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The Allaine in Porrentruy

The Allaine in Porrentruy

Water code FRU23-0400 , CH : 93
location Switzerland / France
River system Rhône
Drain over Doubs  → Saône  → Rhône  → Mediterranean
source near Charmoille in the Northern Jurassic
47 ° 25 ′ 43 ″  N , 7 ° 12 ′ 38 ″  E
Source height approx.  540  m above sea level M.
muzzle near Voujeaucourt in the Doubs Coordinates: 47 ° 28 ′ 43 "  N , 6 ° 45 ′ 41"  E 47 ° 28 ′ 43 "  N , 6 ° 45 ′ 41"  E
Mouth height approx.  310  m
Height difference approx. 230 m
Bottom slope approx. 4.2 ‰
length 55 km 
31 km of which in Switzerland
Discharge at the Courcelles-lès-Montbéliard
A Eo gauge : 1120 km²
HHQ (Feb 1990)
17 m³ / s
22 m³ / s
19.6 l / (s km²)
27 m³ / s
359 m³ / s
Right tributaries Coeuvatte , Bourbeuse , Savoureuse , Lizaine
Medium-sized cities Montbeliard
Small towns Porrentruy , dent
Navigable in the mouth section of the parallel Canal du Rhône au Rhin

The Allaine (German formerly Hall ), in the lower reaches of L'Allan , is a 65 km long right tributary of the Doubs . The source of the Allaine is in Switzerland , its mouth in France . The river is first mentioned in writing in 1534 under the name Allain , and in 1774 the spelling Alin appears . The etymology of the word probably comes from the Celtic , the name means little river .

The Allaine is the main river of the Ajoie in the canton of Jura . It rises in the municipality of Charmoille at around 540  m above sea level. M. in the hills of the North Jura , which also mark the watershed between the catchment areas of the Rhine and Rhone . After a few kilometers, the river enters the broad and fertile basin of the Allaine at Charmoille at the northern foot of the Chain Jura . Shortly before Alle , the Allaine takes on the Ruisseau de Fregiécourt from the left , a stream that has its headwaters in the region of the Les Rangiers Pass .

The Creugenat shortly before its confluence with the Allaine in the inner city of Porrentruy

In Porrentruy , the Allaine receives its inflow from the canalized Ajoulote . This only flows periodically above ground from the source of the Creugenat , mostly after prolonged rainfall or in times of intense snowmelt. Otherwise, the water reaches the Allaine underground. In the center of Porrentruy, the Le Bacavoine stream flows into the Allaine, which is also canalised and partly flows under the buildings and streets of the city. Immediately after the confluence of Ajoulote and Bacavoine the Allaine makes a sharp bend to the north and now traversed in a valley with a 300 to 800 m wide Niederung the Tafeljura plateaus Ajoie. Below Boncourt , it leaves Switzerland after 28 km and enters the French Territoire de Belfort at Delle .

From here the valley widens to a more than 1 km wide depression, which is surrounded by gentle heights. The Coeuvatte , which also has its origins in Switzerland, flows here from the right . The Allaine now gradually turns back to the west and at Morvillars reaches the depression used by the Canal du Rhône au Rhin in the area of ​​the watershed of the Burgundian Gate .

After the mouth of the Bourbeuse and the crossing into the Doubs department , the river takes the name Allan . This flows together with the canal through the agglomeration of Montbéliard , taking in the Savoureuse (the most important tributary that rises in the Vosges ) and the Lizaine . At Voujeaucourt on the northern edge of the Jura, the Allan finally flows into the Doubs .

Especially in the Swiss section, the Allaine has little water flow. Here it has only an insignificant inflow from side streams, because the karst soil allows the fallen rainwater to seep away on the spot. In return, it receives the water from the subterranean waters of Ajoulote (near Porrentruy) and Milandrine (near Boncourt).

The water of the Allaine is used in several places for mills, sawmills and fish farming. In France, the river feeds the Canal du Rhône au Rhin and supplies water to several factories in the Montbéliard agglomeration.

Allaine (Switzerland)
Source and mouth of the Allaine

Web links

Commons : Allaine  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b
  2. L'Allan at SANDRE (French)
  3. Evaluations of the water network. (XLSX) FOEN , December 2013, accessed on August 10, 2017 (listing of Swiss rivers> 30km).
  4. L'Allan à Courcelles-lès-Montbéliard (Station: U2354010 , option: Synthèse )