The X-Files: The FBI's Scary Cases / Season 3

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Season 3 of the X-Files: The FBI's Creepy Cases
X-Files Logo.svg
German logo of the television series
Episodes 24
Country of production United States , Canada
First broadcast 22 Sep 1995 - May 17, 1996 on FOX
first broadcast
Oct. 24, 1996 - March 27, 1997 on ProSieben
◀   Season 2 Season 4   ▶
Episode list

The third season of the US mystery television series The X-Files - The FBI's Weird Cases comprises 24 episodes and was first broadcast in the United States in 1995/96 and in Germany in 1996/97.


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German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script
50 1 The ritual - part 2 The Blessing Way (2) 22 Sep 1995 Oct 24, 1996 RW Goodwin Chris Carter
Albert Hosteen and his family are beaten up by unidentified men in suits looking for Mulder. Scully is followed by a helicopter, and soldiers demand the documents that Albert translated. It says Mulder owns the originals. Back in Washington, DC , Scully is given compulsory leave and also has to surrender her badge and pistol. When she enters Mulder's office, she discovers that the disk is missing. In the meantime, the cancer candidate in New York is answering questions about the whereabouts of the data before the consortium. Mulder is found, injured but alive, near the freight car. Hosteen has him taken to a sweat lodge , where he tends Mulder according to Indian rites. During the ritual, Mulder has visions of Deep Throat and his father that instruct him not to give up his search for the truth. Frohike visits Scully and shows her an article in the newspaper that tells of Kenneth Soona's death. Scully goes to the FBI building where, strangely, the metal detector is striking, and confronts Skinner with the article that could help to exculpate Mulder's suspicion of killing his father. But Skinner refuses to investigate further. When leaving the building, the metal detector hits again, the cause seems to be in Scully's neck. She see a doctor who removes a small metal implant . Scully's sister Melissa urges her to consult a hypnotherapist to bring back lost memories of her abductions. But during the session, she gets scared and ends the session. When she arrives at her home, she watches Skinner just leave the building. Later he denied having been there. Mulder has now recovered. Scully goes to Boston to attend Bill Mulder's funeral and meets Teena Mulder, Fox's mother. Scully is approached by a member of the consortium, the "well -manicured man" , who warns her not to be murdered. Mulder comes to Connecticut and questions his mother about an old photo of his father and consortium members standing in front of a mysterious building. Melissa calls Dana to tell her she's coming to see her. Dana wants to run towards her and leaves her apartment, where Skinner is waiting for her, who wants to talk to her undisturbed. Melissa arrives at Scully's apartment where she is gunned down by Luis Cardinal and Alex Krycek. Cardinal and Krycek flee when they see they hurt the wrong person. In Mulder's apartment, Scully threatens Skinner with a gun, believing him to be the traitor the "well-groomed man" referred to. Skinner says he has the secret files. When footsteps can be heard outside the door, Skinner takes advantage of Scully's inattention and draws his gun ...
51 2 Conspiracy of Silence - Part 3 Paper clip (3) 29 Sep 1995 Oct 31, 1996 Rob Bowman Chris Carter
Scully and Skinner face each other with guns drawn. Mulder arrives and forces Skinner to surrender his gun. Skinner tells Scully and Mulder that the files are the only way to expose the conspiracy and that he will keep the files to himself. The agents visit the Lone Riflemen, and Mulder shows them the photo with his father and the consortium members. The Lone Gunmen see from the photo Victor Klemper ( in German synchronization version Victor Kerber called to confusion with Victor Klemperer to avoid ), a researcher from the Third Reich, in the course of Operation Paperclip in the United States was brought. Frohike informs Scully of Melissa's condition and Mulder persuades Scully not to go to the hospital because she is a target for the killers there. The members of the consortium are beside themselves and demand the files from the cancer candidate, who promises to have them the next day. Scully and Mulder visit Klemper, who tells them the photo was taken outside a West Virginia mining facility . A little later, Klemper informs the "well-groomed man" that Mulder is still alive, which means that the consortium trusts the cancer candidate less and less. Albert Hosteen is now at Melissa's bedside, while a man in a suit keeps walking past the room and looking curiously at Melissa. Mulder and Scully go to West Virginia and find a secret section in the old mining facility that they can enter using a code from Klemper. There you will find countless filing cabinets containing files on records of smallpox vaccinations and tissue samples. Mulder finds his sister Samantha's file and discovers that the file was originally created for him. Skinner informs the Cancer Candidate that he may have the files, but the Cancer Candidate replies that he will not make a deal and threatens Skinner with death. Mulder hears noises and leaves the secret part of the building and sees a UFO take off and fly overhead while unknown little creatures scurry past Scully. An armed force forces the agents to flee and they meet Skinner in rural Maryland . Skinner wants to trade the files for the reinstatement and safety of Scully and Mulder, and the two agents agree. Skinner goes to Melissa's hospital and is briefed by Albert Hosteen about the man in the suit. Skinner chases the man, but then he is beaten up in the stairwell by Luis Cardinal and Alex Krycek and the two also steal the files. Krycek escapes an attack on his life when a car bomb explodes, then informs the cancer candidate that he has the files and will make them public in case he continues to be tracked. The cancer candidate lies to the consortium by claiming that Scully's assassin was killed and the tapes destroyed. Scully and Mulder meet the "well-groomed man" at Klemper's, who tells them that he knew Bill Mulder and that he helped collect genetic samples to enable post-apocalyptic identification. Klemper also used the data to work on human-alien hybrids. Samantha was kidnapped to make sure Bill Mulder was silent about the experiments. Mulder questions his mother again, who tells him that Bill decided that Samantha was kidnapped. Skinner meets the cancer candidate again. He thinks Skinner's claims are a bluff, but then Skinner introduces him to Albert Hosteen. This and twenty other Navajos have made a note of the contents of the files and will publish them if Mulder and Scully are injured. Mulder meets Scully in the hospital, Melissa died a few hours earlier. Both now want to find the truth.
