Doris Maletzki

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Doris Maletzki , divorced Brachmann (born June 11, 1952 in Salzwedel ) is a former German athlete who was successful in the sprint in the 1970s - starting for the GDR . a. 1976 as a relay Olympic champion.

Athletic career

Given the dominance of other GDR sprinters, she only achieved great international successes in the relay competitions:

Doris Maletzki started for SC Dynamo Berlin and trained with Günter Sauer . In her active days she was 1.68 m tall and weighed 56 kg. After her sports career, she became a financial economist, was a captain in the People's Police , worked in a leading position at the Berlin Football Association and then as an employee at the German Olympic Institute.



  • Volker Kluge : The great lexicon of GDR athletes. The 1000 most successful and popular athletes from the GDR, their successes, medals and biographies. 2nd updated edition. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-89602-538-4 , p. 367.

Individual evidence

  1. Neues Deutschland , January 4, 1986, p. 15
  2. Neues Deutschland, November 30, 1974, p. 2
  3. ^ New Germany, September 10, 1976, p. 4