List of Greek potters and vase painters / Concordance

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Due to the networking of international research, it makes sense to have a concordance with the different language versions of the artist names within the list of Greek potters and vase painters . Most of the names were taken from the English-speaking world, so that there are sometimes different translations. In addition, the languages ​​listed here are the most important scientific languages ​​in the field of classical archeology .

German English French Greek Italian
A painter A painter Peintre A
A519 painter A519 Painter Peintre de A519
Painter of the Aachen horse head Aachen Horse-head Group
Acheloos painter Acheloos Painter Peintre d'Achéloos
Achilles painter Achilles Painter
Adolphseck painter Adolphseck Painter Peintre d'Adolphseck
Eagle painter Eagle Painter Peintre des Aigles
Painter of Aegina F 48 Painter of Aegina F-48
The affecter The Affecter Peintre Affecté
Painter of the Agora Chairias bowls Painter of the Agora Chairias cup
Alari group Alari Group Groupe d'Alari
Amasis painter Amasis Painter Peintre d'Amasis Pittore di Amasi
Amycos painter Amycus Painter Peintre d'Amycos
Anagyrus painter Anagyrus Painter
Analatos painter Analatos Painter Peintre d'Analatos
Andokides painter Andokides Painter Peintre d'Andokidès
Antimenes painter Antimenes Painter Peintre d'Antiménès
Group of the Archetti intrecciati Gruppo degli Archetti intrecciati
Armidale painter Armidale Painter Peintre d'Armidale
Arpi painter Arpi Painter Peintre d'Arpi
Asteas Asteas Astéas
Athena painter Athena Painter Peintre d'Athéna
Painter of the Birth of Athena, painter of the Birth of Athena Painter of the Birth of Athena Peintre de la Naissance d'Athéna
Class of Athens 581 Class of Athens 581 Classe d'Athènes 581
Painter of Athens 581 Painter of Athens 581 Peintre d'Athènes 581
Workshop of Athens 897 Workshop of Athens 897 Atelier d'Athènes 897
Painter of Athens 1714 Painter of Athens 1714 Peintre d'Athènes 1714
Eye sirens group Eye-Siren Group
Eyebrow painter Eyebrow Painter
Baltimore painter Baltimore Painter Peintre de Baltimore
Barclay painter Barclay Painter Peintre de Barclay
Bareiss painter Bareiss Painter Peintre de Bareiss
Bassano group Bassano Group Groupe de Bassano
Beldam painter Beldam Painter Peintre de Beldam
Bendis painter Bendis Painter Peintre de Bendis
Berkeley Group 8/61 Group of Berkeley 8/61 Groupe de Berkeley 8/61
Berlin painter , Berlin painter Berlin Painter Peintre de Berlin Pittore di Berlino
Painter from Berlin 1686 Painter of Berlin 1686 Peintre de Berlin 1686
Painter from Berlin A 34 Painter of Berlin A 34 Peintre de Berlin A 34
Painter of the Berlin Dancer , Dancer Painter, Painter of the Dancing Girl in Berlin Berlin Dancing Girl Painter
Flower painter Floral painter
BMN painter BMN Painter Peintre du BMN
Bologna Group 16 Group of Bologna 16 Groupe de Bologne 16
Painter of Bologna 417 Painter of Bologna 417 Peintre de Bologne 417
Painter of Bologna 441 Painter of Boulogne 441 Peintre de Boulogne 441
Boeotic dancers group Boeotian Dancers Group Groupe des Danseurs beotiens
Bosanquet painter Bosanquet Painter Peintre de Bosanquet
Bowdoin painter Bowdoin painter Peintre de Bowdoin Pittore di Bowdoin
Branca painter Branca Painter Peintre de Branca
Briseis painter Briseis Painter Peintre de Briséis
Group from the British Museum F 63 Group of British Museum F 63 Groupe du British Museum F 63
Brooklyn Budapest painter Brooklyn-Budapest Painter Peintre de Brooklyn-Budapest
Painter from Brussels R 330 Painter of Brussels R 330 Peintre de Bruxelles R 330
