Brunn (Windsbach)

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City of Windsbach
Coordinates: 49 ° 15 ′ 56 ″  N , 10 ° 52 ′ 24 ″  E
Height : 424 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 80  (May 25 1987)
Incorporation : January 1, 1972
Postal code : 91575
Area code : 09871
Place view
Place view
Fire station in Brunn
Stone cross

Brunn (colloquially: Brun ) is a district of the town of Windsbach in the Ansbach district in Middle Franconia .


To the east of the village lies the Brunner Forest with the Rötelbuck as the highest elevation ( 441  m above sea level ), to the southeast lies the wooded area of Holzwinkel . There are two sources in the area that flow together to form the Kettersbach, which is a right tributary of the Aurach . The district road AN 15 leads to Kettersbach (1.5 km northeast) or to Moosbach (1.7 km southwest). A community road leads to State Road 2220 immediately north of Hergersbach (2 km south). An agricultural traffic route leads to Suddersdorf (1.3 km north).


Brunn was first mentioned in 1150 when Count Rapoto von Abenberg gave the Heilsbronn u. a. Courtyards in this place. The place name denotes a settlement near a spring. In 1154/57 and 1165 the monastery sold goods and rights in the place, in 1164 there was an acquisition. Around 1200 these goods were bought back by the Abenberg burgraves. In 1296 Konrad II von Abenberg sold his entire property to the canons of St. Nikolaus zu Spalt in Eichstatt . However, two courtyards came to the Burgraviate of Nuremberg . In the Salbuch in Eichstätt , which was created around 1300, 4 Huben , 4 Fiefdom and Neubrüche are recorded for the place . In 1529, the Hergersbach Hauptmannschaft of the imperial city of Nuremberg was subordinate to 2 subject families in the village.

In the 16-point report of the Oberamt Windsbach from 1608, 10 teams are listed for Brunn: 1 yard belonged to the imperial city of Nuremberg , 1 yard and 1 estate to the caste office in Schwabach , 4 yards and 3 goods to the caste office in Abenberg in Eichstätt . There was also a communal shepherd's house. The high court exercised the Brandenburg-Ansbach caste and city bailiff's office in Windsbach .

In 1637 it was reported that "since 1632 nobody has lived there anymore, everything burned down and fell in heaps and no furrows were cultivated". It was not until 1680 that people settled down again, but none of the previous owners were among them. In the official description of the Lichtenau Nursing Department from 1748, 12 subject families are specified for the place, two of which were subordinate to the Hergersbach Main Team of the Lichtenau Nursing Department and ten other landlords.

Towards the end of the 18th century there were 13 properties and a community shepherd's house in Brunn. The high court exercised the Brandenburg-Ansbach caste and city bailiff's office in Windsbach, the village and community rulership was held by the caste office in Abenberg from Eichstätt. The landlords were the Kastenamt Windsbach (2 half yards, 1 tavern with bath house), the Kastenamt Abenberg (3 yards, 1 three-quarter yard, 1 half yard, 3 estates) and the state alms office of the Imperial City of Nuremberg (1 yard, 1 estate). From 1797 to 1808 the place was under the Justice and Chamber Office Windsbach .

In 1806 Brunn came to the Kingdom of Bavaria . As part of the community edict, Brunn was assigned to the Bertholdsdorf tax district formed in 1808 . It also belonged to the rural community of Bertholdsdorf, founded in 1810 . With the second community edict (1818), Brunn broke away from Bertholdsdorf and formed a rural community with the places Kettersbach and Leipersloh . It was subject to the Heilsbronn Regional Court in administration and jurisdiction and the Windsbach Rent Office in the financial administration . From 1862 to 1879 Brunn was administered by the Heilsbronn district office, since 1880 by the Ansbach district office (renamed the Ansbach district in 1938 ) and the Heilsbronn rent office (1920–1929: Heilsbronn tax office , from 1929: Ansbach tax office ). The jurisdiction remained with the district court Heilsbronn until 1879, 1880–1956 district court Heilsbronn , since 1956 district court Ansbach . The municipality had an area of ​​9,969 km². On January 1, 1972, it was incorporated into Windsbach as part of the regional reform .

Historical place map

Architectural monuments

  • House No. 3: Oven made of sandstone blocks, 19th century
  • House No. 7: A solid barn with half-timbered gable, probably around 1800.
  • Parish hall, former poor house or residence of the shepherd, solid construction, 18th century
  • In the direction of Kettersbach there is a medieval stone cross made of bubble sandstone with incisions (two fish and a scythe). It is said that two fishermen got into an argument at this point, in the course of which one stabbed the other with a scythe. He had been pardoned for erecting an atonement cross and caring for the bereaved.

See also: → List of architectural monuments in Windsbach # Brunn

Population development

Brunn municipality

year 1818 1840 1852 1855 1861 1867 1871 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1919 1925 1933 1939 1946 1950 1952 1961 1970
Residents 230 299 304 303 283 280 263 286 304 305 293 282 270 283 298 286 275 265 254 364 328 328 272 260
Houses 44 49 55 64 56 47 54 56

Place Brunn

year 001818 001840 001861 001871 001885 001900 001925 001950 001961 001970 001987
Residents 68 95 99 93 98 96 98 99 95 82 73
Houses 15th 20th 21st 18th 19th 19th 21st 17th