52 3 lightning strike DPO Oct 6, 1995 Nov 7, 1996 Kim Manners Howard Gordon
In an amusement arcade in Connorville, Oklahoma , young men Jack Hammond and Darin Peter Oswald are fighting over a slot machine. Hammond pushes Oswald on the floor and then leaves the arcade. He gets into his car, but it appears to be defective and the ignition gives Hammond a fatal electric shock. However, Oswald appears to be the reason for Hammond's death. Five people have now died in connection with lightning strikes in Connorville, the last being Hammond. Scully and Mulder investigate. Scully asks Bart "Zero" Liquori, the arcade owner and friend of Oswald. Mulder realizes that Oswald has the high scores for the game and played there on the night of Hammond's death. Oswald was the first victim in the series of lightning strikes, but he was the only one to survive. Oswald works for a car workshop and tries to land with the boss's wife, Sharon Kiveat, his former teacher, but she lets him down. Oswald claims to have noticed nothing that night, Mulder's cell phone overheats in Oswald's presence. Zero is worried by the FBI, but Oswald doesn't care. In a meadow he attracts lightning, is hit again himself and he kills a herd of cows. For him, the lightning strike is again without consequences. When Scully and Mulder examine the place the next day, they can secure a shoe print and assign it to Oswald. Oswald abuses his "electrical" ability to manipulate traffic lights and thus cause accidents. Scully and Mulder find evidence of an unrequited love for Sharon Kiveat in Oswald's room. At a traffic accident site, Oswald's boss, Sharon's husband, suffers a heart attack . Oswald can save him by touching him by acting as a defibrillator . The agents question Sharon, who has heard of Oswald's gift, and then look at his medical record. This indicates an acute hypokalaemia - electrolyte imbalance in his blood. Oswald is still innocent. Zero closes his arcade in the evening and notices that Oswald is after him because he thinks Zero has betrayed him. Eventually Zero is struck by lightning outside the arcade and dies. Scully and Mulder rush to the hospital to protect the Kiveats when the power goes out when they arrive. Oswald meets Scully and Sharon Kiveat, who agrees to go with him if he doesn't kill anyone. Outside the hospital, Oswald kills the sheriff with lightning. Eventually Oswald is arrested and taken to a psychiatric institution.
53 4th The clairvoyant Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose Oct 13, 1995 Nov 14, 1996 David Nutter In it Morgan
A number of fortune tellers , including a palm reader and a tarot card reader, are murdered. Scully and Mulder help with the investigation. You work with Clyde Bruckman, an insurance salesman . He has the ability to see the exact death circumstances of people with whom he comes into contact. The killer realizes that Bruckman, Mulder and Scully are on his way and threatens to kill them in a letter. To save Bruckman, Mulder and Scully take him to a hotel room, where they guard him around the clock. Unfortunately the serial killer is a room waiter at this hotel.
54 5 The list The List Oct 20, 1995 Feb. 27, 1997 Chris Carter Chris Carter
The condemned Napoleon "Neech" Manley announces shortly before his execution that he will be reborn and will take revenge on five overseers who have mistreated him. Scully and Mulder begin their investigation in Florida after a guard is inexplicably found dead in Neech's cell. Director Brodeur believes Neech planned the murders with someone outside the prison . Scully speaks to guard Vincent Parmelly, who believes inmate Roque has a list of the four remaining names. Later, Fornier's head is discovered in a paint bucket. Fly larvae are found on the head and the coroner tells Scully that the lungs of the first dead guard were full of larvae . Mulder speaks to Roque, who requests his relocation for the list to be released, and Brodeur finds Fornier's body shortly thereafter. Scully and Mulder visit Neech's fearful widow , Danielle Manley, who is having a secret affair with Parmelly. Brodeur kills Roque in the showers in the cell block after the latter tells him that he is the last name on the list. Brodeur orders all prisoners to be confined and tells Mulder that Neech has had violent clashes with everyone who has been killed so far. Mulder doubts Roque was on the list, but believes Neech will return. Mulder also believes that Neech's executioner Perry Simon could be at risk. This is found dead shortly afterwards. Mulder speaks to prisoner John Speranza, who testifies that Roque was not on the list, and insists he saw the ghost of Neech. Based on Neech's phone connections, Scully believes that attorney Danny Charez may be involved in the murders and that he is planning and carrying out the murders with Speranza. In a conversation with Charez, he tells about Danielle's relationship with Parmelly. After the agents leave, Charez is strangled by the returned Neech. Brodeur suggests that Speranza suspend his death sentence if he stops the murders and Speranza agrees. Danielle sees Neech in her sleep and when she wakes up she thinks Parmelly is the shell of the returned spirit of Neech. She threatens him with a gun. Scully and Mulder arrive with a special unit, but can only watch Michelle shoot Parmelly. Brodeur, who believes Charez and Parmelly were on the list, also kills Speranza in the cellblock showers. Parmelly is charged with the murders, but Mulder doubts that Parmelly could not have known Perry Simon's identity. Mulder believes Neech will return, but Scully sees the case as closed. Brodeur drives his car past Scully and Mulder and after a few meters he realizes that Neech is lurking in the back seat and then attacks him, which leads to Brodeur crashing into a tree and dying.
