List of nature reserves in the Lörrach district

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In the district of Lörrach there are 26 nature reserves. The Freiburg regional council is responsible for the designation of nature reserves .

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Feldberg Commons-logo.svg Small valley on the flanks of Seebuck - - 12581.jpg 3,001
WDPA:  4402

Feldberg (Black Forest) , Hinterzarten , Oberried , Schluchsee , Todtnau
Natural area of ​​particular diversity, uniqueness and beauty; Example of a glacial low mountain range as an important document of post-glacial natural history; Diverse habitat for numerous animal species and many, in some cases unique, plant communities with arctic-alpine, montane and Atlantic floral elements as well as rare species, some of which are threatened with extinction; partially protected and protected forest.
4,226.7 1991-09-27
Rümminger moss Commons-logo.svg Lörrach-Rümmingen nature reserve Rümminger Moos Image 1.jpg 3,011
WDPA:  82462

Lörrach , Rümmingen
Swampy forest area on the gently sloping western slope of the Röttlerwald; damp oak-hornbeam forest with beautiful old oaks.
12.2 1939-01-16
Buchswald near Grenzach Commons-logo.svg Buchswald am Westweg in Grenzach-Wyhlen 2.jpg 3,018
WDPA:  81484

South slope, steep shell limestone slopes to the Rhine valley; the northernmost outposts of a southern French-southwestern Swiss Mediterranean forest type (box-beech forest, box-downy oak forest, box-mountain lime forest) with boxwood and spring maple; Fauna with Mediterranean species.
92.8 1939-04-03
Utzenfluh Commons-logo.svg Utzenfeld Todtnau Nature reserve Utzenfluh Image 10.jpg 3,034
WDPA:  82772

Todtnau , Utzenfeld
Rocks of the small and large Utzenfluh made of preculm rock, porphyries, greywacke and biotite granites; interesting flora and fauna; the surrounding pasture fields were included in the expansion in 2011.
272.5 1940-12-06
Belchen Commons-logo.svg Belchen 2904 (14692140352) .jpg 3,042
WDPA:  102229

Münstertal / Black Forest , Aitern , Böllen , Schönenberg
In the summit area of ​​Belchen in the south-western Black Forest , high pastures with borst grass communities, in places also heather communities with berry bushes. Especially on steep slopes and rock outcrops, occurrence of numerous alpine and subalpine plant species. Extensively used area with different habitats worthy of protection, especially near-natural forests, poor pastures and wetlands as a habitat for very rare and endangered animal and plant species, some of which are threatened with extinction.
1,614.8 1993-06-23
Old Rhine Wyhlen Commons-logo.svg Altrhein-Wyhlen-1.JPG 3,047
WDPA:  81278

Lake (17 ha) created by the damming of the Rhine, separated from the Rhine by an elongated island except for two culverts. Island planted with oaks and alders; on the north shore of the lake a narrow strip of forest; at the east end dense reeds with adjoining willow bushes. Breeding area of ​​numerous water birds; Winter quarters for birds.
23.4 1975-09-18
Grave Commons-logo.svg NSG Totengrien Istein.jpg 3,086
WDPA:  82733

Stromtal semi-dry grassland on sites of the disturbed floodplain forest with a species-rich flora characteristic of the southern Baden-southern Alsace region.
2.8 1973-06-01
On the corner Commons-logo.svg Schliengen nature reserve Auf der Eckt section 1 picture 1.jpg 3.113
WDPA:  81335

dry grassland area; Habitat of numerous endangered plants and animals in the Markgräfler hill country.
3.1 1981-09-10
Ruschbachtal Commons-logo.svg Grenzach-Wyhlen nature reserve Ruschbachtal Image 1.jpg 3,150
WDPA:  165263

Geologically interesting valley (Rustelgraben) with semi-natural mixed deciduous forests (some with box); Habitat for a number of rare animal and plant species.
30.7 1985-09-23
Isteiner Klotz Commons-logo.svg Isteiner Klotz.jpg 3.160
WDPA:  163933

Malmkalkscholle with richly structured mosaic of warmth-loving and drought-bearing vegetation; Habitat for a large number of rare and z. Some animal and plant species threatened with extinction.
26.0 1986-10-16
Nonnenmattweiher Commons-logo.svg Nonnenmattweiher.jpg 3.161
WDPA:  164836

Kleines Wiesental
Well-developed glacier cirque with steep cirque walls, cirque lake u. Moraine walls. A peat island floating on the lake, a so-called rocking blanket with vegetation from flat and transitional moors.
70.8 1987-07-31
Rattled Commons-logo.svg Bad Bellingen Nature Reserve Rütscheten Image 1.jpg 3.163
WDPA:  165271

Bad Bellingen
vegetation mosaic consisting of semi-arid lawns, tall herbaceous groups, bushes and trees; Habitat of a multitude of rare plant and animal species.
5.6 1988-07-22
Leuengraben Commons-logo.svg Rheinfelden (Baden) Grenzach-Wyhlen Nature Reserve Leuengraben Picture 2.jpg 3.167
WDPA:  164443

Rheinfelden (Baden) , Grenzach-Wyhlen
Mainly near-natural forests with a great variety in different locations and thus different types of biotopes; Habitat for a multitude of rare plant and animal species.
139.9 1988-12-16
Krebsbachtal Commons-logo.svg Krebsbachtal 01.jpg 3.177
WDPA:  164243

Because on the Rhine is an
island of natural vegetation in a heavily sprawled and intensively used area. A final retreat for numerous animal and plant species in the region.
22.8 1990-12-27
Präg glacier basin Commons-logo.svg Block pile in präg.jpg 3,201
WDPA:  102240

