Heinz Buschkowsky

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Buschkowsky at the Christian Leadership Congress in January 2013

Heinz Buschkowsky (born July 31, 1948 in Berlin-Neukölln ) is a German politician ( SPD ). He was District Mayor of the Berlin district of Neukölln from 1991 to 1992 and again from December 1, 2001 to April 1, 2015 . Buschkowsky says he is primarily committed to the integration of migrants and to reducing deficits in integration policy.

On January 27, 2015, he announced his retirement on April 1, 2015. During his tenure, the mayor wrote two bestsellers.


Heinz Buschkowsky is the son of a locksmith and a secretary from Silesia. The family of four lived in Berlin-Rudow in a one-room apartment in the basement.

After completing his degree in administrative management (FH), Buschkowsky embarked on a senior civil service career and from 1973 worked in several senate authorities. For the SPD, he initially worked on an honorary basis in the Neukölln District Council Assembly (BVV). In 1979 he was elected BVV member and in 1985 chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in BVV Neukölln. Before the “ turnaround ”, Buschkowsky belonged to the “ Britzer Kreis”, an influential right-wing parliamentary group in the Berlin SPD. In 2008 he defined his political position as a supporter of Helmut Schmidt . Schmidt was also the decisive trigger for Buschkowsky's entry into the party. Buschkowsky is a member of the SPD's Federal Party Council.

In 1989 he was councilor for finance, in 1991 and 1992 district mayor , from 1992 to 1995 he was deputy district mayor and district councilor for finance, human resources and sport. From 1995 to 1999 he held the office of deputy district mayor and district councilor for youth and sport. In addition, from November 1999 to November 2001 he took on the duties of a district councilor for health, the environment and sport. On December 1, 2001, he became district mayor of Berlin-Neukölln and head of the finance, business and sport department.

On September 30, 2010 he was unanimously chosen by the Neukölln SPD as the top candidate for the 2011 BVV election. In this election he was confirmed as district mayor.

Buschkowsky lives with his wife Christina in Buckow .

Political positions

Buschkowsky with the SPD politician Fritz Felgentreu in May 2009

Buschkowsky became known nationwide in 2004 with the thesis “ multiculturalism has failed”. As the mayor of a Berlin district with a high proportion of people with a migration background , he represents a middle ground between state subsidies ( transfer payments ) and sanctions . He is particularly committed to the good education of children and young people of non-German origin, which he wants to enforce primarily with compulsory kindergarten and a nationwide offer of all-day schools .

Escalation as a political means

Buschkowsky has become known as a politician who has made social problems such as juvenile delinquency and unemployment, forced marriage and honor killings the focus of his public statements. He describes his pointed statements, through which voters and members of his party are polarized, as "border violations", which are "a permissible tool in politics". Despite partial agreement on integration and social policy, Buschkowsky criticized the theses of his party comrade Thilo Sarrazin several times and accused him of being close to racism .

Experience from Rotterdam and London

After a trip through the socially deprived areas of the big cities of London and Rotterdam in the summer of 2008, he considers a mixture of prevention and repression against troublemaker families to be the most effective. He recommended that, under its Muslim Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb , the city administration of Rotterdam also successfully introduced applied measures in Berlin. The most important criterion is the regularity of the children's school attendance; In the case of socially conspicuous children, the certificates should be given to the parents in order to force a conversation with them. The party-internal representation of his proposals was initially prevented by the state SPD, because his opponents such as Thomas Kleineidam are fundamentally against new repression and do not want to turn an integration problem into a crime problem.

The internal party criticism and resistance to Buschkowsky's proposals is faced with increasing rejection and incomprehension in parts of the Berlin press. He was able to convey his experience from Rotterdam and London to the Berlin CDU and FDP as well as in several public appearances in the media and in panel discussions to a wider public.