55 6th fat 2Shy Nov 3, 1995 March 6, 1997 David Nutter Jeffrey Vlaming
In Cleveland , a couple who met online meet in a car. The man, Virgil Incanto, suffocates his date, Lauren, with a gelatinous substance that he spits out. The next morning, the police found Lauren's body, completely covered in the substance. Scully and Mulder are called to investigate because there are other similar unsolved murders. When Scully tries to do an autopsy on the body, only the skeleton is left; the rest of the body has liquefied. The fluid that coated the body was a concentrated digestive enzyme and the remains are completely free of body fat . In the meantime, Incanto makes an appointment over the Internet with Ellen Kaminsky. His landlady, Monica Landis, also has romantic intentions and is convinced that Incanto is a writer and editor and wants to show him some of his own poems. The agents come from Lauren's computer to Incanto's account. He opened his account with a previous victim's credit card . Kaminsky transfers Incanto, who is waiting in front of a restaurant , whereupon he murders a prostitute who injures his hand. Incanto is disturbed in his murder so that he cannot completely dissolve the woman's body. Scully finds remains of Incanto skin under the woman's nails that do not contain any oils or fatty acids . Scully deduces from this that Incanto is sucking out the body fat of its victims. Mulder sees the contents of Incanto's e-mails, quoting an Italian poem, and creating a list of possible suspects. Together with Scully and the local cop Alan Cross, he decides to question the suspects. Kaminsky asks Incanto to meet again, and Cross asks Incanto at the same time. After meeting Kaminsky, Incanto sees that Monica Landis is in his apartment. After Landis finds Cross's dead body in the bathtub, Incanto kills her too. Jessie, Monica's blind daughter, asks Incanto about her mother. She smells her perfume in the apartment and suspects that something has happened. Jessie calls the police. When Mulder and Scully arrive, Incanto is gone, but a list of his contacts is found. Two women cannot be reached by phone, one of whom is Kaminsky. Incanto arrives at Kaminsky, who receives an e-mail of Incanto from the FBI. Scully comes to Kaminsky's apartment and is attacked by Incanto, Kaminsky comes to Scully's gun and shoots Incanto with it. In later interrogations, Incanto admits the murders.
56 7th The second body The Walk Nov 10, 1995 Nov 21, 1996 Rob Bowman John Shiban
Lieutenant Colonel Victor Stanz makes his third suicide attempt at a veterans hospital in Maryland . He says that a mysterious figure won't let him die. He jumps into a tub of boiling water, but is rescued by the clinic staff. Scully and Mulder question Stans, who says his wife and children were killed in a house fire and the fire was started by a mysterious soldier who would not let him die. Captain Janet Draper stops the questioning because Stans' superior did not give General Thomas Callahan permission to be questioned. After a conversation with the agents, Callahan also sees the mysterious soldier, and his answering machine keeps playing an incomprehensible message. Draper is attacked and killed by an unknown force in the institution's indoor pool. Callahan now tells Mulder and Scully that he also saw the soldier and plays the message on the answering machine for them. As they drive to Callahan's house together, his son Trevor claims to have seen someone in the house. Scully sees someone walking through the garden. Fingerprints belonging to Quinton "Roach" Freely, the institution's mail carrier, are secured . Roach is arrested, at the same time Trevor is killed in his sandpit by the unknown force. When questioned by the agents, Roach admits he was involved in the murders and states that he is Rappo's postman. "Rappo" is Leonard Trimble, a veteran of the Iraq war who has lost his arms and legs. Scully doesn't believe Roach, who fears that Rappo will kill him next. Roach is later found dead in his cell, Scully believes in suicide, but Mulder shows her X-ray films that he carried with him at all crime scenes, and they all show traces of radiation . Mulder believes that Rappo can leave his body through soul travel . Mulder plays the message on the answering machine backwards, and a death threat from the unknown soldier can be heard on it. In the interrogation, Rappo testifies that the Gulf War took his life away. Callahan finds his wife's body and Stans tells him at the clinic that Rappo was responsible for the murders. When Callahan confronts Rappo, he admits everything. When the agents arrive, Rappo is in a trance. Mulder recognizes the signs and tries to find Callahan. Rappo attacks Callahan in the basement of the institution with burst heating pipes. Stans enters Rappo's room and suffocates him with a pillow. The ghost ends with death, Callahan remains unharmed. Since there is no tangible evidence that Rappo was a murderer, the case remains unsolved. Rappo's family wanted to bury him in Arlington National Cemetery , but the military refused, so he was buried in a civil cemetery in Pennsylvania .
57 8th parallel Oubliette Nov 17, 1995 March 13, 1997 Kim Manners Charles Grant
In Seattle , Carl Wade photographs 15-year-old Amy Jacobs at a school event. He is obsessed with her and kidnaps her at night, but is watched by Amy's sister. At the same time, Lucy Householder, who works in a diner , breaks down with a bad nosebleed. Mulder investigates the kidnapping case that reminds him of his sister Samantha. His investigation leads to Lucy, who was kidnapped at the age of eight and locked in a basement for five years before she could escape. Scully suspects that there may be a connection between Lucy and Amy's disappearance, given that Lucy has a number of criminal records , and when her nosebleed, not only was her own DNA saved, but Amy's as well. Lucy lives in a rehabilitation center for former drug addicts, suddenly her face shows scratches and she suffers from temporary blindness . The injuries are identical to those of Amy, who is locked in Wade's basement. Any physical thing that happens to Amy also happens to Lucy. Lucy is scared and can't help Mulder about it. Scully discovers the connection to Wade in her investigation, and Lucy states that it was Wade who kidnapped her. Through a witness, the agents discover Wade's whereabouts and in a hut in the woods they find Lucy, who doesn't know how she got there. Suddenly Lucy feels cold and wet and Mulder deduces from her connection to Amy that Amy must be on a river. Mulder and Scully rush to the river, where Wade tries to drown Amy. Lucy shows signs of a drowning death despite being far from the water. Mulder shoots Wade and Scully tries in vain to resuscitate Amy, but because of the connection, Lucy is resuscitated. But then the process turns around and Amy wakes up again while Lucy dies. Lucy sacrificed herself to save Amy.
