of objects. The organizer had submitted an urgent application to display Hezbollah symbols. The Higher Administrative Court rejected this on Saturday and confirmed the line of the police ”; Answer to the minor question from MP Özcan Mutlu (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) at the Berlin House of Representatives on October 11, 2005, November 4, 2005 : “Before the event, the assembly authority issued conditions to ensure that, in particular, the expressions of opinion of the demonstrators below remain the criminally relevant limit. For this purpose, among other things, the requirement was issued to present banners and signs with inscriptions in Arabic to the police before they were used to examine them for criminal content ”; Constitutional Protection Report 2018 , 213 f. .
- ↑ Der Stern / Courage against Right-Wing Violence , September 17, 2009 ; Constitutional Protection Report 2018 , 215 f. : "Since 2001 the" Izz-al-Din al-Qassam Brigades "have been listed as a military wing of HAMAS as a terrorist organization on the so-called EU terror list, and HAMAS as a whole since 2003."
- ^ Parliamentary question from Susanne Winter and other members of parliament , dated September 19, 2012 .
- ↑ Der Standard , July 26, 2014 .
- ^ Courier , August 19, 2015 .
- ↑ Inquiry from MP Albert Steinhauser, Freundinnen and Freunde to the Federal Minister of the Interior regarding AI Quds Day 2015 , from January 20, 2016 .
- ↑ Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior , March 17, 2016 , point 1.
- ^ Courier , August 19, 2015 .
- ↑ Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior , March 17, 2016 , point 2.
- ↑ Der Standard , “Al-Quds-Tag: Anti-Israeli demo passed through Vienna”, June 25, 2017 : “The majority of the participants are Muslim, but neo-Nazis have marched with them repeatedly in recent years, such as Andreas Peham from the documentation archive of the Austrian Resistance reported last year. "
- ↑ Greens , No Al-Quds Day: Together Against Anti-Semitism, 2015 ; OE24 , " Fuss about the anti-Israel Al-Quds demonstration in Vienna", June 25, 2017 .
- ↑ Washington Post , “More than hundred Palestinians dead in worst day of Gaza conflict. Israel denies Soldier captured ", July 21, 2014," Day 13 was the bloodiest so far. "
- ^ Neue Zürcher Zeitung , "Islamists, Leftists and Neo-Nazis Form Alliances", July 28, 2014 ; Zeit online , July 25, 2014 ; Die Presse July 25, 2014 : “In several German cities protests against the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip were registered for Friday. In the federal states of Berlin, Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony, the organizers were asked to prevent anti-Semitic propaganda at the rallies. 1500 people were expected to attend an Al-Quds rally in Berlin, and counter-demonstrations were also planned ”; Der Spiegel , “A space for criticism: a left minority Israelis in Berlin openly speak out against Netanyahu's Gaza offensive”, July 28 , 2014 ; Kurier , “Gaza War Triggers Anti-Semitic Wave,” July 21, 2014 ; Vice , "This is how anti-Semitic Germany is", December 29, 2015 .
- ↑ Tagesanzeiger , “We accuse both parties of war crimes”, July 22, 2014 .
- ↑ Zeit online , “All Zionists! All anti-Semites! ”, July 25, 2014 :“ More than 800 Palestinians have died and at least 31 Israelis. They all list these numbers here, mostly outraged and with a short pause in action. "
- ↑ Süddeutsche Zeitung , "Anti-Israel Demonstration: This is Berlin and not Gaza", July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Qudstag , 2014 ; Jewish Forum (JFDA), “Anti-Semitic Al-Quds March 2014 & 2015”, you tube .
- ↑ Zeit online , “All Zionists! All anti-Semites! ”, July 25, 2014 :“ Many hold up signs with Israeli rockets and dead Palestinian children ”; Spiegel online , "Manipulated War Photos: Images That Lies", August 14, 2014 .
- ↑ +972 Magazine , Dimi Reider, “Much more graphic IDF 'souvenir' pictures emerge”, August 21, 2010 , (4th photo and caption).
- ↑ Tagesspiegel , Liveblog, July 25, 2014 .
- Jump up ↑ Die Welt , “Brothers in Islam, Do Not Allow Yourselves to be Provoked,” July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ UN Human Rights Commission, "Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories", December 26, 2014 : point 24 : 306 women; Point 33 and 35 (four pregnant); בְּצֶלֶם, B'Tselem - The Israelian Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories , "Whitewash Protocol: The So-Called Investigation of Operation Protective Edge", September 2016, pdf, p. 14 : "More than 70% of the fatalities were women, children and teenagers under 18, or adults over the age of 60 "; Zeit online , By dpa, “'Israel-gas' and 'Sieg-Heil-Rufe' in Berlin”, July 25, 2014 ; The world , “Brothers in Islam, do not be provoked”, July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ taz , July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Zeit online , “All Zionists! All anti-Semites! ”, July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ Zeit online , “All Zionists! All anti-Semites! ", July 25, 2014 :" In the evening the Al-Quds demonstration broke up peacefully. The police were satisfied with the way the al-Quds and counter-demonstrations had gone. The strict conditions were well enforced. Despite great fears it was possible to prevent riots ”; The world , “Brothers in Islam, do not be provoked”, July 25, 2014 .
- ↑ BBC , "Argentina scraps Israel World Cup friendly after campaign", June 6, 2018 : "Argentina has canceled a football World Cup warm-up match with Israel, apparently under pressure over Israel's treatment of Palestinians"; Middle East Monitor , “Argentina cancels match with Israel amid protests”, June 6, 2018 ; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , “No trip to Jerusalem”, June 6, 2018 : “By context, the Palestinian [Association President Djibril Rajoub] meant the relocation of the American embassy to Jerusalem, which is controversial under international law, and the violence in the Gaza Strip, where Israeli snipers killed more than 100 Palestinians to have. (...) Boycott proponents had not only demonstrated in Buenos Aires, but apparently also put massive pressure on the players. On the edge of the training ground in Barcelona, where the Argentines are preparing for the World Cup, activists were holding apparently bloodied national jerseys to the fence. "
- ↑ Berliner Zeitung , "Who was there at al-Quds day? Ayatollahs mobilize for the Israel haters demo ”, June 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Wiener Zeitung , June 8, 2018 : “On the other hand, the current situation on the Gaza-Israel border will contribute significantly to the mobilization for this march. Most recently, a young Palestinian woman who was a volunteer paramedic was shot. That lets the waves go up in the net. The Israeli armed forces deny targeting the woman. The death of Razan Najjar is now being investigated, it is said “; Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism , (JFDA), analysis of the al-Quds march 2018 : “This imagery was used by around six women dressed in doctor's coats, posters of the nurse Razan, who died in the protests on the Gaza border al-Najjar and stylized her as a martyr. Some had sealed their mouths with masking tape that said 'Antisemitism' (Fig. 12). "
- ↑ CNN , "Her only weapon was her medical vest": Palestinians mourn death of nurse killed by Israeli forces, " June 4, 2018 ; Haaretz , Amira Hass , “Anonymous Snipers and a Lethal Verdict”, June 5, 2018 ; Le Monde , “Emotion à Gaza à la suite de la mort d'une infirmière, tuée par l'armée israélienne”, June 3, 2018 ; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , “Mourning for a paramedic who was shot”, June 3, 2018 ; Image , “Palestinian medic shot dead during protests,” June 3, 2018 ; Neue Zürcher Zeitung , “Stolen Hope for Peace in Gaza”, June 4, 2018 ; UN Human Rights Commission , documentation of the related hate comments, pp. 193-195 .
- ^ Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism , (JFDA), analysis of al-Quds-March 2018 ; ABNA , Qudstag in Berlin ; Obvious , June 10, 2018 .
- ^ Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism , (JFDA), analysis of the al-Quds-March 2018 .
- ↑ BZ , "Al-Quds-Demo: And again the Jews haters were allowed to move through Berlin", June 23, 2017 , Olaf Wagner, photo gallery.
- ↑ Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism , (JFDA), analysis of al-Quds marches 2018 Berliner Zeitung , “Who was there at al-Quds day? Ayatollahs mobilize for the Israel haters demo ”, June 13, 2018 .
- ↑ taz , Interview with Hamidreza Torabi: “Double standards must end”, May 5, 2017
- ↑ Tagesspiegel , June 12, 2018 .