On 16./17. December 2012 Buschkowsky visited Rotterdam again with Raed Saleh , the leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives . There they went to children and youth projects in socially difficult neighborhoods. Then they summed up, among other things, that the Rotterdam city administration is promoting “outreach social work, clear setting of boundaries and close cooperation between the authorities involved”. After presenting their impressions and suggestions to the SPD state parliamentary group, Senator for Finance Ulrich Nussbaum and Senator for Education Sandra Scheeres declared their willingness to donate “100,000 euros each for around 100 schools” to Berlin hotspot schools. SPD, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and Die Linke welcomed the initiative.

The Häussermann study

A working group at the Humboldt University led by the social scientist Hartmut Häußermann examined Neukölln areas from 2001 to 2006 and found that the social situation among immigrants was deteriorating. Häußermann defended Buschkowsky against allegations of being an "alarmist", since in Neukölln the emergence of a lower class that could no longer be integrated had to be prevented.

Child and care allowance

For several years Buschkowsky has criticized the federal German family and education policy , which he considers structural policy to be completely wrong and therefore calls for a " paradigm shift " here . In this context, he often mentions child benefit , as he considers it largely inefficient. Instead of transfer payments - for example through the payment of child benefit - more of them should be invested in preschool education and in the educational infrastructure as goods and services. Cash benefits would often be spent in an unrelated way. Since 2009, he has also proposed halving the overall budget for child benefit (35 billion euros) in favor of profound improvements in primary and secondary education . This would effectively prevent the threat of segregation and consolidation of the lower social classes.

He also recommends child benefit as a means of social disciplining notorious truants : "If, for example, the child does not go to school, there is no child benefit."

Buschkowsky rejects the so-called care allowance , which was agreed for families in the coalition negotiations of the CDU / CSU-FDP government coalition in October 2009.

Politics as a district mayor

Comprehensive and all-day schools

In 2005 the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium was threatened with closure due to the steadily decreasing number of students. Buschkowsky wanted to prevent the closure, which is why he arranged for the grammar school to be expanded into an all-day school. The new headmaster Georg Krapp, who led Czech students to the German Abitur in Prague, was hired as the new director in 2005. School helpers from the German-Turkish Center (DTZ) with a migration background also took care of homework and organized leisure time. Within three years the student body doubled, the number of high school graduates quadrupled and the high school graduation average improved. The Senate Administration approved a model test in 2009 .

Years of negative development at the Rütli School culminated in a call for help from overburdened teachers published on March 30, 2006 and a horrified report on it. Buschkowsky then set up a committee that should work out appropriate solutions to the problem. The development of the concept envisaged redesigning the area around the Rütli school into a high-quality educational center. Neighboring and previously rival schools were combined in the 2008/2009 school year to form a community school consisting of two secondary schools and one elementary school (Rütli, Heinrich-Heine-Schule and Franz-Schubert-Grundschule) and expanded into an all-day school . New buildings for a school canteen, two day-care centers and the youth club “Manege” with a music school and an advice center for career choices were added. The project is now called Campus Rütli - CR² . A cooperation with the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium also makes it easier for students to get to the Abitur. With financial support from the Berlin Senate Administrations for Education and Urban Development, the overall plan was implemented quickly. The reporting reacted positively to the changes. Today the school, which was criticized earlier, is considered an exemplary model for a socially integrative education system. Many educators of non-German origin apply for a position at Campus Rütli .

Initiative for security guards in schools

Due to the increase in violence against both students and teachers within the schools, a fifth of which was by outsiders, Buschkowsky planned to hire private guards in autumn 2007. While this approach sparked reservations in his party, 18 out of 24 high schools in the Neukölln district as well as the district office and district parents' committee supported his plan. First of all, the then Education Councilor Wolfgang Schimmang spoke to all the responsible bodies about the security guard, only after a majority had given their approval in each case, did they finally seek the approval of the SPD parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives . From mid-October 2007, the security guards were deployed at 21 of the 70 state schools in the district so far, and everyone involved emphasized the experimental nature of the security guard.