Brygos painter Brygos Painter Peintre de Brygos
Bucci painter Bucci Painter Peintre de Bucci
Burgon group Burgon Group Groupe de Burgon
C group C Painter Peintre C
Class of Cabinet des Médailles 218 Class of Cabinet des Médailles 218 Classe du Cabinet des Médailles 218
Caivano painter Caivano Painter Peintre de Caivano
Cambridge Painter 47 Painter of Cambridge 47 Peintre de Cambridge 47
Class of Cambridge 49 Class of Cambridge 49 Classe de Cambridge 49
Capodimonte painter Capodimonte Painter Peintre de Capodimonte
Painter of the Capuan Silenus Capua Silen Painter
Charmides painter Charmides Painter
Chicago painter Chicago Painter Peintre de Chicago
Chiusi painter Chiusi Painter Peintre de Chiusi
Choephoren painter Choephoroi Painter Peintre des Choéphores
Choes group Choes Group
Coghill group Coghill Group Groupe de Coghill
Colmar painter Colmar Painter Peintre de Colmar
Comacchio painter Comacchio Painter
Fallow deer painter Fallow Deer Painter Peintre du Daim
Darius painter Darius Painter Peintre de Darius
Lid painter , lid painter Lid painter Peintre du Couvercle
Dijon painter Dijon Painter Peintre de Dijon
Dikaios painter Dikaios Painter Peintre de Dikaios
Dinos painter Dinos Painter Peintre du Dinos
Diosphus painter Diosphos Painter Peintre de Diosphos
Dipylon painter Dipylon Master Maître du Dipylon Maestro del Dipylon
Dokimasia painter Dokimasia Painter
Dolon painter Dolon Painter Peintre de Dolon
Three-line group , three-line group Three Line Group Groupe des Trois Lignes
Three-girl group , three-girl group Three Maidens Group
Three-point group , three-point group Three Dot Group, Three-dot Group
Three-stripe group , three-stripe group Three Stripe Group, Three-stripe Group
Duris , Douris Douris Douris Duride
Dutuit painter Dutuit Painter Peintre de Dutuit
Dwarf painter Dwarf Painter
Group E Group E Groupe E
Group of angular deer Group of the Angular Roes
Edinburgh painter Edinburgh Painter Peintre d'Édimbourg Pittore di Edimburgo
Ivy Leaf Painter Evy-Leaf Painter
Elpinikos painter Elpinikos Painter Peintre d'Elpinikos
Empedocles painter Empedocles Painter Peintre d'Empédocle
Epeleius painter Epeleios Painter Peintre d'Épéléios
Epidromos painter Epidromos Painter Peintre d'Épidromos
Epictetus Epictetus Épictète
Epilykos class Epilykos Class Classe d'Épilykos
Eretria painter Eretria Painter Peintre d'Érétrie Pittore di Eretria
First outline group First Outline Group
Ore foundry painter Foundry painter Peintre de la Fonderie
Euaion painter Euaion Painter Peintre d'Euaion
Eucharides Painter Eucharides Painter Peintre d'Eucharidès
Euergides painter Yourgides Painter Peintre d'Euergidès
Eumenides painter Eumenides Painter Peintre des Euménides
Euphiletus painter Euphiletus Painter Peintre d'Euphilétos
Euphronios Euphronios Euphronios Ευφρόνιος Eufronio
Eupolis painter Eupolis Painter
Euthymides Euthymides Euthymides
Exekias Exekias Exékias Exekias
Falmouth painter Falmouth Painter Peintre de Falmouth
Felton painter Felton Painter Peintre de Felton
Foundling painter Foundling painter
Fleckfelsen Group Spotted Rock Group
Florence painter Florence Painter Peintre de Florence
Painter of the Frankfurt Eichellekythos , painter of the Frankfurt Lekythos Painter of the Frankfort Acorn
Women painter Woman painter
Woman bath painter , washing painter Washing Painter
Group G G Group Groupe G
Prisoner painter Prisoner Painter
Ghost painter Wraith Painter
Gela painter Gela Painter Pittore di Gela
Geneva painter Geneva Painter Peintre de Genève
Geras painter Geras Painter Peintre de Géras
