List of characters in Greek mythology / R
The list of characters in Greek mythology includes characters from Greek mythology .
All figures known by name through literary or inscribed evidence are recorded. These include gods, demigods, hybrid beings or monsters, as well as human figures or animals that appear in myth. Nicknames, alternative names and group names are also included.
- Name: German transcription of the name without accents or length characters. Names whose traditional transcriptions are formed with umlaut or begin with a U are listed here without umlaut and with the transcription Ou . Accordingly, z. B. Oedipus can be found under Oidipus or Uranos under Ouranos .
- Greek: Ancient Greek spelling of the name.
- Description: Contains a brief description of the figure in which it is classified as far as possible (god, nymph, satyr, son or daughter of ...).
- Evidence: The detailed evidence is in the respective article and not in this list.
See also the general notes on the list of characters in Greek mythology .
Surname | Greek | description | proof |
Rarities | ̓Ραριάς, ̓Ράριον πεδίον | Nickname of Demeter in Eleusis | RE . Roscher 4.61. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Ῥαρίον πεδίον . |
Raros | Ρᾶρος | Son of Kranaos , father of Triptolemus , after him first grain fields near Eleusis | RE . Roscher 4.61. Pausanias 1,14,2. |
Rhadamanthys | Ῥαδάμανθυς, Ῥαδάμας | King of Crete , judge in the underworld | Roscher 4.77-86. Pausanias 8.53.5. |
Rhadine | Ῥαδίνη | Virgin from Samos, who flees because she is to be married, "the light one" | Roscher 4.86. Pausanias 7,5,13. |
Rhages | Ῥάγης | Companion of Deriades | Roscher 4.87. |
Rhakios | Ῥάκιος | Son of life, with the visionary Manto father of Mopsus and Pamphyle | Roscher 4.87. Pausanias 7.3.1. |
Rhamnusia | Ῥάμνουσία | Nickname of the nemesis in the cult in Rhamnus | Roscher 4.87. Hesychios . |
Rhamnusis | Ῥάμνουσίς | Nickname of Nemesis and Helena as the daughter of Nemesis | Roscher 4.88 (1) - (2). Ovid : Metamorphoses 14,694. |
Rhea | Ῥέα, Ῥεία | Titanide , ancestor of the Olympic gods | Roscher 4.88-96. |
Rhegnidas | Ρηγνίδας | King of Sicyon , the last, son of Phalkes | Roscher 4.96. Pausanias 2,13,1. |
Rheia | Ῥεία | this is Rhea , a titanide | Roscher 4.96 (1). |
Rheia | Ῥεία, Ῥείη | Epithet of Demeter , also Epiclesis "Mountain Mother" | Roscher 4.96 (2). Group : Greek Mythology 1169.7. |
Rheione | Ῥειώνη | Nickname of Hera | Roscher 4.96. Etymologicum magnum 703.10. |
Rhekas | Ῥέκας | Charioteer of the Dioscuri Castor and Polydeukes, with Amphistratos | Roscher 4.97. Stefan 496. |
Rhene | Ῥήνη | Nymph , with Oileus mother of Aias the Lokrer | Roscher 4.97 (1). Hyginus : Fabulae 97. |
Rhene | Ῥήνη | Nymph in Kyllene , with Hermes mother of Saos, goddess of the flocks of sheep | Roscher 4.97 (2). Scholion , Apollodor 1,917. |
Rheskynthis | Ῥησκυνθίς | Nickname of Hera , after the mountain in Thrace | Roscher 4.99. Scholion , Nikandr : Theriaca 460. |
Rhesos | Ῥῆσος, Ῥῆσσος | King of the Thracians , son of Eioneus, ally of Troy , killed by Diomedes | Roscher 4.99-111. Homer : Iliad 12:20. |
Rhexenor | Ῥηξήνωρ | Father of Chalkiope , the second wife of Aigeus | Roscher 4.111 (1). Tzetzes : Scholien zu Lycophron 494. |
