Oberamt Windsbach
The Oberamt Windsbach was one of the 15 administrative areas of the Principality of Ansbach .
The Windsbach office originally belonged to the burgraviate of Nuremberg . In the castle Count Urbar of 1361/64 are listed except Windsbach following places (in brackets the number of Untertansfamilien): Bechhofen (3), Elpersdorf (6) Hängelberg (2), Retz Village (1) Reutern (1) Suddersdorf (6 ), Untereschenbach (3) and Wassermungenau (1). As a legal successor to the Burgraviate of Nuremberg, it became an office of the Margraviate of Ansbach from 1427 .
According to the 16-point report from 1608/16, the Windsbach caste office had subjects in the following locations: Adelmannsdorf, Aich, Altendettelsau, Aychenmühle, Bechhofen, Beerbach, Bertholdsdorf, Biederbach, Brunn, Buckenmühle, Die Nechste Mühl darunder (near Mitteleschenbach), Dürrenmungenau , Dürrnhof, Elpersdorf, Eschenbach, Geichsenhof, Geichsenmühle, Gerbersdorf, Gersbach, Haag, Heglau, Hergersbach, Hirschlach, Ismannsdorf, Kapsdorf, Kettersbach, Kirschendorf, Kitschendorf, Lanzendorf, Leipersloh, Mausendorf, Mausenmühle, Mobersmühle, Merkendorf, Mitteleschenbach, Mill, Neuendettelsau, Neuses near Windsbach, Neues bei Merkendorf, Petersaurach, Pflugsmühle, Retzendorf, Reutern, Reuth, Sallmannshof, Sauernheim, Schillingsmühle, Schlauersbach, Schwalbenmühle, Selgenstadt, Speckheim, Steinhof, Stollenmühle, Suddersaurach, Triebendorf, Untereschenbach, Vizeitsendorf, Wassermungau, Watzendorf, Weißenbronn, Wernsbach, Winkelhaid, Winterhof, Wolfsau, Wollersdorf and Ziegendo rf.
The upper office was subdivided into the caste and city bailiff office Windsbach and the mayor and the council of Windsbach. In 1750 the Oberamt Windsbach was enlarged by the Oberamt Heilsbronn, which was created in 1741. This consisted of the Heilsbronn monastery administration office, the Merkendorf administration office, the Waizendorf administration office and the Nördlingen am Ries administration office.
Most recently, the sovereignty ( high court , lower court outside the Etter , church sovereignty , tax sovereignty, etc.) extended to an area that roughly corresponded to the Heilsbronn regional court . For the area that roughly corresponded to today's political municipality Lichtenau ( Ballmannshof , Boxbrunn , Büschelbach , Erlenmühle , Fischbach , Gotzendorf , Gotzenmühle , Herpersdorf , Immeldorf , Malmersdorf , Stritthof , Unterrottmannsdorf , Waltendorf , Wattenbach , Weickershof , Weidenmühle , Zandt , Zandtmühle , as well Langenloh , Milmersdorf , Rutzendorf , Sachsen bei Ansbach , Volkersdorf ), the Lichtenau nursing office of the imperial city of Nuremberg exercised the full rulership of the state. For Wolframs-Eschenbach , the Eschenbach City Bailiwick of the Teutonic Order ruled the country. The area that roughly corresponded to the northern part of the political community of Heilsbronn ( Betzendorf , Böllingsdorf , Bonnhof , Bürglein , Gottmannsdorf , Höfstetten , partly Ketteldorf , Markttriebendorf , Müncherlbach , Neuhöflein , Weiterndorf , also Hörleinsdorf , Kehlmünz , Münchzell ) was under the Brandenburg-Bavarian government Stadtvogteiamt Markt Erlbach . There the sovereignty extended to the village and community rulership, the lower court outside the Etter as well as the church and tax sovereignty. The high court was limited to the arrest of criminals who were to be extradited to the judge's office in Roßtal . The manors Dürrenmungenau and Neuendettelsau belonged to the knight canton of Altmühl . The respective lords of the manors had similar powers as they are given for the aforementioned places. The arrested criminals were to be handed over to the caste and city bailiff's office in Windsbach.
Within the upper office there were places in which the village and community rulers exercised foreign rulers:
- Brunn , Gersbach , Kettersbach , Lanzendorf , Leipersloh , Mitteleschenbach , Neuses , Veitsaurach had the Eichstätt monastery ,
- Triebendorf the imperial city of Nuremberg ,
- Adelmannsdorf , Biederbach , Gotzendorf , Reutern , Sallmannshof , Waizendorf and Wöltendorf made the Eschenbach municipal bailiff as the village lords.
The village lords could decide in lower court cases within the Etter.
There were also foreign masters in the manorial system of individual properties.
From 1791/92 the principality of Ansbach was administered by the Prussian state as Ansbach-Bayreuth . With that the Oberamt Windsbach became part of the Ansbach district .
Windsbach caste and municipal bailiff office
The caste and municipal bailiff's office in Windsbach exercised the high court over all places of the upper office Windsbach with the exception of the administration office in Waizendorf and the maintenance office in Nördlingen.
It held the village and community rule over the following places: Bechhofen , Bertholdsdorf , Elpersdorf near Windsbach with ball mill, Kirschendorf , Moosbach , Neuses near Windsbach , Retzendorf , Schlauersbach with Bachmühle, Seitendorf , Suddersdorf , Untereschenbach , Wassermungenau , Watzendorf , Wernsbach , Windsbach , Winkelhaid , Wolfsau with Hölzleinsmühle.