Surname origin Term of office
Georg Trost Leipersloh 6 1818-1827
Anton Arnold Leipersloh 16 1827-1830
Anton Maurer Kettersbach 5 1830-1834
Anton Arnold Leipersloh 16 1834-1839
Anton Maurer Kettersbach 5 1839-1845
Georg Adam Trost Leipersloh 6 1845-1851
Johann Arnold Leipersloh 9 1851-1854
Johann Michael Winkler Kettersbach 8 1854-1863
Georg Adam Riedl Brunn 2 1863-1864
Kaspar Trost Leipersloh 6 1865-1900
Josef Höfling Leipersloh 3 1900-1903
Johann Maurer Kettersbach 5 1903-1906
Johann Georg Arnold Leipersloh 9 1906-1912
Johann Thomas Schwarz Leipersloh 1 1912-1919
Johann Georg Hofer Brunn 8 1919-1925
Johann Wimmer Kettersbach 10 1925-1933
Johann Georg Schwab Kettersbach 17 1933-1945
Johann Wimmer Kettersbach 10 1945-1960
Georg Brückner Kettersbach 3 1960-1971


The subjects of the Abenberg caste office remained Catholic even after the Reformation. The residents of the Evangelical Lutheran denomination are today parish to St. Georg (Bertholdsdorf) , the residents of the Roman Catholic denomination to St. Vitus (Veitsaurach) .



Web links

Commons : Brunn  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 333 ( digitized version ).
  2. a b E. Fechter, p. 55.
  3. Brunn in the Bavaria Atlas
  4. a b K. Dunz, p. 246.
  5. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 371.
  6. Friedrich Eigler : Schwabach (=  Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Part Franconia . I, 28). Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 1990, ISBN 3-7696-9941-6 , p. 129 .
  7. F. Eigler, p. 347.
  8. ^ State Archives Nuremberg , 16-Punkt -berichte 43/1, 9. Quoted from M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 730.
  9. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 748.
  10. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, pp. 842f.
  11. ^ Johann Bernhard Fischer : Brunn . In: Statistical and topographical description of the Burggraftum Nürnberg, below the mountain, or the Principality of Brandenburg-Anspach. Second part. Containing the economic, statistical and moral condition of these countries according to the fifteen upper offices . Benedict Friedrich Haueisen, Ansbach 1790, p. 405 ( digitized version ).
  12. JK Bundschuh, Vol. 1, Sp. 457. The tenth to about 2 / 3 the section in the gap and to 1 / 3 face the hospital to Schwabach.
  13. State Archives Nuremberg , Government of Middle Franconia, Chamber of the Interior, Levy 1952, 3850: Formation of the municipal and rural communities in the district court Heilsbronn 1810. Quoted from M. Jehle, vol. 2, p. 963.
  14. ^ Address and statistical manual for the Rezatkreis in the Kingdom of Baiern . Buchdruckerei Chancellery, Ansbach 1820, p. 43 ( digitized version ).
  15. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 981.
  16. a b c Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official city directory for Bavaria, territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census . Issue 260 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1964, DNB  453660959 , Section II, Sp. 753 ( digitized version ).
  17. ^ Wilhelm Volkert (ed.): Handbook of Bavarian offices, communities and courts 1799–1980 . CH Beck, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-406-09669-7 , p. 421 .
  18. ^ GP Fehring, p. 86.
  19. a b Only inhabited houses are given. In 1818 these were designated as fireplaces , in 1840 as houses , and from 1871 to 1987 as residential buildings.
  20. a b Alphabetical index of all the localities contained in the Rezatkreise according to its constitution by the newest organization: with indication of a. the tax districts, b. Judicial Districts, c. Rent offices in which they are located, then several other statistical notes . Ansbach 1818, p. 13 ( digitized version ). For the municipality of Brunn plus the residents and buildings of Kettersbach (p. 47) and Leipersloh (p. 53).
  21. ^ A b Eduard Vetter (Ed.): Statistical handbook and address book of Middle Franconia in the Kingdom of Bavaria . Self-published, Ansbach 1846, p. 145-146 ( digitized version ).
  22. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Historical municipality register: The population of the municipalities of Bavaria from 1840 to 1952 (=  contributions to the statistics of Bavaria . Issue 192). Munich 1954, DNB  451478568 , p. 174 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00066439-3 ( digitized version ).
  23. a b Joseph Heyberger, Chr. Schmitt, v. Wachter: Topographical-statistical manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria with an alphabetical local dictionary . In: K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Bavaria. Regional and folklore of the Kingdom of Bavaria . tape 5 . Literary and artistic establishment of the JG Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, Munich 1867, Sp. 1041-1042 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10374496-4 ( digitized version ).
  24. Kgl. Statistisches Bureau (Ed.): Directory of the municipalities of the Kingdom of Bavaria according to the status of the population in December 1867 . XXI. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Ackermann, Munich 1869, p. 164 ( digitized version ).
  25. a b Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, 2nd section (population figures from 1871, cattle figures from 1873), Sp. 1207 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized version ).
  26. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Community directory for the Kingdom of Bavaria. Manufactured due to the new organization of government districts, district offices and judicial districts. Addendum to issue 36 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1879, p. 61 ( digitized version ).
  27. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Community directory for the Kingdom of Bavaria. Results of the census of December 1, 1880. Issue 35 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1882, p. 173 ( digitized version ).
  28. a b K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to government districts, administrative districts, ... then with an alphabetical register of locations, including the property and the responsible administrative district for each location. LIV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1888, Section III, Sp. 1093 ( digitized version ).
  29. ^ A b c d e f g h i Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Historical municipality directory: The population of the municipalities of Bavaria from 1840 to 1952 (=  contributions to Statistics Bavaria . Issue 192). Munich 1954, DNB  451478568 , p. 164 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00066439-3 ( digitized version ).
  30. a b K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 1158 ( digitized version ).
  31. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Localities directory for the Free State of Bavaria according to the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 . Issue 109 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1928, Section II, Sp. 1195 ( digitized version ).
  32. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 1024 ( digitized version ).
  33. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Official local directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 172 ( digitized version ).