Rhexenor | Ῥηξήνωρ | Son of Nausithoos , brother of Alcinous , father of Arete | Roscher 4.111 (2). Scholion , Iliad 7.56. |
Rhexichthon | Ῥηξίχθων | Nickname of Dionysus , "dividing the earth" | Roscher 4.111 (1). Orphic Hymn 47.3. |
Rhexichthon | Ῥηξίχθων | Deity on cursing tablets, related to Brimo Hecate | Roscher 4.111 (2). |
Rhigmos | Ῥίγμος | Son of Peires from Thrace , fights for Troy , killed by Achilles | Roscher 4,111. Homer : Iliad 20,484. |
Rhikurith | Ῥικουριθ | Demon on a curse tablet | Roscher 4,111. |
Rhinocolustes | Ῥινοκολούστης | Nickname of Heracles in Thebes , who cut off the noses of Erginos' messenger | Roscher 4,111. Pausanias 9.25.4. |
Rhinotoros | Ῥινοτόρος | Nickname of Ares , "piercing the shield" | Roscher 4,112. |
Rhipeus | Ῥίπεύς | Skythe , killed by Boread Kalais | Roscher 4.112 (2). Valerius Flaccus 6,585. |
Rhipheus | Ῥίφεύς, Ῥίπεύς | Centaur , hybrid of man and horse | Roscher 4.112 (1). Ovid : Metamorphoses 12,352. |
Rhipheus | Ῥίφεύς | Trojans , falls in nyctomachy | Roscher 4.112 (2). Virgil : Aeneid 2,425. |
Rhiphonos | Ῥιφόνος | Leader of the Centaurs in the army of Dionysus | Roscher 4,112. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14,189. |
Rhodanthe | Ῥοδάνθη | Bakchantin on an amphora in Paris | Roscher 4,112. |
Rhode | Ῥόδη | Danaide , one of almost 50 who stabbed the bridegroom Hippolytus | Roscher 4.112 (1). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5. |
Rhode | Ῥόδη | Daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite , for light and moisture, wife of Helios | Roscher 4.112 (2). Libraries of Apollodorus 1,4,6. |
Rhode | Ῥόδη | Nurse of Dionysus , a Bassaris | Roscher 4.113 (3). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14,223. |
Rhode | Ῥοδή | Daughter of Mopsus, eponyms from Rhodia near Phaselis in Lycia | Roscher 4.113 (4). Theopompos in FHG : Fragmenta 1,295. |
Rhodeia | Ῥοδή | Oceanid , playmate of Persephone | Roscher 4.113. Hesiod : Theogony 351. |
Rhodia | Ῥοδία | Danaide , one of nearly 50 who stabbed the Chalcedon bridegroom | Roscher 4.113 (1). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5. |
Rhodia | Ῥοδία | Female figure, sea goddess like Thetis | Roscher 4.113 (2). CIG 4.8185e. |
Rhodia | Ῥοδία | Pierian muse , derived from a river | Roscher 4.113 (3). Tzetzes : Commentary on Hesiod Works 1. |
Rhodios | Ῥόδιος | River god in the Troad , depicted on coins | Roscher 4.113 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 341. |
Rhodo | ΡΟΔΟ | Bakchantin on a drinking bowl | Roscher 4.114. CIG 4.7468. |
Rhododactylos | Ῥοδοδάκτυλος | Nicknames of Eos , Selene , Io , Aphrodite , Amymone | Roscher 4.114 (1) - (5). |
Rhodoessa | Ῥοδόεσσα | Lover of Apollo , mother of Keos | Roscher 4.114. Etymologicum magnum 507.54. |
Rhodope | Ῥοδόπη | Oceanide , daughter of Oceanus and Tethys , playmate of Persephone | Roscher 4.115 (1a). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 32.58. |
Rhodope | Ῥοδόπη | Lover of Apollo , mother of Keos | Roscher 4.115 (1b). |
Rhodope | Ῥοδόπη | Mother of the Seer Melampus | Roscher 4.115 (1c). Scholion , Theocritus 3.43. |
Rhodope | Ῥοδόπη | Heroine , hunting with Artemis , led to love by Aphrodite | Roscher 4.115 (2). |
