FDP Federal Party Congress 1972

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Coordinates: 47 ° 59 ′ 12.7 "  N , 7 ° 52 ′ 21.7"  E

title 23rd Ordinary Federal Party Congress
Serial number 23
place Freiburg in Breisgau
state Baden-Württemberg
Hall City Hall
Beginning October 23, 1972
Duration (in days) 3
Freiburg city hall

The Federal Congress of the FDP in 1972 held the FDP from 23 to 25 October 1972 Freiburg from. It was the 23rd Ordinary Federal Party Congress of the FDP in the Federal Republic of Germany .


The party congress passed the FDP program for equal rights for women .

Federal Executive

After the new election in 1972, the federal executive board included:

Chairman Walter Scheel
vice-chairman Hans-Dietrich Genscher , Hildegard Hamm-Brücher , Wolfgang Mischnick
Treasurer Hans Wolfgang Rubin
Assessor Liselotte Funcke , Josef Ertl , Werner Maihofer
Secretary General Karl-Hermann Flach
Members by office Victor Kirst , Hans Friderichs , Theo Schiller
Further assessors Uwe Ronneburger , Karl Moersch , Horst Ludwig Riemer , Kurt Jung , Hermann Ferdinand Arning , Wolfgang Lüder , Helmut Schnorr , Ulrich Graf , Werner Klumpp , Georg Letz , Rötger Groß , Ulrich Krüger , William Borm , Gerhart Baum , Hermann Müller , Martin Bangemann , Helga Schuchardt , Ralf Dahrendorf , Kurt Spitzmüller , Otto Graf Lambsdorff , Heinz Herbert Karry , Walter Peters , Helmut Schäfer , Heiner Bremer

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Federal Party Congress  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Information from: Archiv des Liberalismus ( www.freiheit.org/content/archiv-des-liberalismus ) (ADL), inventory of the FDP Federal Party Rallies, A1-1.
  2. ^ The program is printed in: Heino Kaack: On the history and program of the Free Democratic Party. Floor plan and materials. Anton Hain Verlag, Meisenheim 1976, ISBN 3-445-01380-2 , p. 183 ff .; Carl-Christian Kaiser: FDP party convention in Freiburg: "David must not loll around". Optimism despite the shock of the local elections in Lower Saxony and Hesse . In: Die Zeit , No. 43 of October 27, 1972.