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Gymnocalycium gibbosum

Gymnocalycium gibbosum

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Trichocereeae
Genre : Gymnocalycium
Scientific name
Whistle. ex mediator

Gymnocalycium is a genus of plants fromthe cactus family (Cactaceae). The botanical name is derived from the Greek words γυμνός ( gymnos ) for naked and κάλυξ ( kalyx ) for cup and means "naked calyx".


The species of the genus Gymnocalycium are low-growing, usually single or sometimes small cushion-forming plants with spherical, pressed-spherical to short-cylindrical stems . The 4 to 15 (rarely more) ribs are usually broadly rounded, often sinuous, sometimes warty and often have a "chin" just below the areoles . The thorns are very variable.

The funnel-shaped or bell-shaped flowers that open during the day appear at or near the apex. They are white or pink, sometimes yellow or vivid red. The flower cup and the flower corolla are covered with a few large, wide and blunt scales that have membranous edges. The areoles are bare. The inflorescence is usually spread out.

The stamens form two circles. The first surrounds the nectar chamber, the second is attached near the opening of the corolla. The elongated to spherical fruits are dry or fleshy and open in different ways. A permanent remnant of flowers adheres to them. The seeds are very variable. Their color ranges from brown to black, and the size from fairly small to relatively very large.

Systematics and distribution

The species of the genus Gymnocalycium are common in Bolivia , in the south of Brazil , in Paraguay , Uruguay and Argentina .

The first description was published in 1844 by Ludwig Mittler in the spelling Gymnocalicium . The type species of the genus is Cactus gibbosus .

Today, the genus is usually divided into the six sub-genera Gymnocalycium , Macrosemineum , Microsemineum , Muscosemineum , Pirisemineum and Trichomosemineum and includes the following species:

A synonym of the genus is Brachycalycium Backeb.



Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Mittler: Paperback for cactus lovers. Volume 2, p. 124, Leipzig 1844
  2. ^ Edward F. Anderson, Urs Eggli (translator): The large cactus lexicon, German edition, Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2005, ISBN 3-8001-4573-1
  3. Mario Perea, Omar Ferrari, Laura Las Peñas, Roberto Kießling: A new, red flowering Gymnocalycium species from Catamarca In: Cacti and other succulents . Volume 60, Number 2, 2009, pp. 35-42.

further reading

  • Pablo H. Demaio, Michael HJ Barfuss, Roberto Kiesling, Walter Till, Jorge O. Chiapella: Molecular phylogeny of Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae): Assessment of alternative infrageeric systems, a new subgenus, and trends in the evolution of the genus . In: American Journal of Botany . Volume 98, number 11, 2011, pp. 1841-1854 ( DOI: 10.3732 / ajb.1100054 ).
  • Gerhart Frank: The Genus Gymnocalycium . In: Cactus and Succulent Journal . Volume 48, 1976, pp. 215-218, 265-267; Volume 49, 1977, pp. 18-21, 66-70, 128-132, 149-151.
  • Diego E. Gurvich, Guillermo Funes, Melisa A. Giorgis, Pablo Demaio: Germination Characteristics of Four Argentinean Endemic Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae) Species With Different Flowering Phenologies . In: Natural Areas Journal . Volume 28, Number 2, 2008, pp. 104-108 ( doi : 10.3375 / 0885-8608 (2008) 28 [104: GCOFAE] 2.0.CO; 2 ).
  • Detlev Metzing, Massimo Meregalli, Roberto Kiesling: An annotated checklist of the genus Gymnocalycium Pfeiffer ex Mittler . In: Allionia . Volume 33, 1995, pp. 181-228.
  • John Pilbeam: Gymnocalycium. A Collector's Guide . AA Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam / Brookfield 1995.
  • Gordon Rowley: Gymnocalycium in Cultivation - A Survey of Cultivars . In: Haseltonia . Volume 15, 2009, pp. 80-101 ( DOI: 10.2985 / 026.015.0109 ).
  • Bohumil Schütz: Monograph of the genus Gymnocalycium . Graz / Knittelfeld 1992.
  • Hans Till: Reorganization of the genus Gymnocalycium . In: Gymnocalycium . Volume 14, 2001, pp. 385-404.
  • Hans Till: Nomenclatory corrections to the article "Reorganization of the genus Gymnocalycium" . In: Gymnocalycium . Volume 16, Number 2, 2003, p. 517.

Web links

Commons : Gymnocalycium  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files