Rhodope | Ῥοδόπη | Sister of Haimos, who call each other Zeus and Hera | Roscher 4.116 (3). Ovid : Metamorphoses 6.87. |
Rhodopis | Ῥοδῶπις, Ῥοδόπη | Virgin in Egypt, wife of King Psammetichus over a sandal | Roscher 4.116 (2). Strabo 17.808. |
Rhodes | Ῥόδος | Daughter of Poseidon and Halia | Roscher 4,117-119. Diodorus 5.55. |
Rhodes | Ῥόδος, Ῥόδη | Daughter of Aphrodite , with Helios mother from Kerkaphos | Roscher 4.119. Pindar : Olympia 7.14. |
Rhoiai | Ῥοιαί | Nymphs of the pomegranate trees | Roscher 4.119. Eustathio's Commentary on Odyssey 1963, 43. |
Rhoikos | Ῥοῖκος | Companion of Theseus , fights Melusa and Amazone , on a stamnos | Roscher 4.119 (1). |
Rhoikos | Ῥοῖκος | Centaur , companion of Hylaios in Arcadia , shot by Atalante | Roscher 4.119 (2). Scholion , Apollodor 3,9,2. |
Rhoikos | Ῥοῖκος | saves an oak and with it a hamadryad , saves her love | Roscher 4.120 (3). Etymologicum magnum 75.32. |
Rhoikos | Ῥοῖκος | Son of Gaia and Tartarus , a giant | Roscher 4.121 (4). Hyginus : Fabulae 10.9. |
Rhoio | Ῥοιώ | Daughter of Scamander , with Laomedon mother of Tithonus and Priam | Roscher 4.121 (1). Tzetzes : Lycophron 18. |
Rhoio | Ῥοιώ | Daughter of Staphylos and Chrysothemis , mother of Anios from Apollon | Roscher 4,122-124 (2). Diodorus 5,62,1. |
Rhoiteia | Ῥοιτεία | Daughter of Sithon and Anchinoe | Roscher 4.124 (1). Tzetzes : Lykophron 1161. |
Rhoiteia | Ῥοιτεία | Nickname of the Beroe | Roscher 4.124 (2). Virgil : Aeneid 5,646. |
Rhoitos | Ῥοῖτος | Giant trying to overthrow the Olympian gods | Roscher 4.124 (1). CIG 4.8182. |
Rhoitos | Ῥοῖτος | Centaur , kills Charaxes, Euager and Corythus at the wedding of Peirithoos | Roscher 4.125 (2). Ovid : Metamorphoses 12,271. |
Rhoitos | Ῥοῖτος | Companion of Phineus at the wedding of Perseus | Roscher 4.125 (3). Ovid : Metamorphoses 5.38. |
Rhokkaia | Ῥοκκαία | Nickname of Artemis in Crete in Rhithymna | Roscher 4.125. Aelianus : de animalium 12.22. |
Rhopalos | Ῥόπαλος | Son of Phaistos , king of Sicyon | Roscher 4.125. Pausanias 2,6,7. |
Rhoxanes | Ῥωξάνη | Daughter of Kordyes, raped by Medos | Roscher 4.126. Plutarch : de fluviorum 20.1. |
Rhymios | Ῥύμιος | Nickname of Zeus in Nakoleia in Phrygia | Roscher 4.126. |
Rhyndakis | Ῥυνδακίς | Nymph of the Rhyndakos River in Asia Minor | Roscher 4.126 (1). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 15,372. |
Rhyndakis | Ῥυνδακίς | Nickname of the aura , the goddess of the morning breeze | Roscher 4.126 (2). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 48,242. |
Rhyndakos | Ῥύνδακος | God of the river Rhyndakos , on coins from Apollonia in Mysia | Roscher 4.126. |
Rhysipolis | Ῥυσίπολις | Nickname of Athena | Roscher 4.127. Group : Greek Mythology 1218.1. |
Rhysiponos | Ῥυσίπονος | Nickname of Apollo | Roscher 4.127. Greek anthology 9,525. |
Rhythmonios | Ῥυθμόνιος | Son of Orpheus and nymph Idomena, with Chloris father of Periclymenus | Roscher 4.127. Group : Greek Mythology 215.9. |
Rhytia | Ῥυθμόνιος | Lover of Apollo , mother of the nine corybants | Roscher 4.127. Strabo 10,472. |
Diomedes' horses | Διομήδης | people eating, the Bistonen -Königs: Deinos, Lampon, Podargos, Xanthos |