Gorgon painter Gorgon Painter Peintre de la Gorgone
Raptor Painter Griffin-Bird Painter
Painter of the great Athenian Kantharos Painter of the Great Athens Kantharos Peintre du Grand Cratère d'Athènes
Hahn group Cock Group Groupe du Coq Gruppo del Gallo
Haimon painter Haimon Painter Peintre d'Haimon / Peintre d'Hæmon Pittore di Haimon
Hanover painter Hanover Painter
Hasselmann painter Hasselmann Painter Peintre de Hasselmann
Heidelberg painter Heidelberg Painter Peintre de Heidelberg
Heracles Painter Heracles Painter Peintre d'Héraclès
Hermonax Hermonax Hermonax
Hesiod painter Hesiod Painter Peintre d'Hésiode
Hippacontist painter Hippacontist Painter Hippacontist Painter
Hippocampus painter Hippocamp Painter Peintre de l'Hippocampe
Wedding painter Wedding painter Paintre du Mariage
Painter of the wedding procession, painter of the wedding procession Painter of the Wedding Procession Peintre du Cortège Nuptial
Hoppin painter Hoppin Painter Peintre de Hoppin
Hoplite Leaving Home Group Group of the Hoplite Leaving Home Class de l'hoplite partant
Icarus painter , Icarus painter Icarus Painter Peintre d'Icare
Iliupersis painter Ilioupersis Painter Peintre de l'Ilioupersis
Inscriptions Painter Inscription Painter Peintre des Inscriptions
Istanbul painter Istanbul Painter Peintre d'Istanbul
Ixion painter Ixion Painter Peintre d'Ixion
Hunt painter Hunt Painter Peintre de la Chasse
Jena painter , Jena painter Jena Painter
Kadmos Painter Kadmos Painter Peintre de Cadmos
Cage painter Cage painter Peintre de la Cage
Painter from Karlsruhe 66/140 Painter of Karlsruhe 66/140 Peintre de Karlsruhe 66/140
Karlsruhe group 66/140 Group of Karlsruhe 66/140 Groupe de Karlsruhe 66/140
Carousel Painter Carrousel Painter
Kerameikos painter Cerameicus Painter Peintre du Céramique
Workshop of Kerameikos 3627 Workshop of Kerameikos 3627 Atelier du Céramique 3627
Painter of the kithara playing siren Siren Citharist Painter
Kleitias , clitias Kleitias, Cleitias, Klitias, Clitias Clitias, clitias
Cleomelos painter Cleomelos Painter Peintre de Kléomélos
Cleophon painter Kleophon Painter Peintre de Kléophon
Cleophrades Painter Cleophrades Painter Peintre de Kléophradès
Clinic painter Clinic Painter Peintre de la Clinique
Klügmann painter Kliigmann Painter Peintre de Kliigmann
Kodros painter Codrus Painter, Kodros Painter Peintre de Codros
Komaris painter Komaris painter Peintre de Comaris
Copenhagen Group 114 Group of Copenhagen 114 Groupe de Copenhague 114
Painter of Copenhagen 4223 Painter of Copenhague 4223 Peintre de Copenhague 4223
Painter of the Corinthian hare hunt Painter of Corinth Hare-Hunt
Kraipale painter Kraipale Painter Peintre de Kraipalè
Creusa painter , Creusa painter Creusa Painter Peintre de Créüse
Workshop of the crooked swastikas Workshop of the Hooked Swastikas
Kiss painter , kiss painter Kiss Painter Peintre du meringue
KX painter KX Painter Peintre KX
KY painter KY Painter Peintre KY
Cyclops Painter Cyclops Painter
Lampas group Lampas Group Groupe de la Lampas
Long Raid Squad Group of the Long Overfalls
Long Raid Painter Long Overfalls Painter
Laodameia painter Laodameia Painter Peintre de laodamie
Runner painter Running Man Painter
Leagros group Leagros Group Groupe de Léagros
Group of the Leipzig amphora Group of the Leipzig Amphora Groupe de l'Amphore de Leipzig
Leningrad painter Leningrad Painter Peintre de Léningrad
Group of Lentin Hydria Lentini Hydrai Group
Lentini-Manfria Group Lentini-Manfria Group Groupe de Lentini-Manfria
Group of Love Court Cups Group of Courtin Cups
Liverpool group Liverpool Group Groupe de Liverpool
Loebbecke painter Loebbecke Painter Peintre de Loebbecke
