List of German words in English

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This is a list of German words borrowed into English (e.g. Hamburger ). In most cases, the original meaning of the borrowed German word has changed.

The German and English languages ​​both come from the West Germanic language stem , but their close linguistic relationship became blurred under the influence of French on English due to the Norman conquest of England in 1066 and the second shift of sounds towards High German (cf.e.g. Low German / English pipe , New High German pipe ).

German words were borrowed into English for various reasons. Cultural achievements, especially German food, reached the English-speaking nations and were identified there with Germany itself, which is why the German names were adopted. Words were also borrowed from German into English in the fields of science, teaching and classical music.

The following list is divided into two parts. The second part lists words that have a strong association with Germany, for example “Autobahn”.

German words in English


  • ablaut [ ˈɑːblaʊt; ˈÆb- ]: Ablaut
  • to abseil (down) [ ˈæbseɪl ]: abseil
    • "The team had planned to abseil down the cliffs"
    • abseil as a noun: "around 300 people took part in a sponsored abseil from the top of the Plymouth Civic Center building"; "Abseil repairs at unstable cliffs"
    • Rappelling
  • Department : Department
  • Aha! Experience : Aha experience
  • pedigree : pedigree
  • ancestry
  • type of action
  • All conversion : All conversion
  • alpenglow [ ˈælpənˌgləʊ; -ˌGloʊ ]: Alpenglow
  • alphorn [ ˈælpˌhɔːn; -ˌHɔːɹn ] (also: alpenhorn [ ˈælpənˌhɔːɹn ]): Alphorn
  • fear [ æŋkst; ɑːŋkst ]: (neurotic) anxiety; Guilt
    • "Allen, in his comic response to the angst of death, is treating something of a common problem." (Newsweek, June 23, 1975, p. 40)
    • "Americans are opting these days for shorter-term therapies that shape them up with minimum angst." (Newsweek, May 26, 1986, p. 44)
    • "The angsty 'Party of Five' has had similar problems." (Newsweek, Jul 8, 1996, p. 53; in an article on television programming)
  • Attachment : attachment
  • approach (mathematics)
  • structure (physical chemistry)
  • grew up
  • Extension language - distance language - umbrella language (linguistic expression)
  • motorway : motorway


  • bahn [ bɑːn ]:
    • "I was learning all sorts of useful new stuff on the Infobahn. […] The Infobahn - a. k. a. the Information Superhighway - may be the most hyped phenomenon in history. "(Newsweek, May 16, 1994, p. 42)
    • "The x-men, cosmic superheroes, purveyors of mutant angst, are sending a team onto the Infobahn." (Newsweek, August 29, 1994, p. 5 Cyberscope)
    • "... so as to control 'content' on the emerging Eurobahn." (Newsweek, October 16, 1995, p. 37)
  • Baumkuchen : Baumkuchen
  • Construction plan : Construction plan (morphology)
  • readiness potential : readiness potential , technical term from neurology
  • Mountain film : Mountain film
  • occupational ban : Berufsverbot
  • Bildungsroman [ ˈbɪldʊŋzɹəuˌmɑːn; -ɹouˌmɑːn; -dʊŋks- ]: Bildungsroman
    • "This was, potentially, a fine novel: a 19th-century-style Bildungsroman about a young genius' artistic coming of age." (Newsweek, October 11, 1993, p. 50)
  • to blitz (see above) : to attack [sb.] quickly and violently ( also under discussion )
  • Blitzkrieg [ ˈblɪtskɹiːg ], blitz [ blɪts ]:
    • flash war
    • intense campaign, violent behavior of a non-military nature
    • "[...] the kids are losing their minds - the Blitzkrieg Bop." (From the lyrics of the song Blitzkrieg Bop by the US punk band Ramones, first published in 1976 )
    • "Nabisco ... plans to introduce its PVM ... with a flash of network television and national magazine ads." (Newsweek, December 5, 1977, p. 43)
    • “Blitzkrieg of Blizzards; from Scotland to Italy, the roughest winter in years. "(Title in Time , February 13, 1978, p. 16)
    • "Customs officers have seized 7.2m counterfeit cigarettes during a blitz on tobacco smuggling to the UK."
    • "Council starts spring clean blitz"
  • bratwurst [ ˈbɹætˌwɜːst; -ˌWɝːst; -ˌWʊɹst ], brat : Bratwurst
  • bremsstrahlung : bremsstrahlung
  • breze , pretzel , pretzel : pretzel
  • bund [ bʌnd ]:
    • "... the Nichols brothers and McVeigh seemed to form their own bund." (Newsweek, April 1995)



  • dachshund [ ˈdæksənd; ˈDɑːkshʊnd ]: Dachshund
  • German (often used as a swear word for Germans or German-Americans)
  • diener (also deaner ): Assistant in pathology
  • delicatessen [ ˌdɛlɪkəˈtɛsn̩ ], deli : shop where you can buy ready-made dishes, or delicatessen
  • diktat [ ˈdɪktæt ]: (1) something that is imposed on someone from outside; (2) decree, order
    • "Weary Iraq accepts UN diktat." (The Economic Times, June 20, 1998)
    • "Many staff, including GPs, are alarmed and dispirited by having the new systems imposed by diktat from above."
    • "Since efficiency is difficult to create by diktat, the best way to achieve this is to expose firms to competition"
  • doppelganger [ ˈdɒpəlˌgæŋə; ˈDɑːpəlˌgæŋgɚ ] (mostly doppelganger ): Doppelganger
    • "The doppelganger is craggier and sturdier than his real-life incarnation." (Newsweek, April 28, 1975, p. 38)
    • A spokesman for The Kingly Club said Tom Cruise's doppelganger visited other clubs in the city allowing the actor to party in peace.
    • "This is that each of the particles in the Standard Model has a heavier doppelganger known as its 'superpartner'." The Economist, June 9th 2007, p. 89.
  • to doppelgang : imitate, imitate
  • dreimorengesetz : stress rule for Latin
  • dirt : something of poor quality Example: "The movie was pure dirt."
  • Print copy (in patent law, the version of a patent pending for grant)
  • fool [ ˈdʊmˌkɑːf; -ˌKɑːpf; ˈDʌm- ] ( American English ): fool
    • "Sir Alan Sugar has come under fire from further education bosses for describing colleges as places 'where dummkopfs come to learn where to make mistakes'."
    • "According to Dr. Leo Dreckling's masterpiece Spitewerken Fur Dumkopfs, we can resume our proper life course only when we reconcile the seemingly disparate strands of our fractured drives and ambitions into some properly designed Spitewerke which reconciles the noblest and the basest of our motivations in an expressive act of paradoxical behavior . "
  • through-composed : musicological technical term


