Dálnice 11

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / CZ-D
Dálnice D11 in the Czech Republic
Dálnice 11
 Dálnice 11 Dálnice 11
Dálnice 11
Basic data
Operator: Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR
Overall length: 156 km
  of which in operation: 92 km
  of which under construction: 23 km
  of which in planning: 41 km

Kraj ( region ):

Dálnice D11.jpg
The D11 near Bříství (km 18)
Course of the road
node (0)  Praha - Počernice D0
Junction (8th)  Jirny 611
Junction (18)  Bříství 272
Junction (25)  Sadská 330
Junction (35)  Poděbrady -západ 329
Junction (39)  Poděbrady -jihS38
Junction (42)  Poděbrady -východS32
Junction (50)  Žehuň 328
Junction (62)  Chlumec nad Cidlinou -západ 327
Junction (68)  Chlumec nad Cidlinou -východS36
Junction (76)  Dobřenice 323
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty together with D35
node (84)  Sedlice D35 E442
Junction (90)  Kukleny S11
node (95)  Hradec Králové -severD35 E442
Junction (104)  Smiřice
Junction (108)  Jaroměř -jihS33
Junction (113)  Jaroměř -severS33
Junction (120)  Dvůr Králové nad Labem -východ 299
Junction (123)  Dvůr Králové nad Labem-sever 300
Junction (133)  Trutnov -jih 300
Junction (139)  Trutnov-východ S14
Junction (147)  Zlatá Olešnice S16
Junction (152)  Královec 300
EU border crossing Border crossing Královec ( CZ ) - Lubawka ( PL )
Template: AB / Maintenance / WeiterPLPoland Continue on  → LiegnitzS3 E65
  • Under construction
  • In planning
  • Dálnice 11 is a Czech motorway that currently runs from Prague via Poděbrady to Praskačka , four kilometers from Hradec Králové .


    In December 2006 a section between Poděbrady and Hradec Králové was opened. This increased the total length of the motorway to around 84 km.

    In the further planning of the Czech authorities, the motorway is to be continued in the direction of Jaroměř and Trutnov on the Polish border. In Poland, the road is to connect as the S3 expressway to the Polish A4 motorway near Legnica .

    The D11 is also the most south-westerly part of the European route 67 . The E 67 runs from Prague via Wroclaw , Warsaw , Lazdijai , Kaunas and Riga to Tallinn .

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