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Gęsiki does not have a coat of arms
Gęsiki (Poland)
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Warmia-Masuria
Powiat : Kętrzyn
Gmina : Barciany
Geographic location : 54 ° 14 '  N , 21 ° 22'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 14 '15 "  N , 21 ° 21' 54"  E
Residents : 120 (2010)
Postal code : 11-410
Telephone code : (+48) 89
License plate : NKE
Economy and Transport
Street : BarcianyGłówczyno - Cacki - Bobrowo
Suchawa - Gościeradowo → Gęsiki
Gęsiniec Wielki → Gęsiki
Rail route : no rail connection
Next international airport : Danzig
Administration (as of 2006)
Village chief : Julian Skonieczka
Address: Gęsiki 1/1
11-410 Barciany

Gęsiki ([ gɛ̃ˈɕikʲi ], German  Meistersfelde ) is a village in Poland in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and belongs to the Gmina Barciany (Barten) in the powiat Kętrzyński ( Rastenburg district ).

Geographical location

The village is located in northern Poland, about ten kilometers south of the border with Kaliningrad Oblast . It is 18 kilometers to the south to the district town of Kętrzyn ( German  Rastenburg ). The two hamlets Gęsiniec Wielki and Gościeradowo (Friedenau) belong to the village . To the west of the village is the Jezioro Gęsiniec Wielki Gęś (The Big Goose ), to the north of the Jezioro Gęsiniec Mały Gąska (The Little Goose) , both moor lakes.


Local history

The area was probably already in the pre-Roman Iron Age from approx. 450 to 250 BC. Settled by the Bogaczewo culture , as can be proven from a horse grave found there . Traces of shoulder straps were also found in a burial ground, suggesting a settlement during the Samland-Natang culture in the 1st to 6th centuries AD.

In 1353 the estate was laid out according to Kulmer law , when Komtur Erwin von Stockheim transferred 32 Włóka land to Heynman Schmied . The country was exempt from paying all encumbrances for ten years.

In 1874, Meistersfelde was incorporated into the district of Skandlack ( Polish: Skandławki ) in the district of Rastenburg in the administrative district of Königsberg in the Prussian province of East Prussia . In 1929, the district of Skandlack was renamed "District Sausgörken".

After the Second World War the village became part of Poland. In 1973 it became a Schulzenamt to which two villages were assigned. Then it was assigned to the newly formed Olsztyn Voivodeship in 1975 . With its dissolution, the village was part of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship from 1999.

Population numbers

year 1817 1939 1970 2010
population 151 312 174 120


The village head (Sołtys) is Julian Skonieczka (2006). In addition to the village of Gęsiki, the villages of Gęsiniec Wielki and Główczyno (Egloffstein) belong to the Schulzenamt .


Until 1945 Meistersfelde was parish in the Protestant Church of Barten in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union and in the Roman Catholic Church in Rastenburg in what was then the Diocese of Warmia .

Today Gęsiki belongs to the Roman Catholic parish of Barciany in what is now the Archdiocese of Warmia . Barciany is also the parish of the evangelical inhabitants, which is assigned to the Johanneskirche in Kętrzyn as a parish in the diocese of Masuria of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland .


In 1808 there was a school in Meistersfelde which was attended by 20 children, in 1827 there were 27 children.



The province road 650 from Węgorzewo (Angerburg) runs about 1.5 kilometers south of the village, which joins the province road 590 , which leads to Korsze (Korschen) . This can be reached from Gęsiki via a side road.


Gęsiki does not have a train tail. Until 1945, Meistersfelde was a railway station on the Barten – Gerdauen railway line operated by the Rastenburger Kleinbahnen , which was not reactivated after 1945.


The nearest international airport in Poland is Gdansk Lech Wałęsa Airport , around 200 kilometers away. Geographically closer is Kaliningrad Airport, about 70 kilometers north, in the Russian Oblast of Kaliningrad .


  • Tadeusz Swat: Dzieje Wsi . In: Aniela Bałanda u. a .: Kętrzyn. Z dziejów miasta i okolic . Pojezierze, Olsztyn 1978, p. 174 (Seria monografii miast Warmii i Mazur) .

Individual evidence

  1. Główny Urząd Statystyczny: Portret miejscowości statystycznych w gminie Barciany (powiat kętrzyński, województwo warmińsko-mazurskie) w 2010 r. ( Online query ).
  2. Polish Postal Code Directory 2013, p. 295
  3. Wojciech Nowakowski: A horse, a dress, a sword. In: Sebastian Brather, Dieter Geuenich, Christoph Huth: Historia archaeologica. de Gruyter 2009, ISBN 978-3110223378 , p. 167 ff.
  4. Jaroslaw A. Prassolow: Shoulder straps of the type balteus Vidgiriai in the area of ​​distribution of the Samländisch-Natangischen culture. In: Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 45 (2013), pp. 87-107.
  5. Dietrich Lange, Geographical Location Register East Prussia (2005): Meistersfelde
  6. Rolf Jehke, District Skandlack / Sausgoerken
  7. For 1817, 1939 and 1970: Tadeusz Swat, 1978, p. 174.
    For 2010: Główny Urząd Statystyczny: Portret miejscowości statystycznych w gminie Barciany (powiat kętrzyński, województwo warmińsko-mazurskie) w 2010 r. ( Online query ).
  8. Website of the Barciany municipality: http://www.inter.media.pl/nt-bin/barciany/start.asp?page=pl_solectwa&tytul=So%B3ectwa  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.inter.media.pl  
  9. Meistersfelde at GenWiki