  • E for opposite : position designation of substituents in organic chemistry
  • real (also: real ): real
    • "Take your pencil and begin marking individual lines or passages which strike you as Echt-Shakespearean." (The Observer, May 10, 1998)
  • edelweiss [ ˈeɪdəlˌwaɪs; -vaɪs ]: edelweiss
  • intrinsic gray [ aɪgən-; aɪgɛngɹaų ]: intrinsic gray
  • eigenvalue , eigenvector and eigenenspace : eigenvalue , eigenvector ( eigenvalue problem ) and eigenspace
  • decision problem- : Entscheidungsproblem
  • replacement [ ˈɛəzæts; ˈƐɹzɑːts ]: often perceived as inferior and artificial imitation
    • "This replacement shark is supported by some breathtaking footage of real sharks." (Newsweek about the movie Jaws )
    • "Coffee: The Ersatz Brews" (Title in Newsweek, May 30, 1977, p. 50)
    • "Before them spreads the ersatz city, row upon row of khaki tents, broken up by pastel-colored Porta Pottis." (Newsweek, September 5, 1994, p. 11)
  • Eisbein : Eisbein
  • Energiewende : Energiewende


  • fahlband : geology
  • driving pleasure : From a commercial for Volkswagen
  • federweisser : Federweißer (wine)
  • -fest [ fɛst ]: "-fest (almost exclusively as the second part of English word compositions; cf. German Volksfest ). The word festival, on the other hand, comes from Old French and means" festive ". It was already borrowed in Middle English and is in the 19th century The German festival as well as the English festival ultimately go back to Latin festum .
    • "A North-South Slugfest, Washington and Brasilia tussle over computers." (Cover in Newsweek, June 2, 1986)
    • "Live from Rio, next week's global gathering will be part carnival, part propaganda-fest." (Newsweek, June 1, 1992, p. 16)
    • "In the 1990s, the Labor Party has forsworn the open slugfests over ideology that had crippled it in earlier decades." (Newsweek, May 23, 1994, p. 30)
    • "... a latecomer to what has turned into a bizarre love-fest between the plaintiff ... and the defendant." (Newsweek, March 6, 1995, p. 41)
    • "Protest Fest" (title in Newsweek, March 13, 1995, p. 3)
    • "... a 'Titanic' for the '90s: a high-tech, in-your-face scarefest ..." (Newsweek, November 25, 1996, p. 42)
    • “JAZZ FEST”, poster in Lisa Simpson's room, “Summer of 4 Ft. 2 ", The Simpsons, 1996. ( )
  • festschrift : Festschrift
  • fife : " Schwegel ", an old form of the transverse flute (from German pipe )
    • "So come on, I'm the Whistler, I have a fife and a drum to play." (Lyrics by the band Jethro Tull : "The Whistler", 1977)
  • field department
  • finger error , expression in chess
  • firn : Firn
  • FlaK [ flæk ]: anti-aircraft gun
  • flugelhorn (also flugelhorn ) [ ˈfluːgəlˌhɔːn; -ˌHɔːɹn ]: flugelhorn
  • Flugtag : competition with self-made aircraft
  • fohn : hair dryer
  • foosball : table football
    • "Office foosball machines didn't really change the nature of work, ..." (Doug Henwood: "After the New Economy", 2003, p. 2)
  • frankfurter [ ˈfɹæŋkfɜːtə; ˈFɹæŋkfɝːtɚ ] (also frankfurt or frank ): Frankfurter sausages
  • frass : Left behind rubbish and excrement as if by insects
  • fräuleinwunder (also: frauleinwunder )
  • freield : Circulation secured money
  • Freikorps : Freikorps
  • free economy : free economy
  • to fress : (1) "eating excessively and uncivilized", (2) "eating" (possibly conveyed through Yiddish)
    • “Guy! Guy! You're fressing like a swine! ”(Norman Spinrad:“ Child of Fortune ”, 2002)
  • leader (also: leader or leader ): Adolf Hitler , but also generalized for tyrant


  • Ganzfeld effect : Ganzfeld effect
  • thought experiment : thought experiment
  • counter : zodiacal light
  • counteract : medical term for active attempts to control uncontrolled movements of the extremities
  • Vulture : Vulture as a bird name in Lammergeier, in literature, as a name
  • casual fit : Neurological jargon term for a form of epileptic fit
  • Spirit : spirit , soul or angel
  • Gesamtkunstwerk : term in art
  • cosiness (usually gemutlichkeit ): comfort ; also as an adjective cozy and comfortable
  • even : in mathematics (and therefore also, for example, in quantum physics), as well as the opposite: odd
  • gestalt [ gəˈʃtælt; valid ]
    • Technical term in psychology, e.g. B. Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy
    • Technical term in information technology, e.g. B. Shape ID
  • health [ gəˈzʊnthaɪt ]: exclamation after someone has sneezed
  • glockenspiel [ ˈglɒkn̩ʃpiːl; ˈGlɑːkn̩spiːl ]: Glockenspiel, but only in the meaning of a glockenspiel (or metallophone ) in orchestral music. (In America also known as the designation of the GIs in Germany for "bosom")
  • gneiss : gneiss (adj .: gneissic )
  • God's Acre : direct translation of God's husbandry , especially for the graveyards of the Moravian Church (= Moravian Church)
  • Götterdämmerung : Götterdämmerung (also in a figurative sense)
    • "... an intimate glimpse on how one of the leaders viewed the Nazi Götterdämmerung." (Newsweek, February 20, 1978, p. 24)
    • "Others members of the group will touch off more Götterdämmerungs in the days to come." (Newsweek, May 26, 1975, p. 11)
  • dig : dig (technical term in geology)
  • sleet : sleet
  • limit signal (technical term in linguistics)
  • Grenz zone: technical term in dermatopathology
  • general weather situation : general weather situation


  • halt : pause, stop, interrupt
  • hamburger : Short for hamburg steak
  • hammerklavier : Hammerklavier
  • hamster [ ˈhæmpstə; ˈHæmpstɚ ]: hamster
  • Hands up! [ ˈHændi ˈhɒk ]: a common phrase in the English comedy series Dad's Army
  • hang-glider [ ˈhæŋglaɪdə; ˈHæŋglaɪdɚ ]: composed of the German slope (mountain slope) and glider for glider pilots / gliders
  • hasenpfeffer: Hasenpfeffer
  • housewife : housewife
    • "The star and housewife, still trim, vigorous and in good health, in Hollywood." (Caption in Time, April 14, 1980, p. 58)
    • "I'm very domestic, a total housewife." (Ibid., P. 59)
  • hot:
    • "The conjurer's landing of the superheiss German model may have been his greatest feat, ..." (Newsweek, May 23, 1994, p. 45)
  • wheat yeast
  • gloriole
  • heldentenor: Heldentenor
  • Mr
  • Master race
  • hinterland ˈhɪntəlænd; ˈHɪntɚlænd
    • "That was before the British Empire carried Anglicanism into the colonial hinterlands." (Time, August 21, 1978, p. 14)
    • "Guyana ... wanted immigrants to develop its hinterland and fortify its border with Venezuela." (Time, December 11, 1978, p. 42)
  • hopefully
  • cavity
    • "At NIF, this energy is provided by 192 high-powered lasers, which send their beams into a bean-sized gold container called a hollow. In the cavity, the fuel sits inside a plastic capsule. "
  • Trouser role


  • island mountain
    • "Distinctive features include 'inselbergs' - uplifted areas of rock rising above the ground like islands in the forest."
    • "Brian flies in by long-distance helicopter, over the extraordinary landscape littered with enormous rocky outcrops - inselbergs - to the remote heart of the reserve."


