Adıyaman (Province)

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Province number: 02
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About this picture
Adıyaman districts.png
Basic data
Coordinates: 37 ° 48 '  N , 38 ° 18'  E Coordinates: 37 ° 48 '  N , 38 ° 18'  E
Provincial capital: Adıyaman
Region: Southeast Anatolia
Surface: 7337 km²
Population: 624,513 (2018)
Population density: 85 inhabitants / km²
Governor: Aykut Pekmez
Seats in Parliament: 5
Telephone code: 0416
Features : 02
Website (Turkish)

Adıyaman ( Kurdish Semsûr ) is a province in southeastern Turkey . It is surrounded by the provinces of Malatya , Kahramanmaraş , Gaziantep , Şanlıurfa and Diyarbakır . The province of Adıyaman is 7337 km².


Adıyaman is located in southeastern Anatolia . The area is very mountainous, one of the elevations is Mount Nemrut . The border to the province of Şanlıurfa is formed by the Euphrates , which is dammed here to form the Ataturk reservoir , the reservoir with the largest amount of water in Turkey.

Origin of the name "Adıyaman"

There are at least two accounts of the origin of the Turkish name of the city of Adıyaman, which gives the province its name, and one about the Kurdish name.

  • Adıyaman is said to have had fertile valleys around it. Hence the name Vadi i Leman , which means "beautiful valley". The current name arose from this name.
  • In a town called Farrin or Perrhe there is said to have been a man who worshiped idols. This man had seven sons who one day when the father was absent they destroyed idols in the name of the only God. When the father found out about this, he killed all of his sons. Thereupon a monastery was built in Farrin in honor of the sons. Since then, the city has been called Yedi Yaman , which means the “Brave Seven”. This then became Adıyaman.
  • In the middle of the city is a castle , the name of which Hısn-ı Mansur means "Mansur's castle" in German. Mansur could be the Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur , or a commander of the Arab Umayyads who invaded here in the 7th century. The name Hısn-ı Mansur was pronounced by the people of Hüsnü Mansur and is still popularly the name of this province. The Kurdish semsur is derived from it.

In 1926 the province name was changed from Hısn-ı Mansur or Hüsnü Mansur to Adıyaman.

Administrative division

The province of Adıyaman consists of the counties ( İlçe ):

  • Adıyaman
  • Besni
  • Çelikhan (Kurdish Çêlikan)
  • Gerger (Aramaic: Gargar: ܓܪܓܪ) (Kurdish Aldûş)
  • Gölbaşı (Kurdish Serê Golan)
  • Kâhta (Aramaic: Kahta: ܟܚܬܐ) (Kurdish colic)
  • Samsat (Aramaic: Şmişat: ܫܡܝܫܛ) (Kurdish Semsat)
  • Sincik (Kurdish Sinciq)
  • Tut (Aramaic: Tutho: ܬܘܬܐ) (Kurdish Tût)
district Area
(km²) 1
Population (2018) 2 Number of Units Density
(Ew / km²)
share (in%)
ratio 3
date 4, 5
district Administrative headquarters
Adiyaman Merkez 1,814 304.615 254,695 3 49 134 167.92 85.40 990 06/14/1954
Besni 1,235 77,301 33.284 6th 37 67 62.59 58.97 980
Çelikhan 444 16,065 8,682 2 17th 20th 36.18 74.89 937 06/01/1954
Gerger 668 19,035 3,605 1 5 45 28.50 18.94 998 06/01/1954
Gölbaşı 800 49,255 31,628 4th 17th 30th 61.57 76.41 987 04/01/1958
Kâhta 1,274 122,774 78,431 3 25th 102 96.37 67.15 969
Samsat 319 7,893 3,757 1 4th 16 24.74 47.60 952 04/01/1960
Sincik 495 17,414 4,301 2 14th 24 35.18 38.32 1012 May 20, 1990
Does 290 10.161 3,506 1 7th 14th 35.04 34.50 934 May 20, 1990
PROVINCE of Adıyaman 7,337 624,513 23 175 452 85.12 72.92 983


1 area in 2014
two population projection on December 31, 2018
3 sex ratio (Sex Ratio): Number of women per 1000 men (calculated)
4 PDF file of the Interior Ministry five counties, the first to have been formed Foundation of Turkey (1923).


The population is made up of Turks and Kurds .

At the 2011 census , the average age in the province was 24.1 years (national average: 29.6), with the female population being on average 0.8 years older than the male population (24.5-23.7).
The following table shows the annual population development at the end of the year after updating by the addressable population register (ADNKS) introduced in 2007. In addition, the population growth rate and are gender relations ( sex ratio h. Number of women per 1,000 men d.) Listed.
The 2011 census determined 594,163 inhabitants, which is almost 30,000 fewer than in the 2000 census.

year Population at the end of the year Population growth
rate (in%)

(women per
1000 men)
(among 81 provinces)
total male Female
2018 624,513 314.998 309,515 1.53 983 33
2017 615.076 309,551 305,525 0.75 987 33
2016 610.484 307,662 302.822 1.28 984 33
2015 602.774 303.163 299,611 0.83 988 33
2014 597.835 299,846 297,989 0.11 994 33
2013 597.184 299,963 297.221 0.32 991 35
2012 595.261 298,737 296,524 0.22 993 35
2011 593.931 298.204 295,727 0.51 992 35
2010 590.935 294.920 296.015 0.42 1004 35
2009 588,475 294.213 294,262 0.58 1000 35
2008 585.067 291,660 293,407 0.40 1006 35
2007 582,762 288,615 294.147 - 1019 36
2000 1 623.811 313,362 310,449 991 35

1 2000 census



Agriculture is very common in the region. The other sources of income are oil production and tourism.


Archaeological sites:


  • Melon Festival in Besni 01.06. – 15.06.
  • International Kahta Kommagene Festival in Kâhta 25.07. – 27.07.
  • Grape Festival in Gölbaşı 29.09. – 01.10.
  • Education and culture festival in Besni 22.09. – 24.09.
  • Honey Culture and Tourism Festival in Çelikhan 25.08. – 26.08.
  • Art and culture festival in Tut 19.07. − 23.07.


Individual evidence

  1. Türkiye Nüfusu İl ve İlçelere Göre Nüfus Bilgileri , accessed on May 5, 2019
  2. Adıyaman Province Website (Governor Portrait)
  3. Directorate General of Mapping PDF file 0.25 MB
  4. Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusu , accessed on May 5, 2019
  5. [1] TARİH (1) .pdf 1.4 MB