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City of Windsbach
Coordinates: 49 ° 17 ′ 20 ″  N , 10 ° 52 ′ 32 ″  E
Height : 378  (376-412)  m above sea level NHN
Residents : 140  (May 25 1987)
Incorporation : May 1, 1978
Postal code : 91575
Area code : 09871
View of the town with the Church of St. Georg
View of the town with the Church of St. Georg
St. George Church
Old Forge
"School fountain", former castle fountain

Bertholdsdorf (colloquially: Beʳdlschdorf ) is a district of the town of Windsbach in the district of Ansbach in Middle Franconia .


The Aurach flows through the parish village and the Watzendorfer Bach flows there as the right tributary of the Aurach. Approx. The Flour Mehln is 0.5 km to the northwest, and the Sown Forest begins approx. 0.5 km to the west . The district road AN 17 leads to Wollersdorf (1.5 km west) or Veitsaurach (0.7 km east), the district road AN 28 leads to Suddersdorf (1.9 km south-west). A communal road takes you via Winterhof to Kitschendorf (1.6 km north).


The place is first mentioned in 1183/95 as "Perhtoldesdorf" in the regests of the bishops of Eichstätt. In 1287 it is mentioned as "Berchtoltsdorff", 1294 as "Berchtoldesdorf", 1314 as "Pertholdstorf" and 1522 as "Pertelsdorff". The defining word of the place name is the Germanic personal name Perhtold, who can be seen as the founder of the settlement.

Around 1200 Bertholdsdorf was allodial property of the Burgraves of Abenberg . At that time there was also a castle and a church in the village . In 1296 Konrad II von Abenberg sold all of his property. The castle came to the Eichstätt bishopric , the property belonging to the castle fell to the Nuremberg burgrave Friedrich III. After the burgraviate was divided, these properties belonged to the Margraviate of Ansbach . In 1465 the castle was exchanged for the margravate. The castle had different feudal owners. On September 28, 1597, the Barons von Seckendorff sold the castle to Margrave Georg Friedrich I. He also introduced the Reformation in the village.

In the 16-point report of the Upper Office Windsbach from 1608, 20 teams are listed for Bertholdsdorf, who lived in 4 farms, 1 tavern, 1 mill, 1 bath, 1 forge and 12 Sölden estates. The manorial rule and the high court over all properties was exercised by the Brandenburg-Ansbach caste and municipal bailiff's office in Windsbach .

The Thirty Years War raged terribly in the Aurach Valley. The villages were deserted by looting and pillage, robbery and murder, hunger and plague. Numerous exiles from Austria contributed to the reconstruction and found a new home here as expellees from the faith. In 1729 Bertholdsdorf became an independent parish.

Towards the end of the 18th century there were 26 properties in Bertholdsdorf (2 courtyards, 3 half courtyards, 7 estates, 9 estates, 1 house on the Schlossberg, 2 empty houses , 1 mill estate, 1 tavern , 1 small smith's estate ). The high court and the rulership of the village and community continued to be exercised by the Brandenburg-Ansbach caste and municipal bailiff's office in Windsbach. The Windsbach caste office was the landlord of all properties . In addition to the property, there were also ecclesiastical buildings (church, rectory) and communal buildings (schoolhouse, shepherd's house). At that time there were 24 subject families. From 1797 to 1808 the place was under the Justice and Chamber Office Windsbach .

In 1806 Bertholdsdorf came to the Kingdom of Bavaria . As part of the municipal edict , the Bertholdsdorf tax district was formed in 1808 , to which Bertholdsdorf, Brunn , Buckenmühle , Kettersbach , Kitschendorf , Lanzendorf , Leipersloh , Suddersdorf , Veitsaurach , Watzendorf , Winterhof and Wollersdorf belonged. The rural community Bertholdsdorf was founded in 1810 and was congruent with the tax district Bertholdsdorf with the exception of Watzendorf and Wollersdorf, which belonged to the rural community Aich . In 1811/12 the two places also changed to the Aich tax district, but were again added to the Bertholdsdorf tax district in 1816. The rural community of Bertholdsdorf was under the administration and jurisdiction of the district court Heilsbronn and the financial administration of the Rentamt Windsbach . With the second community edict (1818) the rural community was split into

  • Bertholdsdorf rural community with kitsch village and winter farm;
  • Rural community of Brunn with Kettersbach and Leipersloh;
  • Rural community Suddersdorf;
  • Rural community Veitsaurach with Buckenmühle and Lanzendorf.

From 1862 to 1879 Bertholdsdorf was administered by the Heilsbronn District Office , since 1880 by the Ansbach District Office (renamed the Ansbach District in 1938 ) and the Heilsbronn Rent Office (1920–1929: Heilsbronn Tax Office , from 1929: Ansbach Tax Office ). The jurisdiction remained with the district court Heilsbronn until 1879, 1880–1956 district court Heilsbronn , since 1956 district court Ansbach . The municipality had an area of ​​5.078 km². On May 1, 1978, Bertholdsdorf was incorporated into Windsbach as part of the regional reform .