  • Hunter, Jaeger
    • Jaegers pl .: in the military sense, also used in compositions like Jaegers corps ; but not listed in this sense in the Merriam-Webster
    • jaeger : North American designation of certain skuas
    • Jäger , common name for the Jägermeister liqueur
  • Jugendstil, Jugend style art direction


  • K as an abbreviation for the geological epoch of the Cretaceous Period was adopted from the German term, which is Cretaceous in English . The abbreviation can also be found in the term for the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (English KT boundary) , which marks the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  • Käsekrainer (Austrian sausage specialty)
  • Kaffeeklatsch , kaffeeklatsch , kaffeeklatch , coffee klatsch (see also below: klatsch ):
    • "An Illustrious Kaffeeklatsch" (Title in Time, January 30, 1978, p. 34)
    • "During the hour-long Kaffeeklatsch, the president sat on the arm of the livingroom couch." (Time, October 31, 1977, p. 24)
    • "It was just a high-level, easy-going coffee gossip" (Newsweek, January 30, 1978, p. 43)
    • "... in car pools and coffee gossips, they talk of nothing else." (Newsweek, May 16, 1994, p. 22)
    • "- In some ways it was a kaffeeklatch like a million others across America" ​​(The Nations, February 27, 2008)
  • kaiser roll , Kaiser Bun as the name for a large bun
  • Kapellmeister
  • kaput (t) [ kəˈpʊt ]: broken
  • carabiner (or carabiner ): snap hook
    • "Three keys on a climbing karabiner clip being used as a key ring were found in his pocket"
  • katzenjammer : Katzenjammer
    • "That contributes to a magnificent case of physical, emotional, financial and spiritual katzenjammer." (Time, June 25, 1979, p. 42)
  • kieselguhr (also kieselguhr ): kieselguhr
  • kindergarten [ ˈkɪndəˌgɑːtn̩; ˈKɪndɚˌgɑːɹtn̩ ] (also as a verb to kindergarten : "use the kindergarten method")
    • "The Terminator Meets the Kindergartners ... That's the comic premise that's meant to pack the multiplexes for 'Kindergarten Cop'." (Title and text in Newsweek, January 7, 1991, p. 58)
    • "The King of Kinderpop" (Title in Newsweek, July 4, 1994, p. 94)
    • "Too many kinder in America's garden" (Cover in Newsweek, April 24, 1995, p. 52D)
  • kindergarten teacher : "kindergarten teacher "
  • kindergartner : formerly "kindergarten teacher", now "kindergarten child"
  • Kinder Egg (also Kinder Surprise ): This is the Kinder Surprise Egg from the manufacturer Ferrero
    1. Association with the Ferrero Kinder Surprise Egg
    2. In a figurative sense, for a surprising twist
      • "It's four. Fernandinho has been caught in possession and Brazil have been opened up like a Kinder Egg. ”( The Daily Telegraph , June 8, 2014)
  • kirschwasser (often also kirsch [ kɪəʃ; kɪɹʃ ]): Kirschwasser
  • kitsch [ kɪtʃ ]:
    • "New Kitsch in the kitchen" (title in Newsweek, September 18, 1989)
    • "The kitschy title sounds a warning gong at once" (Time, September 15, 1980, p. 51)
    • "... concept of kitsch as a way of defining Nazi culture." (Historical Materialism 2005, 13/3, p. 254)
    • "[...] and it is kitsch art of the highest order."
    • Kitsch as kitsch can ("As kitsch as possible")
  • gossip : "gossip", "gossip"
  • climbing shoe
  • knackwurst or knockwurst
  • leprechaun
  • kohlrabi (also kohl rabi ): Kohlrabi
  • concertmaster , concertmeister , concertmaster
  • kraut : Kraut , also as a stereotypical term for "German" (more rarely: crout ); see also Krautrock
    • "A leaflet carrying a picture of a German footballer with the slogan: 'The Krauts are coming' has been supported by Britain's advertising watchdog."
  • war game :
    1. War game of the Prussian army
      • "Kriegsspiel, the original military training game devised by Georg von Reisswitz and adopted by the Prussian Army"
    2. War game (chess)
  • Krumholtz (also krummholz ): cripple plants on the tree-line in high mountains, once used in the construction of sailing vessels
  • krummhorn (or crumhorn ): Krummhorn
  • kugelrohr ( kugelrohr apparatus , kugelrohr distillation ): a special distillation process used in chemistry
    • "... and excess heptanoic anhydride was removed by kugelrohr distillation." ( J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005 , 127 , 18133–18142)
  • Kummerspeck (Global Language Monitor Word of the Year 2011 )
  • art:
    • "He's got reasons to keep the kiddiekunst ball rolling." (Newsweek, June 17, 1996, p. 52)
  • artist novel
  • course room
  • Cowl garment


