New Year's Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic 2015

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The ballroom in the Vienna Musikverein building (around 2 hours after the end of the 2015 New Year's Concert)

The New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2015 was the 75th New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic and took place on January 1, 2015 at the Wiener Musikverein . Conducted was the fifth time by Zubin Mehta , who had previously directed the concert in the years 1990, 1995, 1998 and of 2007.


The program was dedicated to two anniversaries in particular: 650 years of the University of Vienna (founded on March 12, 1365) - with the ballet interludes to student polka and the waltz wine, women and song recorded at the university in autumn - and 200 years of the Vienna University of Technology (founded on November 6th, 1815 as kk Polytechnisches Institut ) with the works Perpetuum mobile , Accelerationen , Electro-Magnetische-Polka and Mit Dampf .

The later composer and musician Josef Strauss originally did not aspire to a musical career, but completed a degree at what was then the Polytechnic Institute - today's Technical University - and subsequently also worked as a construction manager for the construction of a weir in Trumau , Lower Austria , and constructed two street sweepers. It was only when Johann Strauss (son) returned from a concert tour in late autumn 1852, completely exhausted, that Josef had to step in as Kapellmeister of the Strauss Chapel the following year. At that time he composed his first work, the waltz The First and the Last (in the mistaken opinion that this was his first and at the same time last work). The next series of waltzes, Op. 12, he consequently named The First after the Last ; he finally composed over 300 works.

After graduating from the Schottengymnasium in 1841, Johann Strauss (son) also studied at what was then the Vienna Polytechnic Institute , but left the institute shortly after Joseph Lanner's death in 1843 in order to devote himself to his musical training, with the aim of Lanner's place in To capture Viennese musical life.

The Annen-Polka devoted Mehta and his wife Nancy Kovack . Nancy is a variant of the female given name Anna .

Five works were played for the first time as part of a New Year's concert, including the champagne gallop by the Danish composer Hans Christian Lumbye , the waltz An der Elbe by Johann Strauss (son), which was premiered in the Wiener Musikverein in 1892, as well as the student polka and the freedom march .

Floral decorations

The flower arrangement, consisting of 30,000 flowers, was provided for the first time in cooperation with the Viennese city gardens and Austrian gardeners and florists; the colors of the flowers pink-pink, orange and yolk yellow were intended to remind of the Indian roots of the conductor. The flowers were certified with the flower quality seal Fair Flowers Fair Plants (FFP).


The soloists of the Vienna State Ballet danced in costumes from the Viennese designer labels Elfenkleid and Petar Petrov . As in 2012, the choreography came from the Italian Davide Bombana .


The ticket prices for the three concerts at the turn of the year 2014/15 were between 35 and 940 euros for the New Year's concert on January 1, 2015, between 20 and 720 euros for the New Year's Eve concert, which took place as a dress rehearsal the day before, and between 130 and 380 euros for the preview on December 30, 2014 (standing room was not sold for this concert). The program was the same for all three concerts. Registrations for tickets were accepted on the Internet from January 2 to 23, 2014, after which the tickets were raffled among all registrations.


1st chapter

Part 2


Break film

The 25-minute break film designed by Felix Breisach , The Boulevard - The Vienna Ringstrasse 1865–2015, was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Vienna Ringstrasse , which was celebrated on May 1, 1865 by Emperor Franz Joseph I in the presence of Empress Elisabeth, numerous archdukes, ministers and Representative of the City of Vienna with Mayor Andreas Zelinka at the helm was officially opened. Pictures of various buildings along the Ringstrasse were shown, including the Vienna State Opera , the Parliament , the City Hall , the University of Vienna , the Urania , Votive Church , the Hofburg , the Museum of Art and Natural History , the Musikverein building , the Burggarten , the city ​​park , the Rossau barracks , the Wiener Postsparkasse and the government building .

In addition, a tram with the logo and inscription of the 60th Eurovision Song Contest 2015 taking place in Vienna in May 2015  was shown several times .



Philharmonic Ensemble - Vienna:

  • Shkёlzen Doli, violin
  • Holger Groh, viola
  • Sebastian Bru, violoncello
  • Gottlieb Wallisch , piano


  • Karl-Heinz Schütz, flute
  • Daniel Ottensamer , clarinet
  • Benedikt Dinkhauser, bassoon

Cast (selection)

For the first time in the history of the New Year's Concert, a father and his daughter played together in the orchestra: the 63-year-old violist Heinrich Koll and his 26-year-old daughter, the violinist Patricia Koll.


watch TV

14 HD cameras were used for the 57th ORF broadcast under director Michael Beyer . For the second time, Beyer was responsible for the image direction of the concert and ballet. The moderation for the ORF and the ZDF took over again Barbara Rett . As in previous years, British actress Julie Andrews hosted for US television.

The concert was broadcast to 92 countries around the world and watched by more than 50 million TV viewers.

On the European continent in all EU member states except Luxembourg and Malta as well as in the following countries: Albania (RTSH), Azerbaijan (ICTIMAI), Bosnia-Herzegovina (BHRT), Georgia (GTVR), Gibraltar (GBC), Iceland (RUV) , Kosovo (RTK), Macedonia (MKRTV), Moldova (TRM), Monaco (FR2), Montenegro (RTCG), Norway (NRK), Russia (RTR Kultura), Serbia (RTS), Switzerland (SRF / 3SAT, RTS, TSI), Turkey (TRT) and Ukraine (ZIK TV).