58 9 The autopsy - part 1 Nisei (1) Nov 24, 1995 Jan. 23, 1997 David Nutter Chris Carter, Howard Gordon, Frank Spotnitz
In Knoxville ( Tennessee ) leading Japanese scientist a train car in a mysterious autopsy carried on an alien. A camera inside the wagon records everything. Suddenly the wagon is stormed by an armed unit, the scientists are shot, the alien's body is transported away in a body bag. Mulder comes into possession of the videotape and believes in its authenticity, while Scully remains skeptical. The agents go to Allentown ( Pennsylvania ) to the seller of the tape to question, but this has just been murdered. At the scene , Mulder pursues a man identified as Kazuo Sakurai, a senior Japanese diplomat . Skinner orders the diplomat's immediate release, but Mulder holds back his briefcase and finds documents from MUFON and satellite images from a ship in it . The Lone Gunmen identify the ship as the Talapus , a salvage ship , which in Newport News ( Virginia is docked). Sakurai is killed by a killer. Scully visits the MUFON group and meets a group of women who all claim to know her and have also been kidnapped. They all have implants similar to Scully and tell her that they will all die of cancer . Mulder is looking for the Talapus in the meantime , but then armed men storm the ship, Mulder is still able to escape. During the night he finds a warehouse where an unknown object is being processed by a dangerous goods team. Mulder believes it is a spaceship that was recovered from the Talapus . Skinner questions Mulder about the briefcase, the disappearance of which caused diplomatic resentment. He tells Mulder that he will not be able to support him in his future projects. Mulder meets Senator Matheson, who can provide more detailed information about the autopsy, and points out that there is a conspiracy involving human-alien hybrids. Mulder discovers that the Japanese scientists were members of the infamous " Unit 731 " during World War II and were hired by the US government to research hybrids. Mulder believes the videotape shows scientists doing test research. Scully informs Mulder of her results and has her implant examined more closely. She also examines the videotape and sees Dr. Ishimaru, who was also involved in the investigation into her abduction. Mulder pursues the mysterious train car and finds it in West Virginia , where he watches Japanese scientists put an alien on the train. The Japanese scientist Dr. Shiro Zama waits for the train at a train station in Ohio after his bodyguard is killed by the killer. The killer follows Zama on the train going to Vancouver. Mulder missed the Ohio train. Scully meets X in Mulder's apartment , who warns her that Mulder is entering the train. Scully reaches Mulder by phone and asks him not to get on the train, but Mulder jumps off a bridge onto the roof of the train and loses his cell phone ...
59 10 The train - part 2 731 (2) Dec. 1, 1995 Jan. 30, 1997 Rob Bowman Frank Spotnitz
In Quinnimont, West Virginia, soldiers storm the deserted site of a leprosy research station and take most of the patients into custody. One of the patients, Escalante, escapes through a trap door. He chases the transporters with the patients to an abandoned field, where the soldiers shoot the patients, including human-alien hybrids, and store them in a mass grave . Mulder lost touch with Scully by losing his cell phone. She asked X , who advised her to have her implant examined carefully, it would contain important information and answers for her. Mulder enters the train and discovers that the mysterious car is quarantined and secured by a security system. He's looking for Dr. Zama and asks the conductor for help. In Zama's compartment you will find handwritten notes in Japanese . In another part of the train, Zama meets the killer who kills him. Scully meets Agent Pendrell, who explains to her that her implant is an advanced technology capable of storing memories and thoughts from the brain . The developer of the implant was Zama, who developed it at the research station in West Virginia. Scully drives there and meets the last remaining patients who managed to escape the death squad . Escalante tells Scully that Zama did experiments but hasn't worked there for a long time. He shows her the mass grave. Soldiers looking for Scully kill him. Scully is brought to the Consortium's "First Elder". Mulder manages to get into the mysterious car because the door is ajar. He sees a human-alien hybrid in a room inside the car. The killer attacks Mulder, causing the conductor to lock her in the car. The killer identifies himself as an NSA employee and reports that there is a bomb in the car, the countdown of which has already been triggered. Mulder doubts the information, but then Scully calls the killer's cell phone and points out the bomb as well. She claims to have been operated on by Zama in a similar car and that the alien abduction only serves as a deception. She fears that the hybrid is infected with hemorrhagic fever and that many people could be infected by the explosion of the bomb. Mulder finds the bomb and the car is decoupled from the rest of the train on a siding . The killer tells Mulder that the hybrid is immune to biological weapons and Zama tried to get it to Japan. The US government ordered the killer to kill both of them. With Scully's help, Mulder succeeds in unlocking the door of the car, then is attacked again by the killer and is passed out. The killer leaves the car, but is shot by X , who then takes Mulder out of the car before the bomb explodes. A few days later, Mulder tries to get information about the car, but the search is unsuccessful. Zama's notes were also subsequently forged and changed. The real records are in the possession of the cancer candidate who has them translated.
60 11 epiphany Revelations Dec 15, 1995 Nov 28, 1996 David Nutter Kim Newton
A preacher fakes stigmata during a church service . After the sermon, Simon Gates visits him, who strangles the preacher. His hands are smoking. Mulder and Scully investigate. Mulder references other murders involving people who purported to be stigmatized. In a primary school in Loveland ( Ohio ) student Kevin Kryder begins to bleed on the palms. The agents meet him in the presence of a social worker. Kevin's father was admitted some time ago because he saw Kevin endangered by evil forces. Mulder and Scully visit the father who sees Kevin as the chosen one, who is at the center of the battle between good and evil. Kevin is kidnapped by a strange looking man. Kevin's mother recognizes the man, it's Owen Jarvis who worked for the family. Owen sees himself as Kevin's guardian angel and when the agents arrive, Kevin has disappeared. Owen leaps out of the window. Kevin arrives at home but was followed by Gates who kills Owen while he tries to protect Kevin. During the autopsy , Scully finds out that Owen's body does not decompose, which reminds her of the incorruptible in the catechism . On Owen's neck she finds fingerprints of Gates, who is known as a wealthy businessman. Kevin and his mother break down their car and Gates tries to help them. Kevin appears in two places at the same time, confusing Gates and allowing them to escape. When Kevin's mother was injured by Gates, an accident occurs and she dies. Scully and Mulder take Kevin to a hotel. While Scully believes in a miracle because of her belief, Mulder denies the possibility of a miracle. Gates breaks in and kidnaps Kevin. Scully believes Gates took Kevin to one of his companies in Jerusalem, Ohio, while Mulder suspects them at the airport. Scully drives to the company where she finds Gates and Kevin. Gates wants to jump into a shredding machine with Kevin, but Kevin manages to hold on, Gates dies. Kevin is brought to safety and Scully goes back to confession after a long time .