  • camp [ ˈlɑːgə; ˈLɑːgɚ ]: lager (in the meaning of "political lager" it comes from afr. Laager)
  • Deposit (for fossil deposit , non-mining deposit )
  • lammergeier (also: lammergeyer ): Bearded vulture
  • landau [ ˈlændɔː; ˈLændaʊ ]: Landauer
  • rural exodus
  • landgrave
  • landler: Landler
  • landsknecht
  • governor
  • landwehr
  • cross-country skiing
  • Specifications
  • sound shift
  • LBK as an abbreviation for Linear Pottery Culture , from the German word Linienbandkeramische Kultur
  • liverwurst (also liverwurst ):
    • "They drop in at East Side groceries, dosing a liverwurst here, an apple there, before they wipe out executives at a catered luncheon." (Newsweek, December 12, 1977, p. 56)
  • Habitat:
    • "Not surprisingly for neighbors who have so little in common, Lebensraum has been a constant source of conflict." (Newsweek)
  • gingerbread: gingerbread
  • lederhosen: Lederhosen
  • Leitkultur : Leitkultur
  • leitmotif [ ˈlaɪtməʊtiːf; ˈLaɪtmoʊtiːf ] (also leitmotiv ): Leitmotiv
    • "Such disregard for the rest of the world is a leitmotiv of the Bush administration." (Guardian, Wednesday March 6 2002, Steeling for a fight )
    • "By July 1939, the words 'betrayal' and 'treason' recurred as a leitmotiv in all his articles." (Paul Nizan communist novelist. Scriven, Michael. London: Macmillan Press Ltd, 1988, p. 752)
  • song : art song
  • loden
  • loess (" loess ")
    • "… Caves hewn out of the yellow-brown loess hills." (Newsweek, September 8, 1986, p. 11)
  • air spirit
    • "Luftgeists ..., air elementals of tremendous power." (China Miéville: "Iron Council", 2004, p. 545)
  • air force
  • lumpen [ ˈlʌmpən ] (cf. lumpenproletariat )
    • "Closer, at least, than his opposition - eight rags pachyderms who performed their first casting call ..." (Newsweek, March 6, 1995, p. 30 in an article about the election campaign)
    • "Business classes and managers, factory workers, fieldworkers, and lumpens or unemployed" ( Fredric Jameson : The Geopolitical Aesthetic. 1992, p. 3)
  • lumpen proletariat
    • "In this passing reference to the lumpenproletariat, ..." ( Hal Draper : Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution. (Volume II) 1978, p. 113)


  • power politics
    • "Contemporary God-fearers were not slow to ascribe Tamburlaines's atheistical 'Machtpolitik' to his author." (In Anthony Burgess : Shakespeare. Page 103, in a text about Christopher Marlowe )
  • gastrointestinal route (area between the stomach entrance and exit)
  • marzipan [ ˈmɑːzɪpæn; ˈMɑːɹzɪpæn ]: marzipan
  • meerschaum : meerschaum ( sepiolite ) as pipe material
  • master [ ˈmaɪstə; ˈMaɪstɚ ] (often in combinations; similar loan words from other languages: maestro , maître etc.)
    • "Golan and Globus were scorned as the… schlockmeisters of such B-grade [films]" (Newsweek, May 26, 1986)
    • "... honoring bulbous Meisterzinger of Murder Alfred Hitchcock at 79." (Time, March 19, 1979)
    • "'Bush ... has been a failure,' says Clinton attackmeister James Carville." (Newsweek, March 30, 1992)
    • "Now Richard Nixon - ex-president and self-styled foreign-policy meister extraordinaire - is off to Moscow ..." (Newsweek, June 8, 1992, p. 4)
    • "The new searchmeisters have managed to work with this." (Newsweek, November 4, 1996, p. 43)
    • "... a do-it-yourself suds shop for wanna-be beermeisters." (Newsweek, February 10, 1997)
    • "A favorite phrase of the meteorological spin-masters is 'driest for xx years'"
    • "It is a wonderful beginning to a very chilling film, directed by the modern horror master John Carpenter."
  • human: a moral, decent person
    • “He radiates the kind of fundamental decency that has a name in Yiddish; he's a human ”(James Atlas).
  • mixed metal
  • middle pain: middle pain
  • Mittelstand: Mittelstand
  • muesli [ ˈmjuːzli ]: Muesli (Swiss German)
    • "It may be famous for its fish and chips and greasy breakfasts, but Britain is increasingly becoming a nation of muesli eaters."
  • mummenschanz: Mummenschanz


  1. Night and Fog Decree ” in the Third Reich
  2. played as a code name during the break-in, the Watergate scandal sparked a role
  • “Whereas information is mainly lies. ,Night and Fog'; night and fog. "( KW Jeter :" Noir ", 1998, p. 140)
  • nazi [ ˈnɑːtsi ]: Nazi
  • Secondary type : in mathematics, the secondary type of a module form
  • Nickel : nickel
  • nix ("nothing", "no", "nothing"), v. a. but as a verb to nothing : "refuse consent"
    • "After the court nixed lawsuits under federal age and disability discrimination laws [...]"
  • nixie : Mermaid
  • noodle : noodle
  • (Hilbert's) Zero Set : Hilbert's Zero Set (Mathematics)


  • oktoberfest : Oktoberfest in Munich or other locations
  • Grandma and Grandpa , sometimes used for great-grandmother and great-grandfather due to the lack of or unpronounceable words in English
  • oom pah pah music (Australian English): "brass music" (from German umtata or humptata )
  • Eastern policy : Ostpolitik of the Federal Republic of Germany, partly generalized
    • "Re-examing Ostpolitik" (Title in Time )


  • Passive house : Passive house
  • blunder : "clumsy chess player"
  • [pils (also pils (e) ner ): Pilsner beer
  • pinscher (dog breed): from German "Pinscher", probably an Anglicism itself (from to pinch )
  • pitchblende : pitchblende (uranium dioxide)
  • to place : 1. freak out [with anger] ( BE ), 2. burst ( AE ; rarely); of burst
  • -politik as part of a word in certain combinations (see ostpolitik , realpolitik )
    • "Washington got a glimpse of the new art of mealpolitik last week ..." (Newsweek, February 14, 1994, p. 3)
  • poltergeist [ ˈpɒltəgaɪst; ˈPoʊltɚgaɪst ]
    • "Meteor caused Lesotho 'poltergeist'"
    • "A pub landlord has taken out insurance against ghosts following fears the resident poltergeist could hurt customers."
  • pretzel [ ˈpɹɛtsl̩ ], breze , pretzel : pretzel
    • "US President George W Bush fainted for a few seconds and fell off a couch after choking on a pretzel."
  • pumpernickel [ ˈpʌmpəˌnɪkl̩; ˈPʌmpɚˌnɪkl̩ ]: Pumpernickel
    • "The Guardian ... recommends smoked salmon on pumpernickel bread and turkey with olive oil and garlic ..."
  • Coup
    • "A top general was detained on charges of planning to launch the putsch ..."
    • "The official explanation is that it was a Communist-inspired putsch which failed ..."


  • Quark
  • quartz [ ˈkwɔːts; ˈKwɔːɹts ]: quartz
  • quelle (especially in textual criticism as Q for Logienquelle Q )
  • Source research (technical term in classical philology )
    • "Textual criticism, Quellenforschung , cultural anthropology, performance, and reception are only some of the approaches and methodologies represented."


