List of historical world maps

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This list of historical world maps includes maps from the period up to 1800, which depict the part of the earth's surface known at the time and place of their creation and which claim to be a world map .


year cartographer title country Description, projection Covered area image
700-500 BC Chr. Babylonian world map Babylonian world map Babylonia Baylonianmaps.JPG
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa World map by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
approx. 375 AD Named after Konrad Peutinger (1465–1547), who copied a Carolingian model in the late 15th century, which in turn goes back to the original of a Roman road map. Tabula Peutingeriana Tabula Peutingeriana Segment VII (12th century) .jpg

Middle Ages: From the bike map to the old world

year cartographer title country Description, projection Covered area image
around 1290 Richard de Bello Hereford card Germany Bike map oriented to the east Center Jerusalem , Europe , Northeast Africa , West Asia Hereford Mappa Mundi 1300.jpg
around 1300 Gervasius of Tilbury Ebstorf world map Germany East-facing bike map , world as the body of Christ , Noah's Ark , Amazons Center Jerusalem , Europe with double Mediterranean islands Ebstorfer-stich2.jpg
1321 Pietro Vesconte Geosted world map, contained in the Liber secretorum fidelium crucis of Marino Sanudo the Elder World map pietro vesconte.jpg
1402 Kangnido card (Honil Gangni Yeokdae Gukdo Ji Do) Korea Korea , China , India , proportionally small Arabia , Africa , South Europe KangnidoMap.jpg
Albertin de Virga De Virga world map Italy North-facing cycling map DeVirgaWorldMap.jpg
1424 Zuane Pizzigano Pizzigano card Italy first cartographic representation of the phantom island Antilia Pizzigano.jpg
1436 Andrea Bianco Bianco world map Biancomap.jpg
1450 Carta Catalana 1450 ¿Carta Catalana jpeg copy.jpg
1457 unknown Genoese world map The map is probably based mostly on the travel reports of Niccolo di Conti rather than those of Marco Polo. Genoese map.jpg
1459 Fra Mauro Italy Cycling map facing south Europe , Northeast Africa , West Asia FraMauro 1459.jpg
1448 Andreas Walsperger World map by Andreas Walsperger Germany South-facing cycling map , winds, signs of the zodiac , planets , fixed stars Walsperger-weltkarte.jpg
1467 Jacob d'Angelo Ptolemy World Map.jpg
1468 Donnus Nicolaus Germanus Totius Orbis Habitabilis Brevis Descriptio Italy PtolemyWorldMap.jpg
1470 Zeitzer world map Germany Cycling map facing south
1493 Hartmann Schedel Secunda etas mundi Germany Schedel weltkarte.jpg