61 12 War of the coprophages War of the Coprophages Jan. 5, 1996 Dec 5, 1996 Kim Manners In it Morgan
In Miller's Grove, Massachusetts , an exterminator examines Dr. Jeff Eckerle and clears some cockroaches . After kicking a cockroach, he has a seizure and collapses. When Dr. Eckerle comes back, the exterminator is covered by cockroaches. Mulder happens to be around as some UFO sightings have been reported. The sheriff informs Mulder of the cockroach attacks. Mulder accompanies Sheriff Frass to see Dr. Eckerle. In town, some teenagers drink beer and inhale fumes from manure . One sees a cockroach entering his body through an open wound on his arm, whereupon he panic cuts his arm with a razor blade and bleeds to death. Over the phone, Scully explains to Mulder that this case is dermatozoal madness caused by drug use. Mulder finds a cockroach in the room and suspects that some insects were indeed there. When he tries to catch the cockroach, he cuts himself on it because the shell of the insect seems to be made of metal. Frass believes the Department of Agriculture is breeding killer cockroaches in a nearby facility. Shortly thereafter, the coroner is found dead. Scully attributes death to a brain aneurysm . Mulder tries again to catch a cockroach at the crime scene , but it escapes him. He then visits the government facility and meets a number of cockroaches and Dr. Bambi Berenbaum, who researches insects. Another murder takes place in Mulder's motel and cockroaches are seen again at the scene. Now Scully decides to come to Massachusetts. Berenbaum examines one of the cockroaches Mulder caught at the hotel and believes it is mechanical. Visited Ivanov who makes insect-like robots. Ivanov is fascinated by Mulder's find and thinks it could be something alien. Scully finds out that Dr. Eckerle worked on methane obtained from manure as a substitute fuel. Cockroaches may have been brought in through imported dung, but Mulder still believes in extraterrestrial insects. He finds Eckerle in his research facility, who is paranoid and feels he is being followed by the cockroaches. In his madness, Eckerle shoots Mulder and hits gas pipes. The building explodes shortly after the agents were able to escape outside.
62 13 energy Syzygy Jan. 26, 1996 Dec 12, 1996 Rob Bowman Chris Carter
In Comity, New Hampshire , a group of high school students hold a memorial service for a classmate who is believed to have fallen victim to a satanic sect . The pupils Terri and Margi are taken in the car by their classmate Jay. The girls tell him that the next victim will be a blonde virgin and convince him to drive off the street. The next day Jay is found hanging dead over a cliff with Terri and Margi laughing overhead. Scully and Mulder arrive and go to Jay's funeral with local police officer Angela White . Bob Spitz, the head of the high school , disrupts the funeral service and warns of the satanic cult, then Jay's coffin suddenly catches fire. The agents question the girls separately, but both tell identical stories about a satanic ritual. Scully is skeptical of the cult. Mulder and White visit the astrologer Madame Zirinka, who explains the incidents with a rare planetary constellation. Margi and Terri cause another classmate to die, while Scully grows angry because Mulder often transfers her about White. An angry crowd searches for a mass grave and finds a bag of bones that Spitz thinks are child bones. The bag belonged to the local pediatrician who sold it some time ago. It turns out that the bones are the remains of Terri's dog. Terri and Margi celebrate their birthday, where they kill their classmate Brenda. Scully becomes more and more jealous of White. Margi and Terri try to cheer Brenda's boyfriend Scott, but he refuses, which makes Terri angry. Mulder visits Madame Zirinka again, who tells him that all those born on January 12, 1979 (Margis and Terri's birthday) have special energies. Margi wants to see Scott alone, but Terri joins them. Scott is killed in an argument. Margi goes to Mulder while Terri seeks out Scully and blames each other. Scully and Mulder both take them to the station where mysterious things happen. Both girls are locked in a room and lose their strength at midnight. Spitz still believes the events are the work of the devil.
63 14th grotesque Grotesque Feb. 2, 1996 March 20, 1997 Kim Manners Howard Gordon
At George Washington University , a group meets for nude painting . However, one of the artists, John Mostow, paints a demonic creature. When the nude model goes to his car after the meeting, he is murdered by a stranger. The next morning, Mostow is arrested by the FBI , led by Bill Patterson. Patterson also finds the knife with which the deeds were carried out. Mostow is charged with the murders, and Scully and Mulder join the investigation when Mostow claims to have been possessed during the murders. He testifies that a gargoyle ordered him to kill. Then another murder occurs. Mulder meets his former mentor Patterson, who worked on the case for three years. The mood between the two is tense because they have different views. Mulder and Scully visit Mostow's gallery and find gargoyle sculptures in a room in which the bodies are hidden. A glassblower is attacked but survived seriously injured. Nemhauser, an agent on Patterson's team, tells Scully that Patterson has requested Mulder, which he greatly admires. Mulder delves into the gargoyle theory very much. In Mostow's studio, Mulder is attacked and slightly injured with a knife. Mostow does not want to help with the investigation. At the last scene of the crime , Scully finds a knife with Mulder's prints and discovers that the murder weapon was stolen from the evidence center. Mulder goes back to Mostow's studio, where he finds a severed arm. Scully calls Nemhauser, but Mulder is on the phone and finds Nemhauser's body. Mulder also denies stealing the knife and believes Patterson is the killer. Mulder confronts Patterson about the allegations, but Patterson flees when Scully arrives. Patterson is shot and arrested. Nevertheless, he protests his innocence.
