Charles Arnette Towne

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Charles Arnette Towne

Charles Arnette Towne (born November 21, 1858 in Pontiac , Michigan , † October 22, 1928 in Tucson , Arizona ) was an American politician who represented the state of Minnesota in both chambers of Congress . He also represented New York State in the US House of Representatives.


Early life

Towne graduated from the University of Michigan after completing compulsory schooling , where he graduated in 1881. He then studied the law and was in 1885 as a lawyer admitted. He opened his first law firm in Marquette, Michigan. In 1890 he moved to Duluth, Minnesota, where he continued his practice as a lawyer, and from 1893 to 1895 was accepted into the Judge Advocate General's Corps .

Political career

In 1894 Towne ran as a member of the Republicans with success for a seat in the United States House of Representatives and represented his constituency from March 4, 1895 to March 3, 1897. Shortly after leaving office as a member of parliament, he resigned from the Republican Party. Presumably for this reason, renewed candidacies as non-party members in both 1896 and 1898 were not crowned with success.

In 1900, both the Populist Party and the Silver Republican Party at their respective conventions tried to get him to run for the party's vice-presidential nomination, but Towne refused. Around this time he will join the Democratic Party . After the death of Cushman Davis , Towne was appointed as his successor as Senator of the United States , an office which he held for barely two months, from December 5, 1900 to January 28, 1901.

In 1901, Towne moved to New York City , where three years later, in 1904, he again successfully ran for a seat in the House of Representatives - this time in the 14th Congressional constituency of New York . His term of office lasted from March 4, 1905 to March 3, 1907.

Private life and death

Little is known about Towne's personal life. A New York Times newspaper article dated March 4, 1917, revealed that Towne was married twice. After the death of his first wife, Maude Wiley, the 58-year-old Towne married the 29-year-old Alice Elkin on March 3, 1917. It is not known whether Towne had children throughout his life.

Towne died eleven years later, at the age of 69 years, at a pneumonia .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New York Times [1] , March 4, 1917

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