Systematics of the tillandsia

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Subgenus Allardtia : Illustration of Tillandsia acuminata
Subgenus Allardtia : Illustration of Tillandsia fusiformis
Subgenus Anoplophytum : Illustration of Tillandsia pohliana
Subgenus Diaphoranthema : Illustration of Tillandsia virescens
Subgenus Phytarrhiza : Illustration of Tillandsia mallemontii
Subgenus Tillandsia : Illustration of Tillandsia leucolepis

This article deals with the systematics of the genus Tillandsia ( Tillandsia ) . The approximately 650 species of Tillandsia occur only in the Neotropic .

The genus Tillandsia belongs to the tribe Tillandsieae in the subfamily Tillandsioideae within the family Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae). In 1753 the genus Tillandsia was established by Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum , 1, S 286. Synonyms for Tillandsia L. are: Acanthospora Spreng. , Allardtia A.Dietr. , Anoplophytum Beer , Bonapartea Ruiz & Pav. , Buonapartea G. Don , Caraguata Adanson , Dendropogon Raf. , Diaphoranthema Beer , Misandra F.Dietr. , Platystachys K. Koch , Phytarrhiza Vis. , Pityrophyllum Beer , Renealmia L. , Strepsia Nuttall ex. Steud. , Viridantha Espejo ; some of them are used as names for subgenus.

In this century the tribus Tillandsieae has been revised several times. The scope of the genera is controversial. Ist shows in the phylogenetic investigations and also in morphological comparisons that the genus Tillandsia in particular is not monophyletic in the previous extent . In 2016, Barfuss et al. again species separated into new genera. Thereby 21 kinds and one hybrid were in the new genera Barfussia Manzan. & W.Till , Josemania W.Till & Barfuss , Lemeltonia Barfuss & W.Till , Pseudalcantarea (Mez) Pinzón & Barfuss and Wallisia E. Morren .

All Tillandsia species have in common that the sepals are symmetrical (this is where they differ from other genera of the subfamily Tillandsioideae). Because it is difficult to differentiate, some Tillandsia species have been described as Vriesea and vice versa. The decisive difference between the two genera is that Vriesea have scales (ligulae) at the base of the free petals and Tillandsia do not.


A seventh subgenus Pseudocatopsis used to be listed. Their approximately 62 species are included in the genus Racinaea M.A. Spencer & LBSm, established in 1993. outsourced. Their sepals are asymmetrical .

Before 2016, the genus Tillandsia was divided into six subgenera, they are differentiated as follows:

Subgenus Allardtia (A.Dietrich) Baker
The stamens are shorter or as long as petals . The stamens (filaments) are straight. The pen is slim and much longer than the ovary . The approximately 200 species are mostly mesophytic .
Subgenus Anoplophytum (Beer) Baker
The petals are nailed. The stamens are as long as petals. The stamens are often strongly folded. The style is thin and longer than the ovary. It contains around 100 species.
Subgenus Diaphoranthema Beer
The stamens are shorter than the narrow petals. The stylus is short and thick. The 28 or so species usually remain relatively small. They are mostly xerophytic .
Subgenus Phytarrhiza (Visiani) Baker
The sepals are free or rarely fused very briefly at their base. The plates of the petals are wide. The stamens are shorter than the broad petals. The stylus is short and thick. The stigma is coral-shaped (only in this subgenus and in no other taxa of the Bromeliaceae). Of the 37 or so species, about half are mesophytic and the other is xerophytic.
Subgenus Pseudalcantarea Mez
The more or less sedentary flowers are weakly zygomorphic . The petals are almost spread out, soft and hang slack in the morning. The stamens and styles protrude from the flower. All species are mesophytic. The pollination is done by nocturnal animals.
There are only two to five species (the extent is controversially discussed): For all authors, Tillandsia baliophylla and Tillandsia viridiflora are in this tribe. Some authors include Tillandsia grandis and Tillandsia paniculata and sometimes Tillandsia heterophylla is classified here. They represent an original family group within the genus Tillandsia .
Subgenus Tillandsia
The sepals are fused highest at their base. The broad petals are erect. The stamens and the slender style protrude from the flower. Pollination is mostly done by birds. The 200 to 269 species are mostly more or less strongly xerophytic.

In 2016, Barfuss et al. also established two new sub-genera.

Subgenus Viridantha (Espejo) W. Till & Barfuss
In 2002 an attempt was made to separate it as the genus Viridantha Espejo from the genus Tillandsia . There are about seven species in Mexico: Tillandsia atroviridipetala Matuda , Tillandsia curvifolia (Ehlers & Rauh) Ehlers , Tillandsia ignesiae Mez , Tillandsia lepidosepala L.B.Smith , Tillandsia mauryana L.B.Sm. , Tillandsia plumosa Baker and Tillandsia tortilis Klotsch ex Baker .
These Mexican species were separated from the subgenus Allardtia in 2002 and have green petals.
Subgenus Pseudovriesea Barfuss & W.Till
It was set up in 2016. The approximately 22 species are mainly distributed in the northern and central Andes; some species also extend to Bolivia, eastern Venezuela, Central America and there are also species on Caribbean islands.

Species and their distribution

There are about 650 species and some natural hybrids in the genus Tillandsia ( Tillandsia ). If you list the subspecies, varieties and forms as here, there are over 800 taxa (as of September 2013).

Subgenus Allardtia : Illustration of Tillandsia andrieuxii
Habit and inflorescence with blue flowers of Tillandsia aeranthos
Habit and inflorescence with whitish flowers of Tillandsia albida
Grass-like habit with thin leaves and inflorescences with white flowers of Tillandsia alvareziae
Habit, leaves and inflorescence with blue flowers of Tillandsia andrieuxii
White flowers of Tillandsia araujei


Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia balbisiana in the habitat
Detail of an inflorescence and flower of Tillandsia barclayana
Grass-like habit and inflorescences of Tillandsia bartramii
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia brachyphylla
Habit and flowers of Tillandsia brealitoensis
Habit, patterned leaves and budding inflorescence of Tillandsia brenneri
Habit and inflorescences of Tillandsia bulbosa
Habit and inflorescences of Tillandsia butzii


  • Tillandsia baguagrandensis Rauh : This endemic thrives on steep rock faces at an altitude of around 800 meters only in the valley of the Río Marañón near Bagua Grande in the Peruvian region of Apurímac .
  • Tillandsia baileyi Rose ex Small : It occurs only in the US state of Texas and the Mexican state of Tamaulipas .
  • Tillandsia bakiorum H.Luther : It occurs only in the Colombian department of Cundinamarca .
  • Tillandsia balbisiana Schultes f. :
    • Tillandsia balbisiana var. Alba Gouda : It was rewritten from Bonaire in 2012 .
    • Tillandsia balbisiana Schultes f. var. balbisiana (Syn .: Tillandsia tenuifolia Bertero ex Schult.f. , Tillandsia polystachya sensu JFGmel. , Tillandsia havanensis Jacq. ex Beer , Tillandsia urbaniana Wittm. , Tillandsia cubensis Gand. , Tillandsia dressleri L.B.Sm. ): It thrives epiphytically in Forests at altitudes from 0 to 1500 meters. It is widespread from Florida to Central America and the Caribbean Islands to Venezuela.
  • Tillandsia baliophylla Harms : It thrives at altitudes of 750 to 1000 meters on Hispaniola .
  • Tillandsia balsasensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia bandensis Baker : It thrives epiphytically in dry forests at altitudes of 300 to 2000 meters. It occurs in Bolivia (Santa Cruz) and Uruguay (Salto, Colonia, Catamarca, Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Santa Fe, Entre Dios, Buenos Aires).
  • Tillandsia × baptistana Goncalves & Azevedo-Goncalves : The first description of this nature hybrid from Tillandsia mallemontii × Tillandsia recurvata took place in 2009. It thrives epiphytically on a Ficus species only in Terra de Areia in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia barbeyana Wittm. : It thrives epiphytically in sunny habitats at altitudes of 1100 to 1900 meters. It occurs in Ecuador only in Tungurahua and in Peru only in Chachapoyas.
  • Tillandsia barclayana Baker :
    • Tillandsia barclayana Baker var. Barclayana (Syn .: Vriesea barclayana var. Barclayana ): It thrives epiphytically in dry forests at altitudes from 0 to 800 meters. It occurs in Ecuador in Manabi, Cuayas and Oro.
    • Tillandsia barclayana var. Minor (Gilmartin) Gouda ined. (Syn .: Vriesea barclayana var. Minor Gilmartin ): It thrives epiphytically and lithophytically in arid habitats at altitudes of 600 to 900 meters. It occurs in Guayas, Oro, Bolivar and Chimborazo.
  • Tillandsia barfussii W.Till : It was first described in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It thrives on vertical rocks at altitudes of 400 to 450 meters in Paraguay only in Cordillera.
  • Tillandsia barrosoae W.Till : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Goiás .
  • Tillandsia barthlottii Rauh : It occurs in Ecuador only in Morona-Santiago.
  • Tillandsia bartramii Elliott (Syn .: Tillandsia juncea sensu LeConte , Tillandsia pinifolia LeConte , Tillandsia myriophylla Small , Tillandsia simulata Small ): It iswidespreadfrom Georgia to Mexico and Guatemala.
  • Tillandsia bella T.Strehl : It only thrives on sandstone rock walls in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia belloensis W. Weber : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia bergeri Mez : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of around 75 meters only in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia × bergiana H.Takizawa & P.Koide : This natural hybrid of Tillandsia beutelspacheri × Tillandsia flabellata was first described in 2000. It was found at an altitude of about 1000 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia bermejoensis H.Hromadnik : It occurs only in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia beutelspacheri Matuda (Syn .: Tillandsia insignis Matuda ): It occurs at altitudes of around 1200 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia biflora Ruiz & Pavón (Syn .: Tillandsia biflora var. Cruenta André ): It thrives mostly epiphytically in forests, rarely lithophytically at altitudes of 1900 to 3000 meters. It is widespread from Costa Rica and Panama to Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia bismarckii Rauh & Lehmann : It only occurs in San Martin in Peru.
  • Tillandsia bochilensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia boeghii (H.Luther) JRGrant : It occurs at altitudes of about 2900 meters in Ecuador only in Loja.
  • Tillandsia boliviana Mez : It occurs only in Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia boliviensis Baker : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of 2800 to 3600 meters only in La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia bongarana L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of 2100 to 2400 meters only in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Tillandsia bonita Versieux & Martinelli : It was first described in 2013. It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul . This endemic forms dense stands of limestone cliffs on the edge of the semi-evergreen tropical forest along the Rio Salobra.
  • Tillandsia boqueronensis Ehlers : It wasfirst describedin 2009 in The Bromeliad . It thrives on steep cliffs near the river at an altitude of about 1400 meters. So far it has only been found in Canon El Boqueron, Tonala in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia borealis Espejo & López-Ferrari : It thrives as an epiphyte on pines or oaks in pine-oak forests at altitudes of 1700 to 2000 meters in the Mexican states of Durango and Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia borinquensis Cedeño-Maldonado & Proctor : It isonly found in Yaucoin Puerto Rico .
  • Tillandsia botterii E. Morren ex Baker : It occurs in Mexico.
  • Tillandsia bourgaei Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia strobilifera E. Morren ex Baker , Tillandsia cylindrica S.Watson , Tillandsia mexiae L.B.Sm. ): It comes at altitudes of 800 to 2900 meters in the Mexican states of Nayarit, Jalisco, Puebla, Mexico, Guerrero , Oaxaca, Chiapas and in the Federal District.
  • Tillandsia brachycaulos Schltdl. (Syn .: Tillandsia bradeana Mez & Tonduz , Tillandsia flammea Mez ): It usually thrives epiphytically in dry forests at altitudes of 600 to 1200 meters. It is from Mexico (San Luis Potosi, Vera Cruz, Morelos, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan) via Guatemala (Peten, San Marcos, Santa Rosa), Honduras (Cortes, Comayagua, Paraiso), El Salvador (Santa Ana , Sonsonate, Libertad, Chalatenango), Nicaragua (Chinandega, Carazo, Rivas), Costa Rica (Guanacastle, San Jose) to Panama (Chiriqui) and Venezuela (Aragua, Bolivar).
  • Tillandsia brachycaulos × caput-medusae Rohweder (Syn .: Tillandsia brachycaulos var. Multiflora L.B.Sm. ): It occurs in El Salvador only in Libertad.
  • Tillandsia brachyphylla Baker : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of 800 to 850 meters in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Guanabara.
  • Tillandsia brealitoensis L.Hromadnik : It only occurs in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia brenneri Rauh : In Ecuador it only occurs in pastaza.
  • Tillandsia brevilingua Mez ex Harms : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of around 1200 meters only in the Peruvian Loreto.
  • Tillandsia brevior L.B.Sm. : It occurs in Colombia at an altitude of about 1200 meters.
  • Tillandsia breviturneri Betancur & N.García : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 3150 to 3950 meters in Colombia.
  • Tillandsia buchlohii Rauh : It occurs only in Paraguay.
  • Tillandsia bulbosa Hook. f. (Syn .: Tillandsia bulbosa var. Brasiliensis Schult. F. , Tillandsia bulbosa var. Picta Hook. , Tillandsia erythraea Lindl. & Paxt. , Tillandsia pumila Lindl. & Paxt. , Tillandsia pumila Griseb. ): It is from Mexico to Brazil as well as Ecuador widespread and occurs on Caribbean islands:
    • Tillandsia bulbosa forma alba H.Takizawa : It thrives epiphytically in light, open forests at altitudes of about 1350 meters in Costa Rica only in Cartago.
  • Tillandsia burle-marxii Ehlers : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
  • Tillandsia buseri Mez (Syn: Tillandsia buseri var. Nubicola Gilmartin ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1350 to 2750 meters. It occurs in Colombia (Cundinamarca, Putumayo) and Ecuador (Napo).
  • Tillandsia butzii Mez : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia butzii Mez var. Butzii : It thrives epiphytically mostly in dry, open locations at altitudes of 1000 to 2300 meters. It is widespread in Central America from Mexico to Panama.
    • Tillandsia butzii var. Roseiflora Ehlers : The first description was in 2002 in the bromeliad . It occurs at altitudes of around 1500 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
Inflorescence of Tillandsia cacticola with faded and then reddish flowers
Habit, leaves and inflorescence of Tillandsia candelifera in the habitat
Illustration of Tillandsia capillaris
Leaves and inflorescence of Tillandsia caput-medusae
Habit, leaves, inflorescence and blue flowers of Tillandsia carminea
Habit, leaves, single inflorescences and white flowers of Tillandsia caulescens
Illustration of Tillandsia chartacea
Leaves and inflorescence of Tillandsia chiapensis
Habit, leaves, branched inflorescences and blue flowers of Tillandsia chlorophylla
Habit, leaves, single inflorescence and blue flower of Tillandsia circinnatoides
Habitus and many lateral simple inflorescences of Tillandsia complanata
Detail of an inflorescence and flower with pink petals, yellow anthers and whitish stigma of Tillandsia concolor
Habit, leaves and branched inflorescence of Tillandsia copanensis
Habitus, leaves and branched inflorescence of Tillandsia cossonii in the habitat
Habitus, leaves and inflorescence of Tillandsia cryptopoda in the habitat
Habit, inflorescences and blue flowers of Tillandsia delicata
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia didisticha in the habitat
Habitus of Tillandsia duratii , a specialty for bromeliads are the climbing leaves