Painter of London 680 Painter of London 620 Peintre de Londres 620
Group of London B174 Group of London B 174 Groupe de Londres B 174
Painter of London B 213 Painter of London B 213 Peintre de Londres B 213
Group of London B632 Group of London B 632 Groupe de Londres B 632
Painter of London D12 Painter of London D 12 Peintre de Londres D 12
Painter from London E80 Painter of London E 80 Peintre de Londres E 80
Louvre painter Louvre Painter Peintre du Louvre
Louvre-Centauromachy painter Painter of the Louvre Centauromachy Peintre de la Centauromachie du Louvre
Painter of the Louvre Symposium Painter of the Louvre Symposium Peintre du Symposium du Louvre
Louvre group CA 928 Group of Louvre CA 928 Groupe du Louvre CA 928
Painter from Louvre F6 Painter of Louvre F 6 Peintre du Louvre F 6
Painter from Louvre F 51 Painter of Louvre F 51 Peintre du Louvre F 51
Painter from Louvre F117 Painter of Louvre F 117 Peintre du Louvre F 117
Painter from Louvre F118 Painter of Louvre F 118 Peintre du Louvre F 118
Painter from Louvre F 161 Painter of Louvre F 161 Peintre du Louvre F 161
Louvre group F 125 Group of Louvre F 125 Groupe du Louvre F 125
Louvre group F166 Group of Louvre F 166 Groupe du Louvre F 166
Louvre Group G99 Group of Louvre G 99 Groupe du Louvre G 99
Class of Louvre H62 Class of Louvre H 62 Classe du Louvre H 62
Louvre painter K 240 Painter of Louvre K 240 Peintre de Louvre K 240
Louvre Painter K 428 Painter of Louvre K 428 Peintre du Louvre K 428
Louvre Painter K 491 Painter of Louvre K 491 Peintre du Louvre K 491
Painter from Louvre MNB 626 Painter of Louvre MNB 626 Peintre du Louvre MNB 626
Painter of the Louvre Sacrifice Painter of the Louvre Sacrifice Peintre du Sacrifice du Louvre
Lucera painter Lucera Painter Peintre de Lucera
Lydos Lydos Lydos Λυδός
Lycaon painter Lykaon Painter Peintre de Lycaon
Lycurgus painter Lycurgus Painter Peintre de Lycurgue
Lysippides painter Lysippides Painter Peintre d'Lysippidès
Madrid painter Madrid Painter Peintre de Madrid
Painter of the Madrid Fountain Painter of the Madrid Fountain Peintre de la Fontaine de Madrid
Group of Orpheus of Milan Milan Orpheus Group
Macron Macron Macron Macron
Mannheim painter Mannheim Painter Peintre de Mannheim
Marlay painter Marlay Painter Peintre de Marlay
Mastos painter Mastos Painter Peintre du Mastos
Meidias painter Meidia's Painter Peintre de Meidias Pittore di Meidias
Meleager painter Meleager Painter Peintre de Méléagre
Menelaus painter Menelaus Painter Peintre de Menélas
Mesogaia painter Mesogaia Painter Peintre de Mésogaia
Mound painter Mound painter Peintre de Mound
Painter from Munich 1379 Painter of Munich 1379 Peintre de Munich 1379
Painter from Munich 1410 Painter of Munich 1410 Peintre de Munich 1410
Painter from Munich 2100 Painter of Munich 2100 Peintre de Munich 2100
Painter of the Munich Atalante Painter of Munich Atalante Peintre de l'Atalante de Munich
Myson Myson Myson
N painter , painter N N Painter Peintre N
Naukratis painter Naucratis Painter Peintre de Naucratis
Nazzano painter Nazzano Painter Peintre de Nazzano
Naples painter Naples Painter Peintre de Naples
Group of negro alabastras Group of the Negro Alabastra Groupe de l'Alabastre au Nègre
Negro group Negro Group Negro Groupe
Nessos painter Nesso's Painter Peintre de Nessos
Nikon painter Nikon Painter Pittore del Nikon kalòs
Nicosthenes Nicosthenes Nicosthénès
Nikosthenes Painter Nikosthenes Painter Peintre de Nicosthénès
Nikoxenos painter Nikoxenos Painter Peintre de Nikoxénos
Ninion Ninion Ninion
Niobid painter Niobid Painter Peintre des Niobides