  • rathskeller
  • realpolitik [ ɹeɪˈɑːlˌpɒlɪtɪk; ɹeɪˈɑːlˌpoʊlɪtɪk ]
    • "It's often hard to reconcile the politics of conscience with the realpolitik of France's national interest." (Newsweek, July 20, 1992, p. 11)
    • "Suddenly, realpolitik is out, and realpolitik is in." (Newsweek, September 16, 1991, p. 40)
    • "The job offers a formidable combination of real estate and realpolitik: ..." (Newsweek, October 31, 1994, p. 20)
    • "However appealing John Dewey's thought may be, there is no denying that it lacks a sense of realpolitik." (Ellen Condliffe Lagemann: Experimenting with Education: John Dewey and Ella Flagg Young at the University of Chicago. American Journal of Education, Vol. 104, No. 3 (May 1996))
    • other sources: BBC News , BBC History
  • religious history : only as an adjective; The English history of religions exists as a noun (not to be confused with the more general religious history ), which, however , can not be adjectived due to insufficient compositional potential in English .
    • "Goodenough and Sühling both wish to interpret the early Christian use of the dove in these religions-historical terms." (GF Snyder, Ante Pacem , Macon 2003, p. 39)
    • also: Religionsgeschichteschule (= "19th century German school of the History of Religions")
  • reich : Reich Used in combination: Third Reich
  • groove : elongated depression on the surface of the moon
  • rinderpest : rinderpest
    • "UWA head John Nagenda says he thinks it may be rinderpest brought into the park by cattle seeking pasture."
  • rollmop (s) [ ˈɹəʊlmɒp; ˈɹoʊlmɑːp ]: Rollmops
    • "It is thought to be the first time the rollmop herrings - more often seen in a salad - have been dispensed by a surgery in Britain."
  • Rosenkavalier : Rosenkavalier
    • Blanche: Look who's coming! My Rosenkavalier! - A Streetcar Named Desire
  • rottweiler [ ˈɹɒtˌwaɪlə; ˈɹɑːtˌwaɪlɚ ]: Rottweiler
    • Officers stormed the house after nearly 20 hours to find the gunman and his Rottweiler dog dead in an upstairs bedroom.
  • rucksack [ ˈɹʌksæk ]: backpack
    • "A rucksack has been found in an area of ​​Snowdon which has seen a major search for a missing hill walker."
  • rumspringe / rumspringa : Phase in youth among the Amish


  • juicy : 1. "overweight"; 2. "lush"; 3. "busty" (see also below: juicy )
  • sauerbraten
  • sauerkraut [ ˈsaʊəkɹaʊt; ˈSaʊɹkɹaʊt ]: Sauerkraut (often also: sourkrout or sour crout )
  • sucking stomach
  • schadenfreude [ ʃɑːdn̩ˌfɹɔɪdə ]:
    • "Germany's mounting woes have provoked a wave of Schadenfreude in the European press." (Newsweek, May 11, 1992, p. 33)
    • "It would be misguided indeed for Nature to have any competitor's sense of schadenfreude over Science’s experiences with two papers on embryonic stem cells ...." ( Nature of December 28, 2006, p. 971)
  • silhouettes
  • schiller : "shine", " shimmer "; also as a verb to schillerize : "give shine", "make shimmer "
  • schlieren (pl.): " Schlieren "; also commonly used in schlieren (knife) edge ("Schlierenkante")
  • drag (drag) American English; inf.
  • schmaltz : Schmalz
  • Schmierkase
  • dirt (see smut )
  • schnapps [ ʃnɑːps ] (rarely: schnapps )
  • schnauzer : Schnauzer
  • schnitzel [ ˈʃnɪtsl̩ ]: Schnitzel
  • closet : closet (see closet ); used regionally in Texas, originating from Berlin emigrants
  • Schuhplattler : Schuhplattler
  • schuko : protective contact
  • shot
    • "When the skies cleared, there was a little political shot-booming around Boston as well." (Newsweek)
    • "If you've ever lost your sunglasses while schussing down a ski slope ..." (Newsweek October 29, 1990)
    • Colloquially: to go shot (" turn freely ", "go crazy")
  • protection : derogatory term for a Nazi German of the lowest ranks
  • protection-proof (more rarely: protection- proof )
  • guard dog : Schutzhund
  • enthusiasm
  • schwantz : penis (vulgar)
  • pig dog
  • main emphasis
  • swinging bog
  • to sweat
  • soul landscape
  • nostalgia
  • sit bath
  • Seat in life (technical term of textual criticism of the New Testament )
  • Sonderweg (also incorrectly called Zonderweg in the American press)
  • barrier breaker
  • mirror iron
  • spiel [ ʃpiːl ] (" eloquent speech", "persuasion to buy", more rarely: "playing")
    • "A royal game for a $ 35 Scotch" (Newsweek, March 6, 1978, p. 41)
    • "It is chilling to watch her come on to Johns, aping the older whore's bedroom game in a mock-adult voice." (Time, April 1978)
    • "Miniskirted models recited memorized sales games." (Time, November 16, 1981, p. 39)
    • "Pianospiel" ( China Miéville : "Iron Council", 2005, p. 67)
  • pointed : (" pointed ")
  • top candidate
  • Sprachbund
  • feeling for language , feeling for language , feeling for language
  • speaking room
  • sprechgesang , sprechgesang
  • speaking voice
  • springform
  • to spritz [ spɹɪts ] (possibly also from Yiddish, but unlikely, since spritz also exists as Germanism in Italian)
    • "To teach a gaseous diffusion, a teacher might spritz a classroom with perfume." (Newsweek, April 9, 1990)
    • as a noun: "Macy's is even selling the stuff with a spritz of carbonation under the gold label." (Time, January 19, 1981, p. 41)
    • from engl. derived from spritz : spritzer [ ˈspɹɪtsə; ˈSpɹɪtsɚ ] ("wine spritzer ")
  • Association of states Term for the European Union, which goes back to a judgment of the BGH.
  • "Stau" [ʃta͜u], traffic jam, (Amer.) (Frequently used in the AFN - American Forces Network - during traffic news)
  • stein [ staɪn ] ("Steinkrug"): Short form of the English loan word steinkrug
    • "Students happily hoisting stones of lager during a festival in the city of Coburg." (Time, May 21, 1979, p. 50)
    • "A Nordic boilermaker, it's made by dropping a shot glass of aquavit into a stein of beer." (Newsweek, February 21, 1994, p. 5)
  • structure proposal (chemistry)
  • strudel [ ˈstɹuːdl̩ ]: Strudel
  • rush current : landslide
  • Sudetenland (in addition to the real sense also used for: "small area that occupies an enclave position")
    • "[...] and wear outfits that occupy that fraught Sudetenland between high fashion and care-in-the-community." (The Times, July 28, 2007)