The box and Stadtvogtei Office Windsbach had in the following places manors (in brackets the number of property is stated):
- Immediately: Abenberg (1), Altendettelsau (2), Bechhofen (9), Beerbach (2), Bertholdsdorf (27), Brunn (3), Ebersbach (1), Elpersdorf (6), Haag (2), Hergersbach (1 ), Ismannsdorf (1), Kirschendorf (1), Merkendorf (1), Moosbach (5), Neuses (1), Obersteinbach ob Gmünd (4), Retzendorf (2), Reutern (1), Sauernheim (6), Schlauersbach (8), Seitendorf (14), Selgenstadt (1), Suddersdorf (10), Untereschenbach (5), Wassermungenau (24), Watzendorf (2), Wernsbach (4), Winkelhaid (4), Wolfsau (1), Wollersdorf (3).
- Indirectly: Kapellamt Windsbach: Neuses (1), Windsbach (1); City parish Windsbach: Moosbach (1); Windsbach Church : Retzendorf (1), Veitsaurach (1); Gleizendorf Church : Wicklesgreuth (1); Parish of Saxony b. Ansbach : cherry village (1); Spangenpfründe in Bamberg: Speckheim (2).
Mayor and Council to Windsbach
The mayor and the council of Windsbach had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Neuses (1), Windsbach (2).
Heilsbronn monastery administration office
The monastery stewardship Heilsbronn had the village and community control over the following places: Aich , Altendettelsau , Göddeldorf , Großhaslach , Hague , Heilsbronn , Kapsdorf , Ketteldorf , Mausendorf , Petersaurach , Reuth , Trachenhöfstatt , Volkersgau , Wattenbach , Weißenbronn , Weitersdorf , Wicklesgreuth with Gleizendorf , Ziegendorf .
The Heilsbronn monastery administration office had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Aich (24), Altendettelsau (3), Bechhofen (3), Betzmannsdorf (2), Birkenhof (2), Breitenlohe (2), Büschelbach (4), Eyb (1), Geichsenhof and Geichsenmühle (2), Gleizendorf (7), Großhaslach (46), Haag (13), Heilsbronn (102), Hennenbach (3), Hirschbronn (4), Immeldorf (1), Kapsdorf (2), Ketteldorf (19), Kleinhabersdorf (1), Langenloh (1), Malmersdorf (1), Mausendorf (13), Moosbach (5), Neukirchen (1), Neuses bei Windsbach (4), Petersaurach (65), Reckersdorf (1), Regelsbach (3), Reuth (11) , Rohr (6), Rückersdorf (2), Suddersdorf (4), Thurndorf (5), Trachenhöfstatt (3), Volkersgau (9), Wasserzell (1), Wattenbach (10), Watzendorf (3), Weißenbronn (40) , Wernsbach near Windsbach (2), Wicklesgreuth (3), Wollersdorf (10), Ziegendorf (5).
- Indirect: Parish Weißenbronn : Reuth (1).
Merkendorf administrator's office
The Merkendorf administrator's office ruled the following places: Gerbersdorf , Heglau , Hirschlach , Ismannsdorf , Merkendorf , Ober- and Unterhöhberg , Sauernheim , Selgenstadt , Speckheim .
The Merkendorf administrator's office had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Adelmannsdorf (3), Beerbach (1), Dürrnhof (5), Gerbersdorf (8), Gotzendorf (2), Hauslach (1), Heglau (17), Hirschlach (21), Ismannsdorf (11), Merkendorf (126), Mitteleschenbach (7), Mörlach (2), Neuses near Ornbau (5), Sauernheim with hop mill (13), Selgenstadt (13), Speckheim (8), Untereschenbach (3), Waizendorf (1), Wasserzell (2), Windsbach (1), Winkelhaid (1), Wolfartswinden (2), Zandt (4).
- Friedrich Eigler : Schwabach (= Historical Atlas of Bavaria, part of Franconia . I, 28). Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 1990, ISBN 3-7696-9941-6 , p. 362 .
- Johann Bernhard Fischer : Oberamt Windsbach . In: Statistical and topographical description of the Burggraftum Nürnberg, below the mountain, or the Principality of Brandenburg-Anspach. Second part. Containing the economic, statistical and moral condition of these countries according to the fifteen upper offices . Benedict Friedrich Haueisen, Ansbach 1790, p. 397-422 ( digitized version ).
- Manfred Jehle: Ansbach: the margravial chief offices Ansbach, Colmberg-Leutershausen, Windsbach, the Nuremberg nursing office Lichtenau and the Deutschordensamt (Wolframs-) Eschenbach (= historical atlas of Bavaria, part Franconia . I, 35). Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-7696-6856-8 .
- Friedrich Gottlob Leonhardi : Oberamt Windsbach . In: Earth description of the Franconian principalities of Bayreuth and Anspach . Hemmerde and Schwetschke, Halle 1797, p. 423-430 ( digitized version ).
- Gottfried Stieber: Head Office Windspach . In: Historical and topographical news from the Principality of Brandenburg-Onolzbach . Johann Jacob Enderes, Schwabach 1761, p. 15-16 ( digitized version ).