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AMX-10 RC of the 1st Regiment de Spahis

AMX-10 RC of the 1st Regiment de Spahis

General properties
crew 4 (commander, driver / radio operator, gunner, loader)
length 6.24 m (9.13 m with gun in 12 o'clock position)
width 2.78 m
height 2.60–2.20 m (variable due to hydraulic wheel suspension)
Dimensions 14.2 tons (combat weight)
Armor and armament
Armor Protected against infantry weapons, the front against caliber of 23 mm and against 14.5 mm hard core ammunition from a distance of 300 meters.
Main armament 1 × 105 mm BK MECA L / 48 cannon (38 projectiles) (Vo 800 m / s)
Secondary armament 1 x 7.62-mm AA / NF1 - MG (coaxial, 4000 shot), and optionally

1 × 12.7 mm Fla-MG (deck structure)

drive Hispano-Suiza HS-115 or Baudouin Diesel 6F11 SRX
250 hp (186 kW) at 3,200 min -1
suspension hydropneumatic
Top speed 85 km / h (road), 7.2 km / h (water)
Power / weight 19.7 hp / ton
Range 1000 km

The AMX-10 RC ( A teliers d'Issy les M oulineau x de classe 10 tonnes, à R oues et C anon ) is a medium - sized all-wheel drive , amphibious French reconnaissance tank that was manufactured by the armaments company GIAT .

The AMX-10 RC is the six-wheeled and comparatively heavily armed (105 mm L / 48 cannon) version of the AMX-10P armored personnel carrier . Ultimately, both vehicles have the same assemblies , but completely different tasks on the battlefield. The AMX-10 RC is mainly used in reconnaissance due to its heavier armor and armament. With its 105 mm cannon, it can also be used as a tank destroyer. However, against modern main battle tanks it depends on the chances of firing against the sides or the rear of the tank, since the 105 mm cannon can penetrate the frontal armor of modern main battle tanks only at a few weak points (“ballistic windows”).


French AMX-10RC tanks during Operation Desert Shield
Qatari Army AMX-10RC tank (2013)

First development work on the AMX-10RC project began in 1970. The series production finally began in 1976. The French army is the vehicle for example, the one he régiment étranger de cavalerie the Foreign Legion used. In order to guarantee the planned period of use from 2015 to 2020, the reconnaissance tank has now been modernized and upgraded several times.

The AMX-10RC has proven itself in various combat missions, for example it was used in Chad (1983/84), Iraq ( Operation Desert Storm 1991), Kosovo , Afghanistan and since 2012 in the Mali conflict .

108 vehicles are used by Morocco and 12 vehicles by Qatar .

In 2010, 256 vehicles were still in use in France .

Of the 337 vehicles in France, 236 were subjected to an increase in combat value and are now called "AMX-10RCR" (the second R stands for revalorisés - German for “revaluation”). The 248 vehicles still in use in 2018 are to be replaced by the Engin blindé de reconnaissance et de combat (EBRC) 6 × 6 from 2020 .

Individual proof

  1. a b Armée de Terre: AMX 10 RC rénové. In: . Armée de Terre, October 25, 2018, accessed October 8, 2019 (French).

Web links

Commons : AMX-10 RC  - album with pictures, videos and audio files