  • U-boat [ ˈjuːbəʊt; ˈJuːboʊt ]: German submarine (otherwise: submarine )
  • over or over- [ ˈuːbə; ˈUːbɚ ]:
    • "A sort of Nietzschean über-cereal-box collector from Cambridge, Massachusetts." (Newsweek, August 24, 1990, p. 44)
    • "... the über-hacker who was nabbed last week ..." (Newsweek, February 27, 1995, p. 14)
    • "Slate, the much-hyped online magazine edited by über-journalist Michael Kinsley ..." (Newsweek, July 8, 1996, p. 6)
    • "Ubergeek"
    • “Superman” Nietzsche's ideal person, otherwise Superman
  • about everything or about everything
  • umklapp : common in umklapp scattering (phys.)
  • umlaut [ ˈʊmlaʊt ]: umlaut
  • umpolung , from organic chemistry
  • environment : environment
  • odd (in quantum physics), opposite of even
  • restlessness
  • Ur– (as a prefix as in German, mostly written in lower case and with a hyphen)
    • "Their frequent similarities point ... toward some Ur tale that generated all the others." (Time, October 6, 1980)
    • "... whose legendary original episode can be found in the Suez War, ..." ( Fredric Jameson : Postmodernism. 1991, p. 374)
  • Urtext : Urtext
  • Urheimat : Urheimat
  • Urschleim : Origin of the organisms according to Ernst Haeckel
  • Original language original language


  • prohibited :
    • "In its headline, the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner used three dots instead of the banned word ..." (Time, June 25, 1979, p. 27);
    • "There is a reason why Rudy Giuliani is, in early polls, the surprising leader for the GOP nomination in 2008, even though he is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and many other prohibited things." (Newsweek Online, September 4th 2005)
    • "Certain phrases are forbidden."
    • "Once a pillar of innovation at Google, now banned"
  • jammed : jammed
  • Alienation effect
  • vielbein (Math.)
  • four-legged (math.)
  • Great Migration (rare migration period ): transfiguring, non-military term for the Migration Period as a demarcation from the term "Barbarian Invasions" ( Barbarian Invasions ) in the affected Romanized countries; in English usually in the context of the history of science in use
  • Volksmarching , Volkswanderung , Volkswalk
  • National sport


  • elective affinity
  • waldmeister
  • forest dieback
  • waltz [ wɒlts; wɑːlts ]
  • wandering year : for sabbaticals
  • wanderlust [ ˈwɒndəlʌst; ˈWɑːndɚlʌst ]: Wanderlust , wanderlust, wanderlust. “… His wanderlust had not been satiated by a trip to Altdorf.” (Maria Rosa Antognazza: Leibniz. An Intellectual Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 66. Cf. also Mark Knopfler's song Wanderlust on Sailing to Philadelphia and the comedy movie Wanderlust )
  • Wanderwort : Wanderwort ( linguistics )
  • wag:
    • "... they can wedeln, christie, or even snowplow up the slopes" (Newsweek, February 27, 1978, p. 49)
  • wine festival
  • white sausage
  • Weltanschauung - plural: Weltanschauungs ( sic! )
  • World Pain
  • world politics
  • (Goodbye
  • weenie (rarely wienie ): (1) Frankfurter Würstchen (overlaid with Viennese sausages ), (2) Penis
  • revenge (revenant)
  • wiener [ ˈwiːnə; ˈWiːnɚ ] (more rarely in the old form wienerwurst ): Wiener sausages
  • economic miracle
  • joke addiction : joke addiction
  • wonderful
  • Prodigy [ wʊndəkɪnd; ˈWʊndɚkɪnd ]:
    • "Kohl ... has long been regarded as one of West Germany's most remarkable political child prodigies." (Newsweek, May 26, 1975, p. 14)
    • "Directed by Hollywood's newest child prodigy Steven Spielberg ..." (Newsweek)
    • "... Microsoft child prodigy Bill Gates ..." (Newsweek, September 7, 1992, p. 44)
    • "Wunderkind to Whipping Boy" (title in Newsweek, August 8, 1994, p. 14)
    • "... is the way a former Wunderkind gets the word ..." (ibid.)
  • sausage
  • root (short for lack root): beetroot


  • to yodel , yodel (l) ing [ ˈjəʊdl̩; ˈJoʊdl̩ ]: to yodel
    • "He learned to yodel at his mother's knee and believes you have to have a natural feeling for it."


  • Z for numbers : Quantity symbol for the set of whole numbers
  • Z for together : position designation of molecules in organic chemistry
  • timer : timer
  • zeitgeist [ ˈtsaɪtgaɪst; ˈZaɪtgaɪst ]:
    • "Decca's Blithe Zeitgeist" (Title in Time, September 5, 1977, p. 52)
    • "Mineral water is a Zeitgeist" (Time, August 13, 1979, p. 38)
    • "The Zeitgeist in America today is solutions, not insights." (Newsweek, May 26, 1986, p. 44)
    • "In a recent Wall Street Journal article that captured the changing U. S. Zeitgeist ..." (Newsweek, May 11, 1992, p. 48)
    • "Marge Piercy, the prolific author whose novels always arrive like dispatches from the exact center of the Zeitgeist, ..." (Newsweek, February 7, 1994, p. 44)
    • "For so small a country, Sweden has a finger on the Zeitgeist ..." (Newsweek, September 19, 1994, p. 22)
    • "Novelist A. M. Homes, who monitors the Zeitgeist from her Manhattan apartment ..." (Newsweek, March 18, 1996, p. 48)
    • "In the UK, Sky is also determined to capture the zeitgeist ..."
    • "It's one thing to ride the zeitgeist, it's another to get swept along with it."
    • "Zeitgeist" album by the Smashing Pumpkins
    • "Zeitgeist" song by the band Black Sabbath from the album " 13 ".
    • "Zeitgeist - the movie"
  • zinc [ zɪŋk ]: zinc
  • zinc blende : zinc blende
  • trembling movement (quantum physics): trembling movement
  • Zugunruhe : Zugunruhe
  • Zugzwang : Zugzwang
  • Two Handed (also oriented great sword )
  • rusk : Rusk (. originally of German two-jaw . for ital biscotto ..; cf. English biscuit )
  • intermediate train : intermediate train
  • zwitterion : zwitterion

Terms with typical German meaning

The following is a list of German terms in English that denote things typical of the German-speaking area or that have a historical reference to the German-speaking area.