Shortly before the start of the protective measures, the Berlin service company Dussmann jumped out. Buschkowsky blamed state politicians for the withdrawal and stuck to his plan. The Bielefeld security company Germania was awarded the contract. Interior Senator Ehrhart Körting (SPD) criticized the initiative in principle: Discipline in schools is "not to be established through paramilitary units, but only through pedagogy" . Buschkowsky protested against calling the control of student ID cards as paramilitary and considered this comparison a "linguistic mistake". On December 10, 2007, security guards took up their duties in schools for the first time, with great media attention. Since the number of serious incidents of violence could be reduced from 53 to four, the security guard was extended to other schools in Neukölln in September 2008. Due to financial difficulties, the security guard had to be suspended in 2012, but from October 2012 security guards were again able to perform their duties at twelve schools in Neukölln.

Project District Mothers Neukölln

In 2006, Buschkowsky took over the pilot project “District Mothers in Neukölln” from the Schillerpromenade district management and expanded it to include the entire Neukölln district. The project is being implemented by the Diakonisches Werk Neukölln-Oberspree. Women of non-German origin make house calls and advise families from their homeland about education, language and health promotion and upbringing. Since almost no one appeared at the schools for parents' evenings, a so-called low - threshold offer was developed. Instead of waiting for the families, neighborhood mothers visit migrant families. Since 2008, the district mothers have been available to help parents seeking advice in addition to social workers in school stations with parent cafes. In 2008 the project received the “Metropolis Award”, an award for outstanding measures to further develop the quality of life in large cities, and other awards. The funding was initially limited to 2008 and was then extended by the Senate Department for Urban Development until 2010. The project continued to receive support up to and including 2011 as part of the action spaces funding program .

From 2007 to 2010, 254 migrant women, mostly of Turkish and Arab origin, were trained to be district mothers in six months. During this time, they made ten house visits to over 4,000 families in North Neukölln and Gropiusstadt . There were 255 district mothers in Neukölln at the beginning of 2011, and around 50 are newly trained every year. In 2011 the first female employees received a certificate as social assistant . The project has found imitators nationwide, for example in Essen, Bochum and Dortmund.

Cultural engagement

Britz Castle and Manor

During his tenure as district mayor of Neukölln, Buschkowsky, as an honorary director of the Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz, developed the Gutshof Britz, which is adjacent to Schloss Britz, into another cultural center in the Neukölln district. The Paul Hindemith Music School in Neukölln moved into thirteen new rehearsal rooms there in 2009. He ordered that the waiting lists for music students be abolished and that an instrument be made available to every newcomer, which was unique for Berlin in 2008. He also campaigned for the Neukölln Museum of Urban and Regional History to move to the property, which enabled the previously scattered collections to be brought together. A small opera stage with seats for around 300 visitors was set up in the former cowshed and opened on September 3, 2011.

The foundation has been organizing concerts, readings and exhibitions in Schloss Britz since 1989 . On the basis of an initiative by Buschkowsky , the top trainees of the year at the Neukölln Hotel Estrel , Germany's largest hotel, have been running the restaurant and a small hotel there on their own responsibility. This form of training is a unique company in Germany.

Participation circus Neukölln

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Britz Castle in May 2006, Buschkowsky initiated the concept of a circus project week for and with socially disadvantaged children from those elementary schools supported by the Neukölln neighborhood management. The Neukölln-based Circus Mondeo was selected as a partner for the project. In the course of a school week, school classes learn basic skills in artistry - including juggling, clowning, floor acrobatics, trampoline, trapeze - and the artistic performance of animals. Finally, on Saturday, the students show their skills and tricks in front of their parents and relatives. The aim is "integration by promoting self-confidence and strengthening personality, awakening creativity and discovering their own abilities in primary school children, as well as promoting mutual acceptance." From summer 2006 to July 2012, over 20,000 Neukölln primary school students took part in the circus project weeks part. The MitMachZirkus project is funded by the Federal and State Social City Program and the Neukölln District Office.




