Leichlingen Mayor's Office

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The mayor's office in Leichlingen was from 1815 to 1819 a mayor's office in the district of Opladen in the Prussian province of Jülich-Cleve-Berg and after its dissolution from 1819 a mayor's office in the district of Solingen in the Prussian Rhine province ( administrative district of Düsseldorf ). It emerged from parts of the medieval Bergisches Amt Miselohe , which was dissolved under the French in 1806 and became independent cantons and Mairieswas divided. Under Prussia, the Mairie Leichlingen was converted into the mayor's office in Leichlingen. The area of ​​the mayor's office is now part of the Bergisch town of Leichlingen .

Background and story

The Duchy of Berg last belonged to King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria due to inheritance . On March 15, 1806 he ceded the duchy to Napoleon Bonaparte in exchange for the principality of Ansbach . He transferred the duchy to his brother-in-law Joachim Murat , who united it on April 24, 1806 with the counties of Mark , Dortmund , Limburg on the right bank of the Rhine , the northern part of the Principality of Munster and other territories to form the Grand Duchy of Berg .

Soon after the takeover, the French administration in the Grand Duchy began to introduce new and modern administrative structures based on the French model. By August 3, 1806, this municipal reform replaced and unified the old Bergisch offices and rulers. It provided for the creation of departments , arrondissements , cantons and municipalities (called Mairies from the end of 1808) and broke with the old nobility prerogatives in local government. On November 14, 1808, this process was completed after a reorganization of the first structuring from 1806, the Altbergic honors were often retained and were assigned to the respective Mairies of a canton as rural communities. During this time, the municipality or Maire Leichlingen was created as part of the canton of Opladen in the arrondissement of Düsseldorf .

In addition to the church village of Leichlingen, the Altbergian honors Bruck (according to Bremke ), Dinkblech and Rödel belonged to it.

In 1813 the French withdrew from the Grand Duchy after the defeat in the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig and from the end of 1813 it fell under the provisional administration of Prussia in the so-called Generalgouvernement Berg , which was finally granted it by the resolutions of the Congress of Vienna in 1815. With the formation of the Prussian province of Jülich-Kleve-Berg in 1816, the existing administrative structures were largely retained and converted into Prussian districts , mayorships and municipalities while maintaining the French borders . The canton of Opladen became the district of Opladen, the Maire Leichlingen became the mayor's office in Leichlingen.

In 1819 there was a partial reclassification in the Düsseldorf administrative district. The district of Opladen was dissolved on April 30, 1819 and the communities assigned to the district of Solingen.

In 1815/16 a total of 3,119 people lived in the mayor's office. According to the statistics and topography of the Düsseldorf administrative district , the mayor's office had a total population of 3,746 in 1832, divided into 532 Catholic and 3,214 Protestant parishioners. The living quarters of the mayor's office comprised two churches, four public buildings, 626 apartment buildings, ten factories and mills and 702 agricultural buildings. According to the statistics (contemporary notation), the residential areas, courtyards and localities of the mayor's office included: Altenhof bei Förstchen , Adler , Bockstiege , Bremsen , Brücke , Förstchen , Forst , Hüthschen , Hülsen , Kaltenberg , Merlenforst , Müllerhof , Pastorat , Rehborn , Rothenberg , Rosslenbroich , Sandberg , Schmitte (below) , Schmysheide , Schraffenberg , Stader Hoff , Stockberg , Scherer Berg , Trompette , Windfoche , Windgesheide , Ziegwebersberg , Two oak , Altenhof at Neselrath , beams , Bechlenberg , Bennert , Bergerhoff , Bertenrath , Bremer Heide , Breuhaus , Bröden , Büscher courtyards , Buntenbach , Büchel house , Bücherhof , Diepenthal , Dierath , Eicherhof , Friedrich height , Haswinkel , Hasensprung , Heeg , Holzerhof , Hohlenweg , hammer , Hülstrunk , Hüchelrath , Johannisberg , Junker wood , Kampe , Kuhle , Kolter house , Kradenpohl , Klapmütz , Leichlingen , Leisiefen , Metz wood , Nesselrath , Haus Nesselrode , Neuland , Oberbüscherhof , Pohligshof , Rohderhof , Rödel , Scheuerhof , Schneppenpohl , Sonne , Stegerhäuschen , Schmerbach , Schmitte , Scheidt , Schüddig , Stöcken , Ufer , Unterberg , Unterbüscherhof , Wachholder , Waltenrath , Weide , Weltersbach , Wietsche and Zeit .

On September 4, 1856 Leichlingen received due to the entry into force of that year in New Rhenish order the city charter .

The community encyclopedia for the province of Rhineland from 1888 gives a population of 5813 for the city (and at the same time mayor) Leichlingen (4237 Protestant, 1560 Catholic and 16 other Christian beliefs), who lived in 93 places with a total of 1007 houses and 1189 households. The area of ​​the city and mayor's office (2505  ha ) was divided into 1235 ha of arable land, 225 ha of meadows and 530 ha of forest.

In addition to those mentioned in 1832, the following places are listed in the community dictionary: Bahnhof , Bremersheidermühle , Bungenstraße , Fähr , Neuenhaus , Neuwinkel and Sankt Heribert .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Johann Georg von Viebahn : Statistics and Topography of the Administrative District of Düsseldorf , 1836.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Fabricius : History Atlas of the Rhine Province ; Second volume: The map of 1789. Division and development of the territories from 1600 to 1794. P. 318.
  3. Gemeindeververzeichnis.de
  4. ^ Community encyclopedia for the province of Rhineland. Based on materials from the census of December 1, 1885 and other official sources, edited by the Royal Statistical Bureau. In: Royal Statistical Bureau (Hrsg.): Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia. tape XII , 1888, ZDB -ID 1046036-6 ( digitized version ).