  • Tillandsia caballosensis Ehlers : The first description was in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It occurs at altitudes of 1800 to 2260 meters only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia cacticola L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically, for example, on cacti in sunny locations at altitudes of 325 to 2300 meters. It occurs in the Peruvian Piura, Cajamarca, Amazonas and Libertad.
  • Tillandsia cacticola × purpurea : It occurs only in the Peruvian Piura.
  • Tillandsia caerulea Kunth : It thrives epiphytically in arid habitats at altitudes of 900 to 2700 meters. It occurs in Ecuador (Azuay, Loja) and Peru (Tumbes, Piura, Cajamarca).
  • Tillandsia cajamarcensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia calcicola L.B.Smith & Proctor : This endemic is only known from the type location. It thrives on sunny, vertical limestone cliffs at an altitude of around 450 meters. It only comes in at Ramgoat Cave along the road from Albert Town to Kinloss in Trelawny Parish in northwestern Jamaica.
  • Tillandsia califanii Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia caliginosa W. Till (Syn .: Tillandsia myosura Griseb. , Tillandsia myosura sensu Lorentz & Niederlein , Tillandsia crocata forma major Rauh , Tillandsia crocata var. Tristis Rauh , Tillandsia crocata var. Tristis forma major Rauh ): It only comes in argentinian Jujuy in front.
  • Tillandsia callichroma L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia calochlamys Ehlers & L.Hromadnik : It only occurs in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia calothyrsus Mez : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of about 2100 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia caloura Harms : It thrives epiphytically in rainforests at altitudes between 1860 and 2200 meters in Colombia only in Magdalena.
  • Tillandsia camargoensis L.Hromadnik : It occurs in Bolivia in Chuquisaca and Potosi.
  • Tillandsia candelifera Rohweder : It occurs at altitudes of 2000 to 2100 meters in El Salvador only in Santa Ana.
  • Tillandsia canescens Sw. : It occurs only in the Cuban province of Pinar del Rio and on Jamaica in Cornwall.
  • Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pavón (Syn .: Tillandsia propinqua sensu Griseb. , Tillandsia pusilla Gillies ex Baker , Tillandsia Lichenoides Hieron. , Tillandsia propinqua var. Saxicola Hieron. , Tillandsia capillaris var. Incana Mez , Tillandsia capillaris var. Lanuginosa Mez , Tillandsia Hieronymi Mez , Tillandsia hieronymi var. Lichenoides (Hieronymus) Castellanos , Tillandsia permutata A.Cast. ): It thrives lithophytically and epiphytically at altitudes of 350 to 3600 meters in Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia capistranoensis Ehlers & W.Weber : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia capitata Griseb. : It occurs at altitudes of 800 to 1000 meters in the Mexican states of Sonora, Jalisco, Vera Cruz, Guerrero and Oaxaca and the Cuban provinces of Pinar del Rio and Las Villas and in the Dominican Republic.
  • Tillandsia caput-medusae E. Morren : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 40 to 2400 meters. It is widespread in Central America from Mexico to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
  • Tillandsia cardenasii L.B.Smith : There are two varieties:
  • Tillandsia cardenasii L.B.Smith var. Cardenasii (Syn .: Tillandsia krystofii J.J. Halda & Hertus ): It occurs on rocks at altitudes of about 2730 meters in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
    • Tillandsia cardenasii var. Major Ehlers & L.Hromadnik : It was first described in 2005 in The Bromeliad . It occurs at altitudes of about 1900 meters in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia carlos-hankii Matuda : It thrives epiphytically in mixed forests with oaks and pines at altitudes of about 2900 meters. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia carlsoniae L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1500 to 2400 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia carminea W.Till : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia carnosa L.B.Sm. : There are four varieties:
    • Tillandsia carnosa var. Boliviensis H.Luther : It occurs only in La Paz, Bolivia.
    • Tillandsia carnosa var. Brevistipitata Rauh : It occurs at altitudes of about 1200 meters in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
    • Tillandsia carnosa L.B.Sm. var. carnosa : It occurs at altitudes from 2000 to 2400 meters in the Peruvian Amazon.
    • Tillandsia carnosa var. Longispicata Rauh : It occurs at altitudes of about 500 meters in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia carrierei André : In Colombia it only occurs in Antioque.
  • Tillandsia carrilloi Véliz & U. Feldhoff : It was first described in 2013. It thrives on steep rock faces at altitudes of 800 to 1000 meters in Guatemala only in the Chiquimula department .
  • Tillandsia castaneobulbosa Mez & Wercklé : It thrives at altitudes of 1200 to 2100 meters in Costa Rica.
  • Tillandsia castelensis Leme & W.Till : It wasfirst describedin 2010 from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo . It thrives on fully exposed rock faces in the Atlantic rainforest of Castelo at altitudes of around 1100 meters.
  • Tillandsia castellanii L.B.Sm. : It thrives at altitudes from 0 to 1000 meters in the Argentine San Luis and Córdoba.
  • Tillandsia cathcartii (H.Luther) JRGrant : It was first described in 1996. So far, it has only been found at an altitude of about 850 meters in the Ecuadorian Zamora-Chinchipe .
  • Tillandsia catimbauensis Leme, W.Till & JASiqueira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco.
  • Tillandsia caulescens Brongn. ex Baker : It thrives on rocks at altitudes between 500 and 2900 meters in the Peruvian departments of Ica, Apurimac, Cuzco and Junín and in Bolivia only in La Paz.
  • Tillandsia cauliflora Mez & Wercklé ex Mez : It occurs in Costa Rica only in Cartago.
  • Tillandsia cauligera Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia macbrideana var. Longifolia Rauh , Tillandsia macbrideana var. Longispica Rauh , Tillandsia macbrideana var. Major Rauh )
  • Tillandsia celata Ehlers & Lautner : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes between 2400 and 3100 meters in the Peruvian departments of Cajamarca, Libertad, Huancavelica and Cusco.
  • Tillandsia cereicola Mez : It thrives at altitudes of 700 to 2200 meters in the Peruvian Ancash, Cajamarca and Libertad.
  • Tillandsia cernua L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 2000 to 3600 meters in Ecuador only in Tungurahua.
  • Tillandsia cerrateana L.B.Sm. : It only thrives at altitudes of 3560 to 3900 meters in Ancash, Peru.
  • Tillandsia chaetophylla Mez : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1700 to 2300 meters in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Michoacan, Guerrero and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia chapalillaensis Ehlers & J.Lautner : It was first described in 2011. It thrives epiphytically on oaks in forests at altitudes of 1250 to 1300 meters only in the Mexican state of Nayarit.
  • Tillandsia chapeuensis Rauh : There have been two varieties since 2012:
    • Tillandsia chapeuensis Rauh var. Chapeuensis : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
    • Tillandsia chapeuensis var. Turriformis Ehlers : It was first described in 2012 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Bahia. It thrives lithophytically at an altitude of about 900 meters.
  • Tillandsia chartacea L.B.Sm. : It thrives on rocks and on rock walls at altitudes of about 2580 meters in Colombia only in Cundinamarca.
  • Tillandsia chasmophyta H.Büneker, R.Pontes & K.Soares : It was first described in 2014. It thrives lithophytically on basalt rocks only in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia chiapensis Gardner : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia chiletensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia chlorophylla L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia santiagotuxtlensis Matuda ): It occurs at altitudes of 150 to 400 meters in Guatemala (Peten, Alta Verapaz, Izabal) and Belize (Toledo district).
  • Tillandsia chontalensis Baker : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 690 to 1500 meters in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia and Peru.
  • Tillandsia churinensis Rauh : It occurs only in Lima, Peru.
  • Tillandsia chusgonensis L.Hromadnik : It was first described in 2005 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only in the Peruvian department of La Libertad and is only known from the type location in the province of Sánchez Carrión along the Rio Chusgon at an altitude of about 2500 meters and the adjacent Marañón headwaters. It thrives in spherical cushions on vertical rock walls.
  • Tillandsia circinnatoides Matuda : It thrives epiphytically on cacti, trees and shrubs in arid areas at altitudes of 600 to 1500 meters. It occurs in Costa Rica and the Mexican states of Puebla, Mexico, Guerrero and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia clavigera Mez :
    • Tillandsia clavigera Mez var. Clavigera : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 750 to 3000 meters. It occurs in Colombia and Ecuador.
    • Tillandsia clavigera var. Pendula Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Pasco.
  • Tillandsia coalcomanensis Ehlers : The first description was in 2008 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only in the Mexican state of Michoacan at an altitude of about 800 meters.
  • Tillandsia cochabambae E. Gross & Rauh : It occurs only in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia coinaensis Ehlers : It occurs only in La Libertad in Peru.
  • Tillandsia colganii Ehlers : It occurs only in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia colorata L.Hromadnik : It was first described in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only in Salta, Argentina, at an altitude of around 1700 meters.
    • Tillandsia colorata forma flavescens L.Hromadnik : It was first described in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only in Salta, Argentina, at an altitude of around 1700 meters.
  • Tillandsia comarapaensis H.Luther : It occurs only in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia comitanensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas at an altitude of about 2000 meters.
  • Tillandsia compacta Griseb. (Syn .: Tillandsia brunonis André ): There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia compacta Griseb. var. compacta (Syn .: Tillandsia caracasana Baker ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1350 to 2400 meters. It occurs in eastern Cuba, in Haiti in the Chaîne de la Selle, in the Dominican Republic and in Venezuela in Sucre, Distrito Federal, Aragua, Falcon and Bolívar.
    • Tillandsia compacta var. Intermedia L.B.Sm. : It occurs in Venezuela only in Merida.
  • Tillandsia × complachroma Rauh : It thrives epiphytically in the disturbed cloud forest at altitudes of about 2800 meters only in the Ecuadorian Papayacta-Baeza.
  • Tillandsia complanata Benth. (Syn .: Tillandsia axillaris Griseb. , Tillandsia complanata subsp. Latifolia Gilmartin ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 800 to 3500 meters. It is widespread from Costa Rica through Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil to Bolivia and occurs on some Caribbean islands.
  • Tillandsia × complarensis : This natural hybrid of Tillandsia complanata × Tillandsia tovarensis occurs in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia compressa Bertero ex Schultes f. : It only occurs in Jamaica.
  • Tillandsia comulcoensis Ehlers : It was first described in 2016 in The Bromeliad . It thrives lithophytically on rocks at an altitude of 1150 meters and has so far only been found in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia concolor L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia palmasolana Matuda ): It thrives epiphytically in exposed locations at altitudes of 50 to 1200 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas and in El Salvador only in Santa Ana.
  • Tillandsia confertiflora André : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 1200 to 2500 meters. It occurs in Ecuador only in Loja and in Peru only in Piura.
  • Tillandsia confinis L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia dudleyi L.B.Sm. ): There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia confinis L.B.Sm. var. confinis : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 600 to 2800 meters. It occurs in Colombia (Magdalena, Antioquia), Venezuela (Zulia, Amazonas), Ecuador (Loja, Napo), Peru (Loreto, Huanuco), Bolivia (La Paz) and Brazil (Amazonas).
    • Tillandsia confinis var. Caudata L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia abysmophila L.B.Sm. & Steyermark ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 2700 to 2800 meters. In Colombia it occurs only in Magdalena.
  • Tillandsia copalaensis Ehlers : It was first described in 2001 in The Bromeliad with a type near Copala. It is only known from the Mexican state of Oaxaca between Tlaxiaco and Putla at an altitude of about 1600 meters.
  • Tillandsia copanensis Rauh & Rutschmann : In Honduras it occurs only in Copán.
  • Tillandsia copynii Gouda : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
  • Tillandsia × correalei H.Luther : This natural hybrid of Tillandsia fasciculata × Tillandsia hondurensis occurs in Honduras only in the Francisco Morazán Department .
  • Tillandsia cossonii Baker : It thrives in pine-oak forests at an altitude of about 2300 meters only in the Mexican state of Michoacan.
  • Tillandsia cotagaitensis L.Hromadnik : It occurs in Bolivia only in Potosí.
  • Tillandsia crenulipetala Mez : It thrives epiphytically in rainforests at altitudes of 1000 to 2500 meters in Colombia.
  • Tillandsia cretacea L.B.Sm. : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.
  • Tillandsia crista-gallii Ehlers : The first description was in 2002 in The Bromeliad . It is only known from the type location in the Mexican state of Chiapas, but very common there. It thrives in the pine and mixed forest at an altitude of about 1800 meters.
  • Tillandsia crocata (E. Morren) Baker : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of 875 to 2650 meters. It occurs in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeira, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, in Uruguay only in Mercedes and in Argentina only in Entre Ríos.
  • Tillandsia cryptantha Baker : It occurs in Mexico and Nicaragua.
  • Tillandsia cryptopoda L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1500 to 2350 meters. It occurs in Honduras (Santa Barbara, Morazan), El Salvador (Santa Ana) and Nicaragua (Matagalpa, Jinotega).
  • Tillandsia cuatrecasasii L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in mountain forests at altitudes from 1925 to 3550 meters only in Colombia.
  • Tillandsia cucaensis Wittm. (Syn .: Tillandsia aesii I.Ramírez & Carnevali ): It comes at altitudes from 0 to 1130 meters from Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica to El Salvador before.
  • Tillandsia × cuchnichim R.Guess & V.Guess : This hybrid of Tillandsia carlsoniae and Tillandsia eizii was first described in 2005. It thrives epiphytically in an oak-pine forest at altitudes of about 1900 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia cucullata L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes from 2400 to 2700 meters only in the Ecuadorian Azuay.
  • Tillandsia curvifolia (Ehlers & Rauh) Ehlers : It was described in 2009 in The Bromeliad from Mexico.
  • Tillandsia curvispica (Rauh) JRGrant : It thrives on sandstone at altitudes about 1200 meters from in Peru.