  • Vis-à-vis: Heinz Buschkowsky, bestselling author and district mayor of Berlin-Neukölln. Interview, Germany, 2012, 60 min., With Frank A. Meyer , production: 3sat , first broadcast: October 29, 2012, table of contents by 3sat.
  • Kebab versus meatball - Heinz Buschkowsky and his pamphlet “Neukölln is everywhere”. TV report, Germany, 2012, 6:30 min., Director: Andreas Lueg, production: MDR , first broadcast: October 7, 2012, film text with online video.
  • Peter Voss asks Heinz Buschkowsky: Integration - an illusion? Talk, Germany, 2011, 45 min., Production: 3sat , first broadcast: July 18, 2011, online video .

TV appearances


  • In 2003, Buschkowsky campaigned for a Buddy Bear to be set up in front of Neukölln Town Hall to promote “friendship and peace” and which he named Rixdorf Rixi in memory of Neukölln's former place name .
  • Buschkowsky often appeared in the earlier entertainment program Krömer - Die Internationale Show , a series of the Berlin humorist Kurt Krömer , with whom he is friends and whom he also appreciates as an advertisement for Neukölln. Among other things, Buschkowsky sat in silence next to a black sheep in almost the entire program , after he had severely criticized the childcare allowance decided by the government coalition a few days earlier .
  • Neukölln fashion designers reacted to Buschkowsky's popularity in 2010 with the creation and sale of a T-shirt on which, based on the movie The Big Lebowski, the words The Big Buschkowsky are depicted under the silhouette. Buschkowsky himself sees “the T-shirt as a piece of closeness to the citizen”. It is not the rule that “young people deal with actors in district politics”. The Buschkowsky T-shirt received nationwide attention in the media.
  • In July 2018, Buschkowsky said in an interview, among other things, that the SPD is a “smartass party”; it is "on the way back to class struggle, adult education policy, the avant-garde of the proletariat". The SPD Berlin is "not for nothing as the most subterranean national association of German social democracy." The SPD does not do enough for the "working population", since it is led more and more by academic functionaries and less and less by people from working-class families. Instead, the SPD is fighting for “social marginalized groups”. You donate "money to the milieu".
  • Buschkowsky has been a waiter at the Christmas dinner for the homeless and needy in the Neukölln Hotel Estrel, organized by Frank Zander and the Diakonisches Werk since the 2000s .

