Cabinet Kohl III

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Cabinet Kohl III
16. Cabinet of the Federal Republic of Germany
Helmut Kohl
Chancellor Helmut Kohl
choice 1987
Legislative period 11.
Appointed by Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker
education March 12, 1987
The End January 18, 1991
Duration 3 years and 312 days
predecessor Cabinet Kohl II
successor Cabinet Kohl IV
Party (s) CDU / CSU, FDP
minister 24
German Bundestag
Opposition leader Hans-Jochen Vogel ( SPD )


Cabinet Kohl III - March 12, 1987 to December 20, 1990
( charged with running the business until January 18, 1991 )
Office photo Surname Political party Parliamentary State Secretary
or Minister of State
Political party
KAS-Kohl, Helmut-Bild-14701-1.jpg
Helmut Kohl
CDU - -
Deputy Federal Chancellor
Hans-Dietrich Genscher (1989) .jpg
Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Foreign Irmgard Adam-Schwaetzer
(* 1942)
Helmut Schäfer
(* 1933)
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F085285-0011a, Bonn Friedrich Zimmermann.jpg
Friedrich Zimmermann
until April 21, 1989
CSU Horst Waffenschmidt
Carl-Dieter Spranger
(* 1939)
Wolfgang Schäuble
(* 1942)
from April 21, 1989
Hans Engelhard FDP Federal Party Congress 1982.jpg
Hans A. Engelhard
FDP Friedrich-Adolf Jahn
Defense Minister Dr.  Gerhard Stoltenberg (4909220253) .jpg
Gerhard Stoltenberg
until April 21, 1989
CDU Hansjörg Häfele
(* 1932)
until April 21, 1989
Manfred Carstens
(* 1943)

Friedrich Voss

Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F074462-0012, Bonn, press conference Koalitionsverhandlungen.jpg
Theodor Waigel
(* 1939)
from April 21, 1989
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F052010-0020, Kiel, FDP federal party conference, Bangemann.jpg
Martin Bangemann
(* 1934)
until December 9, 1988
FDP Ludolf-Georg von Wartenberg
(* 1941)
until July 4, 1989
Klaus Beckmann

Erich Riedl


Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F074463-0009, Bonn, press conference Koalitionsverhandlungen.jpg
Helmut Haussmann
(* 1943)
from December 9, 1988
Food, Agriculture and Forestry
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1987-1122-014, Munich, visit by Werner Felfe, Ignaz Kiechle.jpg
Ignaz Kiechle
CSU Georg Gallus
(* 1927)
Wolfgang von Geldern
(* 1944)
Relations within Germany
Federal Archives B 145 Bild-F074179-0011, Bonn, Minister Wilms.jpg
Dorothee Wilms
(* 1929)
CDU Ottfried Hennig
Work and social order
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F061790-0033, Hamburg, CDU federal party conference, Blüm.jpg
Norbert Blüm
CDU Wolfgang Vogt
Stefan Höpfinger
until April 21, 1989
Horst Seehofer
(* 1949)


Defense Minister Dr Manfred Wörner (4909819218) .jpg
Manfred Wörner
until May 18, 1988
CDU Peter Kurt Würzbach
(* 1937)
until December 19, 1988
Willy Wimmer
(* 1943)

Agnes Hürland-Büning
Defense Minister Prof. Dr.  Rupert Scholz (4909221281) .jpg
Rupert Scholz
(* 1937)
May 18, 1988 to April 21, 1989
Defense Minister Dr.  Gerhard Stoltenberg (4909220253) .jpg
Gerhard Stoltenberg
from April 21, 1989
Youth, family, women and health
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F078530-0001, Wiesbaden, CDU federal party conference, Rita Süssmuth.jpg
Rita Süssmuth
(* 1937)
until November 25, 1988
CDU Anton Pfeifer
(* 1937)
Ursula Lehr
(* 1930)
from December 9, 1988
Silver - replace this image male.svg
Jürgen Warnke
until April 21, 1989
CSU Dieter Schulte
(* 1941)
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F085285-0011a, Bonn Friedrich Zimmermann.jpg
Friedrich Zimmermann

from April 21, 1989

Environment, nature conservation and reactor safety
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F082401-0001, Bremen, CDU Federal Party Congress, Wallmann.jpg
Walter Wallmann
until April 22, 1987
Martin Grüner
Wolfgang Gröbl
(* 1941)

