A strong team: blood ties

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Episode in the series A strong team
Original title Blood ties
A strong team Logo.png
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 25 ( List )
First broadcast April 26, 2003 on ZDF
Director Johannes Grieser
script Eva and Volker A. Zahn
production Norbert Sauer
music Robert Schulte-Hemming
Jens Langbein
camera Wolf Siegelmann
cut Michael Reysz

←  Predecessor
colleague murderer

Successor  →
The great silence

Blutsbande is a German television film by Johannes Grieser from 2003. It is the 25th episode of the crime series A strong team with Maja Maranow and Florian Martens in the leading roles.


The violent death of the student Oliver Dahl leads detective chief inspector Otto Garber and his colleague Verena Berthold into a world of the "Berliner Burschenschaft Creszencia" that is foreign to them . Since the young man was stabbed with a sword, a perpetrator from this group comes into consideration. The investigators hope to find the murderer with the direct crime scene. A meticulous search for traces of blood that must have occurred during the killing begins, but nothing suitable can be found in the fraternity house . An assignment is only possible after days of DNA analysis.

Otto hopes for information from Fuchs Heiko Zander, who is extremely humiliated by his federal brothers , which even drives him to attempt suicide . Verena follows a trail to the scene on the right , to which one of the fraternity members has contact. A wanted arsonist and murderer went online, but the police had nothing to do with the death of the student. Further investigations bring the knowledge that the fraternity member Helmut von Calenberg is the perpetrator. The victim had found out that Calenberg had committed copyright infringement in his thesis, which threatened his existence and would also have meant expulsion from the fraternity if someone had found out about it.


Blood ties was in Berlin turned and on 26 April 2003 at 20:15 in the ZDF erstausgestrahlt.

Sputnik , whose role as a businessman in the series is designed as a running gag , has turned his restaurant into a South American rumba bar in this episode .

The background story of the film has strong analogies to the Tatort episode Quartet in Leipzig .


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm gave the best rating (thumbs up) and gave an appreciative rating: "Touché: accurately staged milieu study."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for a strong team: blood ties . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , March 2011 (PDF; test number: 126 816 V).
  2. A strong team: Blood ties at TV Spielfilm , accessed on November 30, 2016.