Heiso Meyer

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Heiso Meyer (* before 1650 ; † February 11, 1704 in Braunschweig ) was a German bell and gun founder .


Heiso Meyer was the son of Wolfenbüttel master bell caster and piece caster Heise Meyer. After the death of the father, he became his inheritance. In 1658, Duke August the Younger appointed him a princely piece caster and privileged state bell caster. From 1658 to 1703 he cast around 75 church bells , 60 of which were for churches in the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel . The bells cast for the St. Andrew's Church in Braunschweig and the St. Mary's Church in Wolfenbüttel are among the largest . His works were also in demand outside the state of Braunschweig. He made bells in Aspenstedt (district of Halberstadt ), Kemme in today's district of Hildesheim , Sehlde, Mühlhausen and Berßel near Osterwieck . In 1687 he employed three journeymen.

Apparently he moved to Braunschweig around 1701/02, because the bells he made from 1702 onwards indicate Braunschweig as the place of casting. According to the entry in the church register of the St. Andreas parish, Heiso Meyer died there on February 11, 1704. He had seven daughters and six sons, of whom the eldest Christian Ludewig Meyer succeeded him in office. Another son, Johann Andreas Meyer, became a piece and bell caster in Braunschweig, while Johann Urban Meyer practiced this craft in Magdeburg .

Many of the church bells cast by Meyer have survived to this day. They are characterized by a good sound and were initially signed by him with his father's name, later with his own name in different spellings on the bell mantle.

Works (selection)

Schrader gives a list of the church bells cast by Meyer, some with measurements. If details are missing after the place name, the bell was no longer there as early as 1935.

  • 1658 St. Andreas in Langelsheim , preserved (1935)
  • 1658 Herrhausen am Harz
  • 1658 Atzum , district of Wolfenbüttel, height 55 cm, diameter 61 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1658 Engelade , district of Seesen
  • 1659 Village church in Bettingerode , part of Bad Harzburg , preserved (1935)
  • 1659 Bisperode , Hameln-Pyrmont district , preserved (1935)
  • 1659 Marienkirche BMV , height 155 cm, diameter 175 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1659 Geitelde , district of Braunschweig
  • 1660 Pabstorf , Harz district
  • 1660 Fümmelse , district of Wolfenbüttel, bell melted down during World War I.
  • 1662 small dahlum , height 85 cm, diameter 89 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1663 Veltheim (Ohe) , Wolfenbüttel district
  • 1663 Essinghausen , district of Peine , preserved (1935)
  • 1664 Meerdorf , Peine district
  • 1666 Groß Vahlberg , Wolfenbüttel district, height 93 cm, diameter 90 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1667 Klein-Biewende , Wolfenbüttel district, height 76 cm, diameter 77 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1667 St. Bartholomäus ( Drübeck ), Harz district, diameter 115 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1667 Semmenstedt , Wolfenbüttel district
  • 1668 Fümmelse (cf. 1660), melted down in the First World War
  • 1670 Kirchberg (Seesen) , height 75 cm, diameter 98 cm
  • 1671 St. Brictius Church in Linden , district of Wolfenbüttel, height 73 cm, diameter 73 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1672 St. Johannis Church in Wolfenbüttel, height 94 cm, diameter 100 cm, 650 kg, preserved (2020)
  • 1674 Luther Church in Bad Harzburg, height 92 cm, diameter 97 cm, given in 1940 , returned from the Hamburg bell cemetery in 1949 , preserved (2020)
  • 1674 St. Petri in Schwanebeck , Harz district, preserved (2020)
  • 1677 Schandelah , Wolfenbüttel district
  • 1677 Beierstedt , District of Helmstedt , height 104 cm, diameter 108 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1677 Halchter , part of Wolfenbüttel
  • 1677 St. Martin in Badenhausen , district of Göttingen , height 87 cm, diameter 112 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1677 Derenburg , Harz district, diameter 162 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1677 Derenburg, Harz district, preserved (2020)
  • 1677 Derenburg, Harz district, diameter 147 cm, melted down in 1917
  • 1677 Derenburg, Harz district, melted down in 1917
  • 1680 St. Andrew's Church in Braunschweig, diameter 132 cm, destroyed in 1944
  • 1680 St. Andrew's Church in Braunschweig, destroyed in 1944
  • 1681 St. Aegidien in Rautheim , part of Braunschweig
  • 1681 Bornum (Bockenem) , height 65 cm, diameter 82 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1681 Nienhagen (Moringen) , Northeim district , diameter 67 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1682 Lucklum , Wolfenbüttel district, height 88 cm, diameter 91 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1683 Sambleben , district of Schöppenstedt
  • 1683 Marienkirche BMV in Wolfenbüttel, height 117 cm, diameter 130 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1683 Trinity Church in Wolfenbüttel, height 87 cm, diameter 91 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1684 Fümmelse (cf. 1660 and 1668), melted down in the First World War
  • 1685 St. Georg in Offleben , Helmstedt district, height 49 cm, diameter 58 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1686 St. Maria St. Cyriakus in Groß Twülpstedt , Helmstedt district, height 116 cm, diameter 110 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1687 Berel , district Wolfenbüttel, height 88 cm, diameter 95 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1688 St. Vitus in Seesen, height 100 cm, diameter 130 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1688 St. Vitus in Seesen, height 85 cm, diameter 110 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1690 Hesse (Osterwieck) , Harz district
  • 1691 Christ Church in Klein Winnigstedt , Wolfenbüttel district, height 107 cm, diameter 110 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1691 Lauingen , district of Helmstedt, height 63 cm, diameter 66 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1695 Münchehof , district of Seesen, height 70 cm, diameter 100 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1696 Wendessen , district of Wolfenbüttel, height 70 cm, diameter 75 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1696 Kneitlingen , Wolfenbüttel district
  • 1696 Opperhausen, town of Einbeck , height 83 cm, diameter 91 cm, preserved (2020)
  • 1697 Abbenrode , Wolfenbüttel district
  • 1697 Trinitatiskirche in Braunlage , height 78 cm, diameter 100 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1697 Trinitatiskirche in Braunlage, height 42 cm, diameter 100 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1698 St. Marien in Köchingen , Peine district, height 70 cm, diameter 74 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1698 Bodenstedt , Peine district
  • 1699 St. Gertrud in Jerze , town of Bockenem
  • 1701 St. Stephen in Kissenbrück , Wolfenbüttel, height 88 cm, diameter 92 cm, obtained (1935)
  • 1701 Calvörde, height 85 cm, diameter 91 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1702 Emmerstedt , district of Helmstedt
  • 1702 St. Stephanus in Bahrdorf , Helmstedt district, height 107 cm, diameter 117 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1703 St. Andreas in Seesen, height 40 cm, preserved (1935)
  • 1703 St. Andreas in Seesen, height 30 cm, preserved (1935)
  • o. J. St. Vincenz in Schöningen , Helmstedt district


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Schrader: The Wolfenbüttel bell foundry family Heiso Meyer and his works . In: Braunschweigische Heimat 1935, 26, pp. 86–87.
  2. ^ Community letter Luthergemeinde Bad Harzburg, December 2017 to February 2018