  • Tillandsia dasyliriifolia Baker : It thrives in xerophytic bushland on coastal dunes, in dry forests, mangroves, in deep flooded forests and evergreen forests at altitudes of 0 to 250 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Campeche and Tabasco and in Belize in the provinces of Belize and Toledo .
  • Tillandsia deflexa L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of 1400 to 1700 meters in Guatemala only in San Marcos.
  • Tillandsia delicata Ehlers : They werefirst describedin 2000 in The Bromeliad . It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 1200 to 1700 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia demissa L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 2100 meters in the Ecuadorian Loja.
  • Tillandsia denudata André : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia denudata André var. Denudata : It is common in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.
    • Tillandsia denudata var. Vivipara Rauh : It occurs in Peru only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia deppeana Steud. : It occurs in Mexico.
  • Tillandsia deppeana × Tillandsia imperialis : This natural hybrid was first described in The Bromeliad in 2008 and only occurs in the Mexican state of Veracruz.
  • Tillandsia dexteri H.Luther : It occurs in Costa Rica only in Limon.
  • Tillandsia diaguitensis A. Cast . : It occurs in Paraguay only in Chaco and in Argentina only in Salta.
  • Tillandsia dichrophylla L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 1560 to 2900 meters in Colombia and in the Ecuadorian Loja.
  • Tillandsia didisticha (E. Morren ) Baker ( Tillandsia purpurea sensu Griseb. , Tillandsia crassifolia Baker , Tillandsia oranensis Baker ): It is found at altitudes of 500 to 1440 meters in Peru, Bolivia (Beni, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz), Paraguay, in Brazil State of Mato Grosso as well as in Jujuy, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia diguetii Mez & Roland-Gosselin ex Mez : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Colima.
  • Tillandsia disticha Kunth (Syn .: Tillandsia cinerascens Willd. Ex Schult. F. , Tillandsia disticha var. Gracillima Mez ): It occurs in arid locations at altitudes of 10 to 2100 meters in Colombia (Nariño), Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Manabi, Guayas , Los Ríos, Bolivar, Azuay, Loja) and in Peru (Tumbes, Piura, Cajamarca, Libertad).
  • Tillandsia × donatoi Leme : This natural hybrid of Tillandsia gardneri × Tillandsia stricta thrives epiphytically at altitudes of around 800 meters only in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina.
  • Tillandsia dorisdaltoniae P.L. Ibisch , R.Vásquez & W.Till : It was first described in 2003 and only thrives epiphytically at altitudes of about 1000 meters in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia × dorotheae Rauh : The parents of this natural hybrid are probably Tillandsia argentina and Tillandsia albertiana and it only occurs in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia dorotheehaseae Hare : The first description was in 2006 in The Bromeliad . It occurs in Ecuador only in Azuay.
  • Tillandsia drewii L.B.Sm. : It thrives in the humid rainforest at altitudes of around 2800 meters in Ecuador only in Imbabura.
  • Tillandsia dugesii Baker : It occurs at altitudes of 400 to 3000 meters in the Mexican states of Guanajuato, Mexico and Puebla.
  • Tillandsia dura Baker : It occurs only in the Brazilian states of Guanabara, Sao Paulo and Santa Catarina.
  • Tillandsia durangensis Rauh & Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Durango.
  • Tillandsia duratii Visiani : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia duratii Visiani var. Duratii (Syn .: Tillandsia floribunda Durat ex Visiani , Tillandsia circinalis Griseb. , Tillandsia gigantea Ruchinger ex Baker , Tillandsia revoluta Burbidge ex Baker ): It grows epiphytic in dry forests at altitudes from 300 to 1310 meters. In Bolivia it occurs only in Tarija, in Paraguay, in Uruguay only in Artigas and in Argentina in Jujuy, Catamarca, Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Formosa, Chaco, San Juan, San Luis, Córdoba and Entre Ríos.
    • Tillandsia duratii var. Saxatilis ( Hassler ) LBSmith : It is common in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia edithiae
Habit and pendulous inflorescence of Tillandsia eizii
Habit and orange flowers of Tillandsia erici
Habit and pendulous inflorescence of Tillandsia excelsa


  • Tillandsia ecarinata L.B.Sm. : It occurs in Peru only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia edithiae Rauh (Syn .: Tillandsia barborkae J.J. Halda & P.Hertus ): There have been two varieties since 2014:
    • Tillandsia edithae Rauh var. Edithae : It occurs at altitudes of about 2700 meters only in La Paz, Bolivia.
    • Tillandsia edithae var. Araucariifolia Gouda : It was first described in 2014. So far, it has only been found at an altitude of about 1500 meters on the road from Santa Cruz to Cochabamba in Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia ehlersiana Rauh (it is sometimes regarded as a synonym of Tillandsia seleriana Mez ): It is only known from the type site near Ocozocoautla in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It thrives on steep granite rocks in a deciduous forest at an altitude of about 700 meters.
  • Tillandsia eistetteri Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Colima.
  • Tillandsia eizii L.B.Sm. : It occurs in Mexico only in Chiapas and in Guatemala only in Huehuetenango.
  • Tillandsia elizabethiae Rauh ( Tillandsia sonorensis L.B.Sm. & Dimmitt ): It occurs only in the Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuahua.
  • Tillandsia elongata Kunth : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia elongata Kunth var. Elongata : It thrives at altitudes of 300 to 1050 meters only in Colombia.
    • Tillandsia elongata var. Subimbricata (Baker) LBSm. (Syn .: Tillandsia subimbricata Baker , Tillandsia orthorhachis Mez & CFBake ): It is widespread in the Neotropics.
  • Tillandsia eltoniana E.Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo.
  • Tillandsia elusiva Pinzón, I. Ramírez & Carnevali : It was first described in 2011. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia elvira-grossiae Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Amazon at altitudes of around 1400 meters.
  • Tillandsia emergens Mez & Sodiro ex Mez : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 3000 to 3240 meters in Ecuador only in Imbabura.
  • Tillandsia engleriana Wittm. (Syn .: Tillandsia appendiculata (Baker) LBSm. ): It occurs only in the Colombian Nariño at altitudes of about 2000 meters.
  • Tillandsia erecta Gillies ex Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia rigida Gillies ex Baker , Tillandsia erecta var. Rigida Gillies ex Bake ): It comes at altitudes from 1300 to 2610 before only in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and Argentina's La Rioja.
  • Tillandsia erici Ehlers : It only occurs in the Bolivian Tarija.
  • Tillandsia ermitae L.Hromadnik : It occurs at altitudes of around 3400 meters only in Lima, Peru.
  • Tillandsia erubescens Schlechtendal : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia erubescens Schlechtendal var. Erubescens (Syn .: Tillandsia benthamiana Klotzsch ex Beer , Tillandsia benthamiana Klotzsch ex Baker ): It thrives at altitudes of 1500 to 2550 meters in Mexico.
    • Tillandsia erubescens var. Patentibracteata W. Weber & Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia escahuascensis Espejo, López-Ferrari, Ceja & A.Mendoza : It was first described in 2011. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia espinosae L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in dry, open bushes and forests at altitudes of 200 to 900 meters in Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tillandsia esseriana Rauh & LBSm. : It thrives on rocks in Paraguay only in Amambay.
  • Tillandsia excavata L.B.Sm. : It only occurs in the Colombian Nariño.
  • Tillandsia excelsa Griseb. : It thrives at altitudes of 95 to 250 meters in Venezuela and Colombia.
  • Tillandsia exserta Fernald : It occurs at altitudes of 10 to 45 meters in the Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia extensa Mez : It thrives on steep rock faces at altitudes of 500 to 2500 meters only in Ancash, Peru.
Habitus, inflorescence with blue flowers of Tillandsia fasciculata
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia ferreyrae
Habit of the green Tillandsia Tillandsia flabellata , inflorescence with red bracts and blue flowers
Right 2/3 of the picture Habitus of Tillandsia fuchsii
Habit and only one bright red flower per plant of Tillandsia funckiana


  • Tillandsia fasciculata Swartz : It is widespread with several varieties in the Neotropic. Since it is very robust, it is often traded as an ornamental plant:
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Clavispica Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia bracteata Chapman ): It comes in Florida, Oaxaca and Cuba before.
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Densispica Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia hystricina Small ): localities there are in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and on Hispaniola.
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Densispica forma alba M.B.Foster
    • Tillandsia fasciculata Swartz var. Fasciculata (Syn .: Tillandsia glaucophylla (Hook.) Baker , Tillandsia compressa var. Oligostachya Baker ex André , Tillandsia fasciculata var. Bogotensis André , Tillandsia fasciculata var. Latispica Mez , Tillandsia pungens Mez is from Mexico) distributed to Brazil and the Caribbean islands.
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Laxispica Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia eminens Lindl. & Paxt. ): It is found in Mexico and on the islands of Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola.
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Pendulispica Mez : It is only known from the collection of types .
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Uncispica Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia macrostachya Klotzsch ex Beer ): It is widespread in Central America and on the Caribbean islands.
    • Tillandsia fasciculata var. Venosispica Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia boryana Gand. ): It is widespread in Central America and on the Caribbean islands.
  • Tillandsia fasciculata × Tillandsia melanocrater : It occurs in Venezuela and Colombia.
  • Tillandsia fasciculata × Tillandsia schiedeana : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia fascifolia Flores-Cruz & Valentina : It was rewritten in 2008 from the Mexican state of Guenero.
  • Tillandsia fassettii L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 1860 meters in Colombia only in Santander.
  • Tillandsia × fendlanata : This natural hybrid of Tillandsia fendleri × Tillandsia complanata occurs in Venezuela and Colombia.
  • Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. var. fendleri (Syn .: Tillandsia fendleri var. fendleri Griseb. , Tillandsia incurvata Wright & Sauvalle , Tillandsia kalbreyeri Baker , Tillandsia bangii Baker , Tillandsia paniculata Griseb. , Tillandsia rubra sensu LBSm. , Tillandsia rubra var. fendleri (Griseb.) Mez , Tillandsia deppeana var. Latifolia (Griseb.) LBSm. )
    • Tillandsia fendleri var. Reducta (LBSmith) LBSmith (Syn .: Tillandsia rubra var. Reducta L.B.Sm. , Tillandsia deppeana var. Reducta (LBSm) LBSm.. ): It thrives terrestrial and epiphytic in forests at altitudes from 1,110 to 2,600 meters of Colombia to southeastern Venezuela and Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia ferreyrae L.B.Sm. : It thrives on more or less steep rocks at altitudes of 1900 to 2000 meters only in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Tillandsia ferrisiana L.B.Sm. : It occurs only in the Mexican states of Baja California and Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia festucoides Brongniart ex Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia caricifolia Morr. Ex Mez ): It is widespread from Mexico to Central America and the Greater Antilles. It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 25 to 1000 meters.
  • Tillandsia filifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (Syn .: Platystachys filifolia (Schltdl. & Cham.) Beer , Tillandsia staticeflora E. Morren ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 100 to 2000 meters. There are sites in the Mexican states of Vera Cruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Tabasco and Chiapas; in Guatemala in Peten, Alta Verapaz and Izabal; in Belize in Cockscomb; in Honduras in Cortes, Comayagua, Yoro and Atlantidia; in Costa Rica in Puntarenas and Cartago.
  • Tillandsia flabellata Baker : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia flabellata Baker var. Flabellata : It occurs from Mexico via southern Guatemala to Salvador. It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 225 to 1500 meters. This easy-care species is suitable as a houseplant.
    • Tillandsia flabellata var. Viridifolia M.B.Foster : It is known only from the Typusaufsammlung of 1936, took place between Veracruz Coatepec and Jalapa in the Mexican state. It thrives epiphytically on trees.
  • Tillandsia flagellata L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia lehmannii Rauh ): It thrives in dry forests at altitudes of 600 to 1000 meters in Ecuador only in Oro.
  • Tillandsia flavobracteata Matuda : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Veracruz.
  • Tillandsia flexuosa Swartz (Syn .: Tillandsia tenuifolia sensu Jacq. , Tillandsia aloifolia Hook. , Tillandsia patens . F Willd ex Schult.. , Vriesea aloifolia (Hook) Beer. , Vriesea tenuifolia Beer , Tillandsia flexuosa var. Vivipara André ): it is widespread from Florida to northern South America:
    • Tillandsia flexuosa forma alba H.Takizawa : It was first described in 2003. It only thrives at sea level in a small mangrove forest in the coastal area of ​​Gulfo Dulce in Puntarenas in Costa Rica.
  • Tillandsia floresensis Ehlers : It was first described in 2011 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only at altitudes of about 750 meters in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia floribunda Kunth : It occurs in Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tillandsia × floridana (LBSm.) H.Luther : It occurs only in southern Florida .
  • Tillandsia foliosa M. Martens & Galeotti (Syn .: Tillandsia flagellifera E. Morren ex Baker , Tillandsia hahnii Mez , Tillandsia kirchoffiana sensu Mez , Tillandsia polystachia sensu Mez , Tillandsia modesta Mez ): It occurs only in the Mexican states of Veracruz and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia fosteri Gilmartin : It occurs in Ecuador only in Loja.
  • Tillandsia francisci W.Till & JRGrant : It thrives in paramo at altitudes of 1800 to 3400 meters in Venezuela only in Táricha and Merida (Pmo Gavidia).
  • Tillandsia fresnilloensis W. Weber & Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia friesii Mez : It occurs at altitudes of around 3000 meters only in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia fuchsii W. Till :
    • Tillandsia fuchsii W. Till var. Fuchsii : It occurs in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
    • Tillandsia fuchsii var. Fuchsii forma gracilis W. Till : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
    • Tillandsia fuchsii var. Stephanii W. Till : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia funckiana Baker :
    • Tillandsia funckiana Baker var. Funckiana : It occurs in Venezuela only in Mérida.
    • Tillandsia funckiana var. Recurvifolia Gouda in Wubben hort. ex Rauh : In Venezuela it occurs only in Mérida.
  • Tillandsia funebris Castellanos : It is common in Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia fusiformis L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 1200 meters in Colombia only in Nariño.
Habitus, inflorescence with pink bracts and purple flowers of Tillandsia gardneri
Habit and inflorescence of the very large funnel bromeliad Tillandsia grandis .
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia × guelzii


  • Tillandsia gardneri Lindl .:
    • Tillandsia gardneri Lindl. var. gardneri : It is widespread in Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Brazil.
    • Tillandsia gardneri var. Rupicola E. Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
    • Tillandsia gardneri var. Virescens E. Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia geissei Philippi: In Chile it occurs only in Antofagasta and Atacama.
  • Tillandsia geminiflora Brongniart :
    • Tillandsia geminiflora Brongniart var. Geminiflora (Syn .: Tillandsia rubida Lindl. , Tillandsia caldasiana Baker , Tillandsia coccinea Sessé & Moc. ): It is used in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
    • Tillandsia geminiflora var. Incana ( Wawra ) Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia incana Wawra ): It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia genseri Rauh : It occurs only in the Argentinian jujuy .
  • Tillandsia gerdae Ehlers (Syn .: Tillandsia jarmilae J.J. Halda ): It occurs only in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia gilliesii Baker :
    • Tillandsia gilliesii Baker subsp. gilliesii : It is common at altitudes of 1800 to 2800 meters in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.
    • Tillandsia gilliesii subsp. polysticha W.Till & L.Hromadnik : It only occurs in the Argentine Jujuy.
  • Tillandsia glabrior (LBSm.) López-Ferrari & Espejo & I.Ramírez (Syn .: Tillandsia schiedeana subsp. Glabrior (LBSmith) Gardner )
  • Tillandsia glauca L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes between 1700 and 2000 meters only in the Peruvian Piura.
  • Tillandsia globosa Wawra :
    • Tillandsia globosa Wawra var. Globosa (Syn .: Tillandsia globosa var. Crinifolia Wawra ): It is widespread in Brazil and only occurs in Monagas in Venezuela.
    • Tillandsia globosa var. Alba E. Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
    • Tillandsia globosa var. Major L.B.Sm. : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo.
  • Tillandsia glossophylla L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 1350 meters in Honduras only in Comayagua.
  • Tillandsia goyazensis Mez : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Goyaz.
  • Tillandsia gracillima L.B.Sm. : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia graebeneri Mez : It is common in Mexico.
  • Tillandsia grandis Schltdl. (Syn .: Tillandsia viridiflora sensu LBSm. Non (Beer) Baker ): It occurs from Mexico via Guatemala to Honduras. It is the largest species in this genus.
  • Tillandsia grandispica Ehlers : It was first described in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 800 and 2060 meters in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Guerrero, Michoacan, Oaxaca, Puebla and Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia graomogolensis Silveira : It only thrives on rocks in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
  • Tillandsia grazielae Sucre & Braga : It thrives on rocks in the Serra dos Órgãos (Organ Pipes Mountains) in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia grossispicata Espejo, López-Ferrari & Till : It was first described from Mexico in 2008.
  • Tillandsia guatemalensis L.B.Smith : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1100 to 2800 meters from Mexico to Panama.
  • Tillandsia × guelzii Rauh (Syn .: Tillandsia pucaraensis Ehlers ): It occurs in Argentina only in Jujuy.
  • Tillandsia guenther-nolleri Ehlers : It occurs in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia guerreroensis Rauh : It occurs in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia gutteana Weber : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia gymnobotrya Baker : It occurs in the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Veracruz and Oaxaca.
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia heterophylla
Habitus, inflorescence and flower of Tillandsia hondurensis
Habit, inflorescence and yellow flowers of Tillandsia humilis


