25th century BC Chr.

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| 4th mill. Chr. | 3rd millennium BC Chr. | 2nd mill. Chr.
| 27th century BC Chr. | 26th century BC Chr. | 25th century BC Chr. | 24th century BC Chr. | 23rd century BC Chr. |

The 25th century BC Chr. Began v on January 1, 2500. And ended on December 31, 2401 BC. This corresponds to the period 4450 to 4351 before today or the interval 3977 to 3885 radiocarbon years .


Age / Epoch

Events / developments

Inventions and discoveries


Statue of Sahure

Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.

Pharaohs of Egypt

Kings of Lagaš

King of Ur

Archaeological cultures

Cultures in North Africa

Cultures in Mesopotamia and the Middle East

Cultures in East Asia

Cultures in South Asia

Cultures in North Asia

Cultures in Europe

Cultures in america

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Dorn: Turkey, Central Anatolia. DuMont Reiseverlag, 2006, ISBN 3-7701-6616-7 , p. 20
  2. Travel tips Costa del Sol . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . Retrieved February 23, 2012.
  3. ^ Klaus-Arthur Willibald Pohl: Foreign languages ​​and nations. BoD - Books on Demand, 2009, ISBN 3-8370-6448-4 , p. 13
  4. The trample . In: Alpaca Universe . Retrieved February 23, 2012.
  5. ^ Eva Dewes and Doris Tempfer-Naar: Michelin Paris. Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2007, ISBN 3-8342-8987-6 , p. 107
  6. ^ H. Volkmann, Geo, Widengren, E. Visser, Fritz Moritz, Heichelheim, Johannes, Friedrich, Hartmut, Schmökel, Albert Dietrich, Adam, Falkenstein: cuneiform writing research and ancient history of the Near East. Brill Archive, p. 49
  7. ^ David W. Anthony: The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World . Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 2007, ISBN 978-0-691-05887-0 , pp. 308 .

Web links

Commons : 25th century BC Chr.  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files