64 15th The enemy - part 1 Piper Maru (1) Feb 9, 1996 Dec. 19, 1996 Rob Bowman Frank Spotnitz, Chris Carter
The French salvage ship Piper Maru finds an airplane wreck from the Second World War in the Pacific Ocean . The diver Gauthier dives down and finds a living person in the cabin who appears to have black oil in his eyes. Back on the surface, Gauthier also seems obsessed with black oil. Skinner informs Scully that the investigation into her sister's murder will be closed. Mulder later tells her about the ship. The Piper Maru was at exactly the same coordinates as the Talapus (see season 3, episode 9), which believed to have lifted a UFO . When the Piper Maru arrived in San Diego , the crew was found to have radiodermatitis , a skin disease caused by ionizing radiation . The agents found traces of the black oil on Gauthier's diving suit. On the video of the dive, Scully identifies the aircraft as a North American P-51 . Gauthier searches his house and when his wife Joan arrives, he gives the black oil to her too. Scully visits Commander Johanson, an old friend of her father's, who can give her more information about the plane. He tells her that he was supposed to find a sunken bomber on board the submarine "Zeus Faber" during World War II . He recalls that many of the crew became ill with radio dermatitis and he took part in a mutiny against the captain, who was also obsessed with black oil. Mulder finds Gauthier confused and smeared with oil in his house, but he can't remember anything. Mulder finds a letter from a salvage company and visits the "secretary" Jeraldine. Mulder pursues them after the office is stormed by several gunmen. Mulder and Joan pursue Jeraldine to Hong Kong , where Mulder finds out she is a middleman selling government secrets . Mulder handcuffs Jeraldine and accompanies her to her office, where Alex Krycek is already waiting for her. He escapes through the window while Jeraldine is shot by armed men storming down the hall. Mulder escapes too. Joan comes down the hall and meets the men there and by creating a flash of light, the men now also develop radiodermatitis. In the meantime, Skinner is confronted by a group of men, including the "gray-haired man," who advise him not to open Melissa's file. Skinner is later shot by Luis Cardinal. Mulder catches Krycek at the airport and Krycek offers him the tape with the files (see season 3, episodes 2 and 3) if he lets it run in return. In a washroom, Krycek is attacked by Joan and also infected with the black oil.
65 16 The enemy - part 2 Apocrypha (2) Feb 16, 1996 Jan. 2, 1997 Kim Manners Frank Spotnitz, Chris Carter
In 1953 a group of men heard a burned crew member of the "Zeus Faber". He says that the captain was put down during the mutiny and the black oil flowed out of him and into the sea. Two of the men asking are Bill Mulder and the cancer candidate. In the present: Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek return to the United States and are pushed off the road by another car. The men seize Krycek, but are injured by a bright flash of light. The cancer candidate examines their injured bodies and orders them to be removed. Mulder lost consciousness in the accident and wakes up in the hospital, where Scully informs him of Skinner's condition and tells him that a saliva analysis showed that the gunman was the one who shot Melissa. The consortium discusses the events surrounding the "Piper Maru", while Skinner tells Scully that he knows his shooter and that he and Krycek stole the tape from him. Mulder thinks the black oil is a medium that aliens use to move from body to body and believes that Krycek is infected. Mulder and the Lone Gunner want to get the tape from the locker that Krycek gave Mulder the key to. But the compartment is empty. Krycek gives the tape to the cancer candidate and receives the whereabouts of the recovered UFO. With Cardinal identified as Skinner's shooter, the consortium demands that the cancer candidate move the UFO. Mulder recognizes the consortium's phone number on the empty envelope from the locker and telephones the “well-groomed man” and arranges a meeting with him. The "well-groomed man" tells him that the UFO was recovered in World War II and the story of the sunken atom bomb was invented as a diversionary maneuver. The "well-groomed man" warns Mulder that it could affect anyone, and Mulder warns Scully to check on Skinner. Scully accompanies Skinner, who is being transferred to another hospital. Cardinal tries to get into the ambulance, whereupon Scully pursues and arrests him. Cardinal reveals that Krycek went to an abandoned missile silo in Black Crow, North Dakota . The agents are caught there and taken away by the cancer candidate's men. Inside the UFO , Krycek is coughing up the black oil from his body that spills into the ship. At Melissa's grave, Mulder tells Scully that Cardinal was found dead in his cell. Krycek remains trapped in one of the silos and begs for his release.
66 17th My will be your will pusher Feb 23, 1996 Jan. 9, 1997 Rob Bowman Vince Gilligan
Robert Patrick Modell buys a large amount of energy drinks in a supermarket. While still in the store, he is arrested by the FBI under the direction of Frank Burst. On the way to the car, Modell keeps talking about the color cerulean blue . Model's talk apparently leads to one of the policemen failing to see an approaching truck of the same color and crashing into it. After the driver unlocked the model's handcuffs, model escaped. Burst, the only one who survived the accident, contacts Scully and Mulder. Together they pursue Modell, who, nicknamed Pusher, carried out a number of contract killings, all of which looked like suicide. At the scene of the crime, Mulder discovers the word ronin and so they manage to track down Modell's ad in a mercenary magazine. Mulder believes that Modell can impose his will on his victims. They manage to find model on a golf course in Virginia , where he gets a member of the SWAT team to pour gasoline and set himself on fire. Mulder finds model exhausted in a car near the golf course. In his court hearing, Model uses his ability to get the judge to release him. The agents find that Modell applied to the FBI but failed the psychological test. Model succeeds through his ability to get into the FBI headquarters and get Mulder's file from an agent. When Skinner intervenes, Model sets the agent on Skinner, who beats him up. In Modell's apartment, agents find anti- epilepsy medication, and Mulder suspects that Modell has a brain tumor that gives him the ability to manipulate people but also robs him of a lot of strength. Mulder believes Model won't live long. Burst receives a call from Modell and causes Burst to die of a heart attack while the agents try to locate his location. You find model in a hospital where he killed several people. Mulder rushes to the hospital and is captured by Modell. When Scully arrives, Model forces Mulder to play Russian roulette . By triggering the fire alarm, Scully manages to get Mulder out of the trance, so that he shoots at model and wounds him. Modell's tumor was operable all the time, but Modell refused to remove it out of concern for his strength.
67 18th The curse Teso dos Bichos March 8, 1996 Jan. 16, 1997 Kim Manners John Shiban
During an archaeological excavation in Ecuador , Dr. Bilac and Dr. Roosevelt in dispute over the excavation of an urn containing the bones of an Amaru ( shaman ). Much to the annoyance of Bilac and the tribesmen present, Roosevelt insists on the excavation and transport to the museum . During a ritual, the shaman gives Yaje to the villagers and Bilac, while Roosevelt is attacked and killed in his tent by a jaguar spirit. Later investigate Scully and Mulder in Boston the disappearance of Dr. Decker, an archaeologist from the local museum. Large amounts of blood were found in Decker's office, but no body. The agents question the curator Dr. Lewton and the young academic Mona Wustner and also visit the secluded Bilac. In the evening Lewton is also killed by the Jaguar ghost. Scully finds numerous dead rats at the scene and Mona claims nothing unusual has been observed. Mulder and the police search for the remains of Lewton and find parts of Lewton's digestive tract in the woods . While investigating these organs, Scully receives a call from Mona, who says that Bilac is under the influence of Yaje. In the museum Mona hears noises in the washroom and when she looks she realizes that numerous rats are trying to get out of the sewer through the toilets . When the agents arrive at the museum, they find a crying Bilac by the toilets who says that Mona is dead. Bilac escapes from the room he was locked in, but Mulder realizes that he escaped through the museum's old steam tunnels. The agents investigate the tunnels and find numerous corpses that were killed by the wild cats that live there. When they want to flee, they also find Bilac's body , in the end they manage to escape. Mulder suspects that the cat attacks were linked to the urn curse. Finally the urn is brought back and the shaman watches the burial of the urn with jaguar-like eyes.