Orchard painter , orchard painter Orchard Painter
Oinanthe painter Oinanthe Painter Peintre d'Oinanthè
Painter of the Oinochoe of Brussels Painter of the Brussels Oinochoes Peintre des Œnochoés de Bruxelles
Oionocles painter Oionocles Painter Peintre d'Oionoclès
Oltos Oltos Oltos
Onesimos Onesimos Onésimos
Oreithyia painter Oreithyia Painter Peintre d'Orithye
Orestes painter Orestes Painter Peintre d'Oreste
Oriental panther painter Oriental Panther Painter
Orpheus painter Orpheus Painter Peintre d'Orphée
Class of the Oxford Siren Jug Class of Oxford Siren-Jug Class de l'Œnochoé d'Oxford à la Sirène
Palermo painter Palermo Painter Peintre de Palerme Pittore di Palermo
Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy Peintre de la Gigantomachie de Paris
Pan painter Pan Painter Peintre de Pan
Paseas Paseas Paséas
Pasiades Pasiades Pasiadès
Paris painter Paris Painter Peintre de Pâris
Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy Peintre de la Gigantomachie de Paris
Painter of the Paris judgment Judgment Painter
Pasithea painter Pasithea Painter Peintre de Pasithéa
Pedieus painter Pedieu Painter Peintre de Pédieus
Peithinos Peithinos
Penelope painter Penelope Painter Peintre de Penelope
Penthesilea painter Penthesilea Painter Peintre de Penthésilée Ζωγράφος της Πενθεσίλειας
Perachora painter Perachora Painter
Perseus painter Perseus Painter Peintre de Persée
Horse-bird group Horse-Bird-Group
Phiale painter Phiale Painter Peintre de la Phiale
Group of the Phineus bowl Phineus Cup Group Groupe de la Coupe de Phinée
Phintias Phintias Phintias
Painter of the Phlyacs Helena Phlyax Helen Painter
Phrixos group Phrixos Group Groupe de Phrixos
Pioneer group Pioneer Group Groupe pioneer
Pisticci painter Pisticci painter Peintre de Pisticci Pittore di Pisticci
Pistoxenos painter Pistoxenos Painter Peintre de Pistoxénos
Flatfish Painter Flatfish Painter Peintre du Flatfish
Pointed Nose Painter Pointed Nose Painter Peintre du Nez Pointu
Policoro painter Policoro Painter Peintre de Policoro
Polion Polion Polion
Polos painter Polos Painter Peintre de Polos
Polygnotos Polygnotos Polygnote
Polygnot group Group of Polygnotos Groupe de Polygnote
Polyphemus painter Polyphemos Painter
Polyphemus group Polyphemus Group Groupe de l'Amphore de Polyphème
Pothos painter Potho's painter Peintre de Pothos
Pourtalès painter Pourtalès Painter Peintre de Pourtales
Primato painter Primato Painter Peintre du Primato
Princeton painter Princeton Painter Peintre de Princeton
Prometheus painter Prometheus Painter Peintre de Prométhée
Providence painter Providence Painter Peintre de Providence Pittore di Providence
Psiax Psiax Psiax
Point band class Dot band class Class à bande à points
python python python
Square painter Squares Painter Peintre de squares
R group R Group Groupe R
Diamond group Romboid Group
Ready painter Ready painter Peintre de Ready
Chessboard painter Checker Painter
Reed painter Reed painter Peintre des Roseaux
Reiter painter Rider painter Peintre des Cavaliers
Group of Rhodes 11941 Group of Rhodes 11941 Groupe de Rhodes 11941
Group of giant lekyths ; Group of the Huge Lekythoi Group of the Huge Lekythoi
Red line painter , red line painter Red-Line Painter Peintre de la Ligne Rouge
Group of Red Swans , Red Swan Group Red Swan Group
Sabouroff class Sabouroff Class Classe de Sabouroff
Sabouroff painter Sabouroff Painter Peintre de Sabouroff
Salting painter Salting painter Peintre de Salting
Sappho painter Sappho Painter Peintre de Sappho
Swing painter Swing painter Peintre de la Balançoire
Pig painter Pig painter Peintre du Porc
