List of nature reserves in the Lake Constance district

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In Baden-Württemberg Bodenseekreis there are 33 nature reserves . The Tübingen regional council is responsible for designating nature reserves . According to the protected area statistics of the State Agency for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), 1204.50 hectares of the district are under nature protection, that is 1.81 percent.

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Eriskircher Ried Commons-logo.svg D-BW - Eriskircher Ried - Irisblüte.jpg 4,020
WDPA:  7125

Eriskirch , Friedrichshafen , Langenargen
Unique natural area between the Schussen and Rotach estuaries with extensive shallow water zones, reeds and reeds, oxbow lakes; particularly near-natural breeding, resting and feeding space for many water birds, insects, fish, amphibians and reptiles; species-rich vegetation, especially rich bog flora.
556.5 1983-10-10
Wasenmoos Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang - NSG Wasenmoos.JPG 4,025
WDPA:  82866

Small Moor (flat and transitional moor) on a Worm Ice Age valley watershed; mostly peeled off, only remnants of raised bog turf in the central and southern part; birch forest in places.
26.7 1939-10-18
Hödinger Tobel Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Überlingen - Hödinger Tobel.jpg 4,054
WDPA:  81902

Sipplingen , Überlingen
Steep erosion tobacco in the Überlingen Molasse area. In places orchid-beech forest and goat-clover-pine forest; Canyon forest; Occurrence of alpine plant species.
27.7 1938-10-21
Spetzgarter Tobel Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Überlingen - Spetzgarter Tobel.jpg 4,055
WDPA:  319124

Deeply carved erosion gorge (Tobel) in the Sipplinger Molasse landscape of the Überlingen area. On the partly rocky slopes canyon forest, in places orchid-beech forest; in the valley floor of Bacheschenwald; in places volcanic tuff formations; Occurrence of alpine plant species.
12.4 1938-10-29
Aachtobel Commons-logo.svg D-BW - Aachtobel - Molassefelsen.jpg 4,057
WDPA:  81248

Frickingen , Owingen , Überlingen
Deeply cut gorge in the Überlinger Molasse area with steep rock faces and several lateral spring gorges. On the valley floor Grauerlen-Auewald, on the slopes Schluchtwald; Occurrence of alpine plant species.
97.4 1939-03-24
Seefeld Aach estuary Commons-logo.svg Seefelder Aach estuary.JPG 4,059
WDPA:  82581

Unique area where the Seefelder Aach flows into Lake Constance; classic zoning: shallow water, bank cane, white willow meadow, orchards; most extensive shallow water zone of the Überlinger See; Breeding, resting and feeding biotopes for many threatened birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects
54.7 1987-08-31
Kreuzweiher-Langensee Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - NSG Kreuzweiher-Langensee, Panorama.jpg 4,070
WDPA:  164258

Typical young moraine landscape of the Württemberg Allgäu with a great variety of habitats such as: open water areas with floating leaf and spawn communities, various reed communities, low-nutrient flat, intermediate and hill spring moor, litter and wet meadows, orchards and woody stands.
74.9 1994-10-20
Auweiher Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - Auweiher.JPG 4,071
WDPA:  81343

Neukirch (Bodenseekreis) , Bodnegg
Species-rich litter meadows on the former pond floor with floristic rarities.
7.3 1973-12-21
Altweiherwiese Commons-logo.svg Altweiherwiese.jpg 4,093
WDPA:  81283

Large reed area and littered meadows with alder borders as a habitat for a rich flora and fauna.
78.3 1981-11-16
Lipbach estuary Commons-logo.svg Lipbach estuary.JPG 4,102
WDPA:  82104

Friedrichshafen , Immenstaad on Lake Constance
Near-natural woody stock; Shore and shallow water zone of Lake Constance as resting, wintering and breeding area for threatened bird species and spawning area for many fish species.
15.8 1982-12-17
Hepbacher-Leimbacher Ried Commons-logo.svg D-BW - Hepbacher-Leimbacher Ried.jpg 4,114
WDPA:  81870