Federal archive B 145 Bild-F082403-0007, Bremen, CDU federal party conference, Töpfer.jpg
Klaus Töpfer
(* 1938)
from May 7, 1987
Post and telecommunications from July 1, 1989: Post and telecommunications

Federal archive B 145 Bild-F073619-0026, Mainz, CDU federal party conference, Schwarz-Schilling.jpg
Christian Schwarz-Schilling
(* 1930)
CDU Wilhelm Rawe
Spatial planning, construction and urban planning
Oscar schneider 0037.JPG
Oscar Schneider
(* 1927)
until April 21, 1989
CSU Jürgen Echternach
Gerda Hasselfeldt.jpg
Gerda Hasselfeldt
(* 1950)
from April 21, 1989
Research and technology
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F076341-0019, Heinz Riesenhuber.jpg
Heinz Riesenhuber
(* 1935)
CDU Albert Probst
education and Science
Jürgen Möllemann 2002 (cropped) .jpeg
Jürgen W. Möllemann
FDP Irmgard Karwatzki
until April 21, 1989
Norbert Lammert
(* 1948)
Economic Cooperation
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F083495-0022, Hans Klein.jpg
Hans Klein
until April 21, 1989
CSU Volkmar Köhler
until April 21, 1989
Hans-Peter Repnik
(* 1947)
Silver - replace this image male.svg
Jürgen Warnke
from April 21, 1989
Special tasks
head of the Federal Chancellery
Wolfgang Schäuble
until April 21, 1989
CDU Lutz Stavenhagen
Lieselotte Berger
Representative of
the Federal Government in Berlin

until September 26, 1989 (deceased)
Günter Straßmeir
Representative of
the Federal Government in Berlin

October 26, 1989 to December 20, 1990
Rudolf Seiters
(* 1937)
from April 21, 1989
Special duties
Head of the Federal Government's Press and Information Office
Federal archive B 145 Bild-F083495-0022, Hans Klein.jpg
Hans Klein
April 21, 1989 to December 20, 1990
CSU - -
Special tasks
Sabine Bergmann-Pohl.jpg
Sabine Bergmann-Pohl
(* 1946)
from October 3, 1990
CDU - -
Special tasks
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1990-0711-300, Günther Krause (CDU) .jpg
Günther Krause
(* 1953)
from October 3, 1990
CDU - -
Special tasks
Lothar de Maizière 2011.jpg
Lothar de Maizière
(* 1940)
October 3 to December 19, 1990
CDU - -
Special tasks
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1990-0309-322, Rainer Ortleb.jpg
Rainer Ortleb
(* 1944)
from October 3, 1990
FDP - -
Special tasks
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1990-0630-015, Hansjoachim Walther.jpg
Hansjoachim Walther
from October 3, 1990
DSU - -


After the state elections in Hesse and the subsequent formation of a coalition of CDU and FDP, Federal Environment Minister Walter Wallmann resigned from the federal government on April 22, 1987; on April 24, 1987 he was elected Prime Minister of Hesse . The previous Minister for Environment and Health of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, Klaus Töpfer , was appointed as the new Environment Minister on May 7, 1987 .

Defense Minister Manfred Wörner resigned on May 18, 1988 in order to take up his new post as NATO Secretary General on July 1, 1988 . His successor was the Senator for Justice and Federal Affairs of the State of Berlin , Rupert Scholz .

Federal Minister of Economics Martin Bangemann resigned on December 9, 1988 in order to be able to switch to the European Commission as Commissioner for Internal Market and Industry at the beginning of 1989 . His office as Minister of Economics was taken over by the former FDP General Secretary Helmut Haussmann .

Since she had been elected President of the German Bundestag on November 25, 1988 , Rita Süssmuth resigned on December 9, 1988. The new Federal Minister for Youth, Family, Women and Health was the Heidelberg Professor of Gerontology, Ursula Lehr .

On December 19, 1988, Parliamentary State Secretary Peter Kurt Würzbach resigned after a dispute with Federal Defense Minister Scholz about the low-level flight ban imposed by Würzbach after the plane crash in Remscheid . On the same day, Willy Wimmer was appointed as his successor as Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Minister of Defense .