Shuvalov painter Shuvalov Painter Peintre de Shuvalov
Painter of the black Thyrsos , painter of the black Thyrsos

Painter of the black Thyrsos

Black neck class Blackneck Class
Silenus painter Silenus Painter Peintre du Silène
Siren Painter Siren Painter Peintre de la Sirène
Scythes Scythes Scythès
Sisyphus painter Sisyphus Painter Peintre de Sisyphe
Painter of Seated Nike Seated Nike Painter Peintre de la Niké assise
Smikros Smikros Smikros
Sophilus Sophilus Sophilus
Sosias painter Sosia's painter Peintre de Sosias
Sotades painter Sotades Painter Peintre de Sotadès
Splanchnoptes painter Splanchnopt Painter
Painter of the Macinagrossa stand Macinagrossa Stand Painter
Stockholm painter 1999 Painter of Stockholm 1999 Peintre de Stockholm 1999
Snub nose painter Snub-Nose Painter
Suckling painter Suckling painter
Suessula painter Suessula Painter Peintre de Suessula
Syleus painter Syleus Painter Peintre de Sylée
Syriskos painter Syriskos Painter Peintre de Syriskos
Daybreak Painter Daybreak Painter
Taleides painter Taleides Painter Peintre de Taléidès
Tänien Group Fillet Group
Dancing snake painter , painter of dancing snakes Dancing Snake Painter
Tarquinia painter Tarquinia Painter Peintre de Tarquinia
Tarrytown group Tarrytown Group Groupe de Tarrytown
Thanatos painter Thanatos Painter Peintre de Thanatos
Timiades painter Timiades Painter Peintre de Timiadès
Tithonus painter Tithonos Painter Peintre de Tithon
Group of Toronto Group of Toronto Groupe de Toronto
Torr painter Torr Painter
Towry Whyte painter Towry Whyte Painter Peintre de Towry Whyte
Triptolemus painter Triptolemos Painter Peintre de Triptolème
Troilos painter Troilos Painter Peintre de Troïlos
Trophy painter Trophy painter
Tymbos painter Tymbos Painter Peintre de Tymbos
Tyrrhenian group Tyrrhenian Group Groupe Tyrrhenia
Tyszkiewicz painter Tyszkiewicz Painter Peintre de Tyszkiewicz
Underworld painter Underworld Painter Peintre des Enfers
Varrese painter Varrese Painter Peintre de Varrese
Painter of Vatican 309 Painter of Vatican 309 Peintre du Vatican 309
Class of Vatican G 47 Class of Vatican G 47 Classe du Vatican G 47
Painter from Vatican G31 Painter of Vatican G 31 Peintre du Vatican G 31
Verdelis painter Verdeli's painter
Rolled Eyes Painter, Retorted Painter Retorted painter
Villa Giulia painter Villa Giulia Painter Peintre de la Villa Giulia
Bird and Zigzag Painter Bird and Zigzag Painter Peintre de l'Oiseau et du Zigzag
Bird frieze painter Bird-Frieze Painter
Bird seed group Birdseed Group
Birdseed Painter Birdseed Painter
Birdseed Workshop Birdseed workshop
Vulture painter Vulture Painter Peintre des Vautours
Vine tendrils group (Apulia) Grape-Vine Group
Vine tendrils group (Boeotia) Vine Tendril Group
White Hoods Painter , White Jackets Painter White Jackets Painter
White Face Painter Whiteface Painter
White bird group White Bird Group
White jackets group White Jackets Group
Wind group Wind Group
Angle group Chevron Group
Witt painter Witt Painter Peintre de Witt
Painter of the Woolly Satyrs , Painter of the Wooly Satyrs, Painter of the Shaggy Silene Painter of the Woolly Satyrs Peintre des Satyres Laineux
Worst painter Worst painter Worst painter
Group of Würzburg 179 Group of Wurzburg 179 Groupe de Wurtzbourg 179
Group of Würzburg 199 Group of Würzburg 199 Groupe de Wurtzbourg 199
Painter of the Yale Oinochoe, painter of the Yale Oinochoe Painter of the Yale Oinochoe Peintre de l'Œnochoé de Yale
Zannoni painter Zannoni Painter Peintre de Zannoni
Second outline group Second Outline Group
Dwarf painter , dwarf painter Dwarf Painter
Intermediate group Intermediate Group