Architectural monuments

  • Evangelical Lutheran parish church of St. Georg : choir tower church, sandstone block construction, tower probably after 1479, nave 1877/80; with equipment; Churchyard wall, with parts of the former fortification of the castle, medieval core.
  • Burgstall of Bertholdsdorf Castle , a section castle on the site of the current church with a preserved neck ditch and three terraced retaining walls; from 1499 in the possession of the Barons von Seckendorf, destroyed in the Thirty Years War
  • House No. 23: stable house, single-storey solid building with a pitched roof, 1857; Allegedly a former bathhouse, later a forge, small single-storey saddle roof building , half-timbered structure with canopy, probably early 19th century
  • House No. 44: single-storey plastered building with three-storey gable and arched portal , marked 1765
  • House No. 45: Fountain (school fountain, former castle fountain): fountain shaft made of ashlar, in front of the former schoolhouse, probably 15th / 16th c. century
  • House No. 47: Rectory , built in 1734 by Johann David Steingruber on the site and from the material of the former castle. Two-storey building with a single-axis central projection and hipped roof; Stitch arch portal with slightly curved bow roofing
  • Watermill (demolished): two-storey building with two-storey half-timbered gable, marked 1846 (next to today's fire station at the weir in the Aurach).

See also: → List of architectural monuments in Windsbach # Bertholdsdorf

Population development

Bertholdsdorf community

year 1818 1840 1852 1855 1861 1867 1871 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1919 1925 1933 1939 1946 1950 1952 1961 1970
Residents 219 251 302 283 317 303 276 244 260 268 248 251 253 236 219 237 242 244 227 320 273 247 230 252
Houses 43 47 51 51 53 48 49 53

Place Bertholdsdorf

year 001818 001840 001861 001871 001885 001900 001925 001950 001961 001970 001987
Residents 165 193 237 * 191 193 188 164 173 145 149 140
Houses 32 36 38 39 34 33 36 45
* including winter yard


  • 1826–1838 Martin Rabus
  • 1838–1839 Johann Blümlein
  • 1839–1842 Paulus Eichhorn
  • 1842–1845 Michael Stiegler
  • 1845–1848 Michael Paulus senior
  • 1848–1851 Friedrich Spatz
  • 1851–1882 Michael Paulus
  • 1882–1915 Georg Paulus
  • 1915-1919 Matthias Wabel
  • 1919–1941 Michael Paulus
  • 1941–1945 Johann Weger
  • 1945–1966 Johann Teufert
  • 1966–1978 Willi Kormann


The place has been predominantly Protestant since the Reformation. The residents of the Roman Catholic denomination are parish to St. Vitus (Veitsaurach) , the residents of the Evangelical Lutheran denomination to St. Georg (Bertholdsdorf) .