  • Tillandsia hamaleana E. Morren (Syn .: Tillandsia commelyna E. Morren , Tillandsia platypetala Baker , Tillandsia nubis Gilmartin ): It thrives epiphytically in rainforests or rarely on rocks at altitudes between 0 and 2000 meters in Ecuador in Guayas, Oro, Pichincha and Chimborazo .
  • Tillandsia hammeri Rauh & Ehlers : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia harrisii Ehlers : It thrives on rocks near the Río Teculutan at altitudes of around 500 meters in the Zacapa departmentin Guatemala.
  • Tillandsia hasei Ehlers & L.Hromadnik : It only occurs in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia hegeri Ehlers : It only occurs in Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia helmutii L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia hemkeri Rauh : It occurs in Ecuador only in Tungurahua.
  • Tillandsia heteromorpha Mez :
    • Tillandsia heteromorpha Mez var. Heteromorpha : It thrives at altitudes between 2300 and 3000 meters in Ancash, Peru.
    • Tillandsia heteromorpha var. Rauhii L.Hromadnik : It thrives at altitudes between 500 and 1200 meters in Cajamarca, Peru.
  • Tillandsia heterophylla E. Morren : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Veracruz.
  • Tillandsia heubergeri Ehlers : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
  • Tillandsia hildae Rauh : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes between 1000 and 1100 meters in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia hintoniana L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 800 and 1600 meters only in the Mexican state of Mexico.
  • Tillandsia hirta W.Till & L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia hirtzii Rauh : It occurs at altitudes of about 1900 meters in Ecuador only in Pichincha.
  • Tillandsia hitchcockiana L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Vriesea hitchcockiana (LBSm.) LBSm. ): It occurs in Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tillandsia hoeijeri H.Luther : It was first described in 2003. It thrives at altitudes between 2900 and 3200 meters in Ecuador only in Loja.
  • Tillandsia hofackeri Ehlers : It wasrewrittenin 2013 in Die Bromeliad . It occurs at altitudes of about 500 meters only in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
  • Tillandsia hondurensis Rauh : It occurs in Honduras only in Francisco Morazan.
  • Tillandsia × horstii Rauh emend Heidt : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
  • Tillandsia hotteana Urban (Syn .: Tillandsia hotteana var. Citrina Rauh & Julia Ariza nomen nudum): It grows epiphytic in forests at altitudes from 1,050 to 2,000 meters only in the Cuban province of Oriente and Hispaniola.
  • Tillandsia huajuapanensis Ehlers & Lautner : It thrives on steep rock faces at altitudes of around 1900 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia huamenulaensis Ehlers : It only thrives at altitudes between 100 and 200 meters in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia huarazensis Ehlers & W.Till : It occurs only in the Peruvian Ancash.
  • Tillandsia hubertiana Matuda : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia humboldtii Baker : It occurs in Ecuador and Colombia.
  • Tillandsia humilis Presl: It thrives lithophytically in dry locations at altitudes between 2000 and 3300 meters in Peru in Cajamarca, Libertad, Ancash, Lima, Huánuco and Junín.
Habitus and budding inflorescence of Tillandsia imperialis in the habitat
Section of an inflorescence with flowers of Tillandsia intermedia
Habit of blooming Tillandsia ionantha


  • Tillandsia ignesiae Mez : It occurs at altitudes between 1800 and 2000 meters in the Mexican states of Godines, Hidalgo, Jalisco and Michoacan.
  • Tillandsia ilseana W. Till, Halbr. & Zecher : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia imperialis E. Morren ex Roezl (Syn .: Tillandsia strobilantha Baker , Tillandsia imperialis E. Morren ex André , Tillandsia imperialis E. Morren ex Baker ): It comes at altitudes between 1,300 and 2,700 meters in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Hidalgo, Vera Cruz, Puebla as well as Oaxaca and in El Salvador only in Santa Ana.
  • Tillandsia imporaensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia incarnata Kunth :
    • Tillandsia incarnata Kunth var. Incarnata ( Tillandsia striata Willd. Ex Schult. & Schult.f. , Tillandsia brevifolia Baker ): It occurs at altitudes between 500 and 3200 meters in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela only in Mérida.
    • Tillandsia incarnata var. Margaritacea A. Roguenant & Raynal-Roques : It was first described in 2004. It occurs at altitudes between 2300 and 2800 meters in Ecuador only in Tungurahua, Ambato.
  • Tillandsia incurva Griseb. : It thrives in the cloud forest at altitudes between 900 and 3000 meters in the Greater Antilles and from Costa Rica to Guyana and Bolivia .
  • Tillandsia indigofera Mez & Sodiro : It occurs only in the Ecuadorian Pichincha.
  • Tillandsia inopinata Espejo, López-Ferrari & W.Till : It occurs at altitudes between 80 and 1800 meters in the Mexican states of Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Queretaro, San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas.
  • Tillandsia intermedia Mez : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia interrupta Mez : It occurs at altitudes between 2400 and 2900 meters only in Lima, Peru.
  • Tillandsia ionantha Planch. :
    • Tillandsia ionantha Planch. var. ionantha (Syn .: Tillandsia erubescens H. Wendland , Tillandsia scopus Hook.f. , Tillandsia rubentifolia Poisson & Menet ): It is widespread in Central America.
    • Tillandsia ionantha var. Van-hyningii M.B.Foster : It only thrives on rocks in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
    • Tillandsia ionantha var. Stricta hortus ex Koide : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
    • Tillandsia ionantha var. Stricta forma fastigiata Koide : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
    • Tillandsia ionantha var. Maxima Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia ionochroma André ex Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia pastensis sensu Weberbauer , Tillandsia fuscoguttata Mez , Tillandsia wangerini Mez ): It thrives epiphytically in trees at altitudes between 2300 and 3900 meters in Peru, Ecuador and in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia itaubensis T.Strehl : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia ixioides Griseb. :
    • Tillandsia ixioides Griseb. subsp. ixioides (Syn .: Tillandsia canescens . Sw , Tillandsia meridionalis Baker , Tillandsia canescens Hortus ex Baker , Tillandsia lutea Baker , Tillandsia ixioides var. occidentalis A.Cast. ): It comes in Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina and the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul before.
    • Tillandsia ixioides subsp. viridiflora (Rauh) Gouda (Syn .: Tillandsia jucunda var. viridiflora Rauh ): It occurs only in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia izabalensis Pinzón: It was rewritten in 2012. It thrives along the Caribbean coast at altitudes of up to 550 meters in Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Colombia.


  • Tillandsia × jaguactalensis I. Ramírez , Carnevali & F.Chi : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo .
  • Tillandsia jalisco-monticola Matuda : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia jalisco-pinicola L.Hromadnik & P.Schneid. : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia jonesii T.Strehl : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia jucunda Castellanos : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 600 and 900 meters in the Argentine Jujuy and Tucuman.
  • Tillandsia juerg-rutschmannii Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia juncea (Ruiz & Pavón) Poir. ( Tillandsia pulchra sensu Hook., Tillandsia setacea sensu Hook., Tillandsia setacea sensu Baker, Tillandsia quadrangularis Mart. & Galeotti, Tillandsia juncifolia rule): It is widespread from Mexico to Bolivia and on the Caribbean islands.
  • Tillandsia juncea × Tillandsia melanocrater : It occurs in Venezuela and Colombia.
  • Tillandsia juncea × Tillandsia schiediana : It occurs in Venezuela and Colombia.
Habit and blue flowers of Tillandsia kammii
Habit and inflorescences of Tillandsia kautskyi
Habit and yellowish flowers of Tillandsia kuehhasii


  • Tillandsia kalmbacheri Matuda : It only grows epiphytically in oak forests in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia kammii Rauh : It occurs in Honduras only in Olancho.
  • Tillandsia karwinskyana Schultes f. (Syn .: Tillandsia utriculata subsp. Pringlei (S.Watson) Gardner ): It thrives at altitudes between 1500 and 2200 meters in the Mexican states of Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo and Puebla.
  • Tillandsia kauffmannii Ehlers : It occurs only in La Libertad, Peru.
  • Tillandsia kautskyi E. Pereira : This rare species is only found in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo . So far only a few specimens have been found in the mountains of the state of Espíritu Santo on the slopes of the Atlantic rainforest and the dense mountain rainforest at altitudes between 700 and 1200 meters and the area extends to the border of the state of Rio de Janeiro. It was in CITES Appendix IIfrom 1992and was removed from this list in March 2013 because no evidence could be provided that this species was traded in the last.
  • Tillandsia kegeliana Mez : It is common from Panama to northern South America.
  • Tillandsia kessleri H.Luther : It occurs only in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia kirchhoffiana Wittm. (Syn .: Tillandsia fournieri E. Morren ex Baker ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 1200 and 1300 meters in the Mexican states of Vera Cruz, Puebla and Mexico.
  • Tillandsia kirschnekii Rauh & W.Till : It only occurs in the Peruvian Apurímac.
  • Tillandsia klausii Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia koehresiana Ehlers : It occurs only in the Bolivian Potosí and Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia koideae Rauh & E. Gross : It occurs only in the Peruvian Piura.
  • Tillandsia kolbii W. Till & Schatzl : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia krahnii Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Ancash.
  • Tillandsia kretzii Ehlers & Lautner : At altitudes of around 2200 meters in Guatemala, it only thrives in San Marcos-San Pablo.
  • Tillandsia krukoffiana L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia krukoffiana L.B.Sm. var. krukoffiana : It thrives in open locations at altitudes between 900 and 1800 meters only in La Paz, Bolivia.
    • Tillandsia krukoffiana var. Piepenbringii Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia kuehhasii W.Till : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of about 3600 meters only in the Bolivian Potosí and Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia kuntzeana Mez : It occurs at altitudes of about 1300 meters only in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia kuzmae Ehlers : It is endemic to the Dominican Republic .
Illustration of Tillandsia lajensis
Habit, branched inflorescence and yellowish-white flowers of Tillandsia limbata
Habitus, foliage leaves, inflorescence and blue flower of Tillandsia linearis
Habit, inflorescence and white flower of Tillandsia lorenziana
Habit, leaves, inflorescence with yellow bracts and greenish flowers of Tillandsia lotteae
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia lymanii


  • Tillandsia lagunaensis Ehlers : It occurs at altitudes of 1600 to 2150 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia lajensis André (Syn .: Tillandsia ampla Mez & Sodiro ex Mez ): It occurs in Colombia only in La Lajas at altitudes of about 2900 meters.
  • Tillandsia laminata L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 2350 to 2400 meters only in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Tillandsia lampropoda L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia lampropoda L.B.Sm. var. lampropoda : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1300 to 2000 meters from Chiapas in Mexico via Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua to Costa Rica (Cartago).
    • Tillandsia lampropoda var. Major L.B.Sm. : It occurs in Guatemala.
  • Tillandsia landbeckii Philippi :
    • Tillandsia landbeckii subsp. andina W.Till : The type location is in Peru in the Ayacucho department, Lucanas province in the valley of the Rio San Jose, 8 km from Lucanas at an altitude of 2999 meters, nothing is known about other locations.
    • Tillandsia landbeckii Philippi subsp. landbeckii : It occurs in the dry coastal regions at altitudes of 300 to 1500 meters in Ecuador, on the Peruvian Guano Islands and in Chile in Tarapaca, Antofagasta, Atacama and Coquimbo.
    • Tillandsia landbeckii subsp. andina var. rigidior W.Till (it is discussed in 2013 whether it is perhaps a synonym): It occurs only in the Peruvian Cuzco.
  • Tillandsia langlasseana Mez : Home is Mexico.
  • Tillandsia lateritia André : It occurs at altitudes of 95 to 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia latifolia Meyen :
    • Tillandsia latifolia var. Divaricata (Bentham) Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia divaricata Benth. , Tillandsia gayi Baker , Tillandsia minor Mez & Sodiro , Tillandsia kunthiana var. Divaricata (Benth.) LBSm. ): It thrives in dry areas at altitudes of 50 up to 2850 meters in Ecuador and Peru.
    • Tillandsia latifolia Meyen var. Latifolia (Syn .: Tillandsia kunthiana Gaudich. , Tillandsia grisea Baker , Tillandsia oxysepala Baker , Tillandsia murorum Mez ): It usually thrives on rocks or sand, mainly at coastal level, but also up to an altitude of 2900 meters in the Peruvian departments of Piura, Otuzco, Ancash and Lima.
    • Tillandsia latifolia var. Leucophylla Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca.
    • Tillandsia latifolia var. Major Mez : It occurs only in the Peruvian Lima department.
  • Tillandsia laui Matuda : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia lautneri Ehlers (Syn .: Tillandsia capitata var. Guzmanioides L.B.Sm. ): In Guatemala it occurs only in Huehuetenango.
  • Tillandsia laxissima Mez :
    • Tillandsia laxissima Mez var. Laxissima : It occurs only in Bolivia.
    • Tillandsia laxissima var. Moorei H.Luther : It occurs only in the Peruvian department of San Martín.
  • Tillandsia leiboldiana Schltdl. (Syn .: Tillandsia leiboldiana var. Guttata Hobbs ): This "green Tillandsia" thrives epiphytic in forests at altitudes from 25 to 2,000 feet from Mexico to Central America.
  • Tillandsia leonamiana E.Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
  • Tillandsia lepidosepala L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Viridantha lepidosepala (LBSm.) Espejo ): It almost always thrives as an epiphyte, mostly in large groups at altitudes of 1900 to 2500 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Puebla, Queretaro and Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia leucolepis L.B.Sm. : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia limae L.B.Sm. : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.
  • Tillandsia limarum E.Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.
  • Tillandsia limbata Schltdl. (Syn .: Tillandsia dasyliriifolia Baker , Tillandsia drepanoclada Baker , Tillandsia simplexa Matuda ): It thrives in moist lowland forests at altitudes of up to 800 meters from eastern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize to eastern Honduras (San Pedro Sula).
  • Tillandsia limonensis (Rauh) JRGrant : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of around 1000 meters in Azuay, Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia linearis Vell. (Syn .: Tillandsia selloa C. Koch ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 0 to 930 meters in the Brazilian states of Goias, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Paraná.
  • Tillandsia × lineatispica Mez : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of 150 to 340 meters in Puerto Rico.
  • Tillandsia lithophila L.Hromadnik : It thrives on steep rock faces at altitudes of around 2200 meters only in the Peruvian department of La Libertad.
  • Tillandsia loliacea Martius ex Schultes f. (Syn .: Tillandsia undulata Baker, Tillandsia quadriflora Baker, Tillandsia atrichoides Moore): It thrives epiphytically and lithophytically in semi-arid habitats at altitudes between 0 and 1500 meters. It comes in Bolivia (Santa Cruz), Brazil (Piauf, Ceara, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Sao Paulo), Paraguay and Argentina (Jujuy, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Formosa, Chaco, Cordoba, Corrientes).
  • Tillandsia loma-blancae Ehlers & Lautner : It was first described in 2003 in The Bromeliad . It is only known from the type location at an altitude of about 1800 meters in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia longifolia Baker : It thrives epiphytically in forests and lithophytically on steep rock faces at altitudes between 750 and 2800 meters. It occurs in Costa Rica (San José), Colombia (Nariño), Venezuela (Distrito Federal), Peru (Cajamarca, Amazonas) and Bolivia (Santa Cruz).
  • Tillandsia lopezii L.B.Sm. : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of about 3300 meters only in the Peruvian Departamento Libertad.
  • Tillandsia lorentziana Griseb. : It occurs at altitudes of 700 to 2600 meters in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia lotteae L.Hromadnik : It occurs in Bolivia only in Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia loxichaensis Ehlers : The first description was in 2002 in The Bromeliad . It is only known from the type location at an altitude of about 1700 meters in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, on a side street to San Baltazar de Loxicha between San Gabriel and Mihahuatlan.
  • Tillandsia lucida E. Morren ex Baker : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 900 and 1400 meters. It occurs from the Mexican states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas via Guatemala to Morazan in Honduras.
  • Tillandsia lydiae Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia lymanii Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca.
Habit and inflorescence with blue flowers of Tillandsia macdougallii
Illustration of Tillandsia maculata
Habitus Habitus and inflorescences of the "gray tillandsia" Tillandsia magnusiana
Flower of Tillandsia mallemontii , the three blue petals of which have a rounded plate
Habit and inflorescence with white flowers of Tillandsia milagrensis
Habitus and inflorescences of the "green tillandsia" Tillandsia multicaulis in the habitat


