
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of VaudCanton of Vaud Vaud (VD)
District : Morgesw
Municipality : Bussy chardonneyi2 w1
Postal code : 1136
Coordinates : 523 521  /  153576 coordinates: 46 ° 31 '45 "  N , 6 ° 26' 31"  O ; CH1903:  five hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred twenty-one  /  153576
Height : 520  m above sea level M.
Bussy-sur-Morges (Switzerland)
w w w w
Parish before the merger on April 1, 1961

Bussy-sur-Morges was a municipality in the Morges district in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland . On April 1, 1961, it merged with the former municipality of Chardonney-sur-Morges to form the new municipality of Bussy-Chardonney .