Web links

Commons : Heinz Buschkowsky  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Radio interview , SWR1 people , January 11, 2010, Wolfgang Heim in conversation with Heinz Buschkowsky, audio file ( memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (MP3; 14.6 MB), 30 min.
  2. Heinz Buschkowsky resigns. In fact, no "resignation", but (relevant to pension law!) Retirement
  3. "I paid a fee out of my pocket for the activity, and the contracts expressly state that the work must take place outside of the service."
  4. ^ A b Claudia Keller, Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach: Who is Heinz Buschkowsky? In: Der Tagesspiegel . July 13, 2008.
  5. ^ A b c Gilbert Schomaker: Berlin Walk. Mayor thinks his Neukölln is “monkey”. In: The world . July 13, 2008.
  6. Karsten Hintzmann: In the SPD a fight is raging on the right wing . In: Berliner Morgenpost . June 10, 2008.
  7. Buschkowsky in: Vis-à-vis: Heinz Buschkowsky, bestselling author and district mayor of Berlin-Neukölln. In: 3sat . October 29, 2012, conversation with Frank A. Meyer , from 16:37 min.
  8. ^ Members of the SPD Party Council (as of September 2010) ( Memento from September 11, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  9. Buschkowsky again SPD top candidate in Neukölln . In: Märkische Oderzeitung . October 1, 2010.
  10. Jan Thomsen: The Commissioner for Foreigners . In: Berliner Zeitung . March 29, 2005, p. 3.
  11. Jan Thomsen: The Commissioner for Foreigners . In: Berliner Zeitung. March 29, 2005, p. 3
    Werner van Bebber: Neukölln's mayor: Multi-cultural has failed . In: Der Tagesspiegel. November 13, 2004 (The quote is only used in the headline.)
  12. “A threatening backdrop does not mean that people will starve to death on the street. I just believe that a society must be so self-confident that it enforces behavior that conforms to the rules in the interests of everyone. The Rotterdam formula - “No prevention without repression” - has something to offer. We also had such a formula: “No service without consideration.” Incidentally, it came from Barbara John  … ”In an interview in Tagesspiegel , July 1, 2008.
  13. Tissy Bruns , Werner van Bebber: Practitioners usually only disturb . In: Der Tagesspiegel. July 9, 2006, interview
  14. a b Inge Kloepfer: Portrait: Heinz Buschkowsky. The poltergeist. He rules Berlin-Neukölln, including the unemployed, Turks and criminals. Multiculturalism has failed, he says - and that as an SPD man . In: FASZ , November 1, 2009, p. 44, original headline of the print edition ( Memento from January 5, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ).
  15. Buschkowsky accuses Sarrazin of racism . In: The world . March 2, 2010
    Alke Wierth: Buschkowsky vs. Sarrazin. Rough announcements from Neukölln. In: taz . October 28, 2009.
  16. a b Gilbert Schomaker: The man who made the SPD fearful . In: The world. 4th July 2008.
  17. Peer Göbel: First the urban areas slip away, then the people . In: Der Tagesspiegel. June 27, 2008, interview
  18. Red-Red doesn't want to know anything about Buschkowsky . In: Der Tagesspiegel. July 8, 2008.
  19. ^ Jochim Stoltenberg: Heinz Buschkowsky, bogeyman of the SPD . In: Berliner Morgenpost . July 6, 2008.
  20. ^ Gerd Appenzeller: More Buschkowskys for Berlin . In: Der Tagesspiegel. July 7, 2008.
  21. Joachim Fahrun: Rotterdam trip. Buschkowsky and Saleh go on an integration trip. In: Berliner Morgenpost , December 17, 2012.
  22. a b Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach: Berlin. Two social democrats on course for integration. In: Der Tagesspiegel. December 18, 2012.
  23. ^ A b Sylvia Vogt: SPD proposal. Blessing for the focal schools. In: Der Tagesspiegel. December 20, 2012.
  24. Plutonia Plarre, Alke Wierth: I am the lawyer for the Neukölln people . In: taz. March 6, 2006, Interview
    “To put it positively, I get to the heart of things. In negative terms, I am speaking alarmistically. The latter always says Mr. Piening [d. i. Günter Piening, then integration officer of the Berlin Senate], which really hurts me. ”See interview .
  25. Problem area. Mayor fights against Neukölln's crash. In: Berliner Morgenpost. July 10, 2008.
  26. Roman Heflik: Heinz Buschkowsky on Hartz IV: "Money is more likely to go into cigarettes" . In: stern.de . February 10, 2010, interview.