  • German Eiertanz : paraphrasing the hesitant attitude of Germany in the euro crisis. (Frankfurter Rundschau, September 27, 2011)


  • Ensign
  • Sergeant , Sergeant Lieutenant
  • woman
  • young lady
  • freethinker : especially in the context of the freethinkers movement (Engl. movement freethinkers )




  • Emperor, Empress
  • kindergarten
  • Kindertransport : Kindertransport
  • war
  • crystal eight : Kristallnacht
  • culture : negative, related to Germany
  • Kulturkampf


  • Landways : pl. Regional railways
    • "All of Germany's Landerbahnen consolidated into Reichsbahn"
  • landsknecht
  • country storm
  • landwehr
  • lederhosen


  • Maibock:
    • "... to special seasonal offerings like Maibock, a rowdier lager brewed with May Day and other spring rites in mind." (Newsweek, June 6, 1994)
  • mark
  • mastersinger
  • method dispute
  • mettwurst: Mettwurst
  • minnesinger: minnesinger
  • Central Europe


  • No


  • colonel
  • lieutenant colonel
  • east flight


  • armor : a German tank in World War II
  • pimple hood helmet
  • panel construction
  • Portépeé Ensign
  • poltergeist
  • private lecturer
  • panzerschreck : corresponds to bazooka


  • rich [ ɹaɪk; ɹaɪx ]
  • Reichsmarschall
  • Parliament
  • Reichsbahn : Reichsbahn
    • "The German Reichsbahn played an essential role in the extermination of the European Jewry."
  • Purity Law : Purity Law
  • backpack


  • protection Squad
  • Protection force
  • Seat war
  • Spangenhelm
  • Stalag (see also main camp )
  • Stasi
  • Sturm und Drang (see also Sturm und Drang )
  • storm Division


  • thaler , see dollar
  • cake


  • Volkssturm
  • Volkswagen
  • völkisch , especially as a Völkisch movement (see also: Völkisch movement )



  • Timer
  • Zeitgeist
  • Zollverein
  • zugzwang
  • zwieback
  • Intermediate train

Words of other origin

Origin in the German cultural area

  • aesthetic : aesthetic ; originally from Greek: aisthetikos ("feeling"); Popular in English since a translation of Immanuel Kant's works ( originally not : "Science that deals with the properties of sensory perception", but : "Criticism of taste" according to Baumgarten's interpretation foreign to philosophy; later reinterpreted as : "Art for art's sake")
  • diesel [ ˈdiːzəl ]: (1) diesel fuel ; (2) diesel engine ; (3) Diesel powered vehicle (after the German engineer Rudolf Diesel )
  • dobermann , doberman (American English): Dobermann (after the German breeder Friedrich Louis Dobermann )
  • Made-up words and phrases as well as technical terms used in German industry, science and advertising, e.g. B .:
    • ABS [ ˌeɪbiːˈɛs ]: Abbreviation for anti-lock braking system
      • "Non-locking brakes (ABS)" (1984)
      • declared in English as "anti-lock braking system" (advertisement in Newsweek , May 1986)
      • declared in American maintenance books of the "Starfighter F-104G" as "anti-skid" (GAF-TO F104, from 1958)
    • aspirin
    • cocaine (from German cocaine )
    • Fahrvergnügen ("Fahrvergnügen"): since a Volkswagen advertising campaign in 1989 mainly in the USA (not very widespread)
    • Graefenberg spot ( "G-spot" ): usually abbreviated as G-spot in everyday life
    • gummi bear (" gummy bear ")
      • "Haribo Candy, a leading West German confectioner, famous for its 'gummibears', is in a sticky situation." (Newsweek, September 29, 1986, p. 45)
      • "What kind of television executive munches Gummi Bears ... during an interview?" (Newsweek, August 25, 1986)
      • also generalized as "Gummi Candy", "Gummi Dolphins" etc.
    • heroin
    • LSD , abbreviation for the German name lysergic acid diethylamide , English on the other hand lysergic acid diethylamide . The substance was discovered by a Swiss chemist in 1938.
    • Kugel Ball Stone ball which slides on a film of water
    • Vorsprung durch Technik : since an Audi advertising campaign in Great Britain in 1986
      • "Equally ubiquitous, although less controversial slogans such as Audi's 'Vorsprung durch Technik' and Carlsberg's 'Probably the best lager in the world' had been successfully reinvented over the years, according to Interbrand's Rita Clifton."
      • "Audi long ago led the way with Vorsprung durch Technik (" Keeping ahead through technology ") implying that people who understood the slogan had the edge on others who just shrugged their shoulders."
      • "That's got nothing to do with Vorsprung durch Technik, you know." (From the song Parklife by the British band Blur )
  • zeppelin [ ˈzɛpəlɪn ]: Zeppelin (after the German designer Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin )

Mediation of words of German origin through other languages


  • dreck [ dɹɛk ] ("dirt", "garbage"): from Yiddish ( drek , originally from Middle High German drec )
    • "... some of it utter dreck that you must avoid like the plague." (N. H. Kleinbaum, Dead Poets Society , p. 111)
  • glitz [ glɪts ] (adj. glitzy ): from Yiddish (originally from German "glitter")
    • "In addition to the glitz and the glamor, the Tokyo show demonstrated some dazzling applications of modern electronics." (Time, November 16, 1981, p. 39)
    • "She doesn't want to appear glitzy or manipulative." (Newsweek, June 22, 1992, p. 34)
    • "Neither was the paper's glitzy gala celebrating the launch, ..." (Newsweek, February 7, 1994, p. 21)
    • "Will the tall ships be swamped by the glitzkrieg?" (Caption in Newsweek, July 7, 1986; cf. Blitzkrieg )
    • "... hypertext itself being outglitzed by multimedia melanges ..." (Newsweek, February 27, 1995, p. 44)
  • kibitz : from Yiddish (based on German kibitz )
  • luftmensch : from Yiddish for an intellectual who has to live on air (and not like a bohemian who lives on wine); see. Nicolas Berg, Air People. To the history of a metaphor , V&R , ISBN 3-525-35092-9 ; an example at Rochelle Tobias: Writers and Schlemihls . On Heinrich Heine 's Jehuda ben Halevy , in Aris Fioretos Ed .: Babel. For Werner Hamacher . Urs Engeler, Basel 2009 ISBN 3-938767-55-3 , p. 366. Essay in English; also: "Luftkind" with reference to Heine's "Luftkindgrillenart"
  • human : Yiddish for "honorable and strong person" (from German human )
    • "Michael's foolish and shallow, but he's a Mensch." (Newsweek, March 14, 1994 p. 57)
    • "Rubin, 56, is a money-world man ..." (Newsweek, March 20, 1995, p. 14)
    • "Lewis [...] went from being a private prig and common-room hearty to being a Mensch — a C. of E. Mensch, but a Mensch." ( The New Yorker on CS Lewis : Prisoner of Narnia )
  • Oh vey! (AE): from German "Oh woe!"
  • to schlep (p) , shlep [ ʃlɛp ]: "drag", "carry"; from Yiddish (originally from Middle High German)
    • "They also enjoy ... racing up treacherous mountain trails while schlepping water bottles." (Newsweek, January 7, 1991, p. 61)
    • In the 20th century, the noun schlepper (German: “Blödmann”, “loser”) and the more common short form schlep were derived from this
  • schmaltz [ ʃmɒlts; ʃmɑːlts ] (adj .: schmaltzy ): from Yiddish ( shmalts ; originally from Middle High German smalts )
  • schmear ("bribery"): from Yiddish shmir (verb: shmirn , originally from Middle High German smiren )
  • shtum (also shtoom , rarely: mute ): (1) "quiet", (2) "speechless", (3) "stupid"; from Yiddish (originally from German mute )
  • to shvitz (more rarely: to schwitz ): "sweat" (from Yiddish, originally from old high German sweiz )
  • swindler ("Schwindler"): taken from Yiddish probably in English in the 18th century (originally from German Schwindler ); derived from this: engl. to swindle , swindle
  • Yahrzeit (also Yahrzeit and other spellings): in Yiddish the anniversary of the death of a deceased (from German year (es) time )
  • zaftig (also zoftig ): 1. "overweight"; 2. "lush"; 3. "busty"; from Yiddish ( zaftik , originally from Middle High German saft ; see also the direct German loan word above: saftig )

