FDP Federal Party Congress 1968

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Coordinates: 47 ° 59 ′ 12.7 "  N , 7 ° 52 ′ 21.7"  E

Free Democratic Party (logo, 1952-1968) .png
title 19th ordinary federal party conference
Serial number 19th
place Freiburg in Breisgau
state Baden-Württemberg
Hall City Hall
Beginning January 29, 1968
Duration (in days) 3
Freiburg city hall

The Federal Congress of the FDP in 1968 held the FDP from 29 to 31 January 1968 Freiburg from. It was the 19th ordinary federal party conference of the FDP in the Federal Republic of Germany . The party congress took place in the Freiburg city hall. The reason for choosing the location was the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 1968 that were due to be held at the end of April .

The speech duel between Dahrendorf and Dutschke

The student protests accompanying the party congress and the speech duel between Ralf Dahrendorf and the student leader Rudi Dutschke were particularly sensational . The party congress coincided with the heyday of the 1968 movement . The Young Democrats , the youth organization of the FDP, had moved politically to the left and sympathized with the student movement . At the party congress, a motion by the Liberal University Groups (LHG), in which the United States was attacked, led to emotional debates. On the afternoon of the first day, a demonstration by the Socialist German Student Union (SDS) , led by Dutschke, took place in front of the hall . When Dutschke gave a speech on the roof of a bus, Dahrendorf agreed to have an argument with him there. In this conversation Dahrendorf turned out to be the better speaker in front of around 2,000 students.

Course and resolutions

The newly drafted statutes, rules of procedure and arbitration rules of the federal party were adopted at the party congress. Keynote speeches were held by Walter Scheel (“We want a new policy”) and Ralf Dahrendorf (“Politics of liberality instead of an alliance of immobility”).

The outgoing chairman Erich Mende justified his reasons for resignation in a less stirring speech. He called for unity and warned against "monomaniacs and radicals". Regarding Germany policy , he explained that the GDR had in fact already been recognized at the Geneva Foreign Ministers Conference of 1959.

Then, with 87 percent of the votes, Walter Scheel was elected as chairman instead of Erich Mende. Wolfgang Mischnick remained Deputy Federal Chairman. In place of Willi Weyer and Ewald Bucher , Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Hermann Müller were newly elected as deputy party chairmen. In runoff elections, the Swabian radical democrat Karl Moersch beat the national liberal Carlo Graaff and the left-liberal Berlin Justice Senator Hans-Günter Hoppe beat the Bavarian nationalist Dietrich Bahner . The sociology professor Ralf Dahrendorf moved into the federal executive committee as an assessor with the third best election result.

Federal Executive

Walter Scheel

After the new election in 1968, the federal executive board included:

Chairman Walter Scheel
vice-chairman Hans-Dietrich Genscher , Wolfgang Mischnick , Hermann Müller
Treasurer Hans Wolfgang Rubin
Assessor Liselotte Funcke , Hans-Günter Hoppe , Karl Moersch
Further assessors Ernst Achenbach , Dietrich Bahner , Gerhart Baum , William Borm , Ewald Bucher , Ralf Dahrendorf , Hermann Eicher , Otto Eisenmann , Carlo Graaff , Ulrich Graf , Albrecht Haas , Hildegard Hamm-Brücher , Winfrid Hedergott , Reinhard Koch , Heinrich Kohl , Eduard Leuze , Erich Mende , Hermann Oxfort , Walter Peters , Willy Max Rademacher , Fritz-Rudolf Schultz , Heinz Starke , Willi Weyer , Siegfried Zoglmann
Member by office Knut von Kühlmann-Stumm
Honorary President Reinhold Maier
Permanent guests Rötger Groß , Hermann Ferdinand Arning , Wolfgang Lüder

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Federal Party Congress  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations


  • Ralf Dahrendorf: Politics of liberality instead of an alliance of immobility. Speech at the 19th federal party congress of the FDP in Freiburg on January 30 , 1968, Bonn 1968.
  • DJD-German Young Democrats, LSD-Liberal Student Union Germany, Gerhart Baum , Günter Verheugen (Hrsg.): Current - Party Congress Service for the XIX. Ordinary federal party conference of the Free Democratic Party - Freiburg 29. – 31. January 1968 , o. O. 1968.
  • Walter Scheel: We want a new policy. From the inaugural speech of the federal chairman at the federal party congress of the FDP in Freiburg on January 31, 1968. In: Merriment and hardness. Walter Scheel in his speeches and in the judgment of contemporaries. Festschrift for the 65th birthday , ed. by Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt , Stuttgart 1984, pp. 157-173.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Information from: Archiv des Liberalismus ( www.freiheit.org/content/archiv-des-liberalismus ) (ADL), inventory of the FDP Federal Party Rallies, A1-1.
  2. Jürgen Frölich : Liberalism meets APO and wins on points. 50 years ago Ralf Dahrendorf discussed with Rudi Dutschke on the fringes of the FDP federal party conference in Freiburg on the website of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom ; accessed on January 29, 2018. See Dahrendorf checkmate Dutschke , in: Hamburger Abendblatt , January 30, 1968, p. 2.
  3. The statutes are printed in: Heino Kaack: Zur Geschichte und Programmatik der Free Democratic Party , p. 61 ff.
  4. Dahrendorf's speech appeared in print: Ralf Dahrendorf: Politics of Liberality instead of Alliance of Immobility. Speech at the 19th federal party congress of the FDP in Freiburg on January 30 , 1968, Bonn 1968.
  5. ^ The FDP offers itself as a coalition partner , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , January 30, 1968, p. 1.
  6. ^ Arnulf Baring : Change of power. The Brandt-Scheel era , Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-421-06095-9 , p. 97 f.