1500–1628: America arrives

year cartographer title country Description, projection Covered area image
1500 Juan de la Cosa Spain 1500 map by Juan de la Cosa-North up.jpg
1502 Alberto Cantino Carta de Navigar per le Isole Nouam Trovate in le Parte de India Portugal Overall map Eurasia without the Malay Islands and Japan , Africa , the Caribbean Islands , the east coast of South America 1502 Cantino.jpg
1505 Nicolo de Caveri Caveri card Italy Overall map Caverio Map circa 1506.jpg
1506 Giovanni Matteo Contarini , Francesco Rosselli Contarini-Rosselli card Italy Contarini map.jpg
Martin Waldseemüller , Johannes Schott Orbis Typus Universalis Iuxta Hyrographorum Traditionem Germany Orbis Typus Universalis - Waldseemüller 1506 map.jpg
1507 Martin Waldseemüller , Matthias Ringmann Universalis Cosmographia Secundum Ptholomaei Traditionem et Americi Vespucii Aliorumque Lustrationes Germany Overall map centered on the Middle East in an equal -area cone projection, western and eastern hemisphere (small) in the same way World north of 30 ° s. Br. , North America very narrow (only east coast), Australia absent Waldseemuller map 2.jpg
1507 Johannes Ruysch Universalior Cogniti Orbis Tabula Germany Atlantic- centered overall map in true-to-length cone projection Europe , Asia , Africa , the northeast coast of South America , North America absent except for a few islands as well as Newfoundland as associated with Asia Ruysch map.jpg
after 1507? Martin Waldseemüller Germany 12 globe segments, Southeast Asia centered
1508 Francesco Rosselli Italy Rosselli-1508.jpg
1511 Vesconte Maggiolo Italy
1511 Bernard Sylvanus Italy Sylvanus map 1511.jpg
Vesconte Maggiolo Italy Vesconte Maggiolo.  World chart, from eastern coasts of America to India.  PORTOLAN CHART.  Naples, 1516.A.jpg
1513 Piri Reis Map of the Piri Reis Turkey West Africa , East Coast of America (eastern connecting part lost) Piri reis world map 01.jpg
1514 Louis Boulengier Universalis Cosmographie Descriptio tam in Solido quem Plano France
1516 Martin Waldseemüller Carta Marina Navigatoria Portugal Germany
1520 Peter Apian Tipus Orbis Universalis Iuxta Ptolomei Cosmographi Traditionem et Americi Vespucii Aliorque Lustrationes Germany
1520 Pietro Coppo Italy PietroCoppo.jpg
1522 Laurent Fries Orbis Typus Universalis Iuxta Hydrographorum Traditionem Exactissime Depicta Germany
1522 Laurent Fries Taboo (la) Nova Orbis Frieze worldmap 1522.jpg
1524 Juan Vespucci Totius Orbis Descriptio tam Veterum quam Recentium Geographorum Spain
1525 Nuno Garcia de Toreno Salviati card
1526 Juan Vespucci Spain
1528 Benedetto Bordone
1529 Diego Ribero Spain Map Diego Ribero 1529.jpg
1529 Girolamo de Verrazano
1531 Oronce Finé France
1532 Typus Cosmographicus Universalis
Oronce Finé Recens et Integra Orbis Descriptio France Cape Verde -centered Stab Werner projection Africa , Eurasia west of India , North and South America with valued west coasts, no Pacific , Terra Australis Map-heart-054.jpg
1540 Battista Agnese Italy Ortelius oval projection with Magellanic circumnavigation and Spanish trade route to Peru , twelve anemoi (wind gods) Africa , Eurasia west of India ( Scandinavia to the North Pole ), South America m. Indication of a southern continent, east coast of North America , from 2nd edition California 1544 Battista Agnese Worldmap.jpg
1540 Sebastian Munster Type Orbis a Ptol. Descriptus Germany twelve anemoi Europe , North Africa , Asia west of India , Ind as landlocked
1542 Jean Rotz France Atlantic and Pacific hemisphere in stereographic projection , eight anemoi each Jean rotz.jpg
1543 Guilaume Brouscon France Guillaume Brouscon.  World chart, which includes America and a large Terra Java (Australia).  HM 46. PORTOLAN ATLAS and NAUTICAL ALMANAC.  France, 1543.jpg
1544 Sebastiano Caboto
1544 Peter Apian Charter Cosmographica, cum Ventorum Propria Natura et Operatione Germany
1548 Giacomo Gastaldi Universal Novo Italy
1550 Sebastian Munster Orbis Universalis type Germany
1550 Pierre Desceliers France
1550 Antonio Salamanca
1554 Lopo Homem Portugal 1554 lopo homen mapa mundi 03.jpg
1555 Antonio Floriano
1561 Girolamo Ruscelli Carta Marina Nuova Tavola Italy
1565 Paolo Forlani Universale Descrittione di Tutta la Terra Conosciuta Fin Qui Italy
1566 Nicolas Desliens France South-facing map, eight wind directions [135] Nicolas Desliens1.JPG[136]
1569 Gerhard Mercator Nova et Aucta Orbis Terrae Descriptio ad Usum Navigantium Germany Mercator 1569.png
1570 Abraham Ortelius Orbis Terrarum type Netherlands World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , invented west coast of North America 1572 Typus Orbis Terrarum Ortelius.jpg
1571 Benedictus Arias Montanus Pars Orbis
1572 Girolamo Porro La Carta da Navigare Italy
1576 Tommaso Porcacchi La Carta da Navigare Italy
1578 George Best
1578 Gerard de Jode Universi Orbis seu Terreni Globi in Plano Effigies France
1581 Nicola van Sype La Herdike Enterprinse Faict par le Signeur Draeck d'Avoir Cirquit Toute la Terre Sype - La herdike enterprinse faict par le Signeur Draeck.jpeg
1583 Sebastiao Lopes 1583 sebastiao lopes (mapa mundi) 00.jpg
