Gernstl on the go

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Gernstl on the move is an award-winning travel report series for Bayerischer Rundfunk . The series is produced by Franz Xaver Gernstl's production company Megaherz Film und Fernsehen .


What is special about the reports by the Munich documentary filmmaker Franz Xaver Gernstl is their spontaneity. Gernstl often approaches people in an arbitrary and mostly unplanned way. He makes people talk without saying too many words. He speaks to originals, unrecognized philosophers, do-gooders and "normal people". Taken together, Gernstl interviewed more than two thousand people in this series (BR, see below). Another special feature of the film series is that Gernstl acts both as a producer and director as well as a presenter in his reports . He is shooting the films together with cameraman Hans Peter Fischer and sound engineer Stefan Ravasz .

A total of around 50 programs with around 100 hours of programming have been produced so far. The individual episodes are usually 45 minutes long, but are also divided into 30 or 15 minute versions.


  • 1992 - Grimme Prize for writing and directing from 51 ° North - Germany across
  • 2000 - Grimme Prize for Gernstl on the go
  • 2001 - Bavarian TV Prize for Gernstl on the go
  • 2007 - Bavarian Culture Prize (special prize)

Degree walks

10 ° east longitude - straight through the republic

It began in 1983 with nine episodes under the title 10 ° east longitude for ARD. Gernstl and his team drove the longitude from south to north in Germany along looking for "people who know how to live right" (Gernstls original sound ). The journey began in the Allgäu and ended at the Baltic Sea .

51 ° north - Germany across

It continued in 1989 with the series 51 ° North - Germany across . In eleven episodes (30 minutes each), the trio traveled to the 51st parallel after the fall of the Berlin Wall, from the Dutch to the Polish border. Gernstl had a special encounter with a mentally handicapped boy from Gotha , who invited him home to his family. He repeated this trip 25 years later (at the end of 2014) to find out how the country and people, especially in eastern Germany, changed after the fall of the Wall . In individual cases he even met the same people as in 1989.

Gernstl on the go

Franz Xaver Gernstl's reports have been titled Gernstl on the go since 1996 .

All around Bavaria

In 1996 Gernstl took his camera team on a trip along the Bavarian border. The 2,735 km long trip was rounded off with short detours to Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, the Czech Republic and Austria. The individual programs were then 120 minutes long.

Along the B 2

From 2000 to 2002 Gernstl traveled with his small camera team along Bundesstraße 2 . From the Austrian border in the south of Bavaria, we continued over the Vogtland to the border with Poland:

Gernstl in the Alps

In 2003/2004 Franz X. Gernstl traveled in 10 episodes (45 minutes each) through the Alps in Bavaria, Austria , Switzerland and South Tyrol . The distance covered was 1,254 km.

  1. From Tegernsee to the Zillertal
  2. Around the Kitzbühel Alps
  3. From Wörgl to Innsbruck
  4. From the Ötztal to Landeck
  5. In the Engadine
  6. From St. Moritz to South Tyrol
  7. In South Tyrol
  8. From East Tyrol to Carinthia
  9. In Carinthia
  10. Around the Dachstein

Gernstl's trip to Germany

In 2007/2008 Gernstl's journey to Germany was created in 15 episodes of 45 minutes each. It led around Germany with side trips to neighboring countries.

  1. From Sylt to the Elbe
  2. From the Jade Bay to Holland
  3. From the Lower Rhine to the Selfkant
  4. From East Belgium to the Moselle
  5. In the Saarland
  6. In the Black Forest
  7. From Basel to Lake Constance
  8. From Lake Constance to the Inn Valley
  9. From Chiemgau to Altötting
  10. From Lower Bavaria to the Czech Republic
  11. From Vogtland to Saxon Switzerland
  12. Along the Neisse
  13. On the Oder
  14. On the Baltic Sea
  15. From the Baltic Sea to the North Sea

Gernstl on the go · Seven times Bavaria

This season, the film trio around Gernstl took on the seven Bavarian administrative districts (7 episodes of 45 minutes each ). Gernstl, Fischer and Ravasz wanted to find out what connects the ethnic groups in Bavaria and what distinguishes them.

Gernstl's culinary investigation

Three episodes, first broadcast on BR in 2013

  1. Mallorca
  2. Sweden
  3. Veneto

Gernstl's time travel

30 years after crossing Germany for the first time, the team sets out to find out what happened to the people interviewed at the time. So far, 9 episodes of Gernstl's time travel have been broadcast in three seasons:

season 1

First, Gernstl and his team visit protagonists from the programs they met in 1983 as part of the series 10 ° east longitude .

  • From Allgäu to Taubergrund, broadcast for the first time on January 1, 2014
  • From Würzburg to the Werra Valley, first broadcast on January 2, 2014
  • From Northeim to the Baltic Sea, first broadcast on January 3, 2014

season 2

In the second season, the Gernstl trio visits people who were seen in the series 51 ° Nord in 1989 .

  • From Selfkant to Bergisches Land, first broadcast on December 29, 2014
  • In the new federal states, first broadcast on December 30, 2014

season 3

  • All about Bavaria Part 1, first broadcast on December 25, 2015
  • All about Bavaria Part 2, first broadcast on December 26, 2015
  • All about Bavaria Part 3, first broadcast on January 4, 2016
  • All about Bavaria Part 4, first broadcast on January 5, 2016

Gernstl on the go - where are the Bavarians?