  • Tillandsia macbrideana L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia macbrideana var. Atroviolacea Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca.
    • Tillandsia macbrideana L.B.Sm. var. macbrideana : It thrives lithophytically on rock faces at altitudes of 2100 to 2750 meters only in the Peruvian department of Amazonas.
  • Tillandsia macdougallii L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in oak and pine forests and also lithophytically on steep rock walls at altitudes of 1800 to 3200 meters in the Mexican states of Nayarit, Jalisco, Hidalgo, Vera Cruz, Puebla, Mexico, Michoacán and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia machupicchuensis Gouda & J.Ochoa : It was first described in 2012. It only thrives on steep rock faces near the Río Urubamba at altitudes of 2070 to 2300 meters in Cusco, Peru.
  • Tillandsia macrochlamys Baker : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia macrodactylon Mez It thrives terrestrially at altitudes of around 2700 meters only in the Peruvian Department of Libertad.
  • Tillandsia macropetala Wawra : It occurs in Mexico.
  • Tillandsia maculata Ruiz & Pavón : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1050 to 1750 meters. It occurs in Ecuador only in Napo and in Peru in Huánuco and Cuzco.
  • Tillandsia macvaughii Espejo & López-Ferrari : It thrives epiphytically on different plant species at altitudes between 700 and 800 meters in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Michoacán.
  • Tillandsia magnispica Espejo & López-Ferrari : It was first described in 2009. It thrives in forests at altitudes of around 285 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia magnusiana Wittm. (Syn .: Tillandsia plumosa sensu Mez. , Tillandsia plumosa var. Magnusiana (Wittm.) Rohweder ): It thrives epiphytically in mixed forests at altitudes of 1100 to 1600 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Chiapas, in Hondoras and in El Salvador in Santa Ana and San Vicente.
  • Tillandsia makoyana Baker : It thrives epiphytically in oak and pine forests at altitudes of 50 to 1950 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Guerrero and Chiapas, in Guatemala in Huehuetenango, Baja Verapaz and Zacapa, in Honduras in Morazan and Paraiso El Salvador, in Chalatenango, San Vicente and San Miguel and in Costa Rica in Guanacastle and Puntarenas.
  • Tillandsia makrinii L.Hromadnik : It thrives epiphytically in different forests or rarely lithophytically at altitudes from 0 to 800 meters. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia mallemontii Glaziou ex Mez : It occurs in the Mexican states of Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Rio de Janeira, Guanabara, Sao Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia malyi H.Hromadnik : It thrives lithophytically on vertical rock walls at altitudes of 2000 to 2600 meters only in the Peruvian department of Ancash.
  • Tillandsia marabascoensis Ehlers & Lautner : It occurs in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Colima.
  • Tillandsia × marceloi H.Takizawa & P.Koide : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia marconae W. Till & Vitek : It occurs only in the Peruvian Department of Ica.
  • Tillandsia markusii L.Hromadnik : It occurs at altitudes of around 2700 meters only in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia marnier-lapostollei Rauh : It thrives lithophytically on dry, steep rock faces at altitudes of around 500 meters in Ecuador only in Loja.
  • Tillandsia mateoensis Ehlers : It occurs in Guatemala only in Huehuetenango.
  • Tillandsia matudae L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 2100 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia mauryana L.B.Sm. : It thrives lithophytically on steep rock faces at altitudes between 1300 and 2000 meters in the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Jalisco and Puebla.
    • Tillandsia mauryana forma secundifolia Ehlers : It was first described in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It occurs only in the Mexican state of Hidalgo at altitudes of 1300 to 1900 meters.
  • Tillandsia × maya I. Ramírez & Carnevali : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Yucatán.
  • Tillandsia may-patii I. Ramírez & Carnevali : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo.
  • Tillandsia mazatlanensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia melanocrater L.B.Sm. emend. EJGouda (Syn .: Tillandsia tricolor var. Melanocrater (LBSm.) LBSm. ): It occurs in Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama.
  • Tillandsia melanocrater × Tillandsia rhomboidea : It occurs at altitudes of 95 to 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia mereliana Schinini : It occurs only in Paraguay.
  • Tillandsia micans L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia gerd-muelleri W.Weber ): It thrives on rocky slopes at altitudes of 2950 to 3100 meters only in the Peruvian department of Cuzco.
  • Tillandsia milagrensis Leme : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
  • Tillandsia mima L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia mima L.B.Sm. var. mima : It occurs at altitudes from 650 to 1885 meters in the Colombian Valle, Cauca, Nariño and the Ecuadorian Oro.
    • Tillandsia mima var. Chiletensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia minasgeraisensis Ehlers & W.Till : It thrives lithophytically on flat rocks at altitudes of around 1230 meters only in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.
  • Tillandsia minutiflora Donadío (Syn .: Tillandsia bryoides sensu LBSm. ): The first publication took place in 2011. It occurs at altitudes of 60 to 2600 meters in Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia mirabilis H.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia mitlaensis W. Weber & Ehlers :
    • Tillandsia mitlaensis W. Weber & Ehlers var. Mitlaensis : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
    • Tillandsia mitlaensis var. Tulensis Lautner & Ehlers : It thrives lithophytically on rocks at altitudes of around 1750 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia mixtecorum Ehlers & Koide : It is probably only known from the type location in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia mollis H.Hromadnik & W.Till : It only occurs in the Bolivian Tarija.
  • Tillandsia montana Reitz : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 750 to 800 meters only in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina.
  • Tillandsia mooreana L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of 900 by 1800 meters in the Mexican states of Sonora, Jalisco, Guerrero and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia moronesensis Ehlers : The first description was made in 2000 with a type location in the Sierra Morones. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia moscosoi L.B.Sm. : This endemic occurs in the Dominican Republic only in La Vega and thrives on rocky ground at altitudes of around 1200 meters.
  • Tillandsia muhriae W. Weber : It occurs only in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia multicaulis Steudel (Syn .: Tillandsia caespitosa Schltdl. & Cham. , Tillandsia badendalii Baker , Vriesea caespitosa E. Morren ex Baker , Vriesea badendalii (Baker) Wittm. ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1500 to 2500 meters from the Mexican states Vera Cruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas via Guatemala (Huehuetenango, Alta Verapaz, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Progresso), Belize, Honduras (Comayagua, Morazan), El Salvador (Santa Ana, Sonsonate), Nicaragua (Matagalpa) to Costa Rica ( Alajuela, Heredia, San José, Cartago) and Panama (Chiriqui).
  • Tillandsia myosura Griseb. ex Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia mandonii E. Morren , Tillandsia nappii Lorentz & Niederl. ): It thrives epiphytically in dry locations at altitudes of 700 to 2600 meters in Arequipa in Peru, in Bolivia in Cochabamba, Potosí, Tarija, in Uruguay and in Argentina in Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Mendoza, San Luís, Córdoba.
  • Tillandsia myriantha Baker : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 1,300 to 2,135 meters in Cauca, Colombia, and in Venezuela in Sucre, Anzoategui and Federal District.
Habitus, inflorescence and flowers of Tillandsia neglecta
Habit of Tillandsia novakii with leaves that turn red due to strong sunlight


  • Tillandsia nana Baker : It thrives lithophytically on rock faces at altitudes between 2900 and 3500 meters in Peru and Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia naundorffiae Rauh & Barthlott : It occurs in Zamora and Chinchipe in Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia neglecta E. Pereira : It is probably only known from the type location on Cabo Frio in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. The first description was made in 1971 on the basis of a cultivated specimen.
  • Tillandsia nervata L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in cloud forests at altitudes between 2400 and 2700 meters in Guatemala only in San Marcos.
  • Tillandsia nervisepala (Gilmartin) LBSm. (Syn .: Tillandsia fendleri var. Nervisepala Gilmartin ): It thrives epiphytically in forests in Ecuador only in Loja.
  • Tillandsia nicolasensis Ehlers : It was first described in 2006. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco at altitudes of around 50 meters.
  • Tillandsia × nidus Rauh & Lehmann : It occurs in Mexico.
  • Tillandsia nolleriana Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia novakii H.Luther : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of about 65 meters only in the Mexican state of Veracruz.
  • Tillandsia nuptialis R.Braga & Sucre : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia nuyooensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
Habit, inflorescence and blue flowers of Tillandsia oaxacana
Inflorescence and blue-white flowers of Tillandsia oblivata


  • Tillandsia oaxacana L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia atrococcinea Matuda ): It thrives epiphytically in fir and pine forests at altitudes between 2650 and 3100 meters only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia oblivata L.Hromadnik : It thrives lithophytically on rock faces at altitudes of around 1900 meters in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia occulta H.Luther : It thrives epiphytically in a pine-oak forest at an altitude of about 1100 meters only in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.
  • Tillandsia oerstediana L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia paniculata var. Costaricensis Mez , Tillandsia rubra var. Costaricensis (Mez) Mez , Tillandsia deppeana var. Costaricensis (Mez) LBSm. ): It grows epiphytic in forests at altitudes from 1140 to 1200 meters in Costa Rica (Puntarenas , Cartago) and Panama (Chiridui).
  • Tillandsia olmosana L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia olmosana L.B.Sm. var. olmosana (Syn .: Vriesea olmosana Rauh ): It occurs in Peru.
    • Tillandsia olmosana var. Pachamamae (Rauh) JRGrant (Syn .: Vriesea olmosana var. Pachamamae Rauh ): It thrives on rocks at altitudes between 1200 and 1650 meters in Ecuador only in Azuay.
  • Tillandsia orbicularis L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 2100 and 4000 meters in the Colombian Valle and in Ecuador (Tungurahua, Chimborazo).
  • Tillandsia organensis Ehlers : It is endemic to the Serra dos Órgãos (Organ Pipes Mountains) at altitudes between 1700 and 2100 meters in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia orogenes Standley & LOWilliams: It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1400 and 2200 meters from the Mexican state of Chiapas via Honduras (Intibuca, Morazan, El Paraíso) to Nicaragua (Matagalpa).
  • Tillandsia oropezana L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
  • Tillandsia oroyensis Mez :
    • Tillandsia oroyensis Mez var. Oroyensis : It occurs at altitudes between 800 and 3400 meters in Ecuador (Canar, Azuay) and in Peru (Cajamarca, Libertad, Ancash, Lima, Huanuco, Junín).
    • Tillandsia oroyensis var. Secundiflora Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Ancash.
  • Tillandsia ortgiesiana E. Morren ex Mez : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia oxapampae Rauh & von Bismarck : It occurs only in the Peruvian Pasco.
Illustration of Tillandsia paraensis
Habit, branched inflorescence and blue flowers of Tillandsia parryi
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia paucifolia
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia peiranoi var. Alba in the habitat in Peru
Habit and white flower of Tillandsia plagiotropica
Habit, inflorescence and green flowers of the "gray tillandsia" Tillandsia plumosa
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia propagulifera with kindling in the inflorescence
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia purpurea in the habitat
Habit and branched inflorescence of the large funnel bromeliad Tillandsia rauhii
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia rauschii
Habitus, inflorescence with reddish bracts and red flowers of Tillandsia reclinata