  27. Heinz Buschkowsky: Symposium Creating opportunities for advancement - increasing social efficiency: Germany before the realignment of social policy . (PDF; 240.6 kB) March 10, 2010, p. 20.
  28. Thomas Öchsner: Let's talk about money - fines for truants ( Memento from December 28, 2009 in the Internet Archive ). In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . July 31, 2009; Interview.
  29. Özlem Topcu, Heinrich Wefing : Heinz Buschkowsky: "I like to help with packing your suitcase." In: Die Zeit . No. 39/2012; Interview.
  30. Buschkowsky, Neukölln on the care allowance. “That is pure cynicism.” In: Der Tagesspiegel. October 27, 2009, interview.
  31. ^ Joachim Fahrun: The Buschkowsky program . In: The world . October 10, 2008.
  32. Berlin Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium successful with pilot project all-day operation In: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) , July 2, 2009 (deleted), alternatively: The Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium shows how it is: all-day operation also at high schools. In: Senate Department for Education, Science and Research (Berlin). June 30, 2009.
  33. In: Netzeitung . March 30, 2006 (slightly shortened) Original letter ( Memento from January 6, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) ( Microsoft Word ; 58 kB)
  34. ^ Stefan Jacobs: Campus Rütli - Excellence Initiative for Neukölln . In: Der Tagesspiegel. November 4, 2007.
  35. cf. Reporting in: Chronological Documentation. ( Memento from November 29, 2010 in the web archive archive.today ) District Office Neukölln of Berlin, "Campus Rütli - CR²"
    Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach: The Rütli-Ruck . In: Der Tagesspiegel. August 27, 2008
    Daniela Martens: Rütli Campus becomes a role model . In: Der Tagesspiegel. February 8, 2010.
  36. Social focus. Disreputable Rütli school becomes a model project . In: Berliner Morgenpost. June 4, 2008
    Stefan Strauss: Alles Rütli. Three years ago school was considered a place of horror. Now a little paradise is emerging there . In: Berliner Zeitung . January 17, 2009.
  37. ^ Fabian Dietrich: Tutoring . In: SZ-Magazin . Issue 14, 2010.
  38. ^ A b Claudia Keller: Security guards are supposed to protect Neukölln's schools. In: Der Tagesspiegel. June 30, 2007.
  39. Alke Wierth: "Since I could not become chancellor, I became a councilor for education." In: taz. May 17, 2010, Interview with Wolfgang Schimmang:
    “In two years we had 53 attacks in schools in the district by perpetrators who came from outside. So we [Buschkowsky and Schimmang] said to ourselves: It won't go on like this, the headmasters ask for help and nothing happens. My idea was: This is only possible with the consent of the school. Then I fell through the committees: teachers, parents, students, zack. When that was clear, we voted that in the SPD parliamentary group. Then we got the rest of the district assembly on board, then the state government came. The SPD parliamentary group in the House of Representatives summoned me three times - I thought they wanted to find out more! The third time they said to me: 'There's no point in doing this, you're not leaving your course.' And have come to terms with the security guard. "
  40. Jon Mendrala: Guard is coming. In: taz. September 14, 2007.
  41. ^ Alke Wierth: Security instead of social work. In: taz. September 26, 2007.
  42. Buschkowsky: “Termination of security guard was adventurous.” In: Der Tagesspiegel. October 23, 2006.
  43. school project. Buschkowsky holds on to security guards. In: Der Tagesspiegel. October 24, 2006.
  44. ^ Stefan Strauss: Arminia guards from Bielefeld now protect Neukölln schools . In: Berliner Zeitung. November 2, 2007.
  45. Rolf Lautenschläger: Buschkowsky is beaten. In: taz. October 24, 2007.
  46. ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: School is not a private event. ) In: inforadio . December 10, 2007; interview@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.inforadio.de
  47. We teachers cannot defend the school externally. In: Spiegel Online . December 10, 2007, with video
  48. Security at Neukölln schools is being expanded. In: Berliner Morgenpost. August 14, 2008.
  49. ^ Sylvia Vogt: Europe-wide invitation to tender. Neukölln schools will have security guards again from autumn. In: Der Tagesspiegel. July 23, 2012.