An extensive cabinet reshuffle was carried out on April 21, 1989, which only affected the Union-led ministries. Federal Building Minister Oscar Schneider and Defense Minister Rupert Scholz , during whose short term of office the Ramstein and Remscheid accidents had occurred, were dismissed as Federal Ministers. The previous Minister of the Interior, Friedrich Zimmermann , became the new Federal Minister of Transport, the previous Minister of Finance, Gerhard Stoltenberg, the new Federal Minister of Defense and Transport Minister Jürgen Warnke, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation. His predecessor in office, Hans Klein, took over as Federal Minister for Special Tasks as head of the Federal Government's Press and Information Office and the previous head of the Federal Chancellery, Wolfgang Schäuble , was appointed as the new Federal Minister of the Interior. For the first time, the previous chairman of the CSU regional group Theo Waigel and Gerda Hasselfeldt were appointed as Federal Minister for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development. The previous First Parliamentary Managing Director of the CDU / CSU Bundestag faction , Rudolf Seiters , who was appointed as Federal Minister for special tasks to head the Federal Chancellery , also joined the cabinet .

Also on April 21, 1989, Parliamentary State Secretaries Hansjörg Häfele (Finance), Stefan Höpfinger (Labor and Social Affairs), Irmgard Karwatzki (Education and Science) and Volkmar Köhler (Economic Cooperation) left office. The previous chairman of the budget working group of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group Manfred Carstens , the previous social policy spokesman for the CSU regional group Horst Seehofer as parliamentary state secretary to the federal minister for labor and social affairs, and Norbert Lammert as parliamentary state secretary , were newly appointed as Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Minister of Finance at the Federal Minister of Education and Science and the previous chairman of the Baden-Württemberg regional group of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group Hans-Peter Repnik as Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation.

After the number of CSU-led federal ministries had risen to six with the cabinet reshuffle, the FDP demanded another Parliamentary State Secretary to compensate. On July 4, 1989 Ludolf von Wartenberg left office. His successor at the Federal Minister of Economics was the previous parliamentary manager of the FDP parliamentary group, Klaus Beckmann .

After the death of the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Chancellor and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Government in Berlin Lieselotte Berger on September 26, 1989, Günter Straßmeir was appointed her successor on October 26, 1989 .

With German reunification on October 3, 1990, the previous People's Chamber President Sabine Bergmann-Pohl , the last Prime Minister of the GDR Lothar de Maizière , the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Prime Minister of the GDR Günther Krause , the previous Chairman of the FDP Volkskammer faction Rainer Ortleb and the previous chairman of the DSU Volkskammer faction, Hansjoachim Walther, appointed federal minister for special tasks.

Lothar de Maizière resigned as Federal Minister on December 19, 1990 because of renewed allegations that he was an unofficial employee (IM) of the Ministry for State Security .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Reshuffle of the Federal Cabinet - dismissals and appointments by the Federal President. In: Bulletin 36-89. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, April 21, 1989, accessed on March 10, 2018 .
  2. a b c Appointment of Prof. Dr. Ursula Maria Lehr as Federal Minister for Youth, Family, Women and Health. In: Bulletin 173-88. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, December 10, 1988, accessed on March 10, 2018 .
  3. a b Appointment of Professor Dr. Rupert Scholz as Federal Minister of Defense. In: Bulletin 66-88. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, May 19, 1988, accessed on March 10, 2018 .
  4. Responsibility for democracy in the service of all citizens - election of the President of the German Bundestag. In: Bulletin 165-88. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, November 29, 1988, accessed on March 10, 2018 .
  5. Oath of the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. (PDF; 2.9 MB) In: Minutes of the plenary 11/10. German Bundestag, May 7, 1987, pp. 523-524 , accessed on March 10, 2018 .
  6. a b c d e Appointment and oath of federal ministers. In: Bulletin 118-90. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, October 5, 1990, accessed on March 10, 2018 .
  7. ^ On the decision of Federal Minister de Maizière. In: Bulletin 147-90. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, December 20, 1990, accessed on March 10, 2018 .

See also