68 19th Hell money Hell Money March 29, 1996 Feb 6, 1997 Tucker Gates Jeffrey Vlaming
In San Francisco's Chinatown , immigrant Johnny Lo is abducted by three men wearing Shigong masks. A short time later, the security guard of a crematorium notices the three men and sees Lo burned alive in an oven. Scully and Mulder investigate and get help from Detective Glen Chao. Mulder believes in a ghost, while Scully suspects a cult. Inside the furnace you will find a Chinese character that Chao translates as "ghost", as well as a piece of paper that is money from hell , a symbolic sacrifice for dead spirits. In Los apartment they find traces of blood under a new carpet. In another part of Chinatown, the immigrant Hsin takes care of his daughter Kim , who has leukemia . To pay for her treatment, he participates in an underground lottery where you can either win money or lose an organ. A man gets bad fate and is found dead the next day, Scully performs an autopsy and realizes that the man has had several organs removed. The agents do not receive any information from Chao, as the Chinese community remains silent and Chao does not receive any information either. Hsin laid the carpet in Los apartment. He is wearing a bandage over his right eye because he lost the lottery. The three masked men await Chao in his apartment and knock him down. Hsin wants to get out of the lottery, but he is warned that this could be very dangerous for him. Chao disappears from the hospital and the agents find out that the blood is from Los apartment that is from Chao and visit Hsin, but only Kim is there. They discover Chao outside a restaurant and pursue him. Hsin gambled away his heart in the lottery, Chao joins them and reveals that the lottery has been rigged. Scully and Mulder can stop Hsin's operation at the last minute. All witnesses refuse to testify and no charges can be brought. Hsin comes home and his daughter is put on an organ donation list. Chao disappears and wakes up in a crematorium oven before being cremated.
69 20th Other truths Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space' Apr 12, 1996 Feb 13, 1997 Rob Bowman In it Morgan
The teenage couple Harold and Chrissy are kidnapped by aliens on their way home . But these aliens are attacked by a different race of aliens. Scully is interviewed about the case by writer Jose Chung, who plans to write a book about the incident. Chrissy appears to have been sexually assaulted and Harold is suspected of the act, but points out the alien abduction. Detective Manners does not believe Harold's story, but Chrissy describes the abduction by aliens under hypnosis . Mulder believes in the kidnapping story. The agents speak to an electrician, Roky Crikenson, who witnessed the kidnapping, and he wrote an eyewitness report which he hands over to the agents. In the evening he is threatened by men in black suits, they tell him that he only saw Venus and there are no aliens and threaten him with death. The man seems confused, freaked out. Mulder has Chrissy hypnotized again, this time claiming that she was kidnapped and brainwashed by the US Army . Chung speaks to the science fiction fanatic Blaine, who claims to have found a dead alien, who was then picked up by the agents and Manners. Blaine provides absurd descriptions of Mulder and Scully. Mulder allows Blaine to film the alien's autopsy, and it turns out to be Air Force pilot Jack Schaefer in costume . Mulder recalls finding Schaefer walking in the street without clothes the night before. Schaefer told Mulder at a diner that he and his co-pilot were disguised as aliens to fly a plane designed like a UFO , but were then abducted by aliens. Then he was picked up by superiors. The cook at the diner tells Chung a different story, he says that Mulder was alone talking about aliens and eating a lot. At the motel, Mulder finds the Men in Black in Scully's room, Scully seems to be in a trance and has no memory. Scully, Mulder and Manners are called to the crash site of a fighter plane and see the dead pilots, including Schaefer. Mulder visits Chung and asks him not to write the book, but it gets published anyway. Scully reads it and learns from it what happened to Roky and Blaine.
70 21st visitation Avatar Apr 26, 1996 Feb 20, 1997 James Charleston Howard Gordon,
idea: David Duchovny , Howard Gordon
Skinner's wife, Sharon, files for divorce . In a bar , Skinner meets a woman named Carina and spends the night with her. Skinner has a nightmare where an old woman is in bed with him. When he wakes up he finds Carina dead next to him. He is considered suspect and Scully finds a phosphorescent glow around Carina's mouth during the autopsy . Mulder finds out Carina was a prostitute and speaks to her pimp , who took a charge on Skinner's credit card that night. On the street Skinner sees the old woman from his dream again, but it is Sharon. Scully learns of Skinner's sleep problems and nightmares, and fears that he may have killed Carina in her sleep. Mulder suspects that Skinner has visions of a succubus . Skinner falls asleep after a brief visit from Sharon and is woken up by agents who tell him that Sharon was in a car accident . Skinner tells Mulder that he has had the visions of the old woman since his time in the Vietnam War , but then thought they were caused by drug use . The conversation is overheard by the cancer candidate unnoticed. Mulder has Sharon's airbag examined and despite a good word from Scully, Skinner is removed from office. Mulder sees it as a weakening of the X-files. Agent Pendrell finds out that Sharon's face cannot be seen on the airbag, so someone else was driving the car. Carina's pimp is murdered. The agents ask Judy, an employee, if she wants to meet the man who hired Carina because she knows his face. A meeting will be arranged in a hotel. Skinner visits Sharon at the hospital and just before she wakes up from the coma , he sees the old woman again. Things almost go wrong at the hotel, but Skinner shoots the man before he can harm Scully and Judy. The identity of the man remains unsettled, Skinner returns to work but does not say why he was at the hotel.