1587 Rumold Mercator Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio Germany Western and Eastern Hemisphere in Stereographic Projection World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , invented west coast of North America Mercator World Map.jpg
1588 Sebastian Munster The first general table. The description and the circle of the whole earth and sea containing Germany
1589 Gerard / Cornelis de Jode Totius Orbis Cogniti Universalis Descriptio France Atlantic centered Mercator projection , western and eastern hemisphere (small) in stereographic projection World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , fictional west coast of Canada , excluding Alaska and the like. Eastern Siberia 1589 Totius Orbis de Jode.jpg
1589 Giovan Pietro Maffei Indiarum Orientalium Occidentaliumque Descriptio Italy
1590 Petrus Plancius Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus Netherlands Western and Eastern Hemisphere in Stereographic Projection World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , invented west coast of North America 1590 Orbis Terrarum Plancius.jpg
1594 Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , hemispheres of the celestial sphere , landscape and inhabitants of the continents 1594 Orbis Plancius 2.12 MB.jpg
1593 Gerard / Cornelis de Jode Hemisperium from Aequinoctiali Linea, ad Circulum Poli Arctici / Antarctici France Two maps: Northern and Southern Hemisphere Gerard de Jode 1593 Map Northern hemisphere.jpgGerard de Jode 1593 Map Southern hemisphere.jpg
1595 Jodocus Hondius Vera Totius Expeditionis Nauticæ Netherlands Atlantic and Pacific Hemisphere in stereographic projection with circumnavigation routes by Francis Drakes and Thomas Cavendish , representation and description of travel details World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , the fictional west coast of Canada 1595 Vera Totius Hondius.jpg
1596 Giovanni Antonio Magini Universi Orbis Descriptio Italy six anemoi
1596 Rumold Mercator Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio Germany
1596 Lambert Andreas Orbis Terrarum type
1596 Matthias Quad Typus Orbis Terrarum, ad Imitationem Universalis Gerhardi Mercatoris Germany
1596 Michael Florent van Langren Orbis Terræ Compendiosa Descriptio Germany
Jodocus Hondius Typus Totius Orbis Terrarum Netherlands JodocusHondius-ChristianKnightMap-1597.jpg
1597 Cornelius Wytfliet Utriusque Hemispherii Delineatio Netherlands
1597 Giuseppe Rosaccio Universal Descrittione di Tutto il Mondo [di Gioseppe Rosaccio Cosmographo] Italy
1598 Jodocus Hondius Orbis Terrarum type Netherlands (Miniature map) Hondius pocket world map 1598.jpg
1598 Giuseppe Rosaccio Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio
1598 Giuseppe Rosaccio Orbis Descriptio
1599 Edward Wright WrightMoxon-PlatofAlltheWorld-1657-large.jpg
1599 Edward Wright WrightMolyneux-ChartoftheWorld-c1599.jpg
1601 Arnoldo di Arnoldi Universal Descrittione del Mondo Italy
1602 Jean Le Clerc Orbis Terrae Novissima Descriptio France Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , lighting zones / zenith course, Latin Bible passage Ps 24.1  EU World with Terra Australis instead of Australia and Antarctica , invented west coast of Canada
1602 Matteo Ricci Kūnyú Wànguó Quántú China Overall Pacific-Centered Map, North / South Pole Maps, Solar System (?), Ecliptic (?) World with Terra Australis instead of Australia and Antarctica , invented west coast of North America Kunyu Wanguo Quantu (坤 輿 萬 國 全 圖) .jpg
1603 Hernando de Solis Tipus Orbis Terrarum Atlantic centered overall map World with Terra Australis instead of Australia and Antarctica , invented west coast of Canada
1605 Paul Merula Totius Orbis Cogniti Universalis Descriptio
Willem Janszoon Blaeu Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula Netherlands Overall map, north / south pole maps , seven planets ( Roman gods ), four elements , four seasons , seven wonders of the world World with Terra Australis instead of Australia and Antarctica , excluding Canada 1606 -26 Nova Blaeu mr.jpg
1608 Pieter van den Keere , Jan Jansson - Copy of the Blaeu map from 1606 -
1609 Agostino Torniello Situs Partium Praecipuarum Totius Orbis Terrarum Italy
1610 Giuseppe Rosaccio Universale Descrittione di Tutto il Mondo [ecc. Gioseppe Rosaccio] Italy
1612 Hessel Gerritsz Netherlands Western and Eastern Hemisphere in Stereographic Projection World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , excluding Canada / Alaska Hessel Gerritsz - Worldmap of 1612 including the discovery of La Austrialia del Espiritu Santo by Pedro Fernandes de Queirós.png
1625 Jodocus Hondius Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula Netherlands Hondius - Nova totius terrarum 1625.jpg
1628 Robert Vaughan A New and Accurate Mappe of the World England Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , solar and lunar eclipses , four elements , explorers World with Terra Australis instead of Australia & Antarctica , excluding Alaska / Western Canada Vaughan - A New and accurate Mappe of the World, drawne according to the best and latest discoveries that have beene made.jpg