  50. ^ Franziska Felber: Guard at Neukölln schools. The watchdogs are back. In: Der Tagesspiegel. October 14, 2012.
  51. ^ District mothers - official website
  52. Ulrike Schnellbach: The women with the red scarf . In: Badische Zeitung . July 20, 2009.
  53. Ferda Ataman : Neukölln's door opener . In: Der Tagesspiegel. March 25, 2009.
  54. Berlin wins the Metropolis Award 2008 - "District Mothers" ( Memento from April 16, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 20 kB) Senate Department for Urban Development, August 22, 2008
    First Prize Berlin. District Mothers in Neukölln. (PDF; 821 kB) Metropolis Award, 2008, (English).
  55. ^ Werner van Bebber: Urban development. 20 million euros more for the social city . In: Der Tagesspiegel. March 24, 2010.
  56. ^ District mothers in Neukölln. ( Memento from March 29, 2015 in the web archive archive.today ) In: District Office Neukölln. 2012.
  57. ^ Sylvia Vogt: integration project. 32 new mothers for Neukölln. In: Der Tagesspiegel. March 29, 2011.
  58. kbe: District mothers receive certificates as social assistants. In: Berliner Morgenpost. December 21, 2011.
  59. ^ District mothers in North Rhine-Westphalia - Active for work and integration. In: New work. of Diakonie Essen , 2011.
  60. a b Karin Erichsen: Britz come out. In: Der Tagesspiegel. July 11, 2008.
  61. ^ Official site of the trainee project Estrel Berlin - Schloss Britz; schloss-britz-berlin.de
  62. a b Development of the hands-on circus , ErlebnisCircus e. V., May 2010.
  63. Ungethüm: Manege free - circus holidays for Gropiusstadt children. In: walter. News from Gropiusstadt. April 21, 2009.
  64. a b Neukölln participation circus. ( Memento from July 29, 2014 in the web archive archive.today ) District Office Neukölln, 2012.
  65. ^ Walter Bau: SPD lateral thinkers honored. Clear words from Neukölln: Buschkowsky . In: The West , April 16, 2010.
  66. ^ Sigmar Gabriel : Laudation for the award ceremony Gustav Heinemann Citizen Prize 2010 to Heinz Buschkowsky. ( Memento from April 9, 2014 in the web archive archive.today ) April 19, 2010.
  67. Buschkowsky receives the Markgräfler Gutedel Prize. In: Berliner Zeitung. May 20, 2010, dpa
  68. Sebastian Haas: Integration and education as a life's work. ( Memento from March 29, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ) In: Academy for Political Education . June 21, 2011.
  69. Neukölln town hall receives a buddy bear , buddy-fans.de, March 5, 2003.
  70. ^ K. Raab: With Kurt Krömer through Berlin. There is something to laugh about here, friends. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . February 16, 2009.
  71. Sebastian Leber : Cake instead of words. In: Der Tagesspiegel. October 29, 2008.
    Buschkowsky: “Kurt Krömer is an export hit from Neukölln. He supports the district wherever he can. "
  72. ^ Sabine Rennefanz : Pills for Neukölln. In: Berliner Zeitung. October 31, 2009.
  73. ^ Freia Peters: Berlin-Neukölln. Why migrants love the "Big Buschkowsky". In: The world. September 21, 2012.
  74. dpa : Neukölln's Buschkowsky inspires designers. In: Berliner Morgenpost. 5th November 2010.
  75. Christian Helten: On T-shirts: Buschkowsky is in fashion. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 5th November 2010.
  76. The Buschkowsky T-shirt was mentioned by Christian Helten, among others: Big Buschkowsky: a cool guy from Neukölln. In: Now . / Süddeutsche Zeitung. November 11, 2010
    «The Big Buschkowsky»: politicians on T-shirts. In: Augsburger Allgemeine . November 14, 2010
    The Big Buschkowsky. In: ZEITmagazin , November 19, 2010
    Audio slide show: Jana Demnitz: The Big Buschkowsky. ( Memento from February 11, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ) In: Der Tagesspiegel. December 2, 2010
    Sabine Loeprick: In: Forum - The weekly magazine. December 3, 2010.
  77. tagesspiegel.de July 22, 2018: "Klugscheißerpartei" - Heinz Buschkowsky attacks the SPD
  78. welt.de
  79. Frank Zander invites you to Christmas dinner. ( Memento from February 17, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ) In: berlin.de. December 19, 2012.
    Photo: Heinz Buschkowsky serves Christmas dinner for the needy in Neukölln. In: Der Tagesspiegel. December 19, 2012 and 2009 ; 2017