71 22nd The sea Quagmire May 3, 1996 Feb. 27, 1997 Kim Manners In it Morgan
In Millikan County, Georgia , biologists Farraday and Bailey are discussing a declining frog population and whether the species can be saved in the area. Bailey is dragged into the lake and killed by an unknown creature shortly afterwards. Scully and Mulder go to Georgia, Scully takes her dog Queequeg (who she has had since episode 3 of the third season) because she cannot find a dog sitter. At the lake, another man disappears, and Mulder believes that "Big Blue", a sea monster, is responsible. The agents talk to Farraday and shortly afterwards find the half-eaten body of the missing man. The owner of the fishing tackle shop by the lake fakes tracks of "Big Blue" in the mud at night, and is attacked and killed in the process. Mulder wants the lake to be closed, but the sheriff doesn't have enough staff. Two teenagers (known from episode 12 of the third season) come to the lake to lick toads , a friend of theirs is attacked and killed while diving underwater. His severed head is washed to the surface of the water. Scully believes a ship's propeller was the cause of death. The photographer Ansel is attacked while trying to take a picture of "Big Blue". After the sheriff fell into the lake and felt a touch underwater, he had the lake closed. Mulder talks to Ansel while Scully takes the dog for a walk. Queequeg runs away and is killed. Mulder realizes that the attacks are getting closer and closer to shore. The agents take a boat out on the lake, but the boat sinks and they manage to escape onto a rock. When the fog clears, they realize that they were in the immediate vicinity of the shore. Mulder believes that the decline in frog population brought "Big Blue" to shore to find new food. Farraday escapes an attack, Mulder chases the creature, and it turns out to be an alligator. Mulder is disappointed that it was only an alligator , but after the agents leave the lake, "Big Blue" swims in the lake unnoticed.
72 23 Remote controlled Wetwired May 10, 1996 March 6, 1997 Rob Bowman Mat Beck
In Braddock Heights, Maryland , a man kills his wife for mistaking her for someone else. The police officers also appear to him to be different people. Mulder is brought to the attention of a middleman, the Plain-Clothed-Man . Scully and Mulder drive to Maryland and speak to the man and his doctor, Dr. Stroman, stating that the man killed five people who he all believed to be the same person. When they visit the killer's house, Mulder notices a mechanic working on the cables. In the house you will find hundreds of videotapes with recorded news programs . Scully sifts through the tapes, believing the violence shown in the media to have triggered the crime, but notices nothing conspicuous. The next morning, however, she becomes extremely suspicious of Mulder, believing him to be a liar. She thinks she saw him in the car with the cancer candidate last night. Another murder happened. A woman believed she had seen her husband in a hammock with another woman, but in truth it was the neighbor and his dog. Mulder sees the mechanic at the scene again , but he escapes. Mulder climbs up the mast and finds a small device in the cable box that he takes to the Lone Shooters. They find out that the device is a kind of signal transmitter. Mulder contacts Scully, who is becoming more and more paranoid and believes she is being bugged. When Mulder knocks on her hotel room door, she fires her gun at him and escapes, Mulder believes that she has paranoid psychosis. The Lone Sagittarius believe that the device influences the thoughts and sends the signals over the TV picture. Mulder is unaffected because of his red-green blindness . He finds Scully with her mother. Scully is aggressive, but her mother can calm her down and she seems to be the same again. Mulder wants to meet Stroman, but he has disappeared, but Mulder finds cigarette butts in his hotel room. Through the telephone connections, Mulder finds Stroman in a house with the mechanic. When Mulder enters the house, gunshots are fired, Stroman and the mechanic are dead. "X" uses his middleman to inform Mulder that he ordered the killings. Mulder is mad at "X", but "X" says he will still be useful to Mulder. "X" later meets the cancer candidate in a car.
73 24 The day is already set - part 1 Talitha Cumi (1) May 17, 1996 March 27, 1997 RW Goodwin Chris Carter,
idea: David Duchovny, Chris Carter
In a coffee shop in Arlington ( Virginia ) man pulls a gun and shoots three people before being shot by police. An elderly man heals the victim and the archer with the touch of his palm. Scully and Mulder investigate. They interview the victims and the shooter and find out that the healer Jeremiah Smith disappeared when questioned by a police officer. The cancer candidate meets Mulder's mother Teena, the two argue and are secretly photographed. Skinner informs Mulder that Teena has had a stroke . At the hospital , Teena Palm ("palm") writes on a piece of paper and Mulder makes a connection with Smith. He sees video footage of Smith being questioned, but then disappears and another man stands in his place. Smith is picked up by the cancer candidate at his place of work at the Social Security Administration (SSA) and taken to a maximum security prison. Mulder rushes to his mother's house, where he meets X , who shows him the photos of Teena and the cancer candidate arguing. Mulder searches the house and realizes that his mother didn't want to write Palm but Lamp ("lamp"). He finds an alien stiletto weapon in one of the lamps. The same weapon was used by the Bounty Hunter (see episodes 16 & 17 in season 2). Scully meets a man at FBI headquarters who introduces himself as Smith and wants to surrender. During the questioning, he says that he can no longer remember anything. At the same time, the cancer candidate questions the real Smith, who has lost faith in the consortium's project. To upset the cancer candidate, he transforms into "Deep Throat" and Bill Mulder tells him he will die of lung cancer . Mulder blames the cancer candidate for teenage's condition. He questions the fake Smith and the latter escapes by changing his appearance. It's the bounty hunter who now wants to kill the real Smith, but only finds the cell empty. At the hospital, Mulder threatens the cancer candidate with his gun, but the cancer candidate says he spoke to Teena about Samantha. In the underground car park , Mulder meets X who wants the stiletto, which Mulder does not want to give out, and so the two fight. Scully finds out that identical Smiths work for the SSA across the country. She later meets Smith, who informs her that she met a con man (Bounty Hunter). He promises her more information, and they meet Mulder in a remote location. Mulder wants Smith to visit Teena, but then the Bounty Hunter appears.

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