John Kline

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John Kline

John Kline (* 6. September 1947 in Allentown , Pennsylvania ) is an American politician of the Republican Party . He was a member of the US House of Representatives for Minnesota from 2003 to 2017 .


After attending WB Ray High School in Corpus Christi (Texas) , he first studied at Rice University in Houston , where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in 1969 .

He then did his military service in the US Marine Corps from 1969 to 1994 and in the meantime completed postgraduate studies in public administration at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania , which he completed in 1988 with a Master of Public Administration . During his military service he was the pilot of a helicopter in the Vietnam War , and later commander of all naval aviation forces of the Unified Task Force during Operation Restore Hope in 1992 and 1993 as well as pilot of Marine One , the helicopter of the US president . Most recently, he was a program development officer at USMC headquarters.

He has received several awards for his military services, including the Defense Superior Service Medal , four times the Legion of Merit and the Meritorious Service Medal .

After retiring from active military service with the rank of colonel , he worked as a business consultant.

After running unsuccessfully for the United States House of Representatives in 1998 and 2000 , he was elected to the House of Representatives in the 2002 election for Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District and was re-elected six times. From January 3, 2003 he was a member of Congress and was meanwhile the highest-ranking member of the Republican minority faction ( Ranking Minority Member ) in the Committee on Education and Labor . Most recently he was a member of the Armed Forces Committee and head of the Committee on Education and the Workforce . Since he was no longer running in the 2016 election, Kline resigned from Congress on January 3, 2017. His successor was his party friend Jason Lewis .

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