Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt

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Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt 2016

Rüdiger Nitzo Kuhlbrodt (born November 20, 1942 in Hamburg ) is a German theater, film and television actor and theater director .


Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt comes from an academic family. He grew up as the fifth child of marine meteorologists of Hamburg and director Seewetteramtes Erich Kuhlbrodt and geologist Lucie Kuhlbrodt in Hamburg-Eppendorf on. After graduating from high school, he studied acting at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Hamburg. a. with Dietmar Mues , Dagmar Berghoff and Heidemarie Rohweder . This was followed by first engagements in the role of the "youthful hero" at the Stadttheater Pforzheim and the Mainfranken Theater Würzburg , at the Theater Lübeck , later at the Münster City Theaters and in 1975 at the Bochum Theater . Under the direction of Peter Zadek , Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt u. a. with the directors Rosa von Praunheim , Werner Schroeter , Jiří Menzel , Augusto Fernandes and Jürgen Flimm . The ensemble included u. a. Hannelore Hoger , Tana Schanzara and Ulrich Wildgruber , but also Herbert Grönemeyer , Marie-Luise Marjan and Matthias Zschokke . The framework of theater art was not only expanded, but participation theater was also tried out . Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt ended his time in Bochum in 1979 with a stubborn labor dispute against the subsequent director Claus Peymann . He had given notice to 44 members of the Bochum theater . As chairman of the German Stage Members' Cooperative ( GDBA ), he and his colleagues obtained severance payments for all those affected.

After a creative break in California , during which he shot the movie Exit Sunset Boulevard with Elke Sommer and Azizi Johari, he set up the alternative theater project in 1980 with other artists in the former Atlantik-Kino in Düsseldorf . A "prison tour" led to correctional facilities throughout North Rhine-Westphalia , further tours to other non-theater facilities such as old people's homes and youth centers . Then in 1984 the Westphalian State Theater brought him in as senior director. Here Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt realized political revues, such as Der gläserne Mensch and Deutschland a miracle tale , but also adaptations of novels such as 1984 , Kleiner Mann - what now? as well as the drama Oops, we're alive . He also directed the Turkish migration play Sevdican - Gate of Hope with the well-known Turkish actress Dilek Türker in the leading role.

In 1986 he followed Peter Zadek's call as an actor at the Deutsche Schauspielhaus in Hamburg . Here he played at the side until 1991. a. by Susanne Lothar , Ulrich Tukur , Eva Mattes , Monica Bleibtreu and Michael Degen . After a trip to the boulevard theater at the side of Evelyn Hamann and Walter Plathe ( Winterhuder Fährhaus Hamburg and Komödie am Kurfürstendamm Berlin) and the guest performance Der Blaue Engel at the Theater des Westens Berlin , directed by Peter Zadek, in the lead role Ute Lemper , he became in 1994 under the direction of Heiner Müller , Matthias Langhoff , Fritz Marquardt , Peter Palitzsch and Peter Zadek member of the Berliner Ensemble . After 1996 guest contracts followed a. a. with the Kammerspiele Berlin, the Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin , the Wiener Festwochen , the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz , the Schlosspark Theater Berlin, the theater of the state capital Magdeburg , the Hamburger Kammerspiele , the Ruhrtriennale , the Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall and the Landestheater Salzburg . In 2002 for political reasons ( Second Iraq War ) he founded the free group Global Heroes , which performed with the multimedia performance America at War: A Series .

In addition, Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt has so far played in more than 200 film and television productions, in which he now holds the role of "angry grandpa".


Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt is the brother of the archaeologist , dancer and former director of the Ruhrfestspiele Eckhard Kuhlbrodt as well as the public prosecutor , film critic and performer Dietrich Kuhlbrodt . He is married for the second time and lives in Berlin and Palm Beach , Florida .

Direction and projects

Theater roles (selection)

Filmography (selection)

movie theater

watch TV

Web links

Commons : Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Mechthild Lange: It's a damn hard job ... Young actors in Germany, in: Die Welt October 7, 1967
  2. ^ Bochum: actor in golden armor led protest march, in: picture November 9, 1978
  3. ^ Protest against Peymann: Actors demonstrate in front of the employment office and town hall, in: Ruhr Nachrichten November 9, 1978
  4. Actors demonstrate: "New brooms, old brooms - it has always been like this", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung November 9, 1978
  5. "Too few cities feel an obligation". WAZ conversation with R. Kuhlbrodt, the new head director of the Westphalian State Theater, in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung July 12, 1984
  6. New senior director relies on ensemble building and projects. Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt signed an annual contract, in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung June 2, 1984
  7. Reinhard Wengierek: God bless America. German moments, in: Die Welt September 13, 2002
  8. H. Reitberger: "One phoenix too many" does not age. Christopher Fry's play newly staged in the Torturmtheater Sommerhausen , in: Main-Post March 9, 1970
  9. ^ An enigmatic joke from England. One-act play by Saunders and Mortimer in the studio of the Stadttheater Würzburg, in: Main-Post May 4, 1970
  10. Max Schmidt: Buschum or not Buschum? René Obaldia's one-act play "Sea Air" in Luigi Malipiero's "Midnight Stage", in: Main-Post August 5, 1971
  11. Annemarie Fölske: The grueling aftermath. "For want of evidence" in the room theater, in: Münstersche Zeitung May 24, 1973
  12. Achim Kuhlmann: Without any theatrical solemnity. Poetry evening in the courtyard of the Munster Municipal Theater opened up new possibilities, in: Westfälische Nachrichten 13 July 1974
  13. There is often only one sentence left of hits. Five seconds on the subject of "Wagner and Fascism". Collective directing style for WLT staging, in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 10 December 1983
  14. Acting revue "Everyone dies for himself alone" at the WLT: The horrors of the Third Reich as a crime story, in: Ruhr Nachrichten 10.12.1983
  15. ^ Gabi Specks: Serious cases. Westphalian State Theater in the "workshop", in: Rheinische Post September 20, 1984
  16. Thomas Wiltberger: "Danton": Problems of understanding and an outstanding leading actor, in: Ruhr Nachrichten October 8, 1984
  17. Klaus Witzeling: Saura's film turned into a stage debacle, in: Hamburger Morgenpost July 19, 1988
  18. Alfred Hermsdörfer: "Bare skin is also a costume". More and more theater directors bring their actors to the stage without a shell - everything for art ?, in: Bild am Sonntag May 7, 1989
  19. Klaus Witzeling: Seven types in the game of love and longing, in: Hamburger Morgenpost March 14, 1990
  20. Michaela Schlangenwert: David Sutherland shows a story ballet - Die Campanini and the old Fritz in: Berliner Zeitung February 2, 1999
  21. ^ Ernst Schumacher: On the world premiere of Hochhuth's "Hitler's Dr. Faust" in: Berliner Zeitung 23.10.01
  22. Andres Müry: Der gepamperte Maestro in: Der Tagesspiegel , from November 12, 2008
  23. Reinhard Kriechbaum: Parodien zuhauf in: nachtkritik.de, from November 7, 2008