Bavarians like to be home, but they also like to go away. For love, for the job or to be able to come back one day. But what drives a person to leave home in order to dare to do something indefinite and new? That is what Franz X. Gernstl, cameraman HP Fischer and sound engineer Stefan Ravasz would like in the two seasons of Gernstl - where are the Bavarians? find out. Gernstl visits Bavarian emigrants and Bavarians in exile in six episodes, three of which were first broadcast on BR television at the turn of the year 2016/2017 and at the turn of the year 2017/2018.

season 1

  • Gernstl in San Francisco (first broadcast December 26, 2016)
  • Gernstl in Los Angeles (first broadcast December 25, 2016)
  • Gernstl in New York (first broadcast December 27, 2016)

season 2

  • Gernstl in Rome (first broadcast December 25, 2017)
  • Gernstl in Holland (first broadcast December 26, 2017)
  • Gernstl in Ireland (first broadcast January 1, 2018)

Gernstl on the go - in the middle of Bavaria, in the Gäuboden and in the Chiemgau

After Gernstl had visited exiled Bavaria abroad in the previous season, he will look back from home to the Bavarian soul in the next season. At the turn of the year 2018/2019 the three new episodes were first broadcast on BR TV:

  • Gernstl on the go - In the middle of Bavaria (first broadcast December 25, 2018)
  • Gernstl on the go - In the Gäuboden and in the Bavarian Forest (first broadcast December 26, 2018)
  • Gernstl on the go - Im Chiemgau (first broadcast January 1, 2019)

Gernstl on the way to the south

Gernstl and his team drove in the red bus in three stages over the Brenner Pass and the Dolomites to Lake Garda. The three episodes were broadcast on BR TV at the turn of the year 2019/2020.

  • From Zillertal to Brenner (December 25, 2019)
  • From Brenner to Lake Kaltern (December 26, 2019)
  • From the Dolomites to Lake Garda (January 1st, 2020)

Separate specials

Gernstl shoots special programs for certain events or particularly interesting locations, such as

  • 2001 - The Landshut people and their wedding (135 min.)
  • 2002 - Gernstl am Chiemsee (75 min.)
  • 2002 - Gernstl in Königswinkel (75 min.)
  • 2002 - Gernstl in Regensburg (60 min.)
  • 2004 - A Bavarian asks himself (30 min.)
  • 2006 - Gernstl in Istanbul (2 × 45 min.)
  • 2006 - Gernstl in Vienna (45 min.)
  • 2006 - Gernstl in Nuremberg (45 min.)
  • 2006 - Gernstl in Munich (45 min.)
  • 2008 - Gernstl's frontier stories (90 min.)
  • 2012 - Gernstl in Greece (2 × 45 min.)
  • 2014 - Gernstl in Israel (2 × 45 min.)

Motion picture

Selected episodes of the series were processed into a 90-minute movie in 2005 under the title Gernstls Reisen · In Search of Happiness . Gernstls Reisen is a touching and emotional film about Germany and its people.

A film review states: “Three friends are traveling in a VW bus through Germany, Austria, Switzerland and South Tyrol. One has a camera, the second a microphone and the third the talent to simply listen. Most of the time, they encounter their goals by chance: people. No specific, no famous, no notorious, but simply those people who tell a little or more about what they do and what drives them. And at times something flashes through what is commonly referred to as happiness. "

Identification mark


Many episodes of the series Gernstl on the road are highlighted with the songs Steig ein , Noch in der Umlaufbahn or Pfeif on it by Haindling . Titles by Herbert Pixner and René Aubry have been used in other episodes . The movie Gernstl's Travels · In Search of Happiness was underlaid exclusively with music by René Aubry.

VW Bus

The identification mark of Gernstl on the way is a red VW bus . Initially, Gernstl and Fischer bought a green Datsun bus for their travels , but for some years now they have been traveling in a red VW T4 and, since Gernstl's Germany tour series, in a red VW T5.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bayerischer Rundfunk press release of November 18, 2014, accessed on January 4, 2019
  2. Gernstl's trip to Germany on the pages of the "Bayerischer Fernssehen" ( Memento from September 9, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Gernstl: Seven times Bavaria on
  4. Episode guide at
  5. Gernstl on the go - Where are the Bavarians? : Gernstl in San Francisco. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 25, 2016, accessed on January 12, 2019 .
  6. Gernstl on the go - Where are the Bavarians? : Gernstl in Los Angeles. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 26, 2016, accessed on January 12, 2019 .
  7. Gernstl on the go - Where are the Bavarians? : Gernstl in New York. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 27, 2016, accessed on January 12, 2019 .
  8. Gernstl on the go - Where are the Bavarians? : Gernstl in Rome. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 25, 2017, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  9. Gernstl on the go - Where are the Bavarians? : Gernstl in Holland. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 26, 2017, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  10. Gernstl on the go - Where are the Bavarians? : Gernstl in Ireland. Bayerischer Rundfunk, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  11. ^ Gernstl on the way: In the middle of Bavaria. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 25, 2018, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  12. ^ Gernstl on the way: In the Gäuboden and in the Bavarian Forest. Bayerischer Rundfunk, December 26, 2018, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  13. ^ Gernstl on the way: In Chiemgau. Bayerischer Rundfunk, January 1, 2019, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  14. Gernstl on the way south. In: Retrieved December 26, 2019.
  15. = Gernstls Reisen - In search of happiness on the website of