People who worked on site


  • Johann Kaspar Bundschuh : Bertolsdorf . In: Geographical Statistical-Topographical Lexicon of Franconia . tape 1 : A-egg . Verlag der Stettinische Buchhandlung, Ulm 1799, DNB  790364298 , OCLC 833753073 , Sp. 366 ( digitized version ).
  • Erwin Dohms: Bertholdsdorf . Freimund-Druckerei, Neuendettelsau 1979.
  • Karl Dunz : Windsbach - home and cultural history of the city with all districts . Neuendettelsau 1985, p. 236-242 .
  • Elisabeth Fechter: The place names of the district of Ansbach . Inaugural dissertation. Erlangen 1955, DNB  480570132 , p. 48 .
  • Günther P. Fehring : City and district of Ansbach (=  Bavarian art monuments . Volume 2 ). Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1958, DNB  451224701 , p. 82-83 .
  • Christoph Haag u. a .: The Aurachtal 2nd part (=  teaching aids for the city and district of Schwabach . Episode 38). 1954.
  • Georg Paul Hönn : Bertolzdorf . In: Lexicon Topographicum of the Franconian Craises . Johann Georg Lochner, Frankfurt and Leipzig 1747, p. 318 ( digitized version ).
  • Manfred Jehle: Ansbach: the margravial chief offices Ansbach, Colmberg-Leutershausen, Windsbach, the Nuremberg nursing office Lichtenau and the Deutschordensamt (Wolframs-) Eschenbach (=  historical atlas of Bavaria, part Franconia . I, 35). tape 2 . Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-7696-6856-8 , p. 838, 978 .
  • Eberhard Krauss: Exiles in the Evangelical Luth. Deanery Windsbach in the 17th century. A family history investigation (=  sources and research on Franconian family history . Volume 19 ). Society for Family Research in Franconia, Nuremberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-929865-12-7 , p. 12-16 .
  • Konrad Rosenhauer et al. (Ed.): The district of Ansbach. Past and present . Publishing house for authorities and business Hoeppner, Aßling-Pörsdorf 1964, DNB  450093387 , p. 114-115 .
  • Gottfried Stieber: Bertholsdorf . In: Historical and topographical news from the Principality of Brandenburg-Onolzbach . Johann Jacob Enderes, Schwabach 1761, p. 250-251 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Commons : Bertholdsdorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 333 ( digitized version ).
  2. a b E. Fechter, p. 48.
  3. Wilhelm Löhe , who was the parish administrator in this place in 1836, sees the colloquial pronunciation ( Bettelsdorf ) as being due to the spiritual and physical poverty of the village. Johannes Deinzer: Wilhelm Löhe's life. Compiled from his written estate. , Volume 1, Nuremberg: Gottfried Löhe 1872, p. 270.
  4. Bertholdsdorf in the Bavaria Atlas
  5. K. Dunz, p. 236f.
  6. State Archives Nuremberg , 16-Punkt -berichte 43/1, 9. Quoted from M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 729.
  7. E. Krauss, pp. 12-16.
  8. K. Rosenhauer u. a. (Ed.), P. 114.
  9. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 838.
  10. Johann Bernhard Fischer : Bertolsdorf . In: Statistical and topographical description of the Burggraftum Nürnberg, below the mountain, or the Principality of Brandenburg-Anspach. Second part. Containing the economic, statistical and moral condition of these countries according to the fifteen upper offices . Benedict Friedrich Haueisen, Ansbach 1790, p. 404 ( digitized version ).
  11. JK Bundschuh, Vol. 1, Col. 366.
  12. State Archives Nuremberg , Government of Middle Franconia, Chamber of the Interior, Levy 1952, 3850: Formation of the municipal and rural communities in the district court Heilsbronn 1810. Quoted from M. Jehle, vol. 2, p. 963.
  13. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 1017.
  14. ^ Address and statistical manual for the Rezatkreis in the Kingdom of Baiern . Buchdruckerei Chancellery, Ansbach 1820, p. 43-45 ( digitized version ).
  15. M. Jehle, Vol. 2, p. 978.
  16. a b c Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official city directory for Bavaria, territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census . Issue 260 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1964, DNB  453660959 , Section II, Sp. 752 ( digitized version ).
  17. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 706 .
  18. GP Fehring, p. 82f.
  19. a b Only inhabited houses are given. In 1818 these were designated as fireplaces , in 1840 as houses , and from 1871 to 1987 as residential buildings.
  20. a b Alphabetical index of all the localities contained in the Rezatkreise according to its constitution by the newest organization: with indication of a. the tax districts, b. Judicial Districts, c. Rent offices in which they are located, then several other statistical notes . Ansbach 1818, p. 75 ( digitized version ). For the community of Bertholdsdorf plus the residents and buildings of Kitschendorf (p. 47) and Winterhof (p. 104).
  21. ^ A b Eduard Vetter (Ed.): Statistical handbook and address book of Middle Franconia in the Kingdom of Bavaria . Self-published, Ansbach 1846, p. 145 ( digitized version ).
  22. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Historical municipality register: The population of the municipalities of Bavaria from 1840 to 1952 (=  contributions to the statistics of Bavaria . Issue 192). Munich 1954, DNB  451478568 , p. 174 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00066439-3 ( digitized version ).
  23. a b Joseph Heyberger, Chr. Schmitt, v. Wachter: Topographical-statistical manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria with an alphabetical local dictionary . In: K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Bavaria. Regional and folklore of the Kingdom of Bavaria . tape 5 . Literary and artistic establishment of the JG Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, Munich 1867, Sp. 1041 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10374496-4 ( digitized version ).
  24. Kgl. Statistisches Bureau (Ed.): Directory of the municipalities of the Kingdom of Bavaria according to the status of the population in December 1867 . XXI. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Ackermann, Munich 1869, p. 164 ( digitized version ).
  25. a b Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, 2nd section (population figures from 1871, cattle figures from 1873), Sp. 1206 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized version ).
  26. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Community directory for the Kingdom of Bavaria. Manufactured due to the new organization of government districts, district offices and judicial districts. Addendum to issue 36 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1879, p. 61 ( digitized version ).
  27. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Community directory for the Kingdom of Bavaria. Results of the census of December 1, 1880. Issue 35 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1882, p. 173 ( digitized version ).
  28. a b K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to government districts, administrative districts, ... then with an alphabetical register of locations, including the property and the responsible administrative district for each location. LIV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1888, Section III, Sp. 1093 ( digitized version ).
  29. ^ A b c d e f g h i Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Historical municipality directory: The population of the municipalities of Bavaria from 1840 to 1952 (=  contributions to Statistics Bavaria . Issue 192). Munich 1954, DNB  451478568 , p. 164 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00066439-3 ( digitized version ).
  30. a b K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 1157 ( digitized version ).
  31. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Localities directory for the Free State of Bavaria according to the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 . Issue 109 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1928, Section II, Sp. 1195 ( digitized version ).
  32. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 1023 ( digitized version ).
  33. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Official local directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 168 ( digitized version ).
  34. E. Dohms, p. 54.