Friedrichshafen , Markdorf , Oberteuringen Remnants
of a low moor complex, reed areas, litter meadows Hochstaudenriede and silted up ponds as breeding, resting and feeding space for many rare, e.g. Some animal species threatened with extinction; Location of a diverse and species-rich typical fen flora.
46.5 1983-12-07
Hunter pond Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - Jaegerweiher 01.jpg 4,119
WDPA:  163937

Neukirch A
pond with an attractive landscape, with wide, floristically valuable silting areas, littered meadows and forest fringes.
6.2 1990-05-15
Köstenerberg Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Sipplingen - Köstenerberg3.JPG 4,152
WDPA:  164214

Geißklee-Föhrenwald and Weißseggen-Buchenwald, semi-arid lawns and orchards with extremely diverse and natural vegetation.
15.5 1989-02-16
Sipplinger triangle Commons-logo.svg D-Sipplingen-Churfirsten.JPG 4,153
WDPA:  165584

Geißklee-Föhrenwald and Weißseggen-Buchenwald, semi-arid lawns and orchards with extremely diverse and natural vegetation.
15.0 1989-02-16
Katharinenfelsen Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Überlingen - Gletschermühle.JPG 4.154
WDPA:  164037

Unique landscape structures, such as rock formations with glacier pots; Diverse vegetation units, white clover-pine forests, rock band corridors, fringing societies, semi-dry lawn and orchards.
3.9 1989-02-16
Markdorfer Eisweiher Commons-logo.svg D-BW-MArkdorf - Markdorfer Eisweiher.JPG 4,196
WDPA:  164572

Richly structured mosaic of different wetland types as the remains of a low moor complex; The juxtaposition of bodies of water, reed beds, meadows, litter meadows and woody stands must be preserved and improved.
12.3 1992-02-11
Birch pond Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang - nature reserve 'Birkenweiher'.jpg 4,206
WDPA:  162433

Kleinseggenried, z. T. used as litter meadow; Habitat less often, z. T. endangered plant and animal species.
13.0 1992-07-20
Black trench Commons-logo.svg NSG Schwarzer Graben Salem 2006.jpg 4,208
WDPA:  165507

wet meadows as a breeding, feeding and resting place for meadow breeders and migrating bird species.
27.9 1992-07-24
Chamois pond Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - NSG Gemsenweiher.JPG 4,210
WDPA:  163226

Former pond, which has developed into a flat moor with littered meadows, through appropriate management, nutrient-poor meadows should be sought.
11.6 1992-10-01
Igelsee Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - nature reserve 'Igelsee'.jpg 4.211
WDPA:  163847

flat and hill spring moor with surrounding littered meadows and meadow areas, the creation of a buffer zone and other protection and maintenance measures are required.
16.9 1992-10-01
Buchbach Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang - Buchbach.JPG 4,219
WDPA:  162599

Neukirch , Tettnang
Richly structured area with near-natural flowing water, nutrient-poor hillside spring moor with lime sedge, marsh grass meadows, wet meadows, ponds, forest and individual trees; Abundance of moths and moths and rams, resulting in a rich bird life; Grassland areas buffer the area from the intensively agriculturally used areas.
??? 7.1 1993-03-20
Matzenhauser Mahlweiher Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang - NSG Matzenhauser Mahlweiher.JPG 4,220
WDPA:  164584

Richly structured area with nutrient-poor hill spring moor with particularly endangered flora of the Kalkkleinseggenriede, habitat for many butterflies and moths; Pipe grass litter meadows that provide habitat for numerous butterflies and rams; Wet meadows as breeding and habitat for meadow breeders, a typical wooded terminal moraine increases the biodiversity due to its woody population.
9.2 1993-04-01
Hut meadows Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - Huettenwiesen.JPG 4.224
WDPA:  163840

Richly structured ecosystem with nutrient-poor hillside spring moors with particularly species-rich gentian-whistle-grass meadows - refuge of glacial relics; important biotope for bird communities and insects, including numerous butterfly and moth species; Wet and wet meadows as food and habitat for meadow breeders; Forest areas and grassland areas as supplementary and buffer zones.
7.8 1993-07-30
Lipbach Valley Commons-logo.svg BW 4,227
WDPA:  164470

