List of international books for children and young people

This list contains a selection of international children's and young people's books that have been translated into German and recognized in a separate Wikipedia article or are at least listed within a Wikipedia article on a non-German-speaking author in his bibliography . In view of the large number of new publications, this list does not claim to be exhaustive.
Sorted according to the reading age picture book (reading age mostly 0 to 7 years), children's book (reading age mostly 8 to 11 years) and youth book (reading age mostly from 12 years), the respective genres are again listed in alphabetical order , in which finally in alphabetical order the authors and their works are listed.
Picture book
Everyday stories
- Vita Andersen : Petrushka's patent leather shoes [1984]
- Farideh Chalatbarie : Bus trip into the unknown , The Jackal at the Lion's Court
- Chen Chih-Yuan : A short walk
- Chen Jianghong : At Grandfather's Hand - My Childhood in China (2009)
- Iwona Chmielewska : Blumka's Diary
- Gabriela Cichowska : Miss Esther's last performance - A story from the Warsaw ghetto
- Mariana Chiesa Mateos : Migrando
- Kitty Crowther : Annie , The Visit from Little Death
- Enzo : Student 34 in Class A for one year
- Sven Nordqvist : Pettson and Findus (several sequels)
- Jan Procházka : David and the Christmas Carp [1975]
- Maurice Sendak : Where the wild things live [1963]: Brundibár [2002], William Steig : Yellow and pink
Animal stories
- Hans de Beer : The Little Polar Bear (several sequels)
- Eric Carle : The Very Hungry Caterpillar [1969]
- Chen Chih-Yuan : Gui-Gui, the little entodile
- Chen Jianghong
- Gabriela Cichowska : Fantje
- Julia Donaldson : The Gruffalo , The Gruffalo Child
- Kathrin Schärer : Johanna on the Train (2009)
- Józef Wilkoń : Tallula - Queen of the Night (2012)
Children's book
Everyday stories
- Philip Ardagh : Bad Ending (multiple sequels)
- Moni Brännström : Tsatsiki-Tsatsiki (several sequels)
- Kate DiCamillo : Winn-Dixie (2000)
- Finn-Ole Heinrich : Frerk, you dwarf! (2011)
- Salah Naoura : Matti and Sami and the three biggest mistakes in the universe (2011), Dilip and the Big Bang and what happened to us afterwards (2012)
- Frida Nilsson : Hedvig! The first year of school (2012)
- Per Olov Enquist : Grandfather and the Wolves
- Frances Hodgson Burnett : The Little Lord (1886)
- Astrid Lindgren : We children from Bullerbü (1947; several sequels)
- RJ Palacio : Miracles (2013)
Fairy tales and fables
- Aesop : Fables
- Jean de La Fontaine : Fables
- Nelson Mandela : My Favorite African Fairy Tales [2004]
- Charles Perrault : Complete Fairy Tales [1697]
Animal stories
- Colin Dann : When the Animals Left the Forest [1980] (several sequels)
- Kenneth Grahame : The Wind in the Willows [1908]
- James Herriot : The Doctor and the Dear Cattle [1970] (several sequels)
- Luis Sepúlveda : How the cat Zorbas taught the little seagull to fly [1996]
- James Matthew Barrie : Peter Pan [1911]
- L. Frank Baum : The Wizard of Oz [1900] (several sequels)
- Frances Hodgson Burnett : The Secret Garden [1909],
Lewis Carroll :
- Alice in Wonderland [1865]
- Alice behind the mirrors [1871],
- Carlo Collodi : Pinocchio [1883]
Roald Dahl :
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [1964]
- Charlie and the Big Glass Elevator [1972]
- Matilda [1988]
- Witches witches [1983]
- Selma Lagerlöf : Little Nils Holgersson's wonderful journey with the wild geese [1906, 1907]
- Astrid Lindgren : Pippi Longstocking
- Hugh Lofting : Doctor Dolittle and His Animals [1920] (several sequels)
- Alan Alexander Milne : Pooh the Bear [1926], Pooh builds a house [1928]