1630–1800: Australia replaces Terra Australis

year cartographer title country Description, projection Covered area image
1630 Philipp Eckebrecht, Johann Philipp Walch Noua Orbis Terrarum Delineatio Singulari Ratione Accomodata Meridiano Tabb. Rudolphi Astronomicarum Germany One and two half hemispheres in stereographic projection , lengths from Uraniborg , framed by double-headed imperial eagles World with Terra Australis instead of Antarctica , northwest Australia as part of New Guinea , hypothetical mainland North America instead of the Canadian islands and Alaska , California as an island Kepler-world.jpg
1634 Jean Guerard Carte Universelle Hydrographique France World with Terra Australis instead of Antarctica , excluding Alaska / Western Canada, Northeast Siberia , South Australia
1634 Jean Guerard Carte Universelle Hydrographique France World with Terra Australis instead of Antarctica , excluding Alaska / Western Canada, Northeast Siberia , South Australia
1641 Matthäus Merian Orbis Terrarum type Germany Sun, moon, tetragram YHWH , four elements
1658 Nicolaes Visscher I Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula Netherlands Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , north / south pole map , solar zenith course (?) World without Alaska / Western Canada, Southeast Australia and Antarctica
1662 Frederik de Wit Nova Orbis Tabula in Lucem Edita Netherlands Western and Eastern Hemisphere in Stereographic Projection , North / South Pole Map, Scenes World without Alaska / Western Canada, Southeast Australia and Antarctica Nova Orbis Tabula in Lucem Edita.jpg
1664 Joan Blaeu Nove et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Netherlands Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , Roman gods , scholars and other scenes World without Alaska / Western Canada, Southeast Australia and Antarctica 1664 Nova et Accvrat Blaeu.jpg
1665 Athanasius Kircher Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani Germany 1665 Kircher Map of the World (Earliest Map of World to Show Currents) - Geographicus - GeoHydro-kircher-1665.jpg
1666 Pieter Goos Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula / Nieuwe Werelt Kaert Netherlands Western and eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , north / south pole map , solar zenith course (?), Four winds, nature and people World without Alaska / Western Canada, Southeast Australia and Antarctica 1666 Orbis Terrarum Goos.jpg
1670 Frederik de Wit Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita Netherlands 1670 Nova Orbis de Wit.JPG
1680 Justus Danckerts Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Netherlands
1685 AJ Boormester Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Netherlands - Copy of the Visscher map from 1658 - 1685 Bormeester Map of the World - Geographicus - TerrarumOrbis-bormeester-1685.jpg
1689 Gerard van Schagen Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Netherlands Western and eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , north and south pole map , four scenes dedicated to the elements , etc. a. with figures from Greek mythology World without Antarctica , Alaska and the southeast coast of Australia , California as an island World Map 1689.JPG
1691 Alexis Hubert Jaillot Portfolio-Moons Geo-Hydrographique France Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , solar zenith course (?) World with Terra Australis instead of Antarctica , without Alaska and the southeast coast of Australia 1691 Sanson Map of the World on Hemisphere Projection - Geographicus - World-sanson-1691.jpg
1691 Sanson Map of the World on Hemisphere Projection - Geographicus-World2-sanson-1691.jpg
1694 Alexis Hubert Jaillot Nova Orbis Tabula France Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , figurative representation of the continents and the cardinal virtues
1696 tooth 1696 Zahn Map of the World in Two Hemispheres - Geographicus - World-zahn-1696.jpg
1700 Nicolaes Visscher II 1700 Orbis Terrarum Visscher mr.jpg
17 ?? Vasily Kipriyanov Russia World Map by Vasily Kiprianov.jpg
1710 Gabriel Bodenehr Carta Hydrographica
1719 A Map of the World on wch. Is Delineated the Voyages of Robinson Cruso Great Britain
around 1720 Pieter van der Aa Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum Netherlands Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , figures of gods World without the east coast of Australia , west coast of North America and Antarctica Aa-pieter-van-der-world-map-early-18th-century.jpg
1720 Johann Baptist Homann Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq Hemisphærio Cælesti Germany Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , hemispheres of the celestial sphere , summer and winter solstice , anemoi , natural phenomena World without Antarctica ; Australia , Oceania and the Malay Archipelago imprecise and partially absent; instead of Alaska and Canadian islands, the hypothetical extent of North America
1721 John Senex A New Map of the World Great Britain
1730 Daniel Stoopendaal Werelt Caert Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , ecliptic , heliocentric and geocentric view of the world , scenic representation of four regions of the world 1730 Stoopendaal Map of the World in two Hemispheres - Geographicus - WereltCaert-stoopendaal-1730.jpg