Friedrichshafen , Immenstaad on Lake Constance
Largely natural stream floodplain with mostly free meandering Lipbach with bank vegetation; subsequent near-natural swamp forest; diversely structured forest and wooded fringes and meadows in front of them; Life communities that have become rare in the area of ​​the clay pit waters as a retreat for a multitude of rare and endangered animal and plant species.
29.0 1993-08-25
Loderhof pond Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang- NSG Loderhof-Weiher 001.JPG 4,232
WDPA:  164500

Richly structured ecosystem, consisting of a nutrient-poor hillside spring moor, an obligotrophic silting bog, marsh grass litter meadows, wet and wet meadows, a moist forest clearing, individual trees, woody structures and grassland areas; Habitat of rare and endangered plant and animal species.
9.2 1993-11-24
Hirrensee Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang - Hirrensee.JPG 4,238
WDPA:  163694

Richly structured ecosystem, consisting of a nutrient-poor flat moor with a small sedge; Pipe grass litter meadows with numerous types of insects; Wet and wet meadows with endangered meadow breeders; Orchards as an important element of the traditional cultural landscape and buffer areas to avoid further intensification of agriculturally used areas.
16.3 1994-02-20
Hüttensee Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Neukirch - Huettensee.JPG 4,247
WDPA:  163837

Neukirch A
naturally formed lake with a wide silting belt and floating leaf associations; nutrient-poor flat and hill spring moor areas with limestone sedge; Pipe grass litter meadows.
17.4 1994-10-20
Knellesberger moss Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Tettnang - Knellesberger Moos.JPG 4,268
WDPA:  164162

Meckenbeuren , Tettnang , Ravensburg
Particularly rich biotope mosaic; Wide meadow valley with freely meandering and largely natural or near-natural creek of the Schwarzach, lined with gallery forest-like riparian wood, subsequent wet, damp and littered meadows, remains of a swamp moor, gentian pipe grass meadow, meadow orchards, natural alluvial forest elements and reed stands; Testimony to natural history, regional studies and culture; The aim is to develop a network of near-natural biotopes, whereby old forms of land use are to be maintained and re-established through extensification and renaturation measures, above all on the agriculturally used supplementary and buffer areas.
39.0 1996-08-28
Bad Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Kressbronn aB - Argensteilufer above Gießenbrücke.jpg 4,282
WDPA:  162237

Kressbronn am Bodensee , Langenargen , Neukirch , Tettnang
Largely natural or near-natural river course of the Argen with the bank areas and valley slopes as well as extensive forms of use in the valley floor as evidence of the history of the earth and landscape as well as habitat for rare and endangered plant and animal species; Biotope density that is unique in Baden-Württemberg and is therefore of outstanding ecological importance as a landscape networking element between Lake Constance and the source areas of the Unterer and Oberer Argen in the Adelegg and Westallgäu hill country.
302.6 1997-12-16
Schachried Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Kressbronn - Schachried.jpg 4,310
WDPA:  344833

Kressbronn am Bodensee , Tettnang
Near-natural flat moor complex in a large, well-structured form with a mosaic of rare biotope types worthy of protection as a habitat and retreat for a species-rich and endangered flora and fauna, especially the glacial relic species. An important part of the European ecological network Natura 2000. Part of the landscape of particular natural beauty.
11.0 2005-02-15
Berger pond Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Kressbronn aB-Berg - NSG Berger Weiher.jpg 4,315
WDPA:  378058

Kressbronn am Bodensee
Kalkflachmoorkomplex in the valley of the former pond . The wet grass and pipe grass meadows with the butterflies that live there are particularly protected .
19.0 2007-05-18
Schönmoos Commons-logo.svg D-BW-Kressbronn aB - NSG Schönmoos.jpg 4,316
WDPA:  378359

Kressbronn am Bodensee
flat moor complex with different biotope types and species compositions.
10.0 2007-05-18

Legend for nature reserve

See also

Individual evidence

  1. reserve list - profile selection of LUBW (Select Type of park and city or county), accessed on February 28, 2015
  2. ^ Protected area statistics of the LUBW

Web links

Commons : Nature reserves in the Lake Constance district  - collection of images, videos and audio files