Gusev Raion

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Гусевский район
coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Administrative center Gusew
surface 642.7  km²
Head of the Rajons (of the city district)
Andrei Gnesdilow
Rajon founded 1946
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40143
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 212
OKTMO 27 709
Geographical location of the administrative center
Coordinates 54 ° 35 '  N , 22 ° 12'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 35 '  N , 22 ° 12'  E
Gusew (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Gusew: Situation in Kaliningrad Oblast
Location within Russia
Kaliningrad Oblast within Russia

Template: Infobox Rajon in Russia / Maintenance / Meta

The Gusevsky District ( Russian Гусевский район ) is a Russian Rajon in the eastern part of the Kaliningrad Oblast . Within the framework of local self-government, the (administrative-territorial) Rajon consists of an urban district , the administrative center of which is the city of Gussew (formerly Gumbinnen ).

The region is very sparsely populated, with the Pissa and Angrapa flowing through it. The sparsely populated south of the Rajons is characterized by a forest landscape, while in the north it is more forest and quilted pastures that predominate. The main livelihood of the population is agriculture . The main railway and road connection from Kaliningrad to Moscow runs through the Rajonsgebiet .

Local self-government

On the territory of Gusew Raion there has been the municipal self-government unit of the Gusew City District (ru. Гусевский городской округ, Gussewski gorodskoi okrug) with the city of Gusew and 40 other settlements (ru. Possjolok) since 2013 .


The Rajon was founded on April 7, 1946 as Gumbinnenski rajon . The Rajon was administered from the end of May 1946, initially by the "Administration for civil affairs of the Gumbinnen Rajon" (ru. Управление по гражданским делам Гумбинненского раййона, Uprawlenie po graschdonenski del). On September 7, 1946, the city of Gumbinnen was renamed Gusew and the Rajon in Gussewski rajon . The city of Gusew was free of rajons, but became the administrative seat of the rajon. In the summer of 1947 was to manage the Rajons Executive Committee of the Gussewsker Rajonsowjets of deputies of working people appointed (ru Исполнительный комитет Гусевского районного Совета депутатов трудящихся, Ispolnitelny komitet Gussewskowo rajonowo Soweta Deputatov trudjaschtschichsja; short. Гусевский Райисполком, Gussewski Rajispolkom).

When Gussew Rajon was set up, no reference was made to the boundaries of the former Gumbinnen district , even though they roughly coincided. The districts of Tilsit-Ragnit became the places Augsgirren / Sassenhöhe, Bergental, Groß Pillkallen / Kallenfeld , Opehlischken / Opeln, Werxnupönen / Langenort and later also Kauschen (ru. Initially Kaschino), from the district Pillkallen (Schloßberg) the places Antballen / Abendwalde , Birkenfelde (Ksp Mallwischken), Dubinnen / Duben, Henskehmen / Sprindacker, Katharinenhof, Löbtuballen / Löbagrund, Mallwischken / Mallwen , Naujeningken / Nauningen, Plimballen / Osterfelde, Sassupönen / Sassenbach, Smailen, Stimbern, Stirnlaugken / Wandsirnen / The towns of Schillgallen / Heimfelde, Schockwethen / Randau and Seekampen are taken over from the Stallupönen (Ebenrode) district . On the other hand, western parts of the Gumbinnen district were assigned to the Chernyakhovsk district , southern parts of the area to the Osjorsk district and south-eastern parts of the area to the Nesterow district.

In 1960 the Gusewsker Rajonsovjet was attached to the Gusewsker Stadtsovjet and thus the administration of the Rajons of the city of Gusew was subordinated. In the years 1963 to 1965 the Rajon was attached to the Rajon Nesterow as part of a brief general administrative reform.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union , in 1992, under the name Administration of Gusev Rajons (ru. Администрация Гусевского района, Administrazija Gussewskowo rajona) a separate district administration was set up again. In 1996 the city of Gusew was incorporated into the Rajon.

In 1998, the Gusev Raion Municipal Self-Government Unit was established on the territory of Gusev Raion . In 2004 this administrative unit got the status of an urban district (ru. Гусевский городской округ, Gussewski gorodskoi okrug). However, the district of Gusew was rejected by the judiciary. Thereupon the administrative unit got the status of a "municipal" Rajons in 2008 and was designated with Municipal Rajon Gusew (ru. Гусевский муниципальный район, Gussewski munizipalny rajon); In this, the municipal self-government was expanded to the local level and the existing seven village districts were converted into four rural communities. In 2013 the administrative unit got the status of an urban district again.

Village soviets / village districts 1947–2008

Surname Administrative headquarters German name Remarks
Bryansky Bryanskoye
since before 1968:  Podgorovka
since before 1988:  Pervomaiskoye
Pruszischken (Preussendorf)
Groß Baitschen
Sadweitschen (Altkrug)
from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district
Dubrawski Dubrawa Buylien (Schulzenwalde) was attached to Lipowski in 1954, Dubrawa has belonged to Osjorsk Rajon since 1975
Furmanowski Furmanowo Stannaitschen (Zweilinden) from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district
Krasnogorsky Krasnogorskoye
since before 1975:  Kubanowka
Niebudszen (Herzogskirch)
Brakupönen (Roßlinde)
from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district
Krasnopolski Krasnopolje Pötschkehmen (Pötschwalde) was attached to Pokrowski in 1954
Lipowski Lipowo Kulligkehmen (Ohldorf) from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district
Maiski Corn bunk Mallwischken (Mallwen) from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district
Mayakovsky Mayakovskoye Nemmersdorf from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district
Pokrovsky Pokrovskoye
since before 1968:  Priosjornoye
since before 1975:  Michailowo
Bibehlen (Falkenhausen)
Gerwischkehmen (Gerwen)
Eszerningken (Neupassau)
from 1963 to 1965 in Nesterow district

