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City of Möckern
Rietzel coat of arms
Coordinates: 52 ° 16 ′ 34 ″  N , 12 ° 0 ′ 54 ″  E
Height : 48 m above sea level NHN
Area : 11.56 km²
Residents : 151  (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 13 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : January 1, 2010
Postal code : 39291
Area code : 039223
Rietzel village street
Rietzel village street

Rietzel is a town and part of Möckern in the Jerichower Land district in Saxony-Anhalt .


The place is in the center of the district of Jerichower Land on the north-western edge of the High Fläming . It is embedded in the Möckern - Magdeburgerforth nature reserve and surrounded by agricultural areas that are bordered by the Brandenstein Forest in the north. North-east of the village are the Gladauer Berg (53.8 m) and the Galgenberg (61.7 m), the highest elevations in western Fläming. Rietzel is framed by two branches of the mouth of the central ditch, which flows west into the Pareyer wetland. District road 1211 ends in the village, and after four kilometers it merges into state road 52, via which the district town of Burg (near Magdeburg), 15 kilometers away, can be reached. The A 2 motorway junction Theeßen is eight kilometers away.

Recel 1335


The place name is of Slavic origin and means something like "by the waters". It appeared for the first time in 1335 as Recel and developed through Recele (1340), Retzle (1345), Ritzel (1459) and Reitzel (1562) to today's place name. The Slavic name indicates that the village already existed in the 8th century at the latest. The village belonged to the Grabow office , which had been owned by the von Wulffen family since the beginning of the 14th century . In 1540 Rietzel passed in part to the von Plotho family . Until 1773 Rietzel was subordinate to the Brandenburg Zauchekreis and then came to the Ziesarschen Kreis in the Duchy of Magdeburg . When there was another structural change, the Jerichow I district was responsible, from which the Jerichow I district later developed with the district town of Burg, which existed until 1952. In 1910 Rietzel had 294 inhabitants, the number of which decreased to 259 by 1939. In 1964, 264 people lived in the village.

Rietzel was part of the Möckern-Loburg-Fläming administrative community until 2009 . Until December 31, 2009 Rietzel was an independent municipality and the last mayor was Horst Pötter. On January 1, 2010 Rietzel was incorporated into the city of Möckern .


Church in Rietzel

The Protestant church of Rietzel was built in the middle of the 13th century from field stones in the late Romanesque style. A narrower, square choir was added to the nave . Some of the small arched windows have retained their original shape. The semicircular apse was renewed in 1704 in half-timbered construction. The western brick gable and the half-timbered tower built above it are also alterations from the 19th century. The inside of the nave is spanned by a flat wooden ceiling, which is decorated with stencil paintings. A gallery is attached to the west wall . The auricular- style wooden altarpiece framed by columns dates from 1694. It is decorated with two paintings (Last Supper and Crucifixion) and bears the coat of arms of the von Wulffen family. The octagonal font was made of cast iron in the classical style. The organ was built by the Neuhaldensleber organ builder August Tesch and was brought to the Rietzel church in 1881.

The Lutheran parish is now looked after by the Grabow rectory , Elbe-Fläming parish , Provostspengel Stendal-Magdeburg of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany .


Local mayor is Doris Kühne. Her predecessors were Steffen Krüger and Horst Pötter.

coat of arms

The coat of arms was approved by the district on February 25, 2008.

Blazon : "In blue a curved golden tip, in front three golden ears, behind a golden oak branch with leaves and two acorns, the tip is covered with a blue horseshoe with square nail holes turning up the studs."

Rietzel's colors are: blue-yellow.

The symbolism of the coat of arms in the coat of arms shown here is linked to three essential factors: agriculture and forestry, which have been economic factors for centuries to this day, and cavalry. In the past the horse was important for agriculture and as a means of transport, today it also plays a role for equestrian enthusiasts, because Rietzel has riding arenas and stables. These conditions are symbolized by the ears of wheat, the oak branch and the fallen horseshoe in the coat of arms.

The place name is of Slavic origin and means something like "by the waters". It appears for the first time in 1335 as Recel and developed through Recele (1340), Retzle (1345), Ritzel (1459) and Reitzel (1562) to today's place name. Following the place name, blue was chosen as the shield color in connection with water.

The coat of arms was designed by the municipal heraldist Jörg Mantzsch .


The flag is blue - yellow - blue (1: 4: 1) striped (horizontal shape: stripes running horizontally, lengthways shape: stripes running vertically) and is centered with the coat of arms.

Volunteer firefighter

The Rietzel volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1921. She is responsible for fire fighting operations and technical assistance in the Rietzel area and, together with the volunteer fire brigades Krüssau and Stresow, forms a fire brigade for major damage.

The vehicle fleet includes a TSF-W and a crew transport vehicle .

Web links

Commons : Rietzel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The localities of the city of Möckern. City of Möckern, accessed on January 17, 2019 .
  2. City of Möckern - Main Office (ed.): Development of the inhabitants in the districts and localities of the city of Möckern - Basis: City residents' registration file - as of December 31, 2018 . January 25, 2019.
  3. Main statute of the city of Möckern in the version of September 25, 2014 - including 1st and 2nd amendment . June 1, 2018 ( full text [PDF; 115 kB ; accessed on December 28, 2018]).
  4. StBA: Area changes from January 01 to December 31, 2010
  5. local mayor. City of Möckern, accessed on September 30, 2019 .
  6. Jörg Mantzsch : The coat of arms of the municipality of Rietzel, documentation on the approval process , deposited with the district of Jerichower Land, 2007 (report: State Main Archives Magdeburg)