- Edith Nesbit : The Children of Arden (several sequels)
- Jenny Nimmo : Charlie Bone and the Secret of Speaking Images [2003] (several sequels)
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry : The Little Prince [1943]
- Jonathan Swift : Gulliver's Travels [1735]
- PL Travers : Mary Poppins [1934] (several sequels)
- Oscar Wilde : The Canterville Ghost [1887]
- Robert Paul Weston : Zorgamazoo (2012)
youth book
History novels up to the 20th century
→ See: Historical novel
Charles Dickens :
- Oliver Twist [1837-1839],
- David Copperfield [1849-1850],
- Tonke Dragt : The goldsmith and the thief [1961]
Rudyard Kipling :
- The Jungle Book [1894] (continued [1895]),
- Kim [1901]
- Anna Sewell : Black Beauty
Robert Louis Stevenson :
- Treasure Island [1883],
- The Abduction of David Balfour [1880]
Mark Twain :
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer [1876],
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [1885]
Beginning of the 20th century until the end of World War II
- Martin Andersen Nexø : Pelle the Conqueror [1910]
- Lev Kassil : Swambrania
- Judith Kerr : When Hitler Stole the Pink Rabbit [1973] (2 sequels)
- Uri Orlev : Run, boy, run
post war period
- William Golding : Lord of the Flies , [1954]
- Roald Dahl : Danny and the Pheasant Hunt [1975]
- Susan E. Hinton : The Outsiders [1969]
- Judith Kerr : Kind of a family gathering
- Frank Cottrell Boyce : Millions [2003]
- Jostein Gaarder : Sophie's World [1991]
- Patricia MacLachlan : Scissors, Stone, Paper [1993]
- Joyce Carol Oates : Under suspicion
- Louis Sachar : holes. The Secrets of Green Lake [1998]
- Bali Rai : Just (not) a marriage [2001]
- Richard Van Camp : Those Without Blessings [1996]
- Bret Easton Ellis : Simply Irresistible! [1987]
- Anne Fine : Family Game [1995]
- Henning Mankell : The chronicler of the winds [2000]
- Rodman Philbrick : Freak [1993]
Morton Rhue :
- The Wave [1981]
- I'll shoot you! [1999]
Clique Stories
- Enid Blyton : Hanni and Nanni [from 1941] (several sequels)
Love stories
- Frances Hodgson Burnett : The Little Lord [1886]
- Jerry Spinelli : Stargirl [2000]
School stories
- René Goscinny / Jean-Jacques Sempé : Little Nick (several sequels)
Detective stories
Enid Blyton :
- Five Friends [from 1942] (several sequels)
- Adventure series [1944–1955]
- Carl Hiaasen : Owls [2002]
- Astrid Lindgren : Master detective Kalle Blomquist [1946] (several sequels)
Agent stories
- Charlie Higson : Still Waters Are Deadly [2005] (multiple sequels)
Fantastic literature, fantasy
→ See: Fantastic children's and youth literature , fantasy
- TA Barron : Merlin - How It All Began [1996] (several sequels)
- Charles Dickens : A Christmas Tale , [1843]
- Tonke Dragt : The Letter for the King [1962]
- William Goldman : The Bride Princess , [1973]
- George Orwell : Animal Farm , [1948]
- Lemony Snicket : A Series of Unfortunate Events , [1999ff]
Science fiction
→ See: Science Fiction
John Christopher :
- The Guardians , [1970]
- Empty world
Development novels
→ See: Development novel
Disability, illness
- Rodman Philbrick : Freak
- Mark Haddon : Super Good Days or The Weird World of Christopher Boone
- Jaap ter Haar: Keep life dear
- Melvin Burgess : Junk
Death experiences and death
- John Green : Fate's a Lousy Traitor (2012)
- Astrid Lindgren : The Lionheart Brothers [1973]
- Katarina Mazetti : It's the end between God and me
- Catherine Clément : Theo's Journey , [1997]
- Jostein Gaarder : Sofie's World , [1991]
Biographies, autobiographies
- Anne Frank : Diary of Anne Frank
- Alex Haley : Roots
David Macaulay :
- They built a cathedral
- They built a mosque
- A city like Rome. Planning and Building in Roman Times (1974)
See also
- German speaking:
- English speaking: