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Baix (France)
region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Department Ardèche
Arrondissement Privas
Canton Le Pouzin
Community association Ardèche Rhône Coiron
Coordinates 44 ° 43 ′  N , 4 ° 46 ′  E Coordinates: 44 ° 43 ′  N , 4 ° 46 ′  E
height 76-457 m
surface 17.39 km 2
Residents 1,164 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 67 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 07211
INSEE code

Baix on the banks of the Rhone

Baix is a French commune with 1,164 inhabitants (at January 1, 2017) in the department of Ardèche in the Region Auvergne Rhône-Alpes ; it belongs to the Arrondissement Privas and the canton Le Pouzin . The inhabitants are called the Baixois and Baixoises .


Baix is ​​located on the right bank of the Rhone and thus on the border with the Drôme department . Neighboring communities are Cruas and Loriol-sur-Drôme . The next largest city is Montélimar 17 kilometers to the southwest. The Payre flows into a tributary of the Rhône near the village.


The Romans founded the settlement Batiana (from Latin batos = simple and -ana = crossing) on the site of the present-day town , as the Rhône is particularly flat here and there are islands in the middle of the river. At that time, one of the few connecting routes between the left and right banks of the Rhône ran through the city. Baix is ​​also mentioned on the Roman map of Tabula Peutingeriana . Over the past centuries, the course of the Rhône has been modified and changed several times, which also explains why the place was still on the right bank in ancient times and is now on the left bank of the Rhône.

As a result of the Great Migration, the city was almost completely destroyed twice, 411 by the Vandals and 735 by the Saracens . After the second reconstruction of the city, the Latin-speaking population did not want to mix with the Phocian and decided to give up the settlement. They founded a new village Pusillus north of the Ouvèze , today's municipality Le Pouzin . The Greek-speaking population built the settlement of Baios , from which Baix emerged. In the Middle Ages the municipality was called Bays-sur-Bays .

In the 13th century the citizens were granted tax exemption, which in the 15th century by Amadeus IX. was confirmed by Savoy . At that time the place was considered one of the safest settlements for Protestants.

In the 14th century the place served as the residence of the chief countess of the region, who was an ally of Raymond de Turenne , who had also started the war against the statements of the Pope. Baix was therefore a safe place to stay for Protestants in southern France until the 16th century.

Population development

year 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2017
Residents 643 609 546 961 748 822 1010 1164
Sources: Cassini and INSEE


Baix is ​​a village with houses from the 15th and 16th centuries, some of which have been painted with wall frescos . The architecture of the municipality is typical of a place on the Rhône in which elements of shipping dominate. The fountain in honor of Louis XVI. and the associated washing area attract tourists. The city's clock tower from the 16th century and the remains of the old castle are also destinations for tourists. The inn "La Cardinale" is located in Baix. On the hill above Baix, the ruins of the old castle can still be seen today.

The most visited are the churches of the village, a modern, ecumenical church, as well as the pilgrim chapel Saint-Euphémie with its ancient tombs in the churchyard and the Stations of the Cross. The Saint-Nicolas church , named after the patron saint of boatmen, dates largely from the 16th century.

The view from the Rhône is determined by the rock face in the background of Baix, as well as the water drainage channel that supplies the Logis-Neuf . A botanical path allows visitors to discover the typical flora and fauna of the landscape.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Information on Baix ( Memento from May 17, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (French, accessed January 30, 2011)
  2. (link not available)

Web links

Commons : Baix  - collection of images, videos and audio files