John T. Averill

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John T. Averill

John Thomas Averill (born March 1, 1825 in Alna , Lincoln County , Maine , †  October 3, 1889 in Saint Paul , Minnesota ) was an American politician . Between 1871 and 1875 he represented the state of Minnesota in the US House of Representatives .


John Averill attended public schools in his home country. In 1838 he moved to Montville , Maine with his parents . Until 1846 he studied at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary in Readfield . He then worked as a teacher for a short time. Averill then worked in the wood industry for a year. After moving to Winthrop , he started working in retail. In 1852 he moved to the north of the state of Pennsylvania , where he again worked in the wood industry. Five years later, in 1857, he settled in Lake City, Minnesota. There he dealt with the grain trade, among other things.

In his new home, Averill began a political career as a member of the Republican Party . Between 1858 and 1860 he was a member of the Minnesota Senate . During the Civil War he served in an infantry regiment of the Union Army from Minnesota. By the end of the war he had attained the rank of colonel . After the war, Averill moved to Saint Paul, where he got into the paper business.

Between 1868 and 1880 he was the representative of his state on the Republican National Committee . In the congressional elections of 1870 Averill was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the second constituency of Minnesota , where he succeeded Eugene McLanahan Wilson on March 4, 1871 . Two years later he was re-elected to Congress in the newly created third district of his state . So he was able to complete two terms in the US House of Representatives by March 3, 1875. From 1873 he was chairman of the Indian committee.

In 1874 Averill declined to run again. In the following years he returned to his private business in Saint Paul. He died there on October 3, 1889.

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