Schönau im Schwarzwald , Todtnau , Tunau
Significant document of unique ice age processes; Area with diverse natural facilities, u. a. with large, extensively used pasture fields and near-natural forests; Habitat of many rare and endangered animal and plant species.
2,866.8 1994-06-27
Chapel grave Commons-logo.svg Efringen-Kirchen nature reserve Kapellengrien Image 1.jpg 3,202
WDPA:  164020

Bad Bellingen , Efringen-Kirchen A
particularly diverse area of ​​the southern Upper Rhine with different biotope types that are closely adjacent: Rhine with landfall areas, dry floodplain, gravel pit; Habitat of a multitude of rare animal and plant species, some of which are threatened with extinction, important breeding, migration and wintering areas for rare bird species.
65.9 1994-12-05
Langenbach-Trubelsbach Commons-logo.svg Todtnau nature reserve Langenbach-Trubelsbach part 1 picture 1.jpg 3,207
WDPA:  164349

Diverse mosaic of raised and transitional moors, flat moors, wet meadows, grass lawns and other biotopes; objects that are important for science, especially peatland research. (NR: Black Forest).
36.0 1995-05-16
Gallows hole Commons-logo.svg Bad Bellingen nature reserve Galgenloch Image 6.jpg 3.218
WDPA:  163193

Bad Bellingen , Schliengen
Complex of semi-arid grassland with transition areas rich in bushes, bushes, tall herbaceous areas and - on extensively farmed arable land - arable herb communities; the formerly typical types of softwood and hardwood floodplains are only sporadically present - as a result of the straightening of the Rhine; The flora in particular, with its rare and endangered species, is of outstanding importance.
11.8 1996-02-01
Buttenberghalde Commons-logo.svg Inzlingen nature reserve Buttenberghalde Image 3.jpg 3.227
WDPA:  162665

Complex of endangered habitats of various types such as near-natural, rare near-natural dry forests, hedges, semi-arid grasslands, poor meadows and orchards in extensive use; Habitat of numerous rare and endangered animal and plant species.
18.8 1996-10-30
Mouth of the weir Commons-logo.svg Wehramuende nature reserve 14.jpg 3,240
WDPA:  166195

Schwörstadt , Wehr (district of Waldshut)
Western confluence of the Wehra into the Rhine and the reed and shallow water zones on the banks of the Rhine; significant breeding and migration area numerous, z. T. endangered bird species.
12.1 1997-11-03
Weberalten gravel pit Commons-logo.svg Rheinfelden (Baden) nature reserve Kiesgrube Weberalten Image 1.jpg 3.242
WDPA:  164083

Rheinfelden (Baden)
Former gravel pit and adjacent areas with a mosaic of various location factors in a small area, with a large number of endangered animal and plant species, especially large numbers of dragonfly species.
6.3 1997-11-17
Eichholz-Buchholz Commons-logo.svg Efringen-Kirchen Nature Reserve Eichholz-Buchholz Image 1.jpg 3,252
WDPA:  318333

Bad Bellingen , Efringen-Kirchen
The western slope of the Markgräfler Vorbergzone sloping towards the Upper Rhine Plain with near-natural, warmth-loving forest communities (especially downy oak forests), bushes and adjacent borders as well as semi-arid grassland and dry stone walls, which are of great importance for many rare and sometimes highly endangered animal and plant species; Cultural-historical document of an old form of management with oak, hornbeam and hazel forests that were formerly managed in the manner of low forests.
34.6 1999-05-07
Buhrenboden Commons-logo.svg Rheinfelden (Baden) Buhrenboden nature reserve Image 8.jpg 3,259
WDPA:  318264

Rheinfelden (Baden)
Light, heat-favored deciduous forest stands with the only natural occurrence of the laurel daphne in Baden-Württemberg; Dry toe with deer tongue - deposit; Endangered habitats of dry and warm locations such as grasslands and perennial borders; Habitats of numerous plant species in need of care and in some cases endangered.
16.1 2001-05-21
Käppelin gravel pit Commons-logo.svg Weil am Rhein Kiesgrube Käppelin Nature Reserve Image 10.jpg 3,265
WDPA:  318651

Because on the Rhine
Former gravel pit with valuable habitats of different characteristics such as B. hollows and ponds, gravel soil, gravel and alluvial floors, ruderal societies, shrubbery and succession stages as well as various lawn societies; Habitat for a large number of animal species, some of which are highly endangered, in particular bird and amphibian species; Resting and wintering area for numerous endangered bird species.
21.7 2003-03-07
Blansinger Grien Commons-logo.svg Efringen-Kirchen nature reserve Blansinger Grien Image 16.jpg 3.266
WDPA:  318201

Former gravel pit and its surroundings with valuable habitats of various types such as the white sedge-oak-linden forest, gravel raw soil with pioneer corridors and gaps in dry vegetation as well as various grass communities; Habitat for a large number of plant and animal species, some of which are highly endangered, especially butterfly species; The protection purpose is also the preservation of the habitats of the species of the Birds Directive, in particular the gray woodpecker, middle woodpecker, honey buzzard and black kite.
23.6 2003-10-21
Wiedener Weidberge Commons-logo.svg Wieden (Black Forest) Wiedener Weidberge nature reserve Image 1.jpg 3,279
WDPA:  389996

Large, extensively used, predominantly grazed grassland area with high structural and species diversity as well as individual formations such as B. Willow beech ; various FFH habitats, in particular species-rich grasslands .
379.0 2009-09-20
Legend for nature reserve

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Protected area directory of the State Agency for the Environment (select type of area and city or district)

Web links

Commons : List of nature reserves in the Lörrach district  - collection of images, videos and audio files