Municipalities 2008–2013

Administrative division of Gusev Rajon 2008-2013
Surname Administrative headquarters German
Number of
Urban municipality:
Gusevskoye Gusew Gumbinnen 9 29,942 65
Rural communities:
Kalininskoye Kalininskoye Augstupönen
1938–45: Hochfliess
6th 2,033 122
Kubanovskoye Kubanowka Brakupönen
1938–45: Roßlinde
12 2,483 249
Mayakovskoye Mayakovskoye Nemmersdorf 6th 934 108
Mikhailovskoye Mikhailovo Eszerningken
1936–38: Escherningken
1938–45: Neupassau
8th 1,750 99

Population development

year Residents Remarks
1959 10,545 Including the city of Gusev: 24,719
1970 08,775 Including the city of Gusev: 30,828
1979 09,100 Including the city of Gusev: 33,674
1989 07,533 Including the city of Gusev: 34,564
2002 37,461
2010 37,142


Party secretaries of the WKP (B) / CPSU 1947–1960

  • 1947–1950: GI Repin (Г. И. Репин)
  • 1950–1960: Afanassi Terentjewitsch Illarionow (Афанасий Терентьевич Илларионов)

from 1960 the Rajon no longer had its own administration


  • 1946–1947: Nikita Sergejewitsch Panitschew (Никита Сергеевич Паничев)
  • 1947–1952: AA Sassedatelew (А. А. Заседателев)
  • 1952-1954: W. Je. Khochryakov (В. Е. Хохряков)
  • 1954–1956: WA Ignatow (В. А. Игнатов)
  • 1956–1960: S. Yes. Ovchinnikow (С. Я. Овчинников)

from 1960 to 1992 there was no separate Rajon administration

  • 1992–1993: WF Sakharov (В. Ф. Захаров)
  • 1993–1996: Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Vorobei (Николай Александрович Воробей)
  • 1996–2005: Anatoli Grigoryevich Trifonow (Анатолий Григорьевич Трифонов)
  • 2005–2010: Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Zukanow (Николай Николаевич Цуканов)
  • 2010–2013: Andrei Petrovich Gnesdilow (Андрей Петрович Гнездилов)
  • 2013-2017: Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Gazuk (Вячеслав Васильевич Гацук)
  • since 2017: Andrei Petrowitsch Gnesdilow (Андрей Петрович Гнездилов)

Heads of administration

  • 2010–2012: Galina Michailovna Silenko (Галина Михайловна Силенко)
  • 2012–2014: Viktor Nikolajewitsch Perepelow (Виктор Николаевич Перепелов) (i. V.)
  • 2014–2018: Evgeni Evgenjewitsch Michailow (Евгений Евгеньевич Михайлов)
  • since 2018: Alexandr Alexandrowitsch Kitajew (Александр Александрович Китаев)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. By the Постановление Совета Министров СССР от 7 апреля 1946 г. № 783 «Об административном устройстве г. Кенигсберга и прилегающих к нему районов »(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 7, 1946, No. 783: On the administrative structure of the city of Koenigsberg and its surrounding Rajons)
  2. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 7 сентября 1946 г. “Об административном устройстве Калининградской области” (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of September 7, 1946: On the administrative structure of the Kaliningrad Oblast)
  3. According to the decree from the Stallupönen district, initially also the places Kummeln and Mikuthelen / Michelsdorf.
  4. By the Закон Калининградской области от 27 марта 1996 г. № 44 «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Калининградской области Российской едерациской едерациской карт.
  5. By the Постановление Калининградской областной Думы от 4 июня 1998 г. № 40 "Об утверждении границы административно - территориального, муниципального образования" Гусевский район "" (Decision of the Kaliningrad Oblastduma of 4 June 1998, No. 40: On Approval of the boundary of the administrative-territorial and Municipal Education "Gusevsky District.")
  6. By Закон Калининградской области от 5 ноября 2004 г., № 445 «О наделении муниципального образования" Гусевский район "статусом городского округа" (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 5 November 2004, No. 445. About the equipping of municipal formation " Gusev Rajon "with the status of a city district)
  7. By Закон Калининградской области от 30 июня 2008 г., № 255 «Об организации местного самоуправления на территории муниципального образования" Гусевский городской округ "» (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 30 June 2008, No. 255. On the organization of local Self-government in the field of municipal education "City District Gusew")
  8. By Закон Калининградской области от 29 мая 2013 г., № 230 «О преобразовании Гусевского городского поселения, Калининского, Кубановского, Маяковского и Михайловского сельских поселений путем объединения поселений и наделении вновь образованного городского поселения статусом городского округа " (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast from May 29, 2013, No. 230: On the restructuring of the urban municipality of Gusevskoye and the rural municipalities of Kalininskoye, Kubanovskoye, Mayakovskoye and Mikhailovskoye by means of uniting the municipalities and equipping the re-established urban municipality with the status of an urban district)
  9. also Mikhailovka
  10. census data