Romance languages

  • halberd (" halberd "): from Middle French hallebarde (originally from Middle High German halmbarte )
  • to halt . ( "pause") from the French think . or Italian alto (originally from the 16th century one of the Romance languages Militärlehnwort of dt. Maintenance and althochdeutsch hold ); also as an imperative: stop!
    • Curfew fails to halt Iraq killing , BBC News
  • zig-zag [ ˈzɪgzæg ]: from French zigzag (originally perhaps from German zigzag or zigzag )

Other languages

  • bulwark (" Bollwerk "): from Middle Dutch bulwerke (originally Middle High German: bolwerc ; cp. French: boulevard )
  • howitzer (" Howitzer "): from Czech houfnice via Dutch houwitser (originally from Middle High German houfe , "pile")
  • nickel [ ˈnɪkl̩ ]: (1) nickel (metal), (2) 5 cent coin in the US and Canada; Abbreviation of Swedish kopparnickel (originally from German copper nickel )

Words with an often incorrect assumption of a German origin

  • ballast : folk etymological formation from the Middle English bar and last (originally Germanic or Scandinavian)
  • spot ( " spot "): from Old Norse flekka
  • frolic [ ˈfɹɒlɪk; ˈFɹɑːlɪk ] ("happy", "exuberant"): from Central Dutch vrolyc (related to German happy ); to frolic : "romp around", "frolic", "crack jokes"
  • flu ( flu ): from French, after French gripper "to seize", which comes from Old Low Franconian * grīpan , but possibly also adopted in the 18th century from Russian chrip (хрип) "hoarseness".
  • iceberg : direct loan word from Dutch; Also in use is the short form berg (in this case often also generally with the meaning "mountain"; Old English origin from West Saxon beorg or Anglish mountain )
  • keelhaul : sb. keel fetch , punishment in which a seaman was pulled under the keel of a ship. The German as well as the English word probably from Dutch kielhalen
  • to ken ("to know"): Scottish dialect (originally from Old English cennan )
  • kummel : Caraway schnapps (from Dutch)
  • mishmash [ ˈmɪʃmæʃ ]: from Old English (probably an imitating reduplication of mash )
  • musketeer : from French
  • pollen : from Latin
  • quack , quack doctor , quacksalver [ ˈkwɔk ]: from the Dutch (German: Quacksalber )
  • shrapnel : Schrapnel (Anglicism in German; originally named after General Henry Shrapnel )
  • smock ("woman's dress"; cf. German: jewelry ): from Old English ( smoc )

See also


  • Karl-Heinz Best : German loans in English. In: Glottometrics 13, 2006, pp. 66-72.
  • Garland Cannon: Post-1949 German loans in written English. In: Word 49, 1998, 19-54.
  • J. Alan Pfeffer, Garland Cannon: German loanwords in English. An historical dictionary. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994.

Web links

  • List at

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BBC News
  2. BBC
  3. ^ BBC News
  4. Note: The song Blitzkrieg Bop begins the debut album Ramones (1976) by the music group of the same name. The song's slogan became the stadium anthem of the New York Yankees baseball team in the 1990s
  5. Everett True: Hey Ho Let's Go - The Story Of The Ramones . Omnibus Press 2002, ISBN 0-7119-9108-1 . P. 322 (English)
  6. ^ BBC News
  7. ^ BBC News
  9. ^ BBC News
  10. ^ BBC News
  11. ^ BBC News
  13. Test guidelines of the European Patent Office F-II, 5.2
  14. ^ BBC News
  16. What exactly is Germany's 'Energiewende'? on
  17. ^ Angus Stevenson, Maurice Waite: Concise Oxford English Dictionary. Luxury Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011, p. 524
  18. ^ W. Pfeifer, Etymological Dictionary of German. Dtv, 8th edition Munich 2005, p. 338.
  19. Medical Dictionary , online dictionary for medical terms
  21. ^ Philip Ball: Laser fusion experiment extracts net energy from fuel. In: Nature. 2014, S., doi: 10.1038 / nature.2014.14710 .
  22. ^ BBC News
  23. BBC Radio 4
  25. See article in The Nations
  28. ^ BBC News
  31. ^ BBC News
  34. ^ BBC News
  36. Top Words of 2011, 'Occupy' is 2011 Word of the Year
  37. Vicki Cummings, Peter Jordan, Marek Zvelebil: The Oxford Handbook of the Archeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers . Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014, p. 786.
  38. ^ BBC News
  40. ^ BBC News
  43. Washington Post
  44. ^ BBC News
  45. ^ BBC News
  46. ^ BBC News
  47. ^ BBC News
  49. ^ BBC News
  50. ^ BBC News
  51. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 02/43/2014
  52. ^ BBC News
  53. ^ BBC News
  54. ^ BBC News
  55. ^ BBC News
  56. ^ BBC News
  57. TheHuffington Post
  58. ^ BBC News
  59. ^ BBC News
  60. ^ BBC News
  61. ^ Official website of the film
  65. ^ BBC News
  66. ^ BBC News
  67. Wolfgang Pfeifer (Ed.): Etymological Dictionary of German. 8th edition. German Taschenbuch-Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-423-32511-9 , p. 479.
  68. Duden - The dictionary of origin. Etymology of the German language. The Duden in twelve volumes, vol. 7. Dudenverlag Berlin / Mannheim / Zurich, 2014, s. 431.