Super election year
A super election year is a year in which there are a particularly large number of elections . This is likely to happen in Germany and Austria if the year ends on a 4 or a 9, because in those years there are at least always the European elections . Up to and including 2009, the federal presidential elections took place in Germany in such years, as well as various federal elections .
The Society for German Language chose the word as word of the year in 1994 . Another “super election year” was 2009. However, there is no precise definition of a super election year.
Elections 1990
The phenomenon of the super-election years in Germany has in part to do with reunification in 1990. At that time, all of the East German federal states elected their state parliaments and the municipal bodies on the occasion of their re-establishment: Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia . The GDR Volkskammer was elected here for the last time in March . There were also the federal and state elections in Saarland , Lower Saxony , North Rhine-Westphalia , Bavaria and (also because of reunification) in all of Berlin . Despite the ten state elections, the word “super election year” did not appear at the time.
Four years later, in some cases eight years later, the eastern German federal states held many state elections again in one year. The phenomenon decreased, however, because the electoral term was extended in some East German federal states.
Super election year 1994
State elections were held in Lower Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt , Brandenburg , Saxony , Bavaria , Thuringia , Saarland and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . The most controversial result came from Saxony-Anhalt, where a change of government from CDU-FDP to SPD-Greens was carried out. This government did not have an absolute majority in the state parliament and was dependent on tolerance by the PDS (so-called Magdeburg model ).
There were also local elections in the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Baden-Württemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and North Rhine-Westphalia.
All over Germany and the EU , there were European elections in June , that is, the European Parliament was elected.
The grand finale of the super election year was the election of the Bundestag . It was the second election in a united Germany.
Not by the citizens, but by the Federal Assembly, a successor to the outgoing Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker was elected . In the third ballot, Roman Herzog finally prevailed as a candidate for the CDU / CSU and FDP.
Super election year 2009
In Germany, in addition to the European elections, both the Bundestag election on September 27, 2009 and the election of the German Federal President on May 23, 2009 took place. In addition, the state parliaments in Hesse , Saarland , Saxony , Thuringia as well as in Brandenburg and Schleswig-Holstein were newly elected.
Local elections were also held in Baden-Württemberg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Rhineland-Palatinate , Saarland , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt , Thuringia and North Rhine-Westphalia .
Super election year 2011
In Germany, elections to the state parliament, parliament and members of parliament were held in Hamburg , Saxony-Anhalt , Baden-Württemberg , Rhineland-Palatinate , Bremen , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Berlin . Local elections were also held in Hesse , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Lower Saxony .
Super election year 2021
In Germany, in addition to the federal elections , state elections or elections for the House of Representatives will take place in Baden-Württemberg , Berlin , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Rhineland-Palatinate , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia . Local elections are also held in Hesse and Lower Saxony .
Super election year 1994
In the spring, the provincial parliaments of Carinthia , Salzburg and Tyrol were elected, followed on June 12 by Austria's vote on the country's accession to the EU . The Vorarlberg state elections took place in autumn and the Austrian National Council was elected on October 9th . There were also several small ballots, such as the municipal council elections in Salzburg or the municipal council elections in Innsbruck.
Overall, this super election year brought about shifts in the party system in Austria, which was permanently changed by the steady rise of the FPÖ Jörg Haider and by the Liberal Forum, which was founded in 1993 as a split from the FPÖ .
Super election year 2009
In Austria, too, 2009 was designated as a super election year, as in addition to the European elections in June, the provincial parliaments of Carinthia and Salzburg had to be elected in March, those of Vorarlberg and Upper Austria in September and the municipal councils in Carinthia , Salzburg and Upper Austria .
See also
- Eckhard Jesse , Roland Sturm (ed.): “Super election year” 2011 and the consequences. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2012, ISBN 978-3-8329-7556-2 .
- Wilke, Jürgen / Schäfer, Christian / Leidecker, Melanie 2011: With small steps out of the shadows: main and subsidiary election campaigns in daily newspapers using the example of the Bundestag and European elections 1979-2009. In: Tenscher, Jens (Hg.): Super Wahljahr 2009. Comparative analyzes on the occasion of the elections to the German Bundestag and the European Parliament, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 155–179 doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-531-93220 -0_6 .
Individual evidence
Web links
- Super election year 2009 ( Memento from February 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- Federal Returning Officer