In the Americas region in the following countries: Bahamas (CNS), Barbados (CBC), Canada (partially) (WNET / PBS), Costa Rica (Canal7 / SKY), Cuba (ICRT), Dominican Republic (SKY Central Americas), El Salvador (SKY Central Americas), Guatemala (Canal7 / SKY Central Americas), Honduras (SKY Central Americas), Jamaica (CVM Jamaica), Mexico (SKY Mexico), Nicaragua (Ratensa / SKY Central Americas), Panama (SKY Central Americas ), Paraguay (Canal 9), Peru (Canal 9), USA (WNET / PBS).

In the Asia / Oceania region: Australia (SBS Australia), Bangladesh (Maasranga TV), Bhutan (BBS), People's Republic of China (CCTV), Cook Islands (CITV), Fiji Islands (Fiji TV), Hong Kong (ATV), India (Doordarshan TV), Indonesia (Metro TV), Japan (NHK), Kiribati (Fiji TV), Korea (KBS), Maldives (Male TV), Marshall Islands (OTV), Micronesia (OTV), Nauru (Fiji TV), Nepal (NTV), Palau (OTV), Papua New Guinea (Fiji TV), New Zealand (MTV), Samoa (SBC / Fiji TV), Solomon Islands (Fiji TV), Sri Lanka (RC), Taiwan (TTV), Tonga (TBC / Fiji TV), Tuvalu (Fiji TV), Vanuatu (VBTC / Fiji TV).

In the Africa region: Mauritius (MBC), Mozambique (SOICO), Namibia (NBC), Seychelles (SBC), South Africa (SABC), Tanzania (ITV).

Traditionally repeated 3sat on the first Saturday of the year (January 3) and the ORF in his "matinee on holiday" at Epiphany ( Epiphany ) the 6th of January the concert on television.


In Austria the concert was broadcast on Austria 1 by ORF. In Germany, the public broadcasters BR-Klassik , SWR2 and Kulturradio (rbb) took over the New Year's concert.


As a special service, ORF offered the opportunity to follow the concert live online in picture and sound: ORF-TVthek delivered the live video stream across Austria on In addition, the New Year's concert was available for seven days as video-on-demand throughout Austria after it was broadcast on TV.


The audio double CD of this concert was released on January 9th, 2015 ( DNB 1064991890 ), DVD ( DNB 1065618751 ) and Blu Ray-Disc ( DNB 1065618905 ) were released on January 30th, 2015.

The recording of the concert is one of the best-selling albums of 2015 in Austria .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. - The New Year's Concert: A gold mine turns 75 . Article dated December 31, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  2. a b c Kurier - New Years Concert 2015: With steam into the new year . Article from December 29, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  3. a b c d ORF New Year's “matinee”: New Year's Concert 2015, Strauss documentary, Mehta portrait, opening film and “pause film” about Ringstrasse . APA notification dated December 31, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  4. a b c New Year's Concert 2015 with Zubin Mehta . Retrieved January 2, 2015.
  5. - Back to everyday life after the dance . Article from January 1, 2015, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  6. May 22, 1953: 100 years ago: Josef Strauss invented the first street sweeper
  7. ^ Johann Strauss (son) in the Vienna History Wiki of the City of Vienna
  8. a b University of Vienna is dancing into the anniversary year 2015 - Julie Andrews will host the concert for US television . Article dated December 30, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  9. Presentation of important alumni of the Vienna University of Technology - Strauss brothers . Article from January 1, 2015, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  10. ^ - New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2015 . Retrieved January 5, 2015.
  11. - New Years Concert 2015: Year of Anniversaries . Article from December 29, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  12. New Year's Concert 2015: Flowers from the Vienna City Gardens . Press release of the City of Vienna about APA from December 22, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  13. ^ Vienna Philharmonic - map information . Retrieved January 2, 2015.
  14. The raffle: The chance to experience the concerts at the turn of the year 2014/15 live ( Memento from January 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  15. New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2015 - program . Retrieved January 2, 2015.
  16. New Year's Concert 2015 - The program . Article from November 13, 2014, accessed on January 7, 2015.
  17. ^ Salzburger Nachrichten: Mehta conducted an explosive New Year's concert in 2015 . Article from January 1, 2015, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  18. - Song Contest-Bim at New Years concert . Article from December 28, 2014, accessed on January 3, 2015.
  19. Shkёlzen Doli on the website of the Vienna Philharmonic . Retrieved January 2, 2015.
  20. - Waltz, Wine and Science . Article from January 1, 2015, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  21. Clemens Hellsberg on the website of the Vienna Philharmonic . Retrieved January 2, 2015.
  22. - Vienna Philharmonic: "It's not always just about profit" . Article from December 26, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  23. a b - Father and daughter play at the New Year's concert . Article from December 27, 2014, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  24. University of Vienna: Rector Engl on the 650th anniversary: ​​"We show what the University of Vienna is for. ( Memento from February 25, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  25. ^ Kurier - Julie Andrews: A world star at the New Year's concert . Article dated December 30, 2013, accessed on January 2, 2015.
  26. Facebook post : Announcement of the countries to which the New Year's Concert 2015 will be broadcast, accessed on January 1, 2015
  27. ORF 2: New Year's Concert 2015 - repetition - . Retrieved January 5, 2015
  28. New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic 2015. In: Retrieved December 1, 2017 .
  29. Program information : New Year's Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Conductor: Zubin Mehta ( Memento from January 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) on
  30. Thu 01.01.2015 11:15 am - 1:40 pm live from the Great Hall of the Musikverein Wien NEW YEAR'S CONCERT OF THE VIENNA PHILHARMONICS Musical director: Zubin Mehta ( Memento from January 7th 2015 in the web archive )
  31. ^ "New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic" 2015 live on ORF - one of three major ORF music events of the coming year . OTS notification dated December 29, 2014, accessed November 18, 2016.
  32. New Year's Concert 2015 with Zubin Mehta . Retrieved January 2, 2015.