  • Tillandsia pachyaxon L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 2700 and 3000 meters. In Ecuador it occurs only in Azuay-Canar.
  • Tillandsia pacifica Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia paleacea C. Presl :
    • Tillandsia paleacea C. Presl subsp. paleacea (Syn .: Tillandsia fusca Baker , Tillandsia scalarifolia Baker , Tillandsia chilensis Baker , Tillandsiaschenckiana Wittm. , Tillandsia lanata Mez. , Tillandsia favillosa Mez ): It thrives on rocks and in desert sand or in arid areas on trees at altitudes between 0 and 3000 meters. In Colombia it occurs only in Huila, in Peru in San Martin, Ancash, Lima, Huancavelica, Apurimac and Cuzco, and in Bolivia only La Paz.
    • Tillandsia paleacea subsp. apurimacensis W.Till : It occurs only in the Peruvian Apurimac.
    • Tillandsia paleacea subsp. apurimacensis forma disticha W.Till : It occurs only in the Peruvian Apurímac.
  • Tillandsia pallescens Betancur & N.García : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 2950 and 3100 meters in Colombia only in Arauca.
  • Tillandsia pamelae Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia pampasensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Huancavelica.
  • Tillandsia paniculata ( L. ) L .: It thrives epiphytically in arid locations at altitudes between 375 and 500 meters. It occurs only in Hispaniola in southern Haiti and in the Dominican Republic in Azua, Monte Cristi and Santiago.
  • Tillandsia paraensis Mez (Syn .: Vriesea sanctaecrucis S.Moore , Tillandsia sanctaecrucis S.Moore ex Mez , Tillandsia juruana Ule , Tillandsia boliviensis Baker ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 100 and 490 meters. In Colombia it occurs in Vaupés, Amazonas-Vaupes as well as Amazonas; in Venezuela in Bolívar and the Amazon; in Peru in San Martín, Loreta and Huánuco; in Bolivia Pando, La Paz and Santa Cruz; in Brazil in Amazonas, Rondonia and Mato Grosso and it is located in Suriname .
  • Tillandsia paraibensis R.A.Pontes : It was first described in 2012. It thrives in full sun on vertical granite rocks at altitudes of about 240 meters only in the Brazilian state of Paraíba .
  • Tillandsia paraisoensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia pardoi Gouda : It was first described in 2010 in The Bromeliad . It thrives epiphytically on trees at altitudes between 100 and 1600 meters. It occurs in Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Martinique , Puerto Rico and Venezuela in Falcon, Federal District, Aragua, Anzoategui, Monagas and Sucre.
  • Tillandsia parryi Baker ( Tillandsia sueae Ehlers ): It occurs at altitudes of about 2350 meters in the Mexican states of Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato and Hidalgo.
  • Tillandsia parvispica Baker : It occurs in Brazil.
  • Tillandsia pastensis André : It thrives epiphytically in forests or lithophytically in savannah areas at altitudes between 1500 and 3400 meters. In Colombia it occurs in Cundinamarca and Cauca, in Ecuador in Imbabura as well as Pichincha and Peru only in Libertad.
  • Tillandsia patula Mez (Syn .: Vriesea patula (Mez) LBSm ): It occurs at altitudes between 2100 and 2850 meters only in Junín, Peru.
  • Tillandsia paucifolia Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia circinnata sensu Mez, W.Weber, Smith & Downs , Tillandsia yucatana Baker ): It thrives epiphytically in forests and on shrubs at altitudes between 0 and 1500 meters. It is from Florida via Mexico (Sinaloa, Nayarit, Puebla, Colima, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatán), Guatemala (Peten, Zacapa, Chiquimula, Comayagua) to Nicaragua (Nueva Segovia, Carazo, Chontales) and Colombia (Magdalena) as well Venezuela (Nueva Esparta, Distrito Federal, Falcon, Sucre) spreads and occurs in Cuba (on the Isla de Pinos, in Pinar del Río, Camaguey, Oriente), the Bahamas, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands , Caicos Islands as well on Hispaniola.
  • Tillandsia pedicellata (Mez) Castellanos : It occurs in Argentina.
  • Tillandsia peiranoi Castellanos :
    • Tillandsia peiranoi Castellanos var. Peiranoi : It occurs only in Salta, Argentina.
    • Tillandsia peiranoi var. Alba Rutschmann : It occurs only in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia penascoensis Ehlers & Lautner : The first description was in 2004 in The Bromeliad . It thrives lithophytically in dense mats at altitudes between 1800 and 2000 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia penduliscapa (Rauh) JRGrant (Syn .: Vriesea penduliscapa Rauh ): It occurs in Ecuador only in Azuay.
  • Tillandsia pentasticha Rauh & Wülfinghoff : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia pereziana André :
    • Tillandsia pereziana var. Canescens André (Syn .: Vriesea pereziana var. Canescens (André) Gouda ): It occurs at altitudes of about 2050 meters in Colombia only in Valle and in Peru only in the Amazon.
    • Tillandsia pereziana André . Var pereziana (Syn .: Tillandsia pereziana André , Vriesea pereziana . Var pereziana (André) LBSm. , Vriesea pereziana (André) LBSm. ): It comes at altitudes from 2100 to 2550 meters in Colombia only in Cundinamarca ago.
  • Tillandsia peruviana J.R.Grant (Syn .: vriesea sagasteguii L.B.Sm. ): It grows on rocks and on cactus at altitude 1500 to 2000 meters only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia petraea L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Vriesea petraea (LBSm.) LBSm. ): It occurs at altitudes of about 2950 meters in Ecuador only in Oro.
  • Tillandsia pfeufferi Rauh : It occurs only in the Argentinian jujuy .
  • Tillandsia pinicola I. Ramírez & Carnevali : It occurs in the Mexican states of Yucatán and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia pinnatodigitata Mez : It only occurs in the Peruvian Ancash at altitudes between 2400 and 2900 meters.
  • Tillandsia plagiotropica raw weder : It thrives in cloud forests on lake shores at altitudes of 1,300 to 1,640 meters in El Salvador in Ahuachapan and Usulutan.
  • Tillandsia platyphylla Mez : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of around 800 meters only in Cajamarca, Peru.
  • Tillandsia platyrhachis Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia platyrhachis var. Alba Rauh & Hirtz. ):
    • Tillandsia platyrhachis Mez var. Platyrhachis : It thrives in cloud forests at altitudes between 1350 and 1500 meters. It occurs in Colombia (Antioquia) Ecuador (Napo) and Peru (Junín).
    • Tillandsia platyrhachis var. Magnifica Rauh & von Bismarck : It occurs only in the Peruvian Huánuco.
  • Tillandsia plumosa Baker (Syn .: Viridantha plumosa (Baker) Espejo ): It thrives in slightly damp habitats at altitudes between 1300 and 2400 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca and Veracruz.
  • Tillandsia pohliana Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia hilaireana Baker , Tillandsia windhausenii Hassl. Ex Rojas , Tillandsia latisepala (L.) LBSm. ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 750 and 1500 meters. It occurs in Peru (Cuzco), Bolivia (Santa Cruz), Brazil (Ceara, Goias, Mato Grosso, Sao Paulo), Paraguay (San Pedro, Cordillera, Guaira) and Argentina (Salta, Misiones).
  • Tillandsia polita L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia × polita (LBSm.) Emend. Gardner ):
    • Tillandsia polita L.B.Sm. var. polita : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1600 and 1900 meters. It occurs in Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador.
    • Tillandsia polita var. Elongata Ehlers : It occurs at altitudes of about 1900 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia polyantha Mez & Sodiro : It thrives epiphytically in forests at higher altitudes in Ecuador only in Pichincha.
  • Tillandsia polystachia (L.) L. (Syn .: Tillandsia angustifolia Sw. , Tillandsia kunthiana Gaudich. , Tillandsia kunthiana sensu Hemsley , Tillandsia schlumbergeri E. Morren ex André ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 0 and 1800 meters. It is widespread from Florida via Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia and is found in the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Guadelupe, Dominica, Martinique and St.- Vincent before.
  • Tillandsia polzii Ehlers : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia pomacochae Rauh : It thrives in mountain forests at altitudes of around 2100 meters only in Chota, Peru.
  • Tillandsia ponderosa L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in oak and pine forests at altitudes between 2000 and 2700 meters. It occurs in Mexico (Oaxaca, Chiapas), Guatemala (Huehuetenango, El Progreso, Zacapa, Jalapa, Chimaltenengo) and El Salvador (Santa Ana).
  • Tillandsia porongoensis L.Hromadnik & P.Schneider : It only occurs in La Rioja, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia porphyrocraspeda J.R. Grant (Syn .: Vriesea cylindrica L.B.Sm. ): It occurs at altitudes between 200 and 2000 meters in Colombia and Peru.
  • Tillandsia portillae E. Gross & Wülfinghoff : In Ecuador it only occurs in Loja.
  • Tillandsia praschekii Ehlers & Willinger: This local endemic occurs only in the Cuban province of Pinar del Río, about 40 km away from Los Hoyos. It thrives lithophytically on rocks at altitudes between 200 and 300 meters.
  • Tillandsia pretiosa Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia cyanea var. Elatior L.B.Sm. ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of about 900 meters in Ecuador only in Pichincha.
  • Tillandsia pringlei S. Watson : It occurs in the Mexican states of San Luis Potosí, Queretaro and Hidalgo.
  • Tillandsia prodigiosa (Lem.) Baker (Syn .: Vriesea prodigiosa Lem. , Tillandsia cossonii Baker , Tillandsia hromadnikiana Ehlers ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1100 and 2500 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Sinaloa, Durango, Jalisco, Puebla, Morelos, Mexico, Michoacan and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia propagulifera Rauh : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of around 450 meters only in the Peruvian Libertad.
  • Tillandsia pruinosa Swartz (Syn .: Tillandsia breviscapa A.Rich. , Tillandsia tortilis Klotzsch ex Beer ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 0 and 1200 meters. It is widespread from Florida to Central America and the Caribbean Islands to Brazil.
  • Tillandsia pseudobaileyi Gardner :
    • Tillandsia pseudobaileyi Gardner subsp. pseudobaileyi : It occurs at altitudes between 95 and 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
    • Tillandsia pseudobaileyi forma alba H.Takizawa : It thrives epiphytically in sunny locations at altitudes of about 600 meters Honduras only in Lempira.
    • Tillandsia pseudobaileyi subsp. yucatanensis I. Ramírez, Carnevali & Olmsted : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Campeche.
  • Tillandsia pseudocardenasii W.Weber : It occurs only in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia pseudomacbrideana Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia pseudomicans Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Apurímac.
  • Tillandsia pseudomontana W. Weber & Ehlers : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina.
  • Tillandsia pseudooaxacana Ehlers : The first description was in 2006 in The Bromeliad . It thrives in the cloud forest at altitudes between 2100 and 2500 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia pseudosetacea Ehlers & Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia pueblensis L.B.Sm. : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of about 1650 meters in the Mexican states of Puebla and Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia punctulata Schltdl. & Cham. (Syn .: Tillandsia tricolor sensu E. Morren , Tillandsia melanopus E. Morren ex Mez ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 350 and 2000 meters. It is in Central America from Mexico (Vera Cruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas) to Guatemala (Huehuetenango, Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Izabal, San Marcos, Zacapa Chiquimula, Jalapa), Belize, Honduras (Comayagua, Morazan) El Salvador (Santa Ana) and Costa Rica (Alajuela, Cartago) to Panama (Chiriqui) widespread.
  • Tillandsia purpurascens Rauh : It thrives epiphytically in woodland at altitudes of about 3000 meters only in the Peruvian Piura.
  • Tillandsia purpurea Ruiz & Pavón (Syn .: Tillandsia azurea C. Presl , Tillandsia scoparia Willd. Ex Schult.f. , Tillandsia longibracteata Meyen ): It thrives on sand, rocks and in xerophytic vegetation at altitudes between 0 and 900 meters. It occurs in Ecuador only in Loja and Peru in Piura, Cajamarca, Amazonas, Libertad, Ancash, Huánuco, Apurímac and Arequipa.
  • Tillandsia pyramidata André :
    • Tillandsia pyramidata André var. Pyramidata : It thrives epiphytically in forests and on open rocky slopes at altitudes between 2000 and 2600 meters. It occurs in Venezuela (Bolívar), Colombia (Nariño), Ecuador (Loja), Peru (Huánuco, Junín, Apurímac, Cuzco) and Bolivia (La Paz).
    • Tillandsia pyramidata var. Vivipara Rauh : It thrives terrestrially at altitudes of about 2600 meters only in Junín, Peru.


  • Tillandsia quaquaflorifera Matuda : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia queroensis Gilmartin (Syn .: Tillandsia chartacea var. Peruviana L.B.Sm. ): It thrives terrestrially on rocky slopes at altitudes between 2500 and 2800 meters in Ecuador only in Tungurahua.
Habitus, inflorescence with reddish bracts and white flowers of Tillandsia recurvifolia
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsiareichenbachii in the habitat
Habitus and inflorescences of Tillandsia recurvata in the habitat, typical are, for example, the pads on power lines or telephone lines.
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia rodrigueziana in the habitat
Grassy habit of Tillandsia remota in the habitat
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia roland-gosselinii
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia rothii


  • Tillandsia raackii H.Luther : It occurs at altitudes of about 1900 meters in Ecuador only in Zamora chinchipe.
  • Tillandsia racinae L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 900 meters in Colombia only in Tolima.
  • Tillandsia ramellae W.Till & S.Till : In Paraguay it occurs only in Chaco.
  • Tillandsia rangelensis Hechav. : It occurs at altitudes of around 540 meters only in western Cuba.
  • Tillandsia rariflora André : It occurs at altitudes of around 1790 meters in Colombia only in Caldas.
  • Tillandsia rauhii L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia rauhii L.B.Sm. var. rauhii : It occurs at altitudes of about 700 meters only in the Peruvian Piura.
    • Tillandsia rauhii var. Longispica Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Lambayeque.
  • Tillandsia rauschii Rauh & Lehmann : It occurs only in Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia rayonesensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Nuevo León.
  • Tillandsia reclinata E. Pereira & Martinelli : It occurs in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Municipio de petropolis, Vale das Videiras, Morro do Cuca and Pico do Pindoba.
  • Tillandsia rectangula Baker : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes of around 500 meters. It occurs in Bolivia (Tarija) and Argentina (Catamarca, Santago del Estero, San Luís, Córdoba).
  • Tillandsia × rectifolia ( CAWiley ) H.Luther : It occurs only in Mexico.
  • Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. (all described varieties and forms are synonymous with Tillandsia recurvata ): It thrives epiphytically on trees, cacti, telephone lines, roofs ... at altitudes between 0 and 3000 meters. It is probably the most widespread of all Tillandia species and occurs from Florida via Mexico, Central America and many Caribbean islands in large parts of South America to Chile and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia recurvifolia Hook. (Syn .: Tillandsia meridionalis sensu LBSm. Etc., Tillandsia stricta var. Paraguariensis Hassl. ): It occurs in Brazil (state of Minas Gerais), Paraguay (Asunción) and Argentina (provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Santa Fe , Corrientes, Missiones) in front.
  • Tillandsia recurvispica L.Hromadnik & P.Schneider : In Bolivia it only occurs in Cochabamba.
  • Tillandsia reducta L.B.Sm. : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of about 2600 meters in the Peruvian Libertad.
  • Tillandsia regina Baker non Vellozo : It thrives at altitudes between 95 and 250 meters in Venezuela only in the Amazon and in Colombia.
  • Tillandsia reichenbachii Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia duratii subsp. Reichenbachii (Baker) JJHalda ): It grows epiphytic in forests at altitudes between 200 and 2000 meters. It occurs in Bolivia (Santa Cruz, Tarija, Chuquisaca) and Argentina (Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Formosa).
  • Tillandsia remota Wittm. : It thrives epiphytically in open locations at altitudes between 186 and 1000 meters. It occurs from Mexico (Sinaloa, Vera Cruz, Oaxaca) via Guatemala (Departamentos Zacapa, Suchitepéquez , Escuintla) to El Salvador (Ahuachapan, Santa Ana, Sonsonate, Libertad, San Salvador, La Paz).
  • Tillandsia restrepoana André : It thrives at altitudes between 2050 and 2730 meters in Colombia (Boyaca, Cundinamarca, Valle) and in Cajamarca in Peru.
  • Tillandsia retorta Griseb. ex Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia caespitosa Gillies ex Baker ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 600 and 1000 meters in the Argentine provinces of Salta, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Mendoza, San Luís, Córdoba and Buenos Aires.
  • Tillandsia reuteri Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia reversa L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes between 2700 and 3500 meters in Colombia (only in Santander), Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tillandsia rhodocephala Ehlers & Koide : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia rhodosticta L.B.Sm. : It occurs in Ecuador only in Cuenca.
  • Tillandsia rhomboidea André (Syn .: Tillandsia acostae Mez & Tonduz ex Mez ): It occurs at altitudes between 7500 and 1300 meters in Chiapas, Mexico, in Guatemala (Jalapa), Costa Rica (Alajuela), Venezuela (Falcon, Táchira) and Colombia ( Valle).
  • Tillandsia robusta Griseb. (Syn .: Vriesea robusta (Griseb.) LBSm. ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1200 and 3000 meters in Venezuela and Colombia.
  • Tillandsia rodrigueziana Mez : It thrives epiphytically in open locations or lithophytically on steep walls at altitudes between 1200 and 2100 meters. It occurs in Mexico (Oaxaca, Chiapas), Guatemala (Baja Veracruz, Sacatepepequez, Chimaltenango, Solola, Santa Rosa), Honduras (Tegucigalpa), Ee Salvador (Santa Ana, Morazan) and Nicaragua (Jinotega).
  • Tillandsia roezlii E. Morren (Syn .: Tillandsia roezlii hort. Linden , Tillandsia piurensis L.B.Sm. ): It occurs at altitudes of about 2000 meters in Junín and Piura, Peru.
  • Tillandsia rohdenardini T. Strehl : It was first published in 2005 from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia roland-gosselinii Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia maritima Matuda ): It occurs at altitudes of about 400 meters only in the Mexican state of Colima.
  • Tillandsia romeroi L.B.Sm. :
    • Tillandsia romeroi var. Gruberi Rauh : It occurs only in Colombia.
    • Tillandsia romeroi L.B.Sm. var. romeroi : It occurs at altitudes of about 2800 meters in Colombia only in Magdalena.
  • T illandsia rosacea L.Hromadnik & W.Till : It occurs at altitudes of around 450 meters in the Bolivian Department of Santa Cruz.
  • Tillandsia rosarioae L.Hromadnik : It thrives lithophytically on rock faces at altitudes of around 1900 meters only in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia roseiflora Ehlers & W.Weber : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia roseoscapa Matuda : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia roseospicata Matuda : It thrives epiphytically in oak forests at altitudes of about 2000 meters only in the Mexican state of Mexico.
  • Tillandsia rothii Rauh (Syn .: Tillandsia lambrostachya Philcox & Psomodakis ): It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia rotundata (LBSmith) Gardner (Syn .: Tillandsia fasciculata var. Rotundata L.B.Sm. ): It occurs at altitudes between 1400 and 2500 meters from Chiapas in Mexico via Guatemala to Honduras.
  • Tillandsia rubella Baker : It occurs at altitudes between 2200 and 3400 meters in Ecuador (Imbabura), Peru (Ancash, Apurimac, Cuzco) and Bolivia (Cochabamba).
  • Tillandsia rubia L. Colgan : It occurs at altitudes between 2800 and 3000 meters in La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia rubrispica Ehlers & Koide : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia rubroviolacea Rauh : It thrives lithophytically on dry rocks at altitudes of about 1300 meters only in the Ecuadorian Loja.
  • Tillandsia rudolfii E. Gross & Hase : It occurs at altitudes of around 2700 meters only in Azuay, Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia rupicola Baker : It thrives terrestrially at altitudes of around 2700 meters in Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia rusbyi Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia ulei Mez , Tillandsia buchtienii Rauh , Tillandsia guentheri Harms ): It thrives on rocks and on rock faces at altitudes between 850 and 3600 meters in La Paz in Bolivia and Omasuyos.
Habitus and inflorescences of Tillandsia schiedeana in the habitat
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia seleriana in the habitat
Illustration of Tillandsia sigmoidea
Habit, inflorescence and blue flowers of Tillandsia sphaerocephala
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia straminea in the habitat
Inflorescence with pink flowers of Tillandsia streptocarpa
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia streptophylla , a specialty for bromeliads are the climbing leaves
Habitus, inflorescence with pink bracts and blue flowers of Tillandsia stricta
Habit, inflorescences and flowers of Tillandsia sucrei


  • Tillandsia sagasteguii L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of about 2600 meters only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia salmonea Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia samaipatensis W.Till : It occurs only in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia sangii Ehlers : It occurs only in Pasto at altitudes between 2500 and 3000 meters in Colombia.
  • Tillandsia santieusebii Morillo & Oliva-Esteva : It thrives epiphytically in moist, highly diverse cloud forests at altitudes between 2100 and 2400 meters only in the Venezuelan state of Mérida .
  • Tillandsia santosiae Ehlers : It occurs at altitudes of about 250 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia scaposa Ehlers (Syn .: Tillandsia ionantha var. Scaposa L.B.Sm. ): She received the rank of one in 2000 in Die Bromeliad . It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 1500 and 1950 meters. It is widespread in Central America from Mexico to Guatemala and in San Salvador and Honduras.
  • Tillandsia sceptriformis Mez & Sodiro ex Mez : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of about 2500 meters in Ecuador only in Cotopaxi.
  • Tillandsia schatzlii Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia schiedeana Steudel ( Tillandsia vestita Schltdl. & Chamisso , Tillandsia flavescens Mart. & Galeotti , Tillandsia caerulea sensu Griseb. , Tillandsia grisebachii Baker , Tillandsia eggersii Baker ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 50 and 1800 meters. It is distributed from Mexico through Central America and the Greater Antilles to Venezuela.
  • Tillandsia schimperiana Wittm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1800 and 3000 meters. It occurs in Colombia, Ecuador only in Napo and Peru only in Junín.
  • Tillandsia schreiteri Lillo & A.Cast. : It only occurs in Tucumán, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia schultzei Harms : It only occurs in Tucumán, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia schunkei L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in dry forests at altitudes between 600 and 800 meters only in the Peruvian Tumbes.
  • Tillandsia schusteri Rauh : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia secunda Kunth (Syn .: Tillandsia secunda var. Vivipara roughness ):
    • Tillandsia secunda var. Major Rauh : It occurs in Ecuador only in Azuay.
    • Tillandsia secunda Kunth var. Secunda : It occurs at altitudes between 2000 and 3500 meters in Ecuador in Carchi, Imbubura, Pichincha, Tungurahua, Bolivar and Azuay.
  • Tillandsia are eliana E.Pereira : It comes only in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina ago.
  • Tillandsia seleriana Mez : It thrives epiphytically in pine and oak forests at altitudes between 270 and 2100 meters. It is spread from Mexico (Michoacan, Chiapas) via Guatemala (Departamentos Quiche, Huehuetenango, Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Zacapa, Jalapa, Chimaltenango, Escuintla) to El Salvador (Santa Ana).
  • Tillandsia selleana Harms : It thrives at altitudes between 600 and 1490 meters only on the islands of Jamaica and Hispaniola.
  • Tillandsia sessemocinoi López-Ferrari & Espejo & P.Blanco : It occurs in the Mexican states of Michoacán, Jalisco, Mexico and Morelos.
  • Tillandsia setacea Swartz : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 0 and 800 meters. It occurs from Florida to Mexico to Guatemala and on the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico and in the Brazilian state of Pará.
  • Tillandsia setiformis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia sierrahalensis Espejo & López-Ferrari : It thrives epiphytically in oak and pine-oak forests at altitudes of around 1500 meters. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia sierra-juarezensis Matuda : It thrives epiphytically in cloud forests at altitudes between 2000 and 2300 meters. It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia sigmoidea L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 180 and 3000 meters only in the Colombian Magdalena.
  • Tillandsia × smalliana H.Luther : It occurs only in Florida.
  • Tillandsia socialis L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia vernardoi Rauh ): It occurs at altitudes of about 1200 meters only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia sodiroi Mez : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 2900 and 3500 meters in Ecuador only in Pichincha.
  • Tillandsia somnians L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 600 meters only in the Peruvian Lurin.
  • Tillandsia spathacea Mez & Sodiro : It occurs in Ecuador only in Pichincha.
  • Tillandsia sphaerocephala Baker :
    • Tillandsia sphaerocephala Baker var. Sphaerocephala : It occurs at altitudes between 950 and 3550 meters in Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba) and Argentina (Jujuy, Tucumán).
    • Tillandsia sphaerocephala var. Tarijensis Ehlers & L.Hromadnik : It occurs in Bolivia only in Tarija.
  • Tillandsia spiraliflora Rauh : It occurs only in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Tillandsia spiralipetala Gouda ( Tillandsia tricholepis var. Macrophylla L.B.Sm. ): It was first described as a variety by LB Smith in 1986 and in the same year Gouda gave it the rank of a species. It occurs in Bolivia and Peru.
  • Tillandsia sprengeliana Klotzsch ex Mez (Syn .: Tillandsia purpurea Spreng. , Tillandsia sprengelianum Klotzsch ex Beer , Tillandsia brachyphylla Baker ): It occurs only in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. This rare species thrives in the Atlantic rainforest and in the cerrado. It was in the Cites Appendix II from 1992 and was removed from this list in March 2013 because no evidence could be provided that this species was traded in the last.
  • Tillandsia standleyi L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1450 and 2350 meters in Guatemala as well as Alta Verapaz, Zacapa and in Honduras in Santa Bárbara and Morazan.
  • Tillandsia steiropoda L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 1200 meters in Honduras only in Tegucigalpa.
  • Tillandsia stellifera L.Hromadnik : It thrives on rocky slopes and steep rock faces at altitudes between 2,700 and 3,000 meters only in Ancash, Peru.
  • Tillandsia × stenlanata : It occurs at altitudes of 95 to 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia stenoura Harms :
    • Tillandsia stenoura var. Mauroi Gilmartin : It occurs at altitudes of 3000 to 3500 meters in Peru only in Libertad.
    • Tillandsia stenoura Harms var. Stenoura ( Tillandsia arguta L.B.Sm. ): It grows epiphytic and terrestrial in forests at altitudes from 2,700 to 3,350 meters in Ecuador (Cotopaxi, Azuay, Azuay-Canar), Peru (Amazonas, Ancash, Huanuco) and Bolivia (Cochabamba).
    • Tillandsia stenoura var. Tripinnata (LBSm.) LBSm. (Syn .: Tillandsia deppeana var. Tripinnata L.B.Sm. , Tillandsia stenoura var. Gonzalezii Gilmartin ): It occurs at altitudes between 2300 and 2400 meters in the Peruvian San Martín and Huánuco.
  • Tillandsia stipitata L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes of 2900 to 3000 meters in Venezuela only in Táchira.
  • Tillandsia stoltenii R. Ehlers : It was first described in 2014 on the basis of a cultivated specimen in Die Bromelie , 2014, 3, pp. 118-122. The few sites are on both sides of the border between Mexico and Guatemala.
  • Tillandsia straminea Kunth (Syn .: Tillandsia heptantha Ruiz & Pavon ): It occurs in Peru and Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia streptocarpa Baker : There are two varieties:
    • Tillandsia streptocarpa var. Aureiflora Rauh : It occurs only in the Bolivian Cochabamba.
    • Tillandsia streptocarpa Baker var. Streptocarpa (Syn .: Tillandsia soratensis Baker , Tillandsia soratensis Baker , Tillandsia tricholepis Baker , Tillandsia Bakeriana Britton , Tillandsia condensata Baker , Tillandsia streptocarpa var. Peruviana Ule , Tillandsia apoloensis Rusby , Tillandsia streptocarpa var. Pungens Chodat & Vischer , Tillandsia streptocarpa . var filifolia . Hassl , Tillandsia duratii subsp. streptocarpa (Baker) JJHalda ): It comes at altitudes from 60 to 2,300 meters in Peru (Amazonas, Ayacucho, Apurímac, Cuzco), Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz) , Brazil (Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul) and Paraguay (El Chaco).
  • Tillandsia streptophylla Scheidw. ex E. Morren (Syn .: Tillandsia circinnata Schltdl. , Tillandsia tortilis Brongn. ex E. Morren ): It occurs at altitudes between 0 and 825 meters from Mexico via Guatemala and Belize to Honduras and Nicaragua.
  • Tillandsia stricta Solander :
    • Tillandsia stricta var. Albifolia H.Hrom. & Rauh : It only occurs in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo.
    • Tillandsia stricta var. Disticha L.B.Sm. : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Paraná.
    • Tillandsia stricta forma nivea Leme : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
    • Tillandsia stricta Solander var. Stricta (Syn .: Tillandsia monostachya Bartram , Tillandsia conspersa Miq. , Tillandsia krameri Baker , Tillandsia monostachya Vaillant ex Baker , Tillandsia langsdorffii Mez , Tillandsia stricta var. Krameri André) : It grows epiphytic in forests at altitudes between 0 and 1,680 meters in Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia strobeliae (Rauh) JRGrant (Syn .: Vriesea strobeliae Rauh ): It thrives on steep rock faces in Ecuador only in Azuay.
  • Tillandsia subconcolor L.B.Sm. : It only thrives epiphytically in Cuzco, Peru.
  • Tillandsia subinflata L.B.Sm. : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia subsecundifolia (W.Weber & Ehlers) Gouda ( Tillandsia recurvifolia var. Subsecundifolia ( W.Weber & Ehlers) W.Till ; it is not a synonym of Tillandsia leonamiana E.Pereira ): It received the rank of a species in 2012.
  • Tillandsia subteres H.Luther : It occurs in Honduras only in Francisco Morazon.
  • Tillandsia subulifera Mez : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 50 and 200 meters in the Panama Canal Zone and in Venezuela (Sucre, Táchira) and in Trinidad.
  • Tillandsia sucrei E.Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. It is endemic to the Atlantic rainforest. It only thrives on rock faces that are difficult to reach; according to IBAMA , this shouldprotect it sufficiently from being picked up. It was in the Cites Appendix II from 1992 and was removed from this list in March 2013 because no evidence could be provided that this species was traded in the last.
  • Tillandsia suescana L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes between 2400 and 2700 meters in Colombia in Norte de Santander and Santander and in Venezuela only in Táchira.
  • Tillandsia suesilliae Espejo, López-Ferrari & W.Till : It occurs only in the Mexican states of San Luis Potosí and Hidalgo.
  • Tillandsia superba Mez & Sodiro : It occurs only in Pichincha at altitudes between 2000 and 2900 meters in Ecuador.
  • Tillandsia superinsignis Matuda : It occurs at an altitude of about 1700 meters only in the Mexican state of Mexico.
  • Tillandsia supermexicana Matuda :
    • Tillandsia supermexicana var. Pendula L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
    • Tillandsia supermexicana var. Saxicola L.Hromadnik : It is well known only from the type of location in the Mexican state of Guerrero at an altitude of about 2000 meters.
    • Tillandsia supermexicana Matuda var. Supermexicana : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
Habit and leaves with suction scales of Tillandsia tectorum
Habit, inflorescence and white flowers of Tillandsia tenuifolia
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia teres
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia tricolor
Habit with Kindel of Tillandsia trigalensis