1736 Herman minor A New Map of the Whole World with the Trade Winds Great Britain Western and Eastern Hemisphere in stereographic projection , ecliptic , south pole map, prevailing sea wind directions, tetragram YHWH , scenes World without Antarctica ; Alaska / Western Canada, Northeast Siberia and Southeast Australia are absent, California as an island Moll - A new map of the whole world with the trade winds.png
1738 Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr Basis Geographiæ Recentioris Astronomica Germany Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , ecliptic , observation data of a solar eclipse , representation of astronomical devices World without Antarctica , east coasts of Australia , New Guinea and New Zealand , north-east Siberia , Alaska and Canadian islands ; California as an island
1744 Emanuel Bowen New & Accurate Map of All the Known World Great Britain Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , ecliptic , prevailing sea wind directions, scenic representation of four regions of the world, hint of the outdated image of the old world World without Antarctica ; New Guinea and Tasmania as part of mainland Australia, Japan imprecise, Alaska and Canadian islands absent 1744 Bowen Map of the World in Hemispheres - Geographicus - World-bowen-1744.jpg
1750 Gaspar Bailleul the Younger Nouvelle Portfolio Moons France Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , hemispheres of the celestial sphere , surface of the sun and moon , solar and lunar eclipses , various theories of the solar system , figurative representation of the continents [137] [138] World without Alaska / Western Canada and Antarctica ; New Guinea and Tasmania as part of mainland Australia
around 1750 Leonhard Michael Steinberger Germany Western and Eastern hemisphere in stereographic projection , solar system , moon phases , season scheme , celestial sphere , armillary sphere , terrestrial globe , figures with sextant , telescope and other devices World without Antarctica ; Japan , Malay Archipelago , Northeast Siberia , Alaska and Canadian Islands imprecise or absent, California as an island
1763 Mo Yi-Tong China (Authenticity disputed) Zhenghemap.jpg
1774 Jean Denis Robert Janvier Folder Monde or Description du Globe Terrestre France Western and Eastern Hemisphere in Stereographic Projection World without Antarctica , Alaska and Canadian islands as well as southeast Australia without a precise coastline
1778 Jacques-Nicolas Bellin Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe Terrestre France Atlantic-centered overall map in Mercator projection , lengths of Paris World without Antarctica , Alaska and Canadian islands as well as southeast Australia without a precise coastline 1778 Bellin Nautical Chart or Map of the World - Geographicus - World-bellin-1778.jpg
1778 Robert de Vaugondy Map Monde Suivant la Projection des Cartes Reduites France Atlantic-centered overall map in Mercator projection , lengths of Ferro , religions and skin colors of the population World without Antarctica , Alaska and Canadian islands without a precise coastline, Greenland as connected to North American and Tasmania as connected to the Australian mainland 1784 Vaugondy Map of the World on Mercator Projection - Geographicus - World-vaugondy-1784.jpg
1780 Rigobert Bonne Planisphere Suivant la Projection de Mercator France Atlantic-centered overall map in Mercator projection , lengths of Paris World without Antarctica , Alaska and Canadian islands without a precise coastline, Greenland as connected to North American and Tasmania as connected to the Australian mainland 1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of the World - Geographicus - Planisphere-bonne-1780.jpg
1792 J. Elwe Folder Monde or Description du Globe Terrestre & Aquatique Netherlands - Copy of the Jaillot map from 1694 -
1794 Samuel Dunn 1794 Samuel Dunn Wall Map of the World in Hemispheres - Geographicus - World2-dunn-1794.jpg
1799 GG and J. Robinson A General Chart of the World on Mercators Projection Great Britain Pacific-centered overall map in Mercator projection , lengths of London , journeys by James Cook , Samuel Wallis , Tobias Furneaux and many more. World excluding Antarctica , Tasmania as part of mainland Australia 1799 Cruttwell Map of the World on Mercator's Projection - Geographicus - WorldMercator-cruttwell-1799.jpg
1800 IM Burucker General Carte of the whole world Germany Atlantic-centered overall map in Mercator projection , lengths of Paris , ice borders, travel of a "Page" World without Antarctica , Canadian islands without a precise coastline, Tasmania as part of the Australian mainland Carte du monde de 1800.jpg

See also

Web links

Commons : Old maps of the world  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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  126. "Eruption of Mount Etna , Rainbow , Norway. Maelstrom , tides , ... u. a. " [124]
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  128. [126]  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  129. Published this year in Introduction à la Geographie , according to other sources around 1730  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , 1740 , 1742 or 1745 produced or published@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  130. [127]
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  132. General Scholarly Lexicon, p. 1351
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