  • Tillandsia takizawae Ehlers & H.Luther : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia taxcoensis Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Morelos.
  • Tillandsia tecpanensis Ehlers & Lautner : It was first described in 2011 in The Bromeliad . It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 1250 and 2600 meters. It occurs in Guatemala in the departments of San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango, Chimaltenango, Totonicapá, Chimaltenango and Quiche.
  • Tillandsia tectorum E. Morren :
    • Tillandsia tectorum var. Globosa L.Hromadnik : It thrives on exposed, steep rock faces at altitudes between 700 and 2100 meters in Ecuador and Peru.
    • Tillandsia tectorum E. Morren var. Tectorum : It thrives at altitudes between 95 and 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
    • Tillandsia tectorum var. Tectorum forma gigantea L.Hromadnik : It thrives on rocks at altitudes between 1500 and 2400 meters only in the Ecuadorian Ozuay.
    • Tillandsia tectorum var. Viridula L.Hromadnik : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 1400 and 2100 meters only in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Tillandsia tehuacana I. Ramírez & Carnevali : It occurs at altitudes between 2000 and 2220 meters only in the Mexican state of Puebla.
  • Tillandsia teloloapanensis Ehlers & Lautner : The first description was in 2009 in The Bromeliad . It thrives lithophytically with strong roots in steep rock faces at altitudes of about 1500 meters only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia tenebra L.Hromadnik & W.Till ( Tillandsia myosura var. Saxicola Hieronymus ex Castellanos ): It occurs only in La Rioja, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia tenuifolia L .:
    • Tillandsia tenuifolia var. Disticha (LBSm.) LBSm. (Syn .: Tillandsia pulchella var. Disticha L.B.Sm. ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 0 and 1800 meters only in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo.
    • Tillandsia tenuifolia var. Dungsiana E.Pereira : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
    • Tillandsia tenuifolia var. Saxicola (LBSm.) LBSm. (Syn .: Tillandsia pulchella var. Saxicola L.B.Sm. ): It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of about 100 meters in the Brazilian states of Guanabara and Sao Paulo.
    • Tillandsia tenuifolia L. var. Tenuifolia (Syn .: Tillandsia pulchra Hook. , Tillandsia pulchella Hook. , Tillandsia subulata Vell. , Tillandsia stricta var. Caulescens Baker , Tillandsia astragaloides Mez , Tillandsia pseudostricta Chodat & Visch. , Tillandsia tenuifolia var. Surinamensis ( .. miq ex Mez) LBSm , Tillandsia pernambucensis E.Pereira , Tillandsia tenuifolia var. strobiliformis Ehlers ): It grows epiphytic in forests at altitudes from 350 to 2500 meters. It is widespread in the Neotropics.
    • Tillandsia tenuifolia var. Vaginata (Wawra) LBSm. (Syn .: Tillandsia amoena Lodd. , Tillandsia triflora Vell. , Tillandsia dianthoidea Schott ex Wawra , Tillandsia pityphylla Mart. Ex Schult.f. , Tillandsia pulchra var. Vaginata Wawra , Tillandsia pulchella var. Pityphylla (Mart. Ex Schult.f. ) Mez , Tillandsia pulchella var. Vaginata Wawra , Tillandsia brachypodia (Morr.) Mez , Tillandsia cyanescens Mez , Tillandsia candida Leme ): It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 0 and 900 meters. It occurs in Martinique, in Jamaica only in St. Andrew, in Brazil and Paraguay.
  • Tillandsia tequendamae (André) LBSm. (Syn .: Vriesea tequendamae (André) LBSm ): It thrives in forests at altitudes between 1200 and 3100 meters in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tillandsia teres L.B.Sm. : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes between 750 and 800 meters only in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia thiekenii Ehlers : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Tillandsia thyrsigera E. Morren ex Baker : It occurs at altitudes between 1700 and 2300 meters only in the Mexican state of Mexico.
  • Tillandsia tillandsioides (LBSmith) JRGrant (Syn .: Vriesea tillandsioides L.B.Sm. ): It thrives at altitudes between 95 and 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
  • Tillandsia tillii Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia tomekii L.Hromadnik : It thrives in vertical rock faces at altitudes of around 2400 meters only in Ancash, Peru.
  • Tillandsia tonalaensis Ehlers : It occurs at altitudes between 1550 and 1750 meters only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia toropiensis Rauh : It occurs only in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia tortilis Klotzsch ex Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia tortilis subsp. Curvifolia Ehlers & Rauh ): It usually thrives in large groups in the highlands at altitudes between 1850 and 2250 meters. It occurs in the Mexican states of Aguascalientes, Durango, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi and Zacatecas.
  • Tillandsia tovarensis Mez ( Tillandsia spiculosa Griseb. , Tillandsia arnoldiana Harms ): It thrives epiphytically in cloud and cloud forests at altitudes between 1500 and 3100 meters. It occurs in Colombia only in Antioquia, in Venezuela in Sucre, Monagas and Distrito Federal, in Ecuador only in Loja, in Peru in Lambayeque, Cajamarca, Amazonas, Junin and Apurimac and in Bolivia only in La Paz.
  • Tillandsia tragophoba Dillon : It occurs only in Antofagasta, Chile.
  • Tillandsia trauneri L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
  • Tillandsia trelawniensis Proctor : This endemic occurs in northwestern Jamaica only in the district of Trelawny .
  • Tillandsia tricholepis Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia bryoides Griseb. Ex Baker , Tillandsia tricholepis var. Argentea Hassl. ): It occurs at altitudes between 0 and 2500 meters in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
  • Tillandsia tricolor Schltdl. & Chamisso :
    • Tillandsia tricolor Schltdl. & Chamisso var. Tricolor (Syn .: Tillandsia complanata sensu E. Morren , Tillandsia acroleuca Mez & Purpus ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 750 and 2300 meters. It occurs in Mexico (Vera Cruz), Guatemala (Departamentos San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Suchitepéquez) and Costa Rica (Cartago).
    • Tillandsia tricolor var. Picta (LBSm.) LBSm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1200 and 1400 meters. It occurs in Guatemala (Zacapa Department), Honduras (Comayagua, Paraiso), Nicaragua (Jinotega) and Costa Rica (Puntarenas).
  • Tillandsia trigalensis Ehlers : It occurs in Guatemala only in the Quiche department.
  • Tillandsia truxillana L.B.Sm. : It occurs in the Peruvian Libertad at altitudes of about 3000 meters.
  • Tillandsia turneri Baker :
    • Tillandsia turneri var. Orientalis L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia rhodocincta Baker , Tillandsia multifolia Mez ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 1320 and 2300 meters. It occurs in Venezuela (Bolivar, Amazonas) and Brazil (Rio Branco, Amazonas).
    • Tillandsia turneri var. Patens L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes of about 3000 meters in Venezuela only in Tachira.
    • Tillandsia turneri Baker var. Turneri (Syn .: Tillandsia archeri L.B.Sm. ): It grows epiphytic in forests at altitudes from 2700 to 3650 meters. It occurs in Colombia (Norte de Santander, Santander, Boyaca, Cundinamarca) and Venezuela (Tachira).
  • Tillandsia turquinensis Willinger & Michlek : This endemic occurs in Cuba only in the province of Santiago de Cuba .
Tillandsia usneoides with its single flower


  • Tillandsia ulrici Ehlers : It only occurs in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia ultima L.B.Sm. : It occurs only at altitudes of about 3000 meters in the Colombian Magdalena.
  • Tillandsia umbellata André : It occurs at altitudes between 2200 and 2400 meters in Ecuador only in Loja.
  • Tillandsia usneoides (L.) L. (all forms and varieties described are synonyms of Tillandsia usneoides L.): It is widespread from the southern USA through Central America and the Caribbean islands to Chile. There are the common names Louisiana moss and Spanish moss.
  • Tillandsia utriculata L .:
    • Tillandsia utriculata L. subsp. utriculata :
    • Tillandsia utriculata L. subsp. utriculata forma utriculata ( Tillandsia wilsonii S. Watson ): It occurs at altitudes between 95 and 250 meters in Colombia and in Venezuela only in the Amazon.
    • Tillandsia utriculata subsp. utriculata forma variegata H.Luther : It occurs only in Florida.
Habit and inflorescence of Tillandsia verapazana
Habit, inflorescence and white flowers of Tillandsia vernicosa
Habit, inflorescence and blue flowers of Tillandsia vicentina in the habitat
Habit, inflorescence and light green flowers of Tillandsia viridiflora
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia xerographica
Habitus and inflorescence of Tillandsia xiphioides in the habitat epiphytic on columnar cactus


  • Tillandsia × van-den-bergii Ehlers & Hase = Tillandsia variabilis Schltdl. × Tillandsia incurva Griseb. : It occurs only at altitudes of about 1100 meters in Costa Rica only in San Jose.
  • Tillandsia variabilis Schltdl. (Syn .: Tillandsia valenzuelana R.Richard , Tillandsia laxa Griseb. ): It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 0 and 2200 meters. It is widespread from southern Florida to the Greater Antilles and from southern Mexico to Venezuela and Bolivia.
  • Tillandsia velickiana L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia feldhoffii Ehlers ): It occurs in Guatemala.
  • Tillandsia velutina Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia ventanaensis Ehlers & Koide : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Durango.
  • Tillandsia venusta Mez & Wercklé : It occurs at altitudes of about 600 meters in Costa Rica only in Cartago and in Ecuador in Los Rios, Pichincha and Canar.
  • Tillandsia verapazana Ehlers : It occurs in Guatemala only in Baja Verapaz.
  • Tillandsia vernicosa Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia drepanophylla Baker , Tillandsia polyphylla Baker ): It thrives in dry forests at altitudes between 55 and 2550 meters. It occurs in Santa Cruz in Bolivia, in Paraguay in Boqueron and Cordillera and in Argentina in Jujuy, Formosa, Chaco and Corrientes.
  • Tillandsia vicentina Standl. :
    • Tillandsia vicentina Standley var. Vicentina : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 1400 and 2700 meters. It comes from the Mexican state of Oaxaca and Chiapas via Guatemala in the departments of Quiche, Baja Verapaz, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Zacapa, Jalapa, Guatemala, Sacatepéquez , Suchitepéquez as well as Chimaltenango, Honduras only in Morazan to El Salvador Santa Ana and Sonsonate, only in Matagalpa and Nicaragua in front.
    • Tillandsia vicentina var. Glabra L.B.Sm. (Syn .: Tillandsia vicentina var. Wuelfinghoffii E. Gross . ): It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia violacea Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia foliosa sensu Baker ): It thrives at altitudes between 1350 and 3100 meters in the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Vera Cruz, Puebla, Morelos, Mexico, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas.
  • Tillandsia violaceiflora L.Hromadnik : It was first described in 2012 in The Bromeliad . It thrives at altitudes of around 1500 meters in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia violascens Mez : It grows epiphytically in cloud and cloud forests at altitudes between 2700 and 3500 meters in Huancavelica in Peru and in Bolivia in La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.
  • Tillandsia virescens Ruiz & Pavón (Syn .: Tillandsia capillaris forma cordobensis (Hieron.) LBSm. , Tillandsia capillaris forma virescens . (Ruiz & Pav) LBSm. , Tillandsia propinqua Gay , Tillandsia recurvata sensu Griseb. , Tillandsia cordobensis Hieron. , Tillandsia stolpi Phil. , Tillandsia dependens Hieron. Ex Mez , Tillandsia williamsii Rusby , Tillandsia virescens var. Sanzini (Hicken) Castellanos , Tillandsia tomasii J.J. Halda ): It occurs in arid locations at altitudes between 500 and 4000 meters in Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina in front.
  • Tillandsia viridiflora (Beer) Baker (Syn .: Tillandsia billbergiae (Lem.) Baker , Tillandsia orizabensis Baker , Tillandsia longiflora Sessé & Moç. , Tillandsia virginalis sensu Wittm. , Tillandsia grandis sensu Mez ): The first description was based on a seed from Mexico specimen cultivated in Graz. It occurs at altitudes between 900 and 1200 meters in the Mexican states of San Luis Potosi and Vera Cruz in Guatemala only in San Marcos and in Nicaragua only in Matagalpa.
  • Tillandsia vriesioides Matuda : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Chiapas.


  • Tillandsia wagneriana L.B.Sm. : It occurs at altitudes between 0 and 800 meters only in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Tillandsia walter-richteri W.Weber : It occurs in Bolivia only in Tarija.
  • Tillandsia walteri Mez :
    • Tillandsia walteri Mez var. Walteri : It occurs at altitudes between 2450 and 4050 meters in Ecuador only in Azuay, in Peru (Cajamarca, Amazonas, Huancavelica) and in Bolivia only in Cochabamba.
    • Tillandsia walteri var. Herrerae (Harms) Rauh (Syn .: Tillandsia herrerae Harms ): It thrives epiphytically in Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tillandsia weberi L.Hromadnik & P.Schneider : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
  • Tillandsia welzii Ehlers : In Guatemala it only occurs in quiche.
  • Tillandsia werdermannii Harms : It occurs only in Tacna in Peru.
  • Tillandsia werneriana J.R.Grant (Syn .: vriesea rauhii LBSm. ): You only occurs at altitudes of about 700 meters in the Peruvian Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia × wilinskii Gouda = Tillandsia flexuosa Swartz × Tillandsia funckiana Baker : It occurs in Venezuela.
  • Tillandsia winkleri T.Strehl : It only thrives on sandstone walls in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Tillandsia × wisdomiana Isley : It occurs in Guatemala only in El Rancho.
  • Tillandsia wuelfinghoffii Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia wurdackii L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 2900 and 3150 meters only in the Peruvian Amazon.


  • Tillandsia xerographica Rohweder (Syn .: Tillandsia kruseana Matuda , Tillandsia tomasellii De Luca, Sabato & Balduzzi ): It usually thrives epiphytically or rarely terrestrially at altitudes between 200 and 600 meters in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, in Guatemala (Progreso, Zacapa) and in El Salvador (Sonata, Libertad).
    • Tillandsia xerographica forma variegata Moffler : It occurs only in Guatemala.
  • Tillandsia xiphioides Ker-Gawler :
    • Tillandsia xiphioides var. Lutea L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in the Bolivian Chuquisaca.
    • Tillandsia xiphioides var. Minor L.Hromadnik : It occurs only in San Luis, Argentina.
    • Tillandsia xiphioides subsp. prolata H.Luther : It only occurs in La Paz, Bolivia.
    • Tillandsia xiphioides var. Tafiensis L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically at altitudes between 2000 and 3000 meters only in Tucuman, Argentina.
    • Tillandsia xiphioides Ker-Gawler var. Xiphioides : It comes in dry locations at altitudes from 700 to 2,600 meters in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Brazil Rio Grande do Sul, in Uruguay only in San Jose and in the Argentine Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Mendoza and Cordoba before .
    • Tillandsia xiphioides Ker-Gawler subsp. xiphioides : It occurs at altitudes between 95 and 250 meters in Colombia and Venezuela only in the Amazon.


  • Tillandsia yaconorensis J.R.Grant (Syn .: vriesea koideae roughness ): It grows on rocks in Peru's Cajamarca.
  • Tillandsia yerba-santae Ehlers : It occurs only in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.
  • Tillandsia yuncharaensis W.Till : It occurs only in the Bolivian Tarija.
  • Tillandsia yunckeri L.B.Sm. : It thrives epiphytically in forests at altitudes between 900 and 2200 meters in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, in Guatemala (in the departments of San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Suchitepéquez) in Honduras (Comayagua, Morazan) and in El Salvador (Santa Ana).
  • Tillandsia yutaninoensis Ehlers & Lautner : It only occurs at altitudes of around 1850 meters in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.


  • Tillandsia zacapanensis Véliz & U.Feldhoff (Syn .: Tillandsia carrilloi Véliz & U.Feldhoff ): It was first described in 2010 in The Bromeliad . It thrives lithophytically on limestone rocks with flat loamy soil substrate in dry forests at altitudes between 600 and 900 meters in Guatemala only in Zacapa.
  • Tillandsia zacualpanensis Ehlers & Wülfinghoff : The first description was in 2005 in The Bromeliad . It thrives on rocks at altitudes between 1800 and 1900 meters only in the Mexican state of Mexico.
  • Tillandsia zaragozaensis Ehlers : The first description was in 2005 in The Bromeliad . It thrives lithophytically at altitudes between 1600 and 1700 meters only in the Mexican state of Nuevo León .
  • Tillandsia zaratensis W.Weber : It occurs only in Lima, Peru.
  • Tillandsia zarumensis Gilmartin : It occurs only at altitudes of about 2600 meters in the Ecuadorian Oro.
  • Tillandsia zecheri W. Till :
    • Tillandsia zecheri forma brealitoensis Palací & GKBr. : It occurs only in the northwestern part of the Argentine Salta.
    • Tillandsia zecheri var. Cafayatensis Palací & GKBr. (Syn .: Tillandsia cafayatensis Palací , Tillandsia muhrii Rauh ): It occurs only in Salta, Argentina.
    • Tillandsia zecheri W. Till var. Zecheri : It thrives lithophytically at altitudes of around 1900 only in Salta, Argentina.
    • Tillandsia zecheri var. Zecheri forma brealitoensis Palací & GKBr. : It only occurs in Salta, Argentina.
  • Tillandsia zoquensis Ehlers : It only occurs at altitudes of around 1000 meters in the Mexican state of Chiapas.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Michael HJ Barfuss, Walter Till, Elton JC Leme, Juan P. Pinzón, José M. Manzanares, Heidemarie Halbritter, Rosabelle Samuel, Greg K. Brown: Taxonomic revision of Bromeliaceae subfam. Tillandsioideae based on a multi-locus DNA sequence phylogeny and morphology. In: Phytotaxa , Volume 279, Issue 1, October 2016, pp. 001-097. doi: 10.11646 / phytotaxa.279.1.1
  2. Tania Chew, Efraín De Luna, Dolores González: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Pseudobulbous Tillandsia species (Bromeliaceae) Inferred from Cladistic Analyzes of ITS 2, 5.8S Ribosomal RNA Gene, and ETS Sequences. In: Systematic Botany , Volume 35, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 86-95. PDF. ( Memento from March 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  3. CS Gardner, 1982: A systematic study of Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia. Ph. D. Thesis. College Station: Texas A&M University.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm Click on Tillandsia in "Species Index" at Eric J. Gouda, Derek Butcher, Kees Gouda: Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads , Version 3.1 (2012 with updates in the following Years). last viewed on January 8, 2017
  5. Adolfo Espejo-Serna: Viridantha, un género nuevo de Bromeliaceae (Tillandsioideae) endémico de México. In: Acta Botánica Mexicana , number 60, 2002, pp. 25–35.
  6. Tillandsia kautskyi CITES data sheet. ( Memento of the original from June 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 212 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Tillandsia sprengeliana CITES data sheet. ( Memento of the original from June 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 543 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Tillandsia sucrei CITES data sheet. ( Memento of the original from